The Big Reveal

By bangkook27

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Mi Hana, a newly certified makeup artist from America, comes to Korea and has to find a nice job, in order to... More

Chapter 1│Impression
Chapter 2 │Chances
Chapter 3 | Glimpse
Chapter 4 | Rush
Chapter 5 | Surprise!
Chapter 6 | Apology
Chapter 7 | Beginning
Chapter 8 | Contract
Chapter 9 | Pink
Chapter 10 | Awkward
Chapter 11 | Busy
Chapter 12 | Prank
Chapter 13 | Handsome
Chapter 14 | Angst
Chapter 15 | Misconceptions
Chapter 16 | One Table
Chapter 17 | Close
Chapter 18 | Free
Chapter 19 | Lift
Chapter 20 | Wrong Question
Chapter 21 | Curiosity
Chapter 22 | Mistake
Chapter 23 | One Bed
Chapter 24 | Tragedy
Chapter 25 | Impulsive
Chapter 26 | Oppa
Chapter 27 | Eavesdrop
Chapter 28 | Advise
Chapter 29 | Breathe
Chapter 30 | Let go
Chapter 31 | Bitter Sweet Kiss
Chapter 32 | Pen Down
Chapter 33 | Family
Chapter 34 | Kiss me more
Chapter 35 | Asset
Chapter 36 | Se7en
Chapter 38 | Pain
Chapter 39 | Brink
Chapter 40 | Finally
Chapter 41 | Intimate
Chapter 42 | Guilt
Chapter 43 | Reunion
Chapter 44 | Banished
Chapter 45 | Punish me
Chapter 46 | Kiss me?
Chapter 47 | Almost dead
Chapter 48 | Euphoria
Chapter 49 | Dedication
Chapter 50 | Boys
Chapter 51 | Surprise (2)
Chapter 52 | Truth?
Chapter 53 | Distance
Chapter 54 | Missed you
Chapter 55 | Escape
Chapter 56 | On my way!
Chapter 57 | Need
Chapter 58 | Pay me
Chapter 59 │Breathless
Chapter 60│Home
Chapter 61 │Confession
Chapter 62│Pal
Chapter 63 | The
Chapter 64 | Big
Chapter 65 | Reveal
Chapter 66 | Broken
Chapter 67 | A friend in need
Chapter 68 | Care
Chapter 69 | Void
Chapter 70 | Blame
Chapter 71 | Tears
Chapter 72 | Forgive, Forget
Chapter 73 | Back at it
Chapter 74 | Falling
Chapter 75 | Fix you
Chapter 76 | Restart
Chapter 77 | Connection
Chapter 78 | Outcomes
Chapter 79 | Acceptance
Chapter 80 | Decision
Chapter 81 | Irrevocable
Chapter 82 | Heaviness
Chapter 83 | Dialogue
Chapter 84 | Line
Chapter 85 | News
Chapter 86 | Farewell
Chapter 87 | Still with you
Chapter 88 | Make it right

Chapter 37 | Dance

1.7K 54 86
By bangkook27

I sit at the back of the SUV Jimin is driving. He is not wearing his coat, just his white dress shirt, with his newly colored hair dangling. He looks too hot while driving. Jin sits on the front seat, while Jungkook sits next to me. The car would have easily fitted another person if only my dress didn't take much space. Jungkook just looks out of the window.

"So, what are you all going to do there?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Ah..." Jin speaks. "Namjoon and Yoongi will play cards with their old friends. Hobi will teach his bodyguard fellows his dance moves, and Taehyung and Jimin will..," he stops briefly and eyes Jimin, who doesn't look back.

"They will hook up with someone," Jin finally speaks up.

Listening to him, Jimin steps on the break, making me jump and hit the front seat's back.

"Ouch!" I yelled, rubbing my forehead.

"Are you okay?" asks Jungkook, holding me back to the seat. "YA!" he suddenly yells looking at the rear mirror. "Can you not drive nicely?"

"Jin Hyung! Can you keep your mouth shut?" says the small, angry ball. Jin could do nothing but laugh. Jimin looks back at me.

"Sorry, Noona!"

"Well, he didn't lie, anyway," mumbles Jungkook, as he returns to his position, almost laughing.

"Hana, he is shy in front of you, but not the dozens of the girls he will allure, tonight," giggles Jin. It made me laugh out too.

"What about you and.." I steal a glance at Jungkook. "Jungkook?"

