Michael Jackson Imagines: Swe...

By XxSweetnStickyxX

32.4K 341 149

Welcome to the Sweaty Seduction Suites. Prepare for a bumpy, wild, wet ride throughout the series. Can you ha... More

I. Liberian Girl: A Dance to Remember
II. Come Together: My 'Sweet' Disease
III. Dirty Diana: Daddy's Home
IV. Break of Dawn: House of Love (Part 1)
▪ Break of Dawn: House of Love (Part 2)
V. Give In To Me: Quenching His Desire
VI. The Lady in His Life: Yearning for One's Love
VII. I Just Can't Stop Loving You: A Lover's Heart
VIII. Remember the Time: Fatal Passions [Part 1]
VIIII. In the Closet: Under the Spell

▪ Remember the Time: Fatal Passions [Part 2]

1.1K 14 1
By XxSweetnStickyxX

**Continued from Part 1**

After saying 'yes' to Michael after he proposed to her, Tamika had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. While Michael was slowly kissing her neck, she kept thinking about what Hannah's reaction would be if she found out about this whole ordeal. As Michael was leaning her back onto the desk, he could tell something was wrong because she was purposely making herself stiff. He hovered over her, looked into her eyes and asked, "Tamika, are you ok?" Tamika stared into his eyes and lied, "Uh, yeah, I'm ok. Don't worry about me." She grabbed his face with both hands and leaned him in to kiss her. She knew in her mind she still wanted Michael, so why was she so shocked at his proposal? I mean, this was in fact what she wanted, but the thing is, she wanted to know how Michael will handle the matter with Hannah. She didn't think on it too much, because the way his body felt on hers, it'd erased most of her thoughts. As Michael pressed his body against hers, kissing her neck, Tamika wrapped her legs around his waist. At this point, she'd literally forgot about what just happened -- while breathing heavily, she undid his pants without hesitation and pulled out his hard dick, rubbing it. Michael groaned as his face was still in her neck -- he leaned up, slid his hands under her skirt, pulled down her panties, spread her legs and slid his dick into her pussy. "Now, you have to be quiet because remember we got caught like this before thanks to your screaming", he said. Tamika replied, "I can't make no promises, Michael", she smiled.

Michael grinded her slowly, biting his bottom lip, watching Tamika as she squirmed. It's been years since they've done this and Tamika never forgot how good it felt to her. She closed her eyes and breathed softly as he continued to thrust his member inside of her. Michael groaned deeply under his breath, gripping her hips, her legs on top of his shoulders. "Mmmm", she moaned. With small beads of sweat forming on his forehead, Michael groaned under his breath, "Mmm, it's been so long, huh?" "Yesss...ssss", Tamika seductively moaned. Seconds later, he thrusted faster, mouth opened and glaring into her eyes. With their hands clenched tightly into each other's, their eyes filled with lust, their shaky breathes filling the air, the room was beginning to heat up. Tamika squeezed Michael's arms and let out a high-pitched moan under her breath, trying hard not to be heard by outside listeners. Michael bit his bottom lip, leaned his head back, opened his mouth and let out a quick groan, sweat pouring down from his forehead. Tamika sat up and slipped her panties back on, while Michael stood up to straighten himself. They looked at each other, smiling. "You ready to go?", Michael asked her. "Yeah, whenever you are", she replied. They soon held hands and walked out of the private study room like nothing happened, with everything and everyone still functioning as normal.

After walking out of the library, Tamika and Michael walked over to his car, got in and took off into the evening. While on the road, neither one was saying anything to each other -- Tamika had the proposal on her mind, all while Michael had Hannah on his mind, so it was a pretty dysfunctional moment. They both felt good on the outside, but on the inside, each were distraught, filled with their own concerns and worries. As Michael slowly pulled up to Tamika's house, she let out a deep, stressful sigh and said to him, "Well...good night. I'll see you or hear from you soon." She placed her hand on the door handle, opened the door and before she could get her foot out, Michael grabbed her hand, looked into her eyes, slowly leaned into her lips and passionately kissed her, their eyes closed. As their lips parted, Michael stroked her cheek, smiled and said, "Good night. I had a wonderful time with you today." Tamika looked down, smiled, and replied, "Me too, Michael." She soon got out of the car, closed the door and stood there watching Michael roll the window down. While waving goodbye to each other, he said to her, "I'll call you real soon. I promise." He air-smooched her and drove away. Tamika walked to her front door, unlocked it and walked inside, feeling all mushy on the inside, but still a bit worried. After showering and prepping herself for bed, Tamika lit some candles, turned on her radio to the Smooth Jazz station and got into bed, lying on her back thinking about the day -- gazing up at the ceiling, on her way to sleep.

Michael's POV:

Michael finally pulled up to his house, slowly turning into the driveway after dropping Tamika off. After turning the car off, he sat there for a moment, thinking about Tamika's words tonight while they had sex -- "Go with what you feel, Michael. Just know that I am always here for you. I love you."
Those words did something to him emotionally -- he couldn't get them out of his head. He had always loved Tamika, despite everything they've been through together as friends and lovers. Sure, he loved Hannah to an extent, but not like he loved Tamika -- she makes him feel things he can't feel with Hannah. With his head on the steering wheel, he knew what he had to do. After proposing to his best friend, he knew in his heart that was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. After gathering his thoughts and progressing the issue at hand, he'd got out of his car, locked the door, and went inside his house. It's been a long day, so after showering and prepping himself for bed, Michael decided to give Hannah a call since she wouldn't stop sending messages to his beeper -- it has been going off all evening. He walked down his hallway to the phone on the wall, picked up the receiver and began to dial Hannah's number. By the second ring, she picked up:

H: "Hello?"

M: "Hey Hannah. It's me, Michael."

H: "Michael! Omg I have been trying to reach you all evening! Where were you? Are you ok?"

M: "Yeah, I'm fine, Han. I was out catching up with some old childhood friends and I wanted to wait 'til later tonight to give you a call back. I've been getting your messages."

H: "Oh Michael, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about how things have been going between us lately. I know I've been a real bitch towards you, so I really want to see you and make it up to you."

M: *deep sigh* "Hannah, there's something I've been needing to say to you for quite some time now and I know you don't want to hear this but --"

H: *sarcastic tone* "Omg, just what I need right now."

M: "I-- *long pause* I accept your apology this time, but enough is enough. There's someone else and I'm serious about her."

H: "Wait...SERIOUSLY?!! What the hell, Michael! I thought you loved me!"

M: "That's the thing -- I thought I did. The love I once had for you has faded away when you started acting out towards me. You are not the woman anymore I once fell in love with a year ago. I know you must be thinking why am I doing this two weeks before the wedding, but I cannot marry someone I don't love."

*long pause*

M: "Hello?"

H: "So-- that's why you haven't been returning my messages. You liar! You were out messing around with 'HER'! How could you do this to me, Michael?! What am I going to tell my family? What about my dress? What about all the time and energy I've spent getting myself ready for this? Do you realize how this is making me feel?"

M: "And that's the problem! It has always been about 'you'! You never consider your own actions towards others, especially me. What about me and what I want? What I need?! Dammit, Hannah! You're so self-centered and I can't marry a woman that makes me feel like I should tolerate just any ol' thing she throws at me. I use to love you, but yeah, like you said before, you've been a real bitch lately, making me feel like you just want to marry me for my money."

H: "Stop that! You know that's not true! What the hell does she have that I don't?! Does she look better? I bet you fucked her too, didn't you?"

M: "As a matter of fact, I did and it's much better with her than it is with you. You were never like this when I first proposed to you, but since then, you just changed into this whole different person and I just don't know who you are anymore."

H: "Do you love her?"

M: "With every fiber being in my soul. She's always been there for me. She's my best friend. And-- and I had already proposed to her, so the engagement is off."

H: "Ughh!! You asshole! You have really messed up Michael Joseph Jackson. You haven't seen the last of me. I'll ruin you."

M: "Well, I wouldn't dare do that if I were you. You see, I know people -- lots of people. You have already ruined yourself. So, don't bother wasting your time getting back at me, baby because it will never work. I am happy."

H: "Fine. If that's what you want, then that's what you get. You can have your stupid ