The way I found you

By Seana_memories

15.5K 786 2.2K

Taking care of Sean's children was meant to be a simple favor from Lana, but turned quickly into much more, a... More

1| I need your help
2| Blueberry fight
3| Instagram Story
4| Tanya
5 | Ups And Downs
6| A Toast
7| Go Away!
8| Idiot
9| Unknown Love
10| Birthday Surprise
11| LP's Birthday (Part 1)
12| LP's Birthday (Part 2)
13| Enough
14| Road Of Recovery
15| Finkbiner Park
16| Hidden Thoughts
17| Cuddle?
18| You Watched Us Kiss?
20| I Am Lana
21| Drop The Act
22| Words Of A Father
23| The Question Is...
24| Only You
25| Truth Or Dare
26| I Love You
27| Let Me Explain
28| Piece By Piece
29| Our Kids
30| Bathtub Date
31| She Is Not Your Mom!
32| Mama
33| Let Fate Decide
34| Never Do That Again
35| Matthew
36| Mistakes
37| Christmas Bauble
38| Snowfall
39| Daddy Loves Lana
40| The Way I Found You

19| OUAT Offer

358 18 55
By Seana_memories

"Did your daddy let you watch us kiss, though?", She wondered. 

"He did when he explained acting to me. Telling me that acting means that you're just playing a role. You were at a campfire but didn't even have marshmallows!", Flynn confessed, looking disappointed. "And then you kissed daddy and it was yucky!", Flynn laughed with Leo joining in.  

Lana couldn't hold her giggling back either since the two boys were finding the kiss hilarious, even though it was just Flynn who actually saw it. 

"Okay okay, monkeys. I think it's time for us to go shopping now.", Lana said grinning before reaching for their hands.

"Are we going to buy a new toy??", Leo asked immediately, jumping to Lana's side to go with her and Flynn back to the car. 

"We're absolutely not. Your father said no toys, but if you're good we can go and pick out a new book for nighttime.", she answered, which made both of them thrilled. 

They arrived at the mall soon after, where Lana and the boys immediately went to some of the clothing shops since that was their main aim. It actually didn't take them too long to find the first few things they needed. Flynn went for normal Jeans, mainly short ones since it was always quite warm in LA, but they picked out long trousers as well just in case. Leo had found a couple of new shirts with all kinds of heroes on them, but he actually didn't need all of them since Leo could wear some of Flynn's old clothes. When they reached the baby aisle, Lana immediately went for quite neutral-colored pieces. The bright colors didn't appear to her at all, that's why a lot of pastels landed in their shopping bags. 

"We got pants, check!", Lana confessed. 

"These are trousers, Lana! Not pants.", Flynn corrected her since he was used to the British English that Sean and Tanya used at home. Lana just rolled her eyes in amusement since she always keeps on forgetting to say trousers when she is with them. 

"I will get that one day.", Lana grinned and continued to read the list of things they got or still had to get. In the end, they just had to find some simple socks and underwear for the boys, along with a thin jacket for Amélie since it was getting slightly colder. Lana really enjoyed spending time with Flynn and Leo alone since it reminded her of the times with her stepkids. The only problem was that her headache was coming back slowly but surely along with some stomach pain. That's why she sat down on one of the benches in the mall, telling the boys to rest for just a minute. 

"Are you okay?", Flynn said when he started to get worried. He did recognize that Lana had put a hand on her stomach several times now, whilst looking like she was in pain when she thought nobody was watching. 

"Yeah. I am fine. I think I just need to drink some more water. It will get better after that, it's just a little headache.", she assured the boy, kissing him on his forehead before reaching for her bottle. Flynn wasn't fully convinced of her explanation and made it his task to have a closer look at Lana. He was basically glued to her hand, not wanting to go anywhere without his auntie until they reached the bookstore. 

Lana sent them off to look for a new story whilst she was sitting down on one of the sofas in the store, where she was still able to see Flynn and Leo. Her head was killing her at this point, which led her to rub her temple. When Flynn came back with a book, his expression was even more worried than before. He knew that something was off and he didn't like it at all, that's why he was running back to Leo to get him as well. 

"We need to go home now, Leo.", Flynn confessed and pulled him slightly on the sleeve of his jumper. 

"Why? I am not ready.", Leo exclaimed, trying to pick one of the books he had in his hands, but Flynn didn't really let him. 

"I think Lana is sick and I don't want her to be. That's why daddy needs to give her some medicine like he does when we are ill.", Flynn said, completely convinced by his words, which made Leo believe as well. The young boy dropped a few of his books, to hurry to Lana with only one story in his hands.

