Young Lies

By pradabagg

623K 12K 12.9K

After being offered the scholarship of a lifetime, Catalina Faye starts her journey at Las Flores Private Sch... More

important <3
character aesthetics
1 β₯ welcome to las flores, bitch!
2 β₯ the phoenix with broken wings
3 β₯ i don't tutor dickheads
4 β₯ just a disappointment
5 β₯ little miss perfect
6 β₯ we all have are scars
7 β₯ dress to impress
8 β₯ sealed with a kiss
9 β₯ big girls don't cry
10 β₯ i'll tell you my secret, if you tell me yours
11 β₯ lyrics and lies
12 β₯ apologies and almost hookups
13 β₯ the disaster date
introducing "new" characters
14 β₯ devil in disguise
15 β₯ daddy issues
16 β₯ mystery man
17 β₯ the other mitchell
18 β₯ looking for asher
19 β₯ brotherly love
20 β₯ "alex"
21 β₯ cupcakes and cock blocks
22 β₯ surprise!
23 β₯ everyone knows
24 β₯ show time
25 β₯ who the fuck is dr.moore?
26 β₯ the truth always comes out
27 β₯ puppy love
28 β₯ axton mitchell...apologizing?
29 β₯ getting the girl
30 β₯ tease
31 β₯ doubt
33 β₯ a new tradition
34 β₯ a mother's love
35 β₯ mile-high club
36 β₯ aloha mother fuckers!
37 β₯ september 15, 2019
38 β₯ playing her game
39 β₯ goodbye jackson, hello axton
40 β₯ adventures behind the waterfall
41 β₯ french asshole
42 β₯ confessions
43 β₯ new year and new beginnings
44 β₯ 21 questions
45 β₯ the flash-drive pt.1
46 β₯ the flash-drive pt.2
47 β₯ reality fucking sucks
48 β₯ confrontation
49 β₯ the princess and prince charming
50 β₯ another new girl
51 β₯ can we start friends?
52 β₯ making amends
53 β₯ one secret ruined everything
54 β₯ the redo date
55 β₯ face to face
56 β₯ grayson hart
57 β₯ a forbidden romance
58 β₯ three broken hearts
59 β₯ just can't take it anymore
60 β₯ i can't watch you get hurt
61 β₯ mommy dearest
62 β₯ talking things through
63 β₯ revelations
64 β₯ birthdays and big reveals
65 β₯ the worst kind of betrayal
66 β₯ he loved me?
67 β₯ back to bad habits
68 β₯ breaking down
69 β₯ i can't imagine my life without you
70 β₯ a deal with the phoenix
71 β₯ what the fuck!
72 β₯ the future
73 β₯ we need to talk
74 β₯ he needs to be stopped
75 β₯ the end of one chapter and the beginning of another
76 β₯ i'm sorry
77 β₯ you and me against the world
78 β₯ the next step
79 β₯ epilogue pt.1
80 β₯ epilogue pt.2
goodbye <3
answering questions + surprise! + other

32 β₯ let's do this

6.5K 147 214
By pradabagg

"You did WHAT?!" I yell.

"Thank me later." Lili laughs on the other end.

"Wha- How?" I ask.

I'm seriously flabbergasted.

"You know how my dad did that emergency surgery on that guy in the middle of the road after that car accident?"


"Well, turns out the guy is the CEO of this big label and he gave my dad his number."

"Holy shit."

"I know!"

"Holy shit Lils...thank you! You're the best fake girlfriend I've ever had."

"You've had other fake girlfriends?" She teases.

"Well no but you know what I mean." I laugh.

"I do and if it helps you're the best fake boyfriend I've ever had."

"I better be." I laugh.

Lili and I have "officially" been together for a few days now and she's done more for me in 5 days than any of my ex-girlfriends combined.

She somehow managed to get 6 producers to come to our show tonight!

"Alright, well I won't keep you long. I'll see you later!" She says.

"Bye Lils"

"Byeee" She yells before ending the call and I let out a laugh.

"Ooooo was that the girly friend?" Mikey asks while he and the boys walk back into the garage.

