[✔️] Beautiful | YuWin

By shotarowrowrowurboat

55.5K 2.8K 929

ABO | Alpha! Sicheng x Alpha! Yuta The top students and captains of Western NCIT and Eastern NCIT Universi... More

四十二 New Years Special


1.4K 71 62
By shotarowrowrowurboat

This is 3.5k words,

   Sweaty and tired from a full day of practice in field he hasn't played in a year, he just wanted to shower, and go to sleep peacefully without any problems. That's all he asks for.

   And of course his prayers aren't answered.

   Right when he walked into the room -the hotel room- he spots Sicheng hovering over the desk looking down at a clipboard, not than big a deal typically, but, he was shirtless wearing only shorts on with a towel hanging around his neck. He sighs, that means the Chinese just got out the shower, I hope the mirror isn't fogged up and he didn't use all the shampoo and soap —he hopes this as both of them were dumb enough to forget their hair care stuff and soap, and now they were sharing the hotel provided toiletries which said hotel refused to provide them with "more than necessary" which happens to be much less then needed.

   He drops his duffel bag on the ground, not caring if the other noticed his presence or not as he tossed his phone and clipboard onto the bed and toes off his shoes. He passes by the Chinese without a glance towards him as he walks into the bathroom and closed the door, stripping from his clothes feeling dead on his feet as he stepped under the shower head.

He sighed, the warm water hitting him soothingly and his muscles began to relax the longer he spent under the warm water. But as all things do, they come to an end, and it was time for him to leave the shower. Turning off the water, he reached towards where his towel would normally drape on the rail next to the curtains rings , but found the spot empty, the shower curtains pulled all the way to the wall. Shrugging he opened the curtain, hoping the towel would be hooked on where the hand towel laid, or hooked on the back of the door; but nothing. Looking around the bathroom, he found there to be not a single towel in the room, nor any clean clothes off his. He groaned, remembering his towel was in his suitcase as well as his clothes, and realized he'll have to walk out to grab his things. Or maybe he could ask Sicheng to bring his towel to him...?

   It's worth a shot asking. He opened the door a crack, only part of his face peaking out, "Hey Sicheng!" The other, who laid on the bed on his phone hummed. "Can you pass me my towel? It's in my suitcase."

   The Chinese looked up, and Yuta could already tell he wasn't going to like his answer. "Your towel? Hm... I think you can get it just fine without my help." He said from atop the bed, putting down his phone, hands behind his head and legs cross, ready to watch him having to walk around naked.

   He groaned, closing the door and leaned on the counter, looking at himself through the fogged mirror. Something caught his eye. Leaning closer, clearing the moisture from the mirror, he observed the flesh on his neck. The marking looked... much better than it's ever been. It stopped bleeding, and looked less irritated —it still looked bad, but it was looking like it was starting to heal, some bits scabbing over. The pain has also reduced quite a bit, no longer unbearable and more... uncomfortable. I wonder if Sicheng's feels the same?

   Shaking his head, he took a deep breath and opened the door and walked straight to his suitcase and bent down to search for his towel he knows he shoved in there that morning. He tried his best to ignore Sicheng's cat calling and lewd comments, such as-

   "Nice ass, can't wait to fuck that tight hole of yours!"

   He refused to acknowledge how he cheeks -facial cheeks- felt heated and instead growled back, "Shut it or I'm going to shove your dick so far your own ass, you'll be giving yourself a blowjob!"

   "Feisty~ I like it."

   Eyes tiny balls of fire, he ignores the other as he quickly dried himself and dressed himself for bed, completely given up on his plan of getting his towel and clothes, and hiding back in the bathroom to dry and change, not like he hasn't seen me naked before. Sighing, he laid down in the bed next to the other on his stomach, turning his head away from him with a soft groan and closed his eyes, ignoring Sicheng completely. Exhaustion seemed to finally sink in his bone heavier than ever before and he found himself asleep before he could even count to three.


   He looked down to the Japanese beside him, unmoving. Is he asleep already? Curious, he slowly and carefully put down his phone and moved to half-hover above the other enough to get a look the alpha's face, sure enough his eyes were shut and cutely buried in his arms, fluffy hair tickling his eyes, soft and clean. He couldn't stop himself from bringing a hand up to gently pet him. He quickly drew back seconds later, realizing the absurdity of his actions and turned around.