"Ready, we can go home!", Flynn grinned and took Lana's hand again to help her up. She stumbled backward a little until the black-haired woman adjusted to her standing position. All they did was pay and after that, it was finally time to drop off the boys at Sean's house. Lana was concentrating really hard on the road, trying not to be distracted by the pain in her stomach. Gladly Sean's house wasn't far away, so they arrived only a few minutes later. Flynn had already hopped out of his car seat, whilst Lana was struggling with standing up properly since a wave of pain overcame her body. She managed to help Leo out of his car seat before taking some deep breaths to look kind of presentable to Sean. Flynn already rang the bell and stormed inside with some of his new clothes in the bags, ready to show his father, when he opened the door. 

"Hey.", Sean laughed about the enthusiasm and followed Flynn in the living room, whilst leaving the door open for Lana to enter, since he thought she was still in the car. Well, she wasn't actually. She was on her way inside, going straight for the bathroom since the urge of throwing up made its way through her body. 

Despite basically running, nobody noticed her because the boys were sharing their excitement about everything they bought very loudly. 

It was Sean who developed some worries after Lana didn't show up in the living room like he thought she would.

"Hold on for a second, boys. Where did you leave Lana?", he asked looking around to have a look at the kitchen, but she wasn't there either. 

"Oh no.", Flynn exclaimed in shock, running to the front door. He clearly panicked because he couldn't find his auntie. Sean was running right behind him, not sure why his son was suddenly acting out like this. He grabbed him by his wrist, turning Flynn to face him. 

"Hey. Hey. Everything is alright. Why are you panicking? What happened?", Sean asked gently, stroking his arms up and down. 

"Lana was not feeling well. I think she has a bad tummy egg, that's why I wanted to go home.", Flynn confessed and looked around in fear. 

"We'll find her. No worries.", Sean said going back into the house since he had passed some bags, when he ran behind Flynn, that someone must have dropped off. He went to the guest room and after that to the bathroom on the upper level, but couldn't make her out, before checking the bathroom downstairs and there she was. Sitting next to the toilet, looking as pale as a blank sheet of paper. 

"Oh no. Not you as well.", Sean said concerned, kneeling down beside Lana to rub her back. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?", He asked straight away, putting a hand on Lana's forehead to feel her temperature. 

"I would lie if I say that I am okay.", Lana confessed with a sigh. "I thought I would throw up… but I didn't.", She said, finally standing up from the bathroom floor again, along with Sean, who was holding her hand just in case she needed it. Her body language told him immediately that she wasn't feeling well at all. Lana never showed any pain unless it really hit her badly and this was one of those days, unfortunately. 

"I think I am going to drive home to get some rest.", the woman confessed, whilst splashing some cold water into her face. 

"Forget about it immediately. I am not letting you drive when you're that miserable.", Sean said without any hesitation. "I am a single father with three children. A fourth one is not even bothering me at this point.", he chuckled and actually made her laugh a bit as well. 

"Come...I will get you to bed, Lana.", Sean said and took her hand to pull her slightly. "Ehm… you need to lay down in my bed since I put all the sheets and stuff from the guest room in the wash. It's not dry yet.", Sean confessed before leading her into his own room. "Excuse the mess.", he said, a little embarrassed since a few clothes were laying around, nothing too major. 

"That's alright. How is Amélie doing?", The black-haired woman asked concerned, sitting down on Sean's bed. 

"She is doing okay. I went to see a doctor with her this morning. He gave her some syrup and said that it sounds like a normal stomach bug. It should pass over the next few days… and it seems like you got the same thing.", Sean said, apologizing before pulling the blanket over Lana's body. "The medication made her quite tired, so I put her to bed. Sleeping will help with her recovery.", he grinned. "And so will it help you.", Sean said whilst closing the curtains. "I will leave a bowl on the nightstand just in case you're not able to make it to the toilet, alright?"

"Understood.", Lana said completely exhausted. "I need to call my aunt later. She has Lola.", Lana said, already half asleep, which made Sean chuckle. 

"First of all, you need to rest. See you later, darling.", He said, closing her bedroom door before joining Flynn and Leo in the living room to assure them that Lana just needed some sleep. 

"Can we play something together?", His youngest asked but unfortunately Sean had to turn him down.

" know I need to work a little today. I got some emails I gotta reply to… what about you and Flynn start playing and I will join you in a minute, okay?", Sean offered and Flynn and Leo were okay with that, so he took out his computer, whilst they were playing. 