"Oh, as usual, we sit at a corner and drink. If we sit somewhere in-between, girls never stop asking out for a dance."

"Oh right, I can expect that," I say aloud. Jin giggles.

The car finally comes to a halt, with Jimin aggressively putting off his seat belt. I press my hand on his shoulder. "Jimin! Fix your mood. I bet girls won't like this kind." Jimin laughs lightly. "I'm good, don't worry!" he says winking.

We get off the car, joining the other boys getting off from the other car.

We entered through the restricted entrance because the main entrance was crowded by the stupid paparazzi. It all looked good behind the camera when we used to get video clips from very close, but now I face it every day, I have realized how bad it can get. You are happy or sad; these cameras will always barge into your face. I still wonder when I lay unconscious on the ground and instead of getting me up, they were continuously flashing their cameras.

The boys grouped around me, while I stand in the center, and then we walked down the hall. It was an electrifying moment. The whole of the hall stopped and glared at us. The boys maintained their cold vibe, while I tried copying them.

Not even near. Just don't even try.

I don't know who they were; they weren't the same boys I saw daily - the laughing, jiggling babies. Everyone had a unique gait, with their hands shoved in their pockets.

Damn, can we rule the world now?

As I looked around, I could see a dozen of known faces. The hall was star-studded, with many famous personalities roaming around. We stopped in a corner and the boys scattered without saying a word. Jin, Jungkook and I are left.

"Umm, should I go somewhere too?" I babble, looking around the crowded hall.

"Stay with me," says Jungkook, holding my hand. I jerk it instantly.

"Are you kidding me? You're in public." He just stares.

"That corner, we will go there!" points Jin on a desolate set of chairs in the dullest part of the hall. Jungkook walks without any question. I follow them.

[One hour later]

We are still sitting. Jin is drinking his second glass of champagne, while Jungkook and I enjoy Hobi's dance on the floor, which in near times has no plans to get off the floor.

Gosh, he is definitely in a right place.

I pour my fourth glass of champagne, while the two stare at me. "Hana, don't drink anymore." Says Jin, separating his glass from his lips.

"What do you want me to do then? This place is boring!" my voice was already dizzy.

"Should we go home? There's no one," whispers Jungkook, lightly in my ear. I rolled off my eyes.

Seriously, what kind of party is this?

As I finished gulping down the champagne, the lights suddenly went off, but came back just after a few seconds, only flashing the dancing floor now.

"Ah... time for the couple thing," exasperates Jin. "Let's hide under the table, hyung."

My mind suddenly clicked.

Let's have some fun!

"Jin?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he replies, gulping the last sips of champagne. I stand up on my feet and walk to his side, while Jungkook's eyes follow. I gave out my hand.

"Let's dance."

My offer made him choke and cough, while Jungkook kept on staring. "Who? Me?" reassures Jin, raising his head.

"I don't see any other Jin," I say, looking around.

As my eyes were fixed on Jin, I knew Jungkook was furious. He gritted his teeth and said nothing. I stole a glance at him. He was looking at me with his hungry, raging eyes, and sliding tongue on his lips, while he lightly nods.

The view disrupts as Jin gets up, finally. He combs his hair with his fingers and smiles widely. I hold his arm and we make our way towards the floor.

"Hana, I hardly know how to dance," he exclaims, as we face each other to start the dance. The music was some kind of classical orchestra.

"Don't worry, just dance with me for some time," he nods.

I hold his hand up, mingling my fingers with his, and place my other hand on his shoulder. I have attended quite many proms back in America, so nobody can beat me in dancing. As soon as I hold Jin's hand, his body becomes rigid and his expressions were confused.

"Here," I held his other hand. "Keep it here," I say placing it on my back.

"Whoa, this feels weird," he says, laughing under his breath.

Just within a few minutes, I taught him to step here and there. He is so happy learning the dance, while I know how hard Jungkook is trying to stay calm in his seat. He's staring right at me, wherever I move. His eyes are haunting me now.

Let's make him burn even more.

"Jin, tell me a joke." He looks at me in surprise. "Well, don't make me say it if you really want to laugh," he giggles.

"Just say!" I say, watching Jungkook from a distance.

"Umm okay." He looks around.

"Okay so, why do you think these celebrities look so cool?"

"Umm, I don't know."

"Because they have a lot of fans." We burst into laughter. Jin genuinely laughs at his joke, while I just laugh to cover it up. We both are dancing and laughing, isn't this what a good couple does?

