Aikatsu Crescent! BRIGHTEST☆S...

By GrandPrintemps

1.8K 134 23

When one lunar phase ends, another begins. Meet Kazami Usagi! An up and coming idol who along with her friend... More

「Phase 93」Believe☆Aikatsu!
「Phase 94」Like A Star Fragment
「Phase 95」Bubbling Feelings
「Phase 96」Clashing Hearts
「Phase 97」Mission: Get To Know
「Phase 98」Brilliant Star
「Phase 99」Beyond the Galaxy
「Phase 100」Into the Forest
「Phase 101」Primary Meteor Shower
「Phase 102」Vivid☆Smile
「Phase 103」Unique Charm
「Phase 104」 Poppin' Step ♪
「Phase 105」Forest Of Memories
「Phase 106」The Prism's Wish
「Phase 107」Solar Eclipse
「Phase 108」Stella
「Phase 109」Blossoming Love
「Phase 110」Runway to Stardom
「Phase 111」Golden Wings
「Phase 112」Burn Bright, Superstar
「Phase 113」Vibrant Feelings
「Phase 114」A New Era
「Phase 115」Mint and Lilac
「Phase 116」The Rabbit on the Moon
「Phase 117」Illuminating Breeze
「Phase 118」A Divine Stage
「Phase 119」Unexpected Happiness
「Phase 120」Where I Belong
「Phase 121」Our Own Light
「Phase 122」Bubblegum Stage
「Phase 123」
「Phase 124」That Marionette, Now Freed
「Phase 125」The World I See
「Phase 126」Who I Am
「Phase 127」The Number One "Saki" In The World
「Phase 128」Surpassing Myself
「Phase 129」A Seedling In Christmas
「Phase 130」Song For You
「Phase 131」Together
「Phase 132」To the Ends of the Earth
「Phase 133」In Pursuit of Perfection
「Phase 134」Brand New World
「Phase 136」STARBOUND
「Phase 137」Even if my Wings Disappear
「Phase 138」So I'll Never Stop Believing
「Final Phase」To a Distant Rainbow

「Phase 135」Redefine Yourself

28 3 0
By GrandPrintemps

Even when I tremble, I'll do my best

Failure isn't that bad, is it?

Reach for the stars!

We'll dream together!

Reach for the stars!

Because we're star bound!

The idols of Bubblegum*Asterism danced along to the music, sweat flying through the air and their trainers' soles rubbing against the floor. They were in nearly perfect sync, their moves dynamic and energy-filled.

Cute and pop and a little cool

That's just who we are

We're different stars

But we're linked

By strong, bright dreams

Let's create our asterism!

The music came to a close and the three held their poses, breathing heavily. Usagi grinned, finally letting go and stretching her arms out wide.

"Alright! We're getting so close!"

Hikaru nodded. "We've made progress."

"We've been working so hard after all," Claire agreed. She wiped herself down and smiled. "I never would have imagined I'd be doing an entire concert without the Aikatsu performance."

"Me neither. But it's exciting."

"Isn't it?" Usagi turned to Claire, her eyes bright. "And you're like... the most amazing of all! How did you pull that off?"

"I didn't do anything special."

"It was special," Hikaru argued. "It was so dazzling, even without the system. I didn't even know it was possible..."

Turning red, Claire hid her face in her hands. "It wasn't that good...!"

"It totally was! Don't you feel happier after it too?"

She took her hands away and smiled, despite still blushing. "...Mhm. It felt like there was a large weight off of my shoulders."

"I wanna try it too," Usagi said. "I wanna know what it feels like."

"Me too," Hikaru agreed. She paused. "...I do wonder how long it'll be until it comes back, though."

"Apparently KatsuCorp is going to make an announcement in a few days," Claire noted. "Tons of rumours are going around about it..."

Hikaru twirled her hair, looking to the floor.

The uncertainty around the system was... really strange.


