By Charming_road

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This is story where BTS have been know as the most handsome, popular and dangerously at their college. They h... More

CH 1 - Introduction
CH 2 - Eight child?
CH 3 - Busted !
CH 4 - Move to Suwon
CH 5 - Suffer....
CH 6 - Reunite?
CH 7 - Coming Back
CH 8 - Maid Work
CH 9 - Hurtful
CH 10 - No Humanity
CH 11 - AB Negative
CH 12 - Be Kind
CH 13 - Suspicious ?
CH 14 - Kick Out ?
CH 15 - Aunt Lin
CH 16 - Last Letter
CH 17 - The Pendant
CH 18 - Apologizes
CH 19 - Feeling Hurt
CH 21 - Hang Out
CH 22 - Stay
CH 23 - Feeling
CH 24 - Anger and Worry.
CH 25 - Wound
CH 26 - Talk from Heart
CH 27 - Together
CH 28 - Stay Away
CH 29 - Secure
CH 30 - Talk and Hug
CH 31 - Warded
CH 32 - Affection
CH 33 - Second Warn
CH 34 - Revenge
CH 35 - Mad
CH 36 - Taken Away
CH 37 - Investigate
CH 38 - Hurt
CH 39 - Feel secure
CH 40 - ' Dad '
CH 41 - Date With Older Brother
CH 42 - Found out
CH 43 - Sad
CH 44 - Another Lie
CH 45 - A Mistake ?
CH 46 - Visit
CH 47 - A Secret
CH 48 - A Party
EP 49 - A Deal ?
EP 50 - Argument and Tears
EP 51 - Ignore and Ignore
EP 52 - Argue At The Bustop
EP 53 - A Mistake
EP 54 - Pleading
EP 55 - Heart Matter
EP 56 - Forgiven
EP 57 - Happy Birthday
EP 58 - Birthday Holiday
EP 59 - Best Day Ever
EP 60 - Whose Married?
EP 61 - A Favor To Ask
EP 62 - Sad + Happy
EP 63 - Sulk & Upset
EP 64 - The Meaning
EP 65 - Warn or Threat ?
EP 66 - Lost & Found
EP 67 - Tracking Cip
EP 68 - Bad Weekend
EP 69 - Situation
EP 70 - Painful Day
EP 71 - Conscious
EP 72 - Away
EP 73 - Revenge For You
EP 74 - Vacation
EP 75 - Happy Ending

CH 20 - First Dinner

13.1K 331 70
By Charming_road

You was at the school like usually. You sit at the cafeteria when lunch hour. You was eating your lunch while reading a comic when suddenly someone sit at the same table with you.

You raise your head and saw BTS. You remember what Aunt Lin said. So you're just pretending that they are not there. They also start eating.

Hobi : Eat this too.

He said and put a lot of beef on your food tray. You slowly look at him. You never eat that food.

Jin : Eat up, sister.

You feel warmth with their gesture when he call you like that. You slowly eat and that make them smile widely. The most scary and dangerous boys was smiling while looking at their sister eating.

After done having lunch, you walk back to your class. While you walking, you feel someone following you, you stop walking and turn around. You saw BTS.

Y/N : Why did you guys still here?

You wrote in your notepad.

Taehyung : Uhh...We want to walk you to your class.

Y/N : No need. I can walk by myself.

You wrote again.

Jungkook : What if you fall down?

Y/N : Then i will get up by myself.

You sassed him and walk back. BTS still following you. Even when you walk to your locker or to the washroom. They still there until you walk to your class.

BTS : Bye, Y/N.

They said and that makes everyone look at you shockly. They left to the next building.

You was walking back home when suddenly you hear a car horn. You turn around and you saw BTS. You see them more often now.

Jin : Y/N, get in. We'll send you home.

You shake your head. Hobi comes out and pulls you gently inside the car.

Namjoon : Wanna grab some ice cream first before going home?

Maknae : We're agree !

Suga : You want it, Y/N?

Everyone was looking at you. They was waiting excitedly.

Jungkook : Y/N-ah, let's go kill some time with us.

He whining while snuggle at your shoulder. You push him a bit and nod slowly. Jin start to drive the car. Namjoon at the passenger seat. The maknae's at the back so you sit between Hobi and Suga.

