Cosmical Beings

By itskitkatkatie

338 12 0

Cassandra Lynn leads a normal young adult life : school, work, and friends; however, when she goes home she l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nine

11 0 0
By itskitkatkatie

Delia's Point of View :

The flames of the fire burning underneath the iron cauldron burned hot - making the liquid within stir with uncertainty. The liquid was thick and swirled with neon colors bubbling and toiling. Perfection was melting within the pot and it only will take a matter of time before I get what I want. I turned back towards the grimor, the gray pages looking more dim against the radiance of the smoking colors.

"Do you know what you are asking for Delia?" The croaky voice came from the darkness, I gripped the matches lighting more candles around me. The flames grew with power as my decision came closer to a head. I turned back around to the dark figure hiding in the corner - the only characteristics visible was his white teeth to his smile and the emerald green eyes that pierced me. 

"There is going to be a war Cyprus against us and we are going to lose this plane of existence. This plane is the only generator of power for us." I dropped the grimor to the table, dust flying from the surface. Cyprus clicked his tongue thinking about our deal as I continued jarring the dried herbs hanging from the window. 

"You lost this plane due to your own cruelties," Cyprus's voice was bitter, filled with poison. I glared at him, wanting to throw his words back at him. My fingers continued to work in attempts to cover the anxiety I had with the figure in the corner - not because of the immense power he had but because of the mere fact that he was the only option I had left to continue this line of magic. "Being given something especially something like power against the course of nature will only work for something in exchange." 

Frustration spouted from within me as he continued to question and talk me out of the decision I made weeks ago after hearing about the uprising. "You don't think I know that," I spat through my teeth at him, "Why do you think we sacrificed what we sacrificed," Did he think I wanted to murder innocents? Sacrificing magical beings was the only thing that fed into the power that charged this family. We were only able to remain in control for so many years of these planes was because of the power we generated and maintained in this family. "We need something a bit more permanent in this coven, a promise of the conservation of this coven." 

"Lineages change Delia - you do not have upkeep centuries of power and you do not need anymore than what you already have. With the cruelty you showed this plane I would be worried about what you could do with existence of everyone." Cyprus rubbed his hand against his forehead, unsure of how to respond to me. I slammed by hand down, the ring making the thud even more aggressive. 

"For generations Cyprus the women before taunted me promising that I would be nothing while they exiled me from the only thing I knew,"  I put my elbows on the table, droplets of sweat collected at my hair line and  I wiped them from my forehead. "They took everything from me." 

"Like I said an eye for an eye." Cyprus chuckled, almost edging his words with sarcasm. I nodded - turning around and nudging my head forward to follow me. The wooden chair from beneath him creaked with the release of pressure and his steps were quiet - the only evidence of him following me was the floor boards settling underneath his feet. 

I stopped in front of the window, the sun beaming into the window leaving streaks of light across the floor boards. I pointed towards the two people sitting in the grass in the distance, grinning to the man as I knew he could not pass up my deal. 

Ann sat in the tall grass her ankles cross in front of her, her back relaxed against Alfred. All their hands on her stomach, rubbing it. The swelling of her stomach barely visible underneath her sun-dress. They both smiled at each other and released a laugh from their lips. "Young love," Cyprus sing-songingly said, clicking his tongue at the moment. "Come." Cyprus beckoned me back to the table in the other room. 

"Before finalizing the deal - let's make sure we get this straight as a deal can never be broken." Cyprus' voice cooed to me before waving his hand out in front of him palm facing towards the table. A sheet of worn paper appeared as well as a glass-welled pen, he glanced up at me smiling from ear to ear. 

"I do not want to attach myself to anymore people to keep practicing my magic. I want the power that the baby from my daughter's womb will have - as the baby will have inherited strong powers." My voice was strong as I spoke with clarity to ensure that the intentions were clear to Cyprus. My mouth watered thinking of what the baby would have gotten passed down to them from Alfred and Anne. Alfred came from a long-line of supernatural beings stemming from the ancient gods and goddesses that in combination with Anne's lineage would heirloom a mass of power. 

"You will get that with the return of life," I knitted my eyebrows at his words, trying to straighten out his side of the deal and what he was asking. "The power of the baby will be transferred to you making her mute to magic; however, on the child's 18th birthday there will be one of the biggest celestial events of time. During this time you will have to do this ritual," Cyprus pulled a rolled piece of paper out of his pocket, it was tied by a piece of twine. "You will have to kill the child as a sacrifice to complete the full transfer of magic. It is important that it is done during this event to ensure that the power is fully intact." I licked my lips and reached for the paper with my hand but Cyprus snatched the paper from out of my sight. 