"Well, no matter what, we're definitely gonna perform at this concert, right?" Usagi asked, tugging on her partners' arms. She grinned. "BubbleAsu is the best after all!"

"Even without the system, let's do our best," Claire said. "How are the outfits going, Usagi?"

"They're going... okay," Usagi said. "They don't actually look special though. Not yet."

"You'll get there eventually, Usagi-chan," Hikaru said. She pulled out her phone and opened her messages. "Oh, Tenma-san wants to see me."

"Really? Even though the system's dead?"

"It's not dead," Claire corrected. She paused. "At least, I hope it's not. Anyway, you best go, shouldn't you?"

Hikaru nodded, picking up her bag. "Sorry to cut practice short."

Usagi shook her head. "My body's started to ache so I don't mind taking a break." She grabbed Hikaru's shoulders, grinning and pushing her friend forward. "Come on, you should do it!"

"E-eh? Usagi-chan...!"

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

Hikaru walked into Vibrant Splash's office, the bell above giving its usual jingle. The studio was as colourful and unique as always but... this time, it seemed a little less organised than usual. It was never exactly the cleanest place but it usually gave the vibe of there being some kind of method to the chaos. But this time, it was completely different.

It lacked the 'spark' Hikaru had admired so much.

"Good morning, Hikaru-chan," the top designer, Tenma Akari said.

"Good morning, Tenma-san."

"How've you been holding up? With all this disruption and all."

"We're... managing," Hikaru said. "We're just waiting to hear more, really."

Akari sighed, rubbing her head. "Things haven't exactly been the best for me either. Or the rest of the designers."

Hikaru nodded. Creating Aikatsu coords was their job, after all. Without the system, they had lost all their past work along with the technology they relied on so heavily... If the system never came back, it was very possible that they'd outright lose their jobs. Just like the idols - they'd both lose against those performers and designers who had already honed their craft without the system.

Even then, most involved in the field relied on the system nowadays.

Adapting to a life without it would be immensely difficult...

Hikaru felt a pit form in her stomach.

Once again, Akari sighed. "Remember the showcase?"

Hikaru nodded once again. The showcase where Vibrant Splash was going to show off its Winter Collection was set to occur in the coming days.

"It's too late to cancel or postpone the show. All the advertising is out and the venue owners are refusing to come to any sort of compromise."

"...Just like BubbleAsu's concert."

"Mhm. And now it's extremely possible that we'll have to do it without any coords to show off. Which is amazing." She handed Hikaru four cards. "And now I'm not even going to be able to show this off..."

"...A Premium Rare," Hikaru whispered.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Hikaru-chan. I originally designed this in your image and was going to have you perform in it but..." She sighed. "I don't know if you'll ever get the chance to wear it now."

"Tenma-san..." Hikaru looked down at the cards in her hands. They were sparkling and colourful, with unique patterns and a certain bright charm to them.

"Now we basically have no choice but to put on this showcase anyway. It's probably going to disappoint anyone expecting greatness but it's all we can really do." She shrugged. "Might as well get it over and done with, right?"

Hikaru placed her right hand over her heart, and then gripped onto her clothes in that area. Her bangs covered her eyes, obscuring her expression.

"I... think we should try anyway," she said. "Performing without the system is just another kind of art form, so even if it's different, I think... I think it's something I want to try! I... don't want to wait around. I don't want to risk Aikatsu - its idols, its designers - being forgotten." She held out the cards. "I want to be able to perform in this someday and show the world how amazing your designs are. And... I can't do that if the world forgets about us." She stayed quiet for a second, serene.

Then, her heart started racing. Heat rushed to her face.

Had she really just-?!

"Is that so?" Akari asked, with a hint of a giggle in her voice. Rapidly, Hikaru directed her attention to the floor.


Akari threw a pile of cloth at her, which Hikaru caught. She held them out - an outfit.