One Mail, in particular, caught his eyes, since it was from the ABC Studios, which made him frown. If it would be a normal offer for a new role it would be sent to his agent, not to him. That was quite confusing. He opened the Mail out of interest, reading through the whole pages that were listed. It actually was an offer for a role, it just wasn't a new one at all. It was a character he knew really well and loved. Robin Hood. ABC decided to create an exclusive season of Once upon a time, as a gift for the amazing fandom they had. Every episode was planned to describe a 'what would have happened, when…' scenario, meaning that each episode was kind of a single little movie. The season was supposed to be a 10-year anniversary gift, but they were struggling with copyrights and stuff. Since everything was sorted out now, Adam and Edward decided to still put their ten year anniversary show out there, even if it was delayed. To be honest Sean was thrilled about the idea to see the old crew back together, even if they wouldn't tell a whole story in the end. He could definitely picture episodes that finally concentrated on ships that weren't in the show or ships that didn't find their happy ending together in the end. OutlawQueen would be one of them, but Sean knew as well that a SwanQueen episode would be surely inevitable with all the fans the ship had. 

The thoughts of playing alongside Lana actually made him smile widely. An OutlawQueen episode with baby Reginas running around would just be too adorable to watch. The good thing was that they would only have one season, which meant probably nine-month of filming, and after filming, the contract would be over. Like that he wouldn't be tight to a series for ten years straight, which was just not possible as a single father. But since he wouldn't be in every episode, it was manageable he thought. 

Sean actually decided to call his agent straight away to get all the details about the contract, the time of filming, as long as the place. Well it was kind of obvious that it took place in Vancouver again, but he just asked to be sure. There was still a lot to manage and think about before he would decide if he would rather take the offer or not, since it wouldn't be that easy as a single father on a Movie Set. But he will give it a thought, just not right now because he had some playing to do. 

They actually built a whole pillow tent in Flynn's room, pretending that it was a huge castle with dragons and Princesses. Amélie joined them after a while but was just interested to look at one of her books or cuddling with Sean. At least it seemed like her pain was gone for now, since she was not crying the whole time. Sean decided to give her some very light food to eat, in hope that it would stay in her tummy, whilst the boys had some Mac and cheese along with garlic bread. After their dinner, they headed for a bath, whilst Amélie was already getting sleepy again since she had her second dose of medicine. Sean helped the boys get washed before putting them in their pajamas and enjoyed one of the nighttime stories that Flynn had picked out from the shop earlier that day. Amélie didn't make it to the end, his poor little girl just fell asleep right in his arms, gladly still without any fever. Sean put her down to bed, before doing the same with Flynn and Leo since it was another Monday (School day) coming up. 

On his way back to the living room he decided to peek through his bedroom door to see how Lana was holding up. When he slowly entered, he could see her face all scrunched up, which made him worry. He was aware of some sweat that was forming on her forehead, shining in the little light that was coming from the hallway. When Sean reached her bed, he carefully placed a hand on her cheeks, frowning when he realized that Lana was actually much warmer than his daughter. He softly stroked some hair behind her ear, making her groan since she wasn't really sleeping but also not really awake. 

"Lana, Darling… I am so sorry to wake you…", he said, trying to get her attention. 

"Then don't.", she said wincing, not ready to actually open her eyes and face him.


A/N: Quite creepy that my chapter is about Lana being sick, when she actually is ill in real life.

I can definitely see the future because I wrote that chapter weeks ago. Haha.

(I felt like uploading another chapter today because why not.)

Scene 4 of Bexanas panel

Question: "Real quick for those of you, who that have not heard this I would love to hear how do once upon a time begin for each of you.

Lana:" Ohhhwww" *deep exhale*
           *looks at Bex*  "God.... Well I mean I auditioned and got the part."
*laughs; like everyone else*

Bex sarcastically: "That's a beautiful story."

Lana: "How... Long--11 years ago"

Bex: "Oh my God" *cannot believe it has been that long already*

Lana: "No... I... Ehm....some of you know the story but I did. I auditioned... I read two scenes for Adam and Eddie. It was Ehh... The two scene were the--- the wedding scene when I storm in and ruin everyones life and then the second scene was when I confronted Emma Swan in her place at the end of the pilot....and I read those scenes ONCE and I asked if they needed to see anything else... Any notes or anything and they just sat there terrified and said 'nope that was great, thank you'"

*Bex bursted out in laughter*

Lana: Aaand I ended up booking--

Bex in between: "Yeah you did!"

Lana: "--the show. Yeah. I ended up booking that role.... One thing I really love is that... You know... It.. To... Actually... You first *points at Bex and laughes*

*Bex said to her to continue but not through the microphone*

Lana: "Well I was going to say that I loved that I auditioned for the part cuz sometimes it's... You know I have never worked with Adam or Eddie before and so it was the first time they've seen me and normally in this industry people don't know you and they don't--haven't seen your work and they're not familiar with you... So I felt like I... I earned this part....yeah that's a good feeling.

Bex: "I did not earn the part."

*everyone laughed*

Lana: "That's why I paused and was like 'wait'" *laughes with Bex"

Bex *sarcastic*: "Nooo... I didn't sleep with anybody. Get your minds out of the gutter!"

To be continued

I will write Bex her story down next time since it would be too long otherwise.

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