"Before this celestial event - the child has to die - not by your hand, though, for her to accept the power within herself and be reborn." Cyprus licked his lips, the fire of the cauldron reflecting in his eyes. I nodded my head in agreement and tapping my fingers on the table trying to urge him to hurry up. Cyprus smirked and unrolled the paper in front of me, he tapped the paper with his finger which caused the brownish paper to light up in gold words. He reached his hand out for mine and I obliged willingly. 

Cyrus wielded a knife in his opposite hand and reached the blade to my palm - sliding the sharp edge into my skin. I winced at the pain and he curled his fingers around my hand to make a fist. The blood dripped to the paper - leaving drops to cover the gold words. Cyprus took the same blade to his palm, dripping blood to the paper. He bit his lip at the pain that he inflicted on himself before dropping the knife to the table with a clatter. 

Cyprus picked up the feather  from the other side of the table pressing it into the bottom of the paper. This caused the blood to move around - making the gold words saturated with our energy. He snapped his fingers causing the paper to disintegrate before our eyes, "The deal is done." Before he could finished his sentence his presence disappeared into thin air. I could do nothing but smile for the future. 

The sizzling of the liquid hitting the outside of the cauldron made me snap out of the day dream. I spat into the liquid causing the bright green concoction to turn into a purple color - it was done. I reached for my wooden spoon and scooped this liquid from the pot before blowing the steam and heat from it. I put the spoon to my lips and drank the preparation. 

The liquid burned my throat as it went down, making my chest burn. I quickly made my way to the floor mat, getting down to sit criss-crossed - I did not have much time before I took over. I put my hands on my knees and closed my eyes; the words of my old language slipping from my lips. Soon I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head and I soon possessed the girl. 

                                                                                         *           *           *

I came into presence on the floor, looking at the ceiling of Cassandra's bedroom. The impact of the girl's body on the hard wood floor when taking over made her bones sore and achy. I stood up from my place, snapping my fingers which made the candles all around me burn bright. The flames illuminated the room and the scent of sage and cedar filled the space - cleansing it. She is getting stronger and stronger everyday - I have to locate her before it is too late. 

I turned to the mirror looking at myself, Cassandra's eyes were dark as I possessed her. I smirked back at myself bring my finger tips to my face and sliding them through my hair. Anger boiled inside me at the appearance of the girl; was it jealousy or hatred? I punched the mirror making the glass shatter  and making the reflection jagged. 

My vision became blurred and a voice echoed, "Get the hell out of me." She is starting to fight back and on the verge of winning - it is becoming harder and harder to try and locate her as she becomes stronger. I closed my eyes before refocusing on the open books in front me - I gasped. 

The flickering light illuminated the black ink of the old pages, the book of old language and history was opened on the vanity. The protector's emblem was scribbled onto the page. A hand with the fingers together was the core of the protector's will of strength, power and protection. On each finger of the hand was drawn symbols to represent the five values that protector's should follow. A bat, an arrow, a sword, an olive branch, and on the pinky pictured a lavender sprig. These items encompassed all the values that the protector was to uphold and maintain. "To be watchful in battles with the promise of peace, serenity, and the maintenance of our home." I wanted to barf in my mouth at the recite: they all think their nobility is what 'saved' Amaris from being torn from our family. 

My vision waved again with the girl fighting against the power that was capsulated in her. Nausea waved in my stomach and my mouth watered with the threat of vomit. I leaned against the vanity to regain control - this little wench is getting stronger and stronger. Taking her over used to be so easy but lately she is more lucid to my presence. 

                                                                                *         *          *

I snapped back into reality as Anne's yelling rung into the room - vibrating off the walls. "What the hell are you doing," Anne slammed all the books shut, glaring at me from the cauldron. I stared back at her not wanting to put my plans at risk. "Answer me. What the hell are you doing?" She held up the one open book with the possession spell. 

"I can explain." The words escaped from my mouth as I stared at my daughter. 

"All these years I wondered why everyone could not bind Cassandra's powers. Now I know - it's been you," She yelled as she banged her closed fit on the table. "Her powers and lineage were already spoken for," Anne continued to scream across the room - she pointed her finger towards me and the old language slipped from her lips. "You will never find her." Anne yelled further. 

Before realizing what was happening to me - I awoke from a deep slumber. The sun of the next day rising me awake. The family stood around me and Anne was no where to be found. 

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