Ahsoka Tano One-Shots

By TwentyFunnyBunnies

132K 2.7K 3K

Ahsoka Tano: Jedi padawan of Anakin Skywalker, grandpadawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, commander of the 501st, friend... More

Driven Away
Couldn't Stay Away
Ahsoka's Haunted Life
Young Blood, Old Eyes
Modern AU
Modern AU | Part II
Happy Birthday, Ahsoka!
Torn | Part 2
What Happened On Mortis?
An Unexpected Encounter
An Unexpected Encounter | Part 2
The Family Life
Are You An Angel?
Dad Moment
Training Retreat
Memories around the Campfire
Rare Merchandise
Priority, Not Dislike
One Save Against A Thousand Losses
The Death Of Kix
A Little Celebrity
Eat That
Holiday Celebration
Veins of Fire and Ice
Veins of Fire and Ice | Part 2
Prepare For Your Eyes To Bleed
A Mission To Shili
Too Young, Too Mature, Too Much
More Than Friends
C to the K
C to the K | Part 2
Ahsoka The Zombie
May The 4th Special
Mess Hall Clean Up
Mess Hall Clean-up | Part 2
A Mission to Shili | Part 2
And The War Drags On
A Mission To Hoth
A Mission to Hoth | Part 2
It's a Togruta Thing
Night at the Med-bay
Nice to Meet You, Thanks For Saving My Life
Nice To Meet You, Thanks For Saving My Life | Part 2
A Crowded, Empty Cruiser
Reach For The Stars
There's A Last Time For Everything
Teamwork | Part 2
Who Did This To You?
Who Did This To You? | Part 2
Who Did This To You? | Part 3
Execute Order 66
Caf | Part 2
Anakin... What. The. Kriff.
The Cutest Little Bundle of Commander
Aw, Dang it, I Chipped a Nail
Pool Party
Dream Duty
Dear Anakin, Obi-Wan, and 501st
Obi-Wan... lives?
Commander Cody's Guide: How to Drink
Big Brothers, Big Face-Palm
Performing Arts Credit | Modern AU
Battle Log: If We Don't Make It Out Alive
Disappointment for Dinner
How Many Older Brothers?
The Perfect Padawan
The Imperfect Master
Grand Padawan Hunt
Bye Bye, Little Butterfly
Scars Open Wide
Safer Ground
Baby Jedi
It Was Christmas Morning | Modern AU
Like a Deadly Ballerina
Rex, You Come Down!
Snippets with Snips
Lend Me an Arm | Febuwhump Day 1
Flinch Test | Febuwhump Day 2
Like An Animal | Febuwhump Day 3
Pretty Little Pet | Febuwhump Day 4
Tattoo | Febuwhump Day 5
Secrets of the Force | Febuwhump Day 6
Not Okay | Febuwhump Day 7
I Think I'd Have a Heart Attack | Febuwhump Day 8
So, so Dead | Febuwhump Day 8
Okay is Okay | Febuwhump Day 10
Purple Rancor on the Wall | Febuwhump Day 11
Orange Hot Pain | Febuwhump Day 12
Casually Almost Died | Febuwhump Day 13
Happy Birthday to You | Febuwhump Day 14
A Long Ride | Febuwhump Day 15
Get Down! | Febuwhump Day 16
Another (un)Happy Landing | Febuwhump Day 17
Daylight Savings | Febuwhump Day 18
You Deserve This | Febuwhump Day 19
One Question: What's Your Favorite Color? | Febuwhump Day 20
Why Doesn't She Like Me? | Febuwhump Day 21
Track Sleet | Febuwhump Day 22
A Walking Grave | Febuwhup Day 23
One Question: What's Your Favorite Color? | Part Two | Febuwhump Day 24
Free Falling | Febuwhump Day 25
Give Me a Leg and Hold My Hand | Febuwhump Day 26
Warm Fire, Chilly Floor | Febuwhump Day 27
Another (un)Happy Landing | Part 2 | Febuwhump Day 28
Give me a Leg and Hold My Hand | Part 2
You Deserve This | Part 2
What to do With the Kids?
Blue Moonflower
Purple Moonflower
An Unexpected Encounter | Part 3
Take a Day
Some Days Are Worse
When You Leave Your Padawan Home Alone (With a Gaggle of Clones)
Your Master My Master
Warm, Welcome Arms
Warm, Welcome Arms | Part 2
Warm, Welcome Arms | Part 3
Warm, Welcome Arms | Part 4
Like They Knew Each Other
Crimson, Scarlet, Ruby Red
Hacking and Coughing
Kiss the Floor | Whumptober day 1
Mind of a Medic | Whumptober day 2
Too Blasted Tired | Whumptober Day 3
When the Galaxy Goes Still | Whumptober Day 4
It Should've Been Me | Whumptober Day 6
Anakin the Limp Noodle | Thanksgiving Special
The Battle After Battle's Won | Whumptober day 7
Magic Medic Hands| Whumptober Day 9
At Least a Goodbye | Whumptober Day 10
But Not Today | Christmas Special
She Meant It | Christmas Special 2.0
I'm So Sorry...
Just a Nobody Turning Eighteen
Just Fangirling in the Background
She Will Prevail
I Fell Down The Stairs
The Most Epic Game of Capture the Blue Milk Ever
Forever Grateful
Here On Earth Everything's Different
Kriffing Expendable
Like Herding Tookas
Lead Me Through the Night
Padawan to Padawan
I Will Fight for You
So Broken You're Not
Even Stone Chips
Even Castles Crumble

Rare Merchandise | Part 2

806 20 10
By TwentyFunnyBunnies

Heyo, human beings from outer space!

As requested by @legoryan and @AhsokaJedi, here is part 2! Thanks for the support and request, you two, I hope you enjoy it!

Myyy taaags areeeen't woooorkiiiing. 

Need I say more?

Read on if you dare.

"Best, for her to immediately become your padawan, it is, Skywalker," Yoda decided. "Understand the hardships of adjusting from slavery, you do. The best option, this is."

Anakin, who stood with Ahsoka and Obi-Wan in the middle of the Council Chambers, bowed. "Of course, Master. Thank you."

"Dismissed, you are," Yoda announced.

Bowing again, Anakin began leading the other two out of the Council Chambers.

"Master Kenobi, stay, you must," Yoda called after them.

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan turned back to the Council Chambers.

Anakin kept walking, and he lead Ahsoka out into the hallway.

"So," Anakin started, "you hungry, kid? You're all skin and bones."

"Will it be my daily ration?" Ahsoka asked softly.

"No, not at all," Anakin's heart ached for her. "You can eat whenever you want."

Ahsoka gave him a somewhat confused look, "Whenever I want... however much food I want in a day?"

"Yeah," Anakin replied. "You want some."

"Yes," Ahsoka's eyes brightened slightly. "I am very hungry."

"I imagine you are," Anakin sighed. He took Ahoska to the mess hall where they were able to have a meal. Anakin bit his lip in sorrow when she nearly vomited after three bites because her stomach wasn't used to normal food.

Needless to say, Ahsoka ended up dumping most of her food.

Obi-Wan found them just as they were about to leave.

"Anakin, you've been reassigned to new quarters, a shared master-padawan arrangement," Obi-Wan announced. "I've moved some of your mechanic junk there already."

"Hey," Anakin snapped. "It's not junk!"

"Whatever it is," Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "You can take Ahsoka there to get settled in her cabin. It's the same one you and I shared, my former padawan."

Anakin smirked from the memories that flashed through his mind. "Come on, Ahsoka."

Ahsoka followed him silently to their new quarters. Anakin palmed the door open and let them inside.

"So, this is the living room," Anakin gestured widely to the space, deciding that a tour would do. "There is the kitchen, that's the 'fresher, that's my cabin, and that one's yours." Anakin pointed to each location as he said the name.

"I get my own cabin?" Ahsoka's eyes widened.

Anakin nodded. "Do you want to see it?"

Ahsoka beamed, nodding vigorously.

Anakin led her into her quarters. She was delighted to find that she got her own, crisp blankets and a clean place to sleep.

And again, Anakin's heart throbbed painfully.

*         *         *

In the training room, Anakin cloaked Ahsoka with a training sabre. It turned out that Ahsoka wasn't half bad at wielding the blade. Her previous career in dancing provided her with acrobatic knowledge.

Ahsoka told him that she often danced with props. Anakin decided that this permitted her to be able to better understand where the lightsaber was.

Anakin corrected her form as they went along. She'd flinch as he reached out to move her foot or shoulder. Afterwards, she'd immediately apologize. Anakin told her repeatedly that she didn't have to apologize; he understood.

Ahsoka didn't just flinch during training. She flinched constantly. Any time anyone made any movement towards her, she'd flinch away.

Anakin told her she didn't have to call him "Master" if she didn't want to. She called him "sir" for a while, but slowly shifted to calling him "Master" again or even just by his first name.

And, for once, Anakin's heart didn't have to ache for her.

*         *         *

"Anakin, get your lazy carcass off the couch and in here!"

Anakin's head shot up. Oh no, he was probably in trouble.


"Coming, coming," Anakin shuffled to stand and hurried to his padawan's cabin. "Here, I'm here."

"Good," Ahsoka huffed. "I have a few important things to say."

"Go ahead, speak up," Anakin prompted, leaning on the doorframe.

"Mace Windu's a jerk, I hate algebra, and I kinda feel like stabbing someone with a pencil," Ahsoka hissed.

"Anything else, my lovely padawan?" Anakin smirked.

"Yeah," Ahsoka stood from her desk and propelled herself into his chest. "I wanna hug," her voice sounded muffled by his robes.

"Of course," Anakin wrapped his arms around her and patted her back.

Once upon a time, Ahsoka flinched at every movement and apologized every time she opened her mouth without someone speaking to her first. Once upon a time, she couldn't eat more than a few bites of food before feeling sick.

Well, Ahsoka threw that once upon a time out the window.

And Anakin couldn't have been more proud.


Word Count: 840

Published: Mar. 20, 2022

D'ya like it? I hope you did, especially those who requested it. 

I'm not quite sure what it is or if I'm completely in love with it, but it could certainly be worse. 

Lemme know what you think. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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