The Love of a Crow - Wesper/C...

By ameteurgamercom

109K 2.9K 4.3K

Welcome back to Ketterdam; it is still the same greasy Barrel Bucket you remember it as, but this time someth... More

1. Introduction
2. Matthias
5. Jesper
7. Jesper
8. Matthias
9. Jesper
10. Kaz
11. Kaz
12. Wylan
13. Matthias
17. Kaz
19. Wylan
20. Kaz
21. Jesper
22. Matthias
23. Wylan
24. Nina
25. Jesper
26. Inej
27. Kaz
28. Wylan
29. Inej
30. Wylan
31. Nina
32. Jesper
33. Jesper
34. Kaz
35. Inej
36. Kaz
38. Jesper
39. Jesper
40. Wylan
41. Kaz

37. Nina

1.7K 60 73
By ameteurgamercom

A/N: Heyyyy people, how we doing? You ready to see some action? Hehe... it's gonna get INTENSE! But sure, we'll have some build-up first, before I bring the pain. Enjoy! :)

  To say she was relieved when the two boys emerged side by side from the corridor would be an understatement, even for Nina. Sure, she knew Inej would use her 'Saintly ways' to convince Kaz, but the boy could be as oblivious as Matthias sometimes, which was definitely saying something.

Glancing over at him, Nina smiled. Matthias was slumped across the couch after failing to stay in his usual upright position, instead having his head supported by her shoulder. Her Fjerden was a tough nut to crack at first, but he really did just look like a fluffy polar bear when he slept.

Nina couldn't help remembering the night's events, and grimaced. Things went so horribly wrong, that at one point she had begun to consider the high possibility that they would never make it out of that stone circle. Not only were some of her only friends there with her, but so was Matthias. Nina knew it was what he was trained for since he was old enough to say 'drūsje', but she still loathed the fact that their jobs always shoved them in the centre of danger. How much could a Heartrender really protect him?

"Well, it seems the khebben have finally made up!" She grinned as both boys rolled their eyes. Inej and Nina had first started calling them khebben in secret, referring to the close bond of twins in Shu Han. Some of Nina's coaches and fellow Grisha had been khebben working at the Little Palace, and Jesper and Kaz acted no different from them. Always bickering and arguing over stupid things, refusing to admit they actually like each other, completely different personalities. And Nina found it incredibly entertaining.

"Wake up, Fjerden, we don't have all day," Kaz growled. Matthias gave a loud snort and jumped awake, and Nina struggled to hold back her laughter.

"Ok, what's the plan?" Jesper asked eagerly.

Kaz ruffled around in his pocket before pulling out a delicate map of the Warehouse District. Nina frowned at it.

"Do you seriously just carry one of those around in your pockets? What else have you got in there, a travelling circus?"

"If you don't mind I would prefer to focus on our target rather than my jacket!" He snarled, setting the map down on the coffee table. Everyone gathered around, eager to see the jumble of buildings and scribbles of names.

"Now, Van Eck probably wouldn't keep Wylan in his house, given how that went last time, and it would be way too obvious, and more difficult to clean up. He wouldn't send him to a different country, and he wouldn't keep him in any Suburban areas. So what does that leave?" Kaz pointed dramatically to the map, and Nina had to hold back a sneer; he didn't realise it, but Jesper wasn't the only one with a flare for the dramatic. "His three main warehouses."

"THREE?!" Jesper exclaimed. "Saints, I wouldn't be surprised if he also owned the palace at Ravka!"

"How will we know which one Wylan's in?" Inej asked.

"We won't. One of the warehouses is right next to his silos's at Sweet Reef, while the other two are at different sides. I'm assuming he's holding Wylan in the one closest to the Barrel. It has easy access to the canals for a quick escape and he can't have gotten too far in the past few hours. Wylan is recognisable, he would have had to hide him before the streets got too busy."

"So basically we're taking our chances?" Matthias said disbelievingly.