I need sleep, we have a game tomorrow and are going against each other the day after, I should sleep early. He got up, walking —more so tiptoeing— around the bed to click off the lights and casting the hotel room in an array of shadows and moonlight. Returning back towards the bed, he careful pulled down half of the covers to get under, he paused. Eyes looming over the others figure, he stepped back, heading towards the closet that neither of them bothered to use and let out a small hum of satisfaction when he found folded up blankets on the shelves atop the clothes bar.

He made sure the blanket covered every bit of the older's body except his head poking out to protect him from the slight cold the room had —his inner alpha felt a sort of proud satisfaction at being able to 'protect' his mate. Not even bothering to shove that feeling away, he got into bed next to him, under the covers, and leaned over, letting out a thin scent, not too strong, but strong enough that he saw the other move, which made him freeze, afraid that perhaps what he just did was too much, but exhaled the breath he held when the other merely turned his head, facing him, and shuffled every so slightly closer. He let himself and his inner alpha savor this small moment knowing that tomorrow would begin a new day with the same cycle which would remind himself of his real feelings for the other —the hatred and bitterness, the strive to do better than him.

Or will they?


   He awoke to his alarm at seven in the morning as usual. Yawning, he sat up, eyes closed. He sniffed the air, the fields going to be a bit wet today, I can smell the dew outside even from in here— his eyes shot open and jerked to the empty space besides him, void of a certain man. He frowned, he placed a hand where Yuta had been sleeping, feeling still some warmth, he most not have left too long ago —fuck, why do I care? I don't. My inner alpha's just bothered since it got its ego boost last night. He means nothing. He shook his head and got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready.


   "Why do we have to watch their game?" Yeonjun yawns besides him. "I could be catching up on sleep right now."

"Trust me, I don't want to be here as much as you do, but we have to show good sportsmanship." Sicheng simply said, eyes unintentionally drawn to own particular person running across the field. "Plus, isn't that crush of yours playing against East right now? That omega –what was his name? Bumgu?"

Yeonjun shot up, leaning on his knees as he was instead of leaning back sluggishly, "Beomgyu. You're right, he is playing right now. I should watch."

"'Crush'?" Taehyun looked confused, leaning closer from the other side of Yeonjun. "I thought you hated him? That he was annoying?"

"Crush? Fuck no he isn't my crush -and yes he is annoying."

"He's not your crush? Didn't Sicheng just say he was?"

   "I didn't hear him say that, you misheard, I'm only paying attention because Soobin's playing, and he's my best friend."

"And I'm not? Excuse me-"

Sicheng turns away, leaving the two to bicker and turned back to the game —solely to study up on East and how they play. To beat the enemy, you have to learn the enemy.

   Sadly his study session was interrupted.

   "Gege, do you have your credit card?" Chenle popped up behind suddenly, scaring the alpha.

   "Jesus Christ Chenle, yeah sure, but why don't you have your own with you? Or Kun's?" He questioned, Kun had just as much of a weak spot for the younger omega as he did.

   Chenle pouted, "He says I use his card as if it's my own."

   "Meaning you use it as if he's rich?"


   "Fine, here." He starts getting his wallet out, but was stopped by the younger's hand on his wrist.

   "Can you come to the concession stands with me?" Chenle put on his puppy eyes, matching the ones his puppy Daegal's. And fuck, it works.

   "Why? Can't you go with, like, Hendery or Sungchan?"

The younger shook his head. "Hendery is with Dejun probably making out in the bathroom, Kun-ge's with Ten, Sungchan is with Jaemin and Lucas down there cheering for Shotaro, Jisung, and Jungwoo-Hyung." He pointed down to the bottom of the stands closest to the field where, sure enough, the two tall alphas were cheering on the two. "And I don't want to go alone."

When did Dejun come- didn't he have classes going on?? What the- After a second of contemplation, glancing between the field and Chenle, he sighed and got up, "Fine, let's go."

   With a smile, Chenle grabbed him by the wrist and started dragging him into the stadium towards the elevator –no way in hell is he walking down that many stairs. As they waited for the elevator, Sicheng looked over to the young, who he thought of like a younger brother, frowning, face serious and thinking. He nudged him with an elbow, "Oi, what's up with you?"

   Chenle was quiet for a moment before speaking, softly asking, "Have Auntie and Uncle talked to you about your future mate? Like- are they going arrange it or are you choosing them yourself?"

   Rising a brow, "My mother told me to find myself a mate by the end of the end of Chinese New Years, or else she'll pick her for me." He explained, by frowned. "I really don't want her to though, she'll most likely pick some rich, spoiled omega."