"Yeah, and she managed to get a few producers to come to our show tonight."

I gasp when I suddenly hear something crash to the floor.

Mikey choked on his water, Anthony froze, and Jonah dropped his guitar.

"How the fuck did she do that?" Anthony asks.

"Her dad has connections." I shrug.

"Holy- dude can I borrow your girlfriend?" Mikey laughs.


"Hahahaha Jess is whipped!" Jonah teases.

"No, I'm not."

"Then why can't I borrow your girlfriend?" Mikey asks with a smirk.

"Oh, I don't know dumbass maybe because she's MY girlfriend and not YOURS." I deadpanned.

"He does have a point." Anthony laughs.

"I still think you're whipped." Jonah shrugs.

"So do I!" Mikey agrees.

"You guys are fucking annoying." I sigh while shoving them out of the garage.

"Ok, so our set is an hour-long which means we can fit about 10-12 songs from our setlist and...uh... I think we should debut Lili's song." I mumble the last part.

"WHIPPED!" Mikey screams.

I fucking hate them.

"Shut up!" I yell before smacking him upside the head.

"OW! That hurt!" He says while holding his head.

"Anyways, I agree with Jess. I think we should debut the song." Jonah agrees before both Anthony and Mikey nod their heads in agreement.

"Hey, guys!" We all turn around to see my sisters and their best friend Nova.

"Well if it isn't thing 1 and thing 2." Anthony teases.

"Ugh stop calling us that!" Julianna groans.

"No," Anthony smirks.

"Well, at least I don't look like Jojo Mcdodd," Julianna smirks before well all burst out laughing and Anthony's smirk quickly disappears.

He hates when people compare him to the emo kid from Horton Hears a Who.

"Fuck that was hilarious!" Mikey wheezes.

"Shut up!" Ant groans.

We all continue talking but I quickly get distracted when I noticed Jade trying to get back into the house, a sad look on her face.

If she's trying to not be seen she's doing a pretty shitty job.

"I'll be right back," I mumble before following her into the house.

"JADE!" I yell.

The house is way too fucking quiet.

"JADE!" I try again.

I start to worry so I quickly make my way to her room and knock.

"Jade? You in there?" I ask while leaning against the locked door.

I hear a few sniffles and my heart drops.

"One second." She says quietly before I hear a drawer close.

I hear her walk towards the door and slowly yank it open.

"What's wrong?" I ask before making my way into her room.

Her room is pretty similar to mine, she's very tomboyish but also enjoys dressing up here and there. She loves music just as much as I do and her whole room is covered in posters of different artists. There are a few pieces of clothes and volleyball knee pads scattered across the floor and a bunch of homework and textbooks spread across her bed and desk.

Julianna, however, is the complete opposite. She absolutely loves pink, flowers, designer brands, just anything girly. Her room is completely pink and white with flowers all over, some of her paintings/drawings hung on the walls, oh and there's not a speck of dirt in her room even though she plays soccer.

"Nothing." She says quickly.

Too quickly.

I just look at her with one of my eyebrows raised and my arms crossed over my chest.

"I'm not an idiot."

"I never said you were." She says.

"I'm gonna ask again, what's wrong?" I quickly pull her over so she takes the seat next to me on her messy bed.

"Nothing! Just leave me alone Jess!" She yells before storming off into her ensuite bathroom and slamming the door in my face.

"I'm not going anywhere," I say before sliding down the door and leaning against it.

I can feel her do the same on the other side.

I start to feel a bit anxious, Jade acting out like this reminds me of when I...

I just don't want to make the mistake of seeing the signs and ignoring them.

"Jade, you know you can tell me anything, right?" I mumble.

She doesn't respond for a couple of minutes until I hear a very quiet "yeah."

"Please tell me what's wrong," I ask again, this time my tone a lot more gentle.

It's quiet again for a few minutes and I start getting anxious again until I suddenly fall backward because the door opens.

She quickly walks past me towards her nightstand, opens the drawer, grabs what looks like a picture, and then takes a seat next to me.