Namjoon : Y/N, you know about tonight's dinner, right?

You nod.

Namjoon : We can go straight going home after we have the ice cream, right?

You sighed and look at your lap. You wrote something at your notepad.

Y/N : Up to you guys.

You show them and they was happy and excited. Maybe Aunt Lin was right. Maybe they deserve a chance. Maybe?

Hobi : Y/N, can i ask you something?

You nod.

Hobi : Why didn't you wearing the pendant? If you put it on, we'll be able to recognize you earlier.

Y/N : I was glad that i didn't wear it so i got to know who you are. What kind of behavior that you guys have. I got to know all that. The real you are.

You wrote it.

Suga : We didn't behavior like that actually. We act like that because our family has been harmed.

He said under his breath. You look at him with 'are you kidding me' face.

Suga : It was because w-we didn't  k-know that you were our s-sister that time.

Y/N : So you guys wanna say that if i was not your sister, then you guys will keep bullying me? You guys will treat a people that harm your family like that? Beat them half of dead?

You wrote on your notepad but none of them dare to give the answer. Not too long, you guys arrive at one ice cream shop. You guys step out from the car and get inside the shop.

All of you take a sit. You was looking around. Jin pass you the menu and you take a look. Your eyes widen when you saw the price. You feel dizzy because of the price.

You pick the cheap one. It just your favourite ice cream and the least topping. You was eating it silently without raise your head.

Jungkook : Is it that delicious until you can't raise your head?

He teasing you. You raise your head and see all your brother was looking at you fondly. You feel shy so you avoid their gazes.

BTS : Cute.

They said in unison. After that, they drive back to the mansion. Your father was standing infront of the door waiting for you.

Lin : Finally, you was here.

She said when you come closer toward them. You bow to them.

Lin : Your father was waiting for you all the time. He keep asking me when you're coming. He was worried for nothing.

You can't look at your father. You hiding behind your aunt. She take you inside. The others follow from behind. All of you start to eat dinner.

Dad : How's your study, Y/N.

He ask and you show him an okay sign.

Dad : Don't be shy. Eat a lot.

He said and you nod. Your father sighed since you still didn't open up with him. Your aunt convince you to spent the night there. You about to walk downstair when you hear someone cry and talking.

Lin : Brother, why did you cry like this? Please stop....

Dad : What do you mean she's going away? You can't do this, Lin.

Lin : Brother, Yujin entrusted me to tell her about this. She can....

He cut her.

Dad : I'm not allowing you. She is my only daughter. How can i let she living by herself out there when i still alive?

Lin : Brother ! They are not going to sold her or what. We also can protecting her from far.

Dad : That's my responsibility. Lin, please....I just want my daughter to stay here. Please help me to talk to her.

Lin : Talk about what?

Dad : Please talk to her about staying here again. Please convince her.

Lin : Brother, i can't force her. Like you say, we should respect whatever her decision. I already convince her for this dinner. We shouldn't push her.

Dad : But i just want my daughter.

Your tears was flowed slowly.

Dad : I can't raise her for 17 years. I can't see her growing up infront of me. I can't do anything for her for all these years. Please... I will give anything that you want as pay back.

Lin : Why don't you try to talk to her? Try to talk from heart to heart. Maybe she will understand. Brother, she same like Yujin. She have soft hearted.

Dad : You think she will agree to stay here back again?

Lin: I don't know but trying once wont hurt any of us. She won't forget what has happened toward her but we can create new moments together.

She said. You about to burst into tears again so you want to go back to the guest room but you was shocked when you see BTS was standing there.

You want to walk passing them but they was blocking your way. They take you to the rooftop. You wipe your tears away and staring at the dark sky.

Jin :  Can't you consider to stay here with us?

Namjoon : That's right. We need you here. Dad also needs you.

Y/N : But you guys was totally fine without me all these years.

You wrote on the notepad.

Suga : It's because we didn't know that you was exist.

Hobi : When we know that you was our sister, we can't if we didn't look at your face for all day long. So please ..

He said and then you stay quiet. You just look at the night view. Meanwhile, your brothers admiring the face that they miss a lot. They really hope that you will stay with them.

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