"It's a normal coord. I managed to snag a physical copy from the pop-up shop we put on a couple of weeks back," Akari explained. "It's pretty basic though. So, I was thinking, do you think you could make some alterations to it? If you need me to sew anything I'll be willing to but I want this coord to be unique in a Hikaru-chan-like way. Almost like a Premium Rare would be."

"..." Hikaru examined the coord. Colourful with nice patterns, just as Vibrant Splash's coords usually were. Even if it was a normal rarity coord, she'd feel guilty if she tampered with it... "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Akari said, brushing her hands through her hair. She smiled. "No matter what you come up with, I'm sure it'll be great."

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

"You want my help?" Usagi asked, cocking her head. The two sat on the floor of their dorm, facing each other, with the coord sprawled out in front of them.

Her expression serious, Hikaru nodded. "Mhm. You've been getting really good at this design thing."

"Really?" Usagi asked. Her cheeks turning rosy pink and her smile wide, she swayed on the spot. "Hehe~ you're gonna make me blush, Hikaru-chan!"

"Will you help, then?"

"Hm..." Usagi returned to her former position, looking at the coord closely. She narrowed her eyes, examining every detail. In Hikaru's chest, her heart was hammering. Usagi was working her magic, thinking of every possible accessory she could attach to it to make it very sparkly and cute!


...Or so, Hikaru had thought. "You won't...?"

"Didn't Tenma-san ask you to do it?"

"Yes, but..."

"If she wants a Hikaru-chan-like coord, then it'll be no good if I made it. Right?" She paused. "I'm not exactly a professional at design, either..."

"I guess..." Hikaru said. "Sorry for dragging you into my troubles."

"Don't apologise," Usagi said. "Why'd you accept it if you didn't feel confident though?"

Hikaru paused, staring at the outfit again.

She closed her eyes.

"Remember that promotion I did back in December?"

"That time you asked onee-chan for advice?"

Hikaru nodded. "I guess... I regretted that time. I held back and maybe that was for the better but... I can't help but wonder what could have happened. And now that the system's gone I might have lost my chance to ever find out if I could have pulled it off..."


"I guess... I got scared. But now I'm scared of this happening again..." she rested her chin on her knees. "It's silly. I only became an idol to support my family but I still feel this way anyway..."

Slowly, Usagi got up. She walked to Hikaru's side of the room and sat back down, grinning. She took out her hands and -


Hikaru broke into a fit of laughter as her best friend tickled her relentlessly, donning a mischievous grin.

"Hehe, that's better!" Usagi exclaimed, her eyes bright. As Usagi settled down and offered peace, Hikaru gave a softer smile.

"And Azusawa Hikaru gives a one thousand point smile!" Usagi announced. "With this kind of smile, she's sure to make her showcase absolutely dazzling and win whatever she wants to!"


"If you're stuck, why don't we go out tomorrow?" Usagi asked. "Maybe it'll give you some ideas."

"Where did this come from?" Hikaru asked. She smiled and nodded. "But I think I'd like that."

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

"We're here...?" Hikaru asked, staring at the large cliff standing ahead of her. Usagi put a hand on Hikaru's shoulder and grinned.

"Remember the first time we performed together?"

Hikaru nodded.

"That performance was fun," Claire said, taking a step forward. She put a hand on her hip. "And now we'll be training for our next performance together in the very same way."

"Mhm! It's perfect!"

Hikaru continued to stare at the cliff. She had wondered why Claire had advised her to wear something easy to move in - up until now, she was under the impression they would be going shopping together.

Yet... she didn't feel surprised, either.

If anything, she almost felt happy things had turned out this way.

"Alright! If we can climb to the top we'll all eat a great picnic!" Usagi announced, pumping her fist in the air.

"I hope our cooking is up to your standards, Hikaru-chan," Claire said. "We're a bit rusty but..."

"I'm sure it's delicious," Hikaru said. She took a deep breath. "Shall we?"


So, the three once again started scaling the cliff, chanting the magic words as they went. The rocks were rubbing against their hands, grazing them and the act of pulling themselves up was slowly becoming more and more difficult, but with a flame lit within their hearts, the three were able to continue forth.