   Chenle nodded, sympathizing. "Mm... Mama and Baba keep telling me to find myself an alpha from in influential family, but uh, I don't want to..." he bit his lip, voice dripping in worry and sadness. The elevator opened before Sicheng could reply, and once they stepped in, doors closing, Chenle continued, albeit a bit hesitant, "I'm worried, I'm dating Park Jisung -from East, you know him? I really really like him... I think we might be fated mates... but I don't think Mama and Baba would be happy."

   "Why wouldn't they be happy that you've met your fated mate?" Sicheng asked, arm already across the younger's shoulders.

   "Because Jisungie isn't from a influential family -his family isn't even rich... they're more so, I think lower middle class? I don't mind at all, they're nice and sweet, but you know how Mama and Baba are, they care so much- too much, about repetition and status."

   Just like mother and father. "What can they do to stop you? Shouldn't it be enough that he's an alpha and a gentlemen?" At least he's not an omega like you, like how Yuta's an alpha like me, at least you won't have to go through as much trouble as I'll have to in the future, I hope not. "You're an adult, and when you two get mated, what can they do? Separate you two? Not if they want to lose their only heir."

"You think so? I'm still worried, but that helps I guess..." Chenle deflated before he turned to him, suddenly intrigued, "Gege, speaking of mates... who did you get that mark from? Who's your mate?"

"Uh," he was not expecting that question from Chenle, nor form anyone else, nor today not any day. No has spoken or asked him about it since he got it, Kun and Ten had asked that day, but after not relenting, no one dared to ask, especially when he glared at them in a silent threat —not until the one who did it walked up to him the week after.

   Unsure of what to really say, Sicheng was relieved when the elevator dinged and opened up into the crowded stadium, "Ah, let's go, I'll buy you any food you like, let's go!" He grinned, taking the younger by the shoulder, glad to have to change the topic for the lack of privacy; Chenle frowned slightly, having been wondering about the mark for ages, a bit upset he wouldn't be getting the answer, maybe I can stop by his room later today and ask him, he has a single room so it'll be private.


   Returning with hands full of snacks and food, Sicheng parted with Chenle who went to go down to Sungchan and Lucas and bring them some snacks, and plopped himself beside Yeonjun once again, "Who's winning?"

   "East, they're up by ten points." Yeonjun grumbled, leaning back in his seat with a frown.

   "Why are you upset about that? That means we'll be going against them for sure tomorrow."

   Taehyun spoke before Yeonjun, "He's upset because if Frost University loses, then we won't be playing against them and he can't have his 'accidental' run-ins with Beomjun." He snickered.

   "That is not why-"

   "Everyone knows that's why."

   "Literally no one thinks that-"

   "Hey Dejun!" Taehyun quickly called to their teammates' lover who was walking past in the row behind them with food in hand and heading towards the others, the Chinese looking at him.

   "What's up?"

   "Yeonjun's upset that East is winning, do you know why?" Taehyun asked, acting as if he didn't know.

   Dejun shrugged, "Because he won't get to see that Beomjun guy as often?" he answered with the first thing that came to mind before walking off.

"See?" Taehyun turned back to a Yeonjun who was speechless and a snickering Sicheng.

Suddenly, a loud buzz sounded and Sicheng turned back to the field; it was the timer. The game was finished. He cursed. He didn't get to observe how East played, there aren't many chances to see how your opponent plays, and he only got to see half the game, and with the addition of this years freshmen they're bound to play different than last year, he can only hope his team's prepared enough for the game tomorrow.


"Hey, we're going to do great, stop worrying, I can practically hear you thinking."

   Sicheng turned around and watched as Kun walked up beside him, calm as can be despite one of their biggest matches against their greatest rivals starting in less than half an hour. "How can I not worry? We're going against East, they're our biggest competitor."

   "Chill out Sicheng, you make it out to be such a grand rivalry, as if everyone on our and their team are rivals, but you know that our teammates all intermingle and our friends are friends with our 'rivals', right? The only real rivalry is between you and Yuta." Kun pointed out, sitting down on the bench he was standing in front of.

   He rolled his eyes, "Of course I know that, I don't mind that they're friends or whatever, as long as it doesn't affect our game I'm fine with it —Chenles dating Jisung, but has that stopped him from stealing the ball from him? No." He started, sitting beside the elder. "I have no problem with it, but our schools have always been rivals since long long ago, so of course we'll keep that up, we're two of the best university in the areas, we're so close, both high and close in ranks, of course we'll be competitive, and soccers a competitive sport anyway." He stated.