"Before I tell you I need you to promise me two things, okay?" She asks, her eyes red and puffy but her expression completely serious.

"Okay," I say quickly.

"One, I need you to promise not to tell Julie. I don't want her to be affected by this either." She starts.


What the fuck is going on?

"Two, don't let this distract you from your performance tonight. If you're gonna do anything, DO IT AFTER." She says.

Ok, now I'm starting to freak out.

"I promise, Jade. Now tell me." I say and she hesitates for a moment before nodding.

"Julie, Nova, and I were at the mall and when we were passing one of the restaurants I saw dad...with another woman." She mumbles.

My heart drops.

This is exactly what I was fucking afraid of.

" what's the picture for?" I ask as calmly as I could.

"Because, the other Macy." She says before flipping over the picture.

I quickly grab it and immediately notice Macy's shitty hair and my dad with his hand on her upper thigh. They were looking at each other smiling.

"I- holy shit Jade." I slowly place the picture down and look at her.

Tears begin to fill her eyes and a sob escapes her.

"That's not all." She sighs before heading back to her drawer and grabbing a few more pictures.

All these pictures were of my dad and Macy, hugging, kissing, and doing other inappropriate shit.

" long have you known?" I ask.

"About 4 months." She says quietly.


"How come you never said anything before?" I ask.

"Because he knows I know."

Hold on-


"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The first picture at the restaurant was the most recent and when he caught me."

"What did he say?"

"He was freaking out and begged me not to tell but I told him to go fuck himself." She shrugs.

I let out a laugh.

Of course, she would say that.

"But, then he said he would do anything, so...I took advantage of that." She says.

"What did you do?"

"The Neighbourhood tickets for me, The Chanel purse for Julie, your guitar." She says.

Holy shit that makes sense.

My dad never gets us shit on his own unless we beg him.

So you could imagine my shock when he came home a couple of weeks ago with the guitar I was eyeing for months.

"I was planning on saying something after New Year." She says.

"Jeez Jade, I'm sorry." I sigh while putting all the pictures down.

"I just- I don't want our family to be affected by this." She says while wiping the corner of her eyes and putting the pictures back in her drawer.


My dad can go rot in hell for all I care.

He knows how much this is affecting Jade and yet he's still cheating!

Oh my god, and mom's gonna freak out!

"Jade, the only way our family will finally have some peace is if mom and dad divorce."

"I know...It's just hard to think about."

"I get it and I'm gonna kill him."

"I'll join you." She jokes.

"Hey, Jade?"


"I love you."

"Love you more big bro." She smiles before leaning in to hug me.

"Thank you for telling me, now we can deal with this together. You're not alone anymore." I reassure her.

She just squeezes me even tighter and we stay like that for a couple more seconds before we get interrupted.

"Hey! What about me?" We look over before Julie quickly runs over and throws herself onto us.

"Ow Julie! I think you broke my arm." Jade groans.

"Oh shut up, drama queen." She rolls her eyes before squeezing us.

"Can't. Breathe." Jade and I wheeze before Julie quickly let us go.

"Oops...sorry." She laughs.

Watching my sister laugh and make jokes with each other quickly clears my head of all the shitty things my dad has done.

I'll listen to Jade, we'll take care of this after New Year.

I mean, why fuck up the holidays?

----------Skip to the gig----------

"Holy shit there's a lot of people out there!" Jonah laughs.

I quickly walk over to the curtain and peek.

Wow! At least half the school is out there.

I look to the front row and immediately notice all my friends talking and laughing amongst themselves. Lili.

Did she change her mind?

"Boo!" I jump and quickly turn around to face her.

"Fuck, you scared me." I laugh.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"Yeah, just nervous," I mumble and show her my hands that are currently shaking like crazy.

"Don't worry Jess, you'll do fucking amazing! I believe in you, all your friends believe in you, now all you have to do is believe in yourself." She says while grabbing my hands.

"Wow, you're good at that." I laugh.

"I know." She smirks and flips her hair.

"Now go blow them all away!" She laughs and begins to turn away but I quickly grab her hand once again.