Claire was the first up, followed by Usagi. As Hikaru approached the top, the two extended their arms out to her, the setting sun shining in between them. Hikaru smiled and took their hands, allowing them to give her one final boost.

Then, the three sat together at the top, panting heavily as they tried to regain their breath.

"Ehh, my hands are sore," Usagi complained, rubbing them.

"Same. But that's what we have to do for a great performance," Claire reminded her, gently holding Usagi's hand and blowing on it. "Just think about how amazing we'll be on stage later."

"I guess~. How're you holding up, Hikaru-chan?"

"It hurts a little but I'll be fine."

"I'm sure the nurse can help us out," Claire continued. "It's worth it for the view though, isn't it?"

The three looked to the sky, the sun setting and painting the sky in golden hues. Hikaru narrowed her eyes and held her hand out.

"It's so pretty," Usagi said.

"It's stunning," Hikaru said. She paused, standing up, her hand still extended. "Can I ask a question?"

"Fire ahead."

"When do you think I fell in love with Aikatsu?"

"I don't know," Usagi said. "We're not you, after all."

"I know that. I just think... it's strange," Hikaru said. "I didn't expect to love it in this way. And I'm not sure when it started... all this time I just wanted to help out my family. But I found myself caring more... I don't understand it."

"I understand the feeling," Claire said. "I never expected Aikatsu to make my heart race so much. I never expected to have so much fun with friends so different to onee-chan's Clockwork."

Hikaru nodded. "Looking at this view with the two of you..." She smiled, determination shining in her eyes. "I see it. I see... the me I want to become. I want to become more confident, and less afraid of trying new stuff. I want to be able to grow alongside you. I want to be an upperclassman the younger students will be proud to call their senpai." Her eyes sparkled. "I want to fully enjoy Aikatsu - even if it's scary!" She turned back around to face her two best friends, the final of the sun's light shining on her. "But I'm not sure I can do it alone... do you think you could help me?"

The two smiled brightly. "Of course!" They chimed together and Hikaru smiled her brightest yet as the sun was finally put to rest, the moon taking its place in the sky.

"Thank you."

"It's the least we could do," Claire said, standing up herself. She patted Hikaru on the head. "We're proud of you, Hikaru-chan."

Hikaru blushed. "Claire-chan..."

A rumbling noise resounded through the air. The two perked up, turning their attention to the root of the noise...

Usagi laughed airly. "Sorry for interrupting... Can we eat now?"

The two exchanged glances and giggled.


The three sat down in a circle, Usagi handing out little bento boxes. The three clapped their hands together.

"Thank you for the food!" They chanted, then opened up the boxes. As Hikaru opened up hers, her eyes sparkled. All the food was cut up into various shapes, neatly organised by colour too.

"This looks amazing."

"All of the complicated shapes were Claire-chan," Usagi said.

"And all of the sausage octopi were Usagi-chan."

"They're really cute and tasty - you can't go wrong with them!" She grinned once again. "If you eat one that's really yummy, you can use that sort of idea and feeling it gives you in your redesign."

"Thank you. This is amazing."

"It probably looks better than it tastes," Claire quickly added. "But if it can help you, we're glad."

Hikaru took out her phone, smiling softly. She pointed it at the box.


"Now I can admire it forever and eat it too," she said. "Thank you so much. I'll treasure this meal."

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

Backstage, Hikaru held her hand over her beating heart. She was wearing an altered version of the normal coord, one incorporating materials that reminded Hikaru of the sunset from that day. One incorporating the colours and shapes from that meal.


Incorporating the feelings Hikaru felt.

"Azusawa Hikaru, lighting up the sky!" She shouted. Today, she was going to show the world the kind of Azusawa Hikaru she was going to be from now on.

It was... her rebirth.

As she walked onto the stage, her heart was still pounding but she smiled with confidence. Even if the crowd wasn't massive, she'd do her best to give them all smiles.