   "Our teammates are rivals on the field, they act like it, they play like it, but off field they're friends and get along, some are lovers;" Kun mused as he looked at their teammates around them, Sicheng murmured in a agreement, he tore his eyes away from their friends to look at him. "But how come yours and Yuta's rivalry goes beyond the field?" Sicheng didn't say anything, rather staring out in front of him and observing the others, so he continued. "Even outside of soccer, you're both number one in your departments and always trying to score better than each other, you guys physically fight —and aren't your parents' company's competitors as well?" Sicheng had to clench his fists to stop himself from cursing. "Is that made you guys so...violent towards each other?"

"It's none of your business." That was the politest answer he could muster. "What goes on between him and I is personal, it's been on for a while, and quite frankly, it's not any of your guys' business-"

"It becomes our business when it's stops us all from hanging out with each other as a group and we have to be cautious every time you two are even in a half mile radius of one another." Kun seethed, speaking harshly, a sharp contrast to moments ago whne he was trying to ask gently, done with his crap. "When your shit starts interfering with ours, it's becomes our business. You two have to get your acts together and solve whatever it is."

Sicheng glared at him, "It's not that simple. It's not something that can just, be fixed in mere minutes or days." He said through grinding teeth.

"Sure. As if. Maybe if you two talked more you could fix it. You two seem pretty tame when you're alone in that hotel room of yours."

He froze.

"Don't think I didn't know you two have been sharing a room," Kun told him, his tone was as if he was a villain telling the hero that his plan was already in commence and there was nothing he could do about it; but for real, Sicheng was the villain, and Kun made his plans foiled.

He knows...? What more does he know? Kun knows they're sharing a room- but to what extent? How much does he know? The thoughts racing through his head has his blood run stagnant and his body tense, mouth silent, but expression nevertheless hostile.

"I don't know about the other guys, but talking with the other team in passing I can see that Yuta isn't rooming with any of his teammates, and, maybe this was assholish for me to do, but I went to the front desk to ask what you room you were in, and I had Taeyong ask what room Yuta was in. We both know neither of you two have asked anyone to switch rooms or anything." Kun confessed.

"Why would you even go and ask for our rooms? Kun, what the fuck?" He snarled.

The elder glanced away before staring back at him, "Taeyong and I were chatting when we saw you two marching up to the receptionist and demand to get separated rooms, we couldn't hear, being a bit far, but seeing how angry you two were when you walked away we could only put two and two together."

"As I was saying Sicheng, I don't know what the hell is going on with you two, you've been rooming together yet neither of you two have came out bloodied and bruised like always, yet you both still glare, growl, snarl, yell, insult, and are aggressive with each other. If you two can survive two night together without being bruised and bloodied, I'm sure you two can survive longer.

I'm telling you this over and over because I'm your friend Sicheng and I care about you, but I also care about the others on this team; get whatever the fuck you have with Yuta figured out, not just for your sake, but for all our sakes to."

Before Sicheng can utter a word, they're being called to get on the field, and he's forced to walk into the field, eyes instantly following Yuta's figure while Kun's word linger on his mind, creeping and crawling on his skin, in its wake leaving goosebumps and perhaps a trace of fear that lets itself escape, the fear that he knows, that Kun knows more than he should- more than he even knows.

They're eyes are locked as they walk up to the center line, not breaking when they get to position, the Japanese standing a few meters in front of him, himself at the center, ball at his feet. An unfamiliar fire seems to burn in Yuta's eyes, he feels that he too seems to be burning with a similarly different flame.




Quite a bit longer chapter, 3k words, I was actually gonna make it longer, up to the event that I've been planning of, but I decided that nah, nah, enoughs happened this chapter, it'll come next chapter

Speaking of which, another poll, would y'all preferr:

Weekly ish ~1.5-2.5kish word chapters


Longer chapters, ~2.5k+ words, updates maybe every other week or whenever I finish it

What do y'all think?

With the longer chapters the update schedule would be less reliable, like currently the expected update schedule or once a week, so y'all expect an update once a week -for me that doesn't mean once every 7 days, but rather once every Sunday-Saturday period if that makes sense. But with the longer chapter I don't think I could give a clear schedule as something I have more ideas, some days writers block, and sense they'd be longer chapters they'd take more time to finish, and overall story length would be shortened aka I was thinking this story would end with 30-40 chapters, but with longer chapters maybe it'll end 20-25 maybe I'm not sure, I just go with the flow, but with what I have in mind it'd seem like that

So just tell me what y'all think^^
Thank you


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