"What?" She looks up at me.

"Thanks again...for everything," I said before leaning in and placing a small kiss on her lips.

"Oh uh, problem." She stutters and a blush starts to form on her face.

"Who's ready to crush this bitch!" Mikey yells in my ear after she walks away.

"Let's do this!" I yell.

"Ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome...House of Virtue!" The announcer yells and the curtain opens.

The crowd started cheering even louder but I let out a laugh when I see the sign Xander is holding.

"Jesse Ramirez is my hubby 4 eva!"

Of course...classic Xander.

"And a 3...2...1!" Mikey yells.

Here we go!

----------Skip to after the performance----------

"Ahhhh, Jesse! That was fucking amazing!" Catalina yells as she and my friends quickly run over to me.

That was the best fucking moment in my life.

The crowd was loud and singing along.

The bright lights shone down on me.

Being able to be up there with my best friends.

I could get used to this.

"Thanks, Lina." I laugh.

"Did you like my poster?" Xander asks.

"Loved it...hubby." I laugh.

"Ha! Hear that Lili, your boyfriend is MINE."

"Mhm sure..." Lili jokes.

"We'll see who gets the ring first," Xander says.

"It's gonna be me." Lili narrows her eyes at him.

"Please, you wish."

"Why wish when I already know it's gonna happen."

"Damn, someone sounds cocky."

"It's called confidence. You either have it or you don't." Lili says which causes me to smirk.

This girl is something else.

"Ugh fine...I guess I'll go back to Arya." Xander sighs.

"Wow, thanks fucker." Arya laughs and flips him off.

The group and my band all continue to mingle until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Can I he-" I freeze.

It's Jonathan Ambrose.

As in Pacific Records CEO Jonathan Ambrose.

Holy fucking shit!


As if Mikey read my mind, I felt a pinch on my arm.

"Ow!" I mumble.

"Are you guys 'House of Virtue'?" He asks.

"Yep, that's us," Jonah replies.

I'm still too shocked.

"You boys were-excuse my language-fucking amazing." He says.

I think I'm gonna faint.

"Thank you so much, sir! That means so much coming from you." Anthony says.

"Here's my card, hopefully, we can get in touch and book you boys for a studio session," Ambrose says.

He holds out the card in front of me but I'm still too shocked.

Snap out of it dumbass!

"Oh! Uh- thank you!" I finally replied before grabbing the card.

"Just be sure to call this number otherwise I won't be able to book you. There have been some problems with the company number." He explains before walking away.

"Jesse, keep it somewhere safe," Ant says before I whip out my wallet and slide the card into one of the slots.

I quickly run over to Lili and wrap my arms around her.

"Holy shit Jess, you scared me." She laughs before wrapping her arms around me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yell.

"You got a deal?!" She yells.

"Yes!" I yell and quickly left her in my arms again.

"Oh my god! Congratulations!"

"This is all because of you Lils," I say before unwrapping my arms from her waist.

She smiles up at me after unwrapping her arms from my neck.

Fuck, I didn't even notice how hot she looks till now.

She's wearing black leather pants that make her ass look fucking amazing and a tight red crop top that has a bit of a v-neck that shows off her tits.

Fuck it.

I quickly grab her face and smash my lips onto hers. She doesn't even hesitate to kiss me back before wrapping her arms around my neck again.

I quickly bent down so I could place her on the bar counter in front of me.

She tastes like fucking cherries and I swear to God I'm about to pass away.

I feel her hands begin to roam down my chest which causes me to let out a groan.

We both quickly pull away when we're suddenly drenched in a cold liquid.

"What the fuck!" I mutter before turning around.

Of fucking course.

"Great show Jess." Cameron laughs before drinking right out of the champagne bottle.

"I'm gonna strangle him," I mumble before turning back to Lili and helping her clean the champagne off of her.

"Please do." She says and I laugh.

"Whatever you want, princess."

-----------Author's Note----------

These two just keep getting cock blocked lmao.

I'm finally back! YAY!!!

Thank you guys so much for 11K readers!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Word Count: 2385

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