Shining brightly~

The north star guides the way

The song began with a music-box-like, gentle tune. It was sweet and comforting.

...Then, it amped up to a powerful and fierce song, and Hikaru did too.

Clumsy, pathetic, shy cry baby

That's the me of yesterday! (bye bye~)

You won't find someone like that here

I'm rediscovering myself

I'm taking that step

To become stronger

Throwing away the parts I don't like

"Wow, I didn't know she could be like this," Saki said. "I think I like it though."

"And her outfit is super cute too," Minori said. "It fits her more than I thought it would."

"Hikaru-chan is super cool," Usagi agreed, smiling widely. Claire smiled, shielding her eyes.

"She's simply dazzling."

I'll step out

Into the starlight!

I'll shine brighter

That even the north star...!

This is my golden era!

For V.I.P.s only!

This is my brightest era!

A dazzling mystique~

As Hikaru continued, she only became more and more passionate. Her voice became louder and clearer, and her eyes were gleaming.

Aren't you a little surprised?

I'm gaining courage every day

I won't run away

I won't hide and cry

Dear north star,

Guide me!

Dear north star,

Help me shine!

Dear golden north star...

This is my time!

The venue filled with applause and Hikaru waved, quickly returning to her usual self.

"That was amazing, Hikaru-chan!" Usagi shouted.

"So that's the true Hikaru-chan," Claire said.

"Thank you, everyone!" Hikaru shouted. "Thank you... for everything! I'll make sure to do my best this year to make myself and Vibrant Splash shine even brighter!"

From backstage, Mirai's eyes were sparkling. "Oooh, this is the kind of performance I like. Doesn't it just make you feel so inspired, Tenma-san?"

Akari nodded. "It's about time Vibrant Splash entered its next era."

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

"Onee-chan's the coolest!"

"That was amazing!"

"So cool, so cool, so cool!"

One of the young girls turned to her older brother. "Isn't it cool, onii-chan?"

Kaito pursed her lips.

Then, he smiled.

"I guess onee-chan's a little cool."

"He called her cool!"

"She's so amazingly cool even onii-chan thinks she's cool!"

From the back, their mother smiled.

"It's been a long time since you looked this happy, Hikaru-chan," she said to herself. "I'm so sorry I couldn't make things easier for you but... I'm happy. Really and truly."

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

The next day, the entirety of Celestial Academy gathered in the auditorium, hearts racing as the live stream was projected onto the screen. KatsuCorp was finally giving some kind of response to all of the chaos that was occurring regarding the system...

Akemi appeared on the screen and the auditorium was instantly filled with murmurs again.

"Akiyama-senpai?" Hikaru asked.

"Why is she here?" Saki asked.

"She's an Aikatsu Engineer I think," Usagi explained. "Just like onee-chan."


"Don't worry, onee-chan said she's trustworthy!"

Akemi brushed a strand of hair, earning some 'ooo's from some students thanks to her sleek and fashionable composure. "Good morning, everyone. I am here on behalf of the Katsu Corporation. Today I will be explaining what will be happening with the system from here on forth."

Behind her, a visual appeared. It was complicated - not something most of the students could understand.

"From here on out, the system will be undergoing some changes. Next month, it will reboot entirely and only certain idols will be able to access it and make the most out of it. We believe this will not only make performances more amazing but save many aspiring idols a lot of stress and save the system stress too, allowing the corporation to make easier updates. Of course, everyone is free to continue the systemless performances many idols have chosen to adopt over this maintenance period, but only idols that reach certain requirements will be allowed access to the system.

For many of you, this will be the end of your Aikatsu."

The room fell silent, with students of Celestial Academy looking to each other with uncertain looks in their eyes.

Usagi's heart dropped in her chest.

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

A/N: Thank you for reading! Short note again because I am feeling Anxious tm rn but well... I really appreciate every single read. Thank you so much.

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

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