"A minute ago we didn't have any chances, Helvar, so I'd take this as a slight win. Now, Van Eck is smart; he won't want too much attention to himself, so he won't have put too many guards by the doors. He posts two guards outside on a day-to-day basis anyway, so we won't be able to tell from that. This warehouse has three floors, and Wylan will probably be kept on the second with a whole load of guards that we'll need to dispose of. Now, here's the pla-"

"What, that little lecture wasn't part of your grand plan?" Nina sighed.

Kaz glared at her before smirking. "I'd pay attention, Heartrender, as you'll be the star of the show."

"Aren't I always?"

Ignoring Nina's shallowness, Kaz continued. "Right, the plan is that Nina and I will approach the guards at the main entrance, her dressed in her old White Rose costume, me in a stadwatch disguise. She'll say that Van Eck sent her as a gift for working so hard."

"Couldn't I just tell them that I'm there to interrogate Wylan or something?" Nina wondered.

"If you do that and I've got the wrong place then it's all over. A message will get to Van Eck and he'll kill Wylan immediately, wherever he is." Kaz said grimly. The group remained silent after that. In all honesty, Nina had forgotten that one of their Crow's lives was on the line. Or maybe she was just trying her best to block out that fact, because Kaz was right; if they got this wrong...

"Jesper, Inej, you two will be on the roof of the neighbouring building. There's a skylight on the roof, and while Nina and I are distracting them you guys will break in. Get through the first two floors and if he's not there, then try and take the ground floor. There'll be more guards there, and if we hear you two then we'll help out and kill them all. It will send a message to Van Eck without telling him what we were really there to do. Matthias, you'll be across the street keeping an eye out for Van Eck's carriage. If you see anything you'll alert Nina, who will have to find a way to get out. Jesper, Inej, one of you will have to keep an eye out for the windows, which is where you'll see the carriage."

"What do we do when we have Wylan?" Said Jesper, with no doubt in his voice. Nina envied his optimism; he clearly trusted that Kaz had chosen the right warehouse, and Saints did Nina pray they were right.

"Once you have Wylan take him out the same way you came in. Join up with Matthias down the street and he'll signal Nina and I. We'll find our own way out." Kaz finished. The Crows murmured to each other, reviewing the plan.

Finally, Matthias spoke. "Well, Brekker, you may be the biggest demjin I've ever met but you definitely have a knack for short-notice planning."

Kaz nodded, unfazed by the compliment. "Van Eck has tons of random, and might I add expensive, junk lying around in those warehouses. Sometimes it's good to plan ahead."

"We're not too late, are we?" Jesper whispered, glaring at the ground. Nina didn't know how to comfort her friend when the same thoughts were swirling around her own head. If they made it into the warehouse and found Wylan's corpse Nina didn't know what she would do, and it would be even worse for Jesper for... obvious reasons.

A loud thunk abruptly cut her thoughts, and she turned to see Kaz had jammed the bottom of his cane loudly into the floor. He scowled at Jesper. "I am a man of many faces, Jesper Fahey, but if there is one thing I am not, it is Late."

Jesper stood dumbstruck, before a grin lit up his face. The others soon followed suit, even Kaz, and Nina had never wished more that she was a good sketch artist, because that smile would have looked fabulous on a Wanted poster.

Soon they had begun to load up on weapons, and Nina had stuffed herself into the uncomfortable uniform at the White Rose that had never seemed to appreciate that not all girls were the size of toothpicks. But for Wylan, she would fit herself into a burlap sack if it meant reaching him. This was their moment to put their greed and vanity and lust to the side to save someone they cared about.

We're coming for you, Wylan.


As far as plans went, this was by far the most stressful one Jesper had ever attended. Even more stressful than the one where they all had to dress up in furs and wool and sneak into an old farmhouse, but even then that had been hilarious to watch. But ever since Jesper had accepted his... feelings of Wylan, his heart was set on one thing and one thing only, that not even the image of Dirtyhands dressed up as a sheep could distract him.

By the time they had finished planning and had gotten ready the winter sun was already setting, which was good since now two hooligans on a roof was less noticeable. Or, just one hooligan; Inej walked with such grace you would think she could evaporate through the rough tiles.

Suddenly she jerked a hand up and Jesper froze on the roof, heart thudding as his whole body almost toppled over the edge. In the unearthly silence Jesper could hear the warm murmurings of Nina as she flirted with the guards. She seemed to be an expert in this field, as he could practically hear the guards melting at her voice.

Men, Jesper laughed to himself. They could bow down at the slightest call if given the right leverage.

"Can you see the skylight?" Jesper hissed.

"Not yet. Wait... found it!" Inej whispered back excitedly. Jesper took a deep breath. This was it. Their entry would determine whether Kaz had chosen the right warehouse or not, and he was terrified. It felt like some sort of sick game Van Eck was playing with them, the ultimate scam. It was annoying to admit it, but the merchant was incredibly smart. Like father, like son.

"Jes, you ready?" Inej said worriedly.

Jesper nodded. "Let's get our merchling back."

Slowly and as silently as she could, the Wraith popped open the skylight, wincing as the window screeched before coming to a stop. Jesper peered over the edge inside. It was completely black, a never-ending pit of darkness. They wouldn't be able to see where the ground was, and for all they knew they could keep falling through all floors. It looked like a trap. It felt like a trap. But either way, Wylan was the bait, and he wasn't going to lose him now.

"Well. Ladies first." Jesper smirked. Inej rolled her eyes before he felt hands at his back, and suddenly he was falling, falling, falling, trying desperaretly to right himself-

"Euff!" He landed in a heap on the floor, quietly cursing Inej as he stood up and watched her drop down gracefully.

"Ladies go first when they want to, Jesper. And besides, that was very entertaining to watch."

Jesper scowled before peering around the bare room. Because that's what it was; bare, spare for a few desolate crates in the corner that wouldn't even house a child. The only source of light came from the stairwell, where a lamp must have been lit on the second floor.

Cautiously the pair crept down, hearing voices of guards and the now-clearer voice of Nina Zenik. This time the second floor wasn't completely empty; a lone guard rested against the wall. Inej had a knife in his back in seconds. Jesper rushed forward and caught him before he could make a noise.

Once again, no sign of Wylan. An icy-cold fear was beginning to rinse down Jesper's throat, threatening to drown him. Kaz had been so sure at the time, and it made the most logical sense but...

"We've still got another floor to go. It's not over yet, Jes." Inej patted his shoulder softly, and all he could do was follow her as they snuck closer to the final stairwell leading downstairs.

Compared to the never-ending darkness this room shone with light, parts from the various lanterns dotted around and parts from the cool streetlamps leaking inside from the open doorway. Jesper shot a glance at Kaz and Nina, who seemed to be having trouble. The guards had suddenly become uneasy, clutching their weapons and answering harshly. They were running out of time.

Kaz looked up to meet Jesper's eyes. He nodded under his horrid stadwatch hat. In two seconds one of the guards was on the floor, groaning in pain. The other guard flung his gun widely around, but Nina grabbed it and elbowed him harshly. Somehow he recovered though, and began racing out of the doorway. Nina flung up her hands to stop his heart, but the first guard grabbed her legs, distracting her for just enough time. The guard disappeared from Jesper's sight.

Remembering his job, Jesper jumped over the railing and landed on the ground floor-

Surrounded by guards.

"Oh shit." He whispered. The loading of half a dozen guns at once brought him back from his panic, and the fight began.

Jesper dived behind a large crate, grateful that this room was actually full. He began firing wildly, knocking down guard after guard. Inej joined him, jumping between the islands of crates and over the sea of blood to reach her targets. Nina was doing her best to help, and got down two guards before the others caught on, and began hiding themselves from view. Nina cursed under her breath before pulling out a small dagger.

