"A Mile In Your Shoes..."

By MannieMora

1.3K 210 94

I'm afraid of dying. For that reason alone, I have tried my very best to avoid travelling long distances. Me... More



47 7 2
By MannieMora

"It's best if we put your talents to good use."

"What do you mean?"

"Lawrence could use your writing skills to his advantage. A few speeches, some pictorials, a good story."

"I thought he had a team doing that for him already?"

"They're bumbling idiots. This way, you'll have something to keep you busy, something to focus on... Lawrence."

"Excuse me?"

"Rex, I'm not blind. I see the attraction between the two of you. I've been in that situation before. I'm not against it, which is why I'm trying to throw you in the path of chaos." Lilian winked at me, then continued cutting the stem of the white Tulips she was arranging on a crystal vase.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Lilian."

"Fine. Play dumb with me. I only ask one thing. That you love Lawrence for who he is, and not use him as a substitute for your dear husband."

"I would never! I think the world of Lawrence. He has many qualities and charms that are his alone, ones that I have not seen in Louis, God bless his soul."

"Like what?"

"He's focused. He has goals. He has a plan to reach those goals. He is headstrong. When he sets his mind on something, he does everything he can to achieve that goal. He is patient, he forgives easily, he has a melodic laughter, an enigmatic smile, a warm and sincere touch... a face that's more handsome than Louis."

"They're identical."

"To you, and to the rest of the world, perhaps. Not to me. I've noticed the differences. Louis is smooth, Lawrence is chiseled to perfection. Louis is lean, Lawrence has muscles in all the right places.

"You speak highly of Louis, to the point that you indirectly hurt the feelings of Lawrence, and although it is true that Louis is a gem of a person... Lawrence is the sun.

"It was Lawrence who kept coming back to my bed in the hospital to check on me and make sure I was alright. Not many people would do that to a stranger... especially not the husband of his estranged brother."

"So you think Lawrence is better than Louis?"

"Not better. Different. They both have redeeming qualities... and I have been blessed to see those qualities in both wonderful men." I finished, my heart was beating a thousand miles per second. My face was flushed, but I believe someone had to stand up for poor Lawrence.

"Point taken. I will refrain from comparing my sons from now on. I do love them both, but the distance wedged between this family and Louis has made me long for him more than the son I have with me." Lilian had a sad look on her face.

"That's understandable, but not ideal. They both love you, they both deserve your love and your attention."

"It took me years to accept Louis' moving away. I tried everyday to call him, write to him. He thought I shared the same viewpoints my husband had when I didn't defend him that fateful night. He didn't understand my opinions didn't matter to my late husband."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know." I apologized.

"No one did. They thought I was the perfectly happy little wife. No one knew of the humiliations, the insults, and the hurtful words that were thrown at me behind closed doors."

"And you just allowed it?"

"I loved their father. He meant the world to me. He elevated my status from a simple country girl to a sophisticated matriarch. From jeans to slacks. From ponytails to french curls. From rags to riches."

"That still does not make it right. How he treated you..."

"Was forgiveable. Like I said... he meant the world to me. I would've shaved my head if he asked me to."

"Blind obedience does not look good on you."

"Which is why after my husband's death, I became more vocal, more outspoken, more demanding."

"So far I've seen that all your demands are within acceptable reasons."

"Like me wanting you to help Lawrence with his campaign?"

"Is that a demand?"

"A request." She smiled.

"I would be happy to help in any way I can. It is not an obligation, but a priviledge."

"So when can you start?"

"Lawrence! How long have you been standing in the shadows?" I asked, flustered.

"Here, this came in for you. I saw it on the front porch." He walked towards me smiling, a simple cargo box in hand.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't know. There wasn't a card to accompany it."

"Call the security personnels. Have them check it first!" Lilian started pulling Lawrence and I out of the house to the outdoor tennis court.

A team of black suited men entered the house, and started inspecting the package. I heard one of them order two members to check the CCTV cams. In less than ten minutes one of them came out to where Lawrence, Lilian, and I stood.

"It says Rex on the letter." The man said, handing me the burnt black leather jacket I wore on that ill-fated flight.

"What does it say?" Lilian asked, peering behind my left shoulder.

I opened the letter with trembling hands. In it were four scribbled words.

"I know your secret." I read breathlessly before everything spun around me... and I fainted.

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