After laughing for a few minutes, I finally look towards Jungkook. He's no more in his seat. I look around as far as I could, but I couldn't find him. Did he leave? Was he this jealous?


"Ahan?" I reply to Jin, still looking for Jungkook.

"How do you do that roll thing?" His question made me want to stretch his cheek. He is so innocent.

I untangle my fingers from his and raise his hand with mine.

"Okay, now you give your hand a spin and it will make me twirl as well. Catch on me after this, okay?" I explain to him, while he listens with concentration.

On my lead, he spins his hand, but little did he know it had to be done lightly. His spin made my head twirl and I lost my balance while turning around. As I made my way to the ground, a pair of hands grips me from my waist, making me hit my head to his chest.

I return to my senses, with my dress still twirling from the heavy spin Jin gave me. I made my way up, straightening only to find Jungkook standing. His eyes are dark and studying me.

"That was a good swirl, wasn't it?" giggles Jin as he makes his way back towards the seat, while I stood trapped in Jungkook's arms.

"You were looking for me. Weren't you?" he murmurs, moving his legs, swinging our bodies lightly.


His eyes suddenly opened out of surprise. "Why? Did I trap you already?"

"No. I thought you left," his expressions were disappointing.

"How could I leave you here?" he inquired, yet answered. "Why did you dance with Jin?" his question was cold.

"He is so handsome, who would not dance with him?"

"You know, you are adding in your punishments."

I look into his eyes. He is already punishing me. Every passing second, he is making me accept that I love him, madly. Not the way I always loved him, but it's different now.

The song slows down, making it even more romantic. He grips my hand, palm in the palm, and places his arm on my back. His cold hand sent currents down my body.

"Jungkook, we should not do this. You are in public."

"As I care?" he says, immediately.

"Well, I do."

He swings his hand lightly, making me twirl, and holds me as soon as I come back.

"Show me how you care about me."

I just nod, pursing my lips to hide my smile.

He suddenly strengthens his hold on my back and bends me downwards, in a bachata pose. My whole weight is one of my legs, while the other is lay straight between Jungkook's. This is when I realize that I am holding on to his neck. He picks me up, making our foreheads touch each other.

He is all over me, he is growing on me.

The song suddenly stops, lightening the whole hall now. There were just applause and whistling around. I instantly get off his grip and run towards Jin, who is apparently busy with his phone.

[One hour passed]

"Here!" the keys comes dashing in Jungkook's hand when Yoongi threw them. "I am taking the boys. You just drop Hana on your way."

"But, wait!" I yell.

Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon look back.

"How will you six fit in the car?" They look at each other.

"Jin and Namjoon on the front seats as their legs are too long," snaps Yoongi. "Me, Taehyung, and J-hope at the back."

"Jimin?" I ask, not missing my little baby behind.

"On their laps," states Jin, tapping Yoongi's thighs. "Where is our drunk mochie, anyway?"

Namjoon points towards the main door. The boys leave.

I picked up my phone just to see the time when Jungkook's hand pulls me back. I look at him in surprise just to find him taking a selfie. I smile in a fake manner, and he clicks like a million pictures.

[After one hour]

I am almost asleep, while Jungkook's conversation with his friend, Yugyeom never ends. I took a sigh of relief when finally they both hug each other and Yugyeom nods me lightly and leaves.

"Let's go."

"Thank God!" I cried.

We walk towards the main entrance when a known face appears. I don't remember his name but I knew he is another great singer. He nods me lightly and starts talking to Jungkook.

Not Again.

My heels were killing me now. I cannot stand it. Before I would fall, I shoved my hand in Jungkook's pocket and took the keys.

"I am going." He just nods and continues talking.


I made my way to the parking in the basement. It's way colder outside, and my chest is exposed to the cold. I rush towards the parking lot, looking for the car. I clicked the unlock button, making the car bang a sound.

There it is, at the end of the hall. I walk slowly towards the car when I heard someone speak from behind.

"Where are you going, lovely dovely?" As I turned, three drunk, old men with the biggest tummies stood in the entrance. I ignored them and walked to the car. I could hear their footsteps pacing with mine. The faster I got, the faster they got. I looked around, there was no one around and I could barely see any cameras.

"Stop running, your pussy is too attractive," the man's filthy voice was followed by laughter.

I am in big trouble.

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