Far away Jesper could hear Kaz yelling for Matthias as he chased down the guard. He's going to Van Eck, Jesper released with dismay. And if he reached his goal, then what would happen? The whole of the Warehouse District would be swarmed, and it wouldn't matter whether they had found Wylan or not; they would be like fish in a barrel.

Focus, Jes, a strong voice ordered him as he peeked his body around the crate, aiming at a guard opposite him. Matthias is bound to catch him, and right now the last thing we need is to lose our-

A shriek overwhelmed the air around him, and Jesper only realised it was his own when he felt the burst of blood gush from his shoulder. A bullet had found him in the shoulder from a guard diagonal. Luckily his wails of pain were drowned out by the gunfire, and he had enough time to duck back into his hiding place and rest his head against the crate.

Saints, that had hurt. Of course, he had been shot too many times to count, but usually they were mere scrapes and small pellets that would barely leave scars. This had hit directly in the centre of Jesper's left shoulder, and the pain was like nothing he had ever felt before. Jesper weakly put his hand over the wound, nearly throwing up as the flesh throbbed and pumped out ruby-red blood. He was going to faint, he couldn't stop it. It was a burning agony, and passing out would have been a relief, Jesper concluded as he reluctantly closed his eyes, and the sounds faded away.


I'll get us both home, or I'll die trying.

Well, Jesper may have been dying, but Wylan still had a chance, and Jesper would hold onto that for as long as he could. He had made a promise, and he would keep it. For Wylan.

"Jesper, are you ok?" Nina shouted from across the room. Jesper had managed to tear a piece of cloth covering the crates, and had wrapped it as tight as he could around his shoulder. It would last, but for how long? Jesper didn't know, but it was too late to lay down and die now; Nina would simply resurrect him and kill him again.

"I'm fine!" Jesper yelled back, before realising the room had gone silent. All the guards were dead, leaving a mess of bodies and broken furniture, crates and boxes stacked into corners and random spots in the room. There were even a few limp tapestries pinned to the walls.

"Did anyone see Wylan?" Jesper asked weakly, but he knew the answer already. Though a trap had been set, Wylan wasn't here. Kaz had chosen the wrong warehouse.

Jesper slowly sunk to the floor, burying his face in his hands. There was no way they could reach Wylan in time, even if Matthias and Kaz managed to stop the messenger. Van Eck would have spies everywhere reporting back to him. Wylan was gone.

"Saints. Oh Saints, I'm so sorry." Jesper's body wracked with dry sobs, the pain from the bullet suddenly seeming less severe.

"I'm sorry, Jesper," Inej said quietly as she squeezed his shoulder. "This wasn't how it was supposed to go."

"Yeah, we all wanted to get Wylan home. And hey, maybe there's still a chance we can-"

"Sh!" Jesper cut her off.


"No, I'm serious! I hear something." Jesper whispered. Faintly he could pick up on a low whistling sound, like wind through a tunnel... no, not a tunnel; a door. That was when he saw it. A tapestry flapping against the wall fluttered and danced, revealing a chunk of wood next to the bricks.

Jesper almost bumped into the wall in his haste, and wasted no time in ripping down the tapestry. In front of him lay a heavy wooden door fastened with a padlock.

"Oh my Saint," Nina muttered. She turned around frantically. "Where's that damn lock picking Brekker when you need him?!"

"We don't need him." Jesper said as he clutched the arms of the padlock, holding back his screams as he wrenched them apart, and the chains fell. The door creaked open, and a cold air blew through. Inej held up a lantern as the trio cautiously stepped inside, but Jesper barely felt whatever fear he should be feeling at the discovery of a hidden door. This was their last shot at finding Wylan. He wouldn't waste either of their lives fearing what lay ahead. 

A/N: Just ignore the fact that that plan made absolutely no sense! These cliffhangers must be getting painful! Either way, I hope you have a good day/night and I'll see you later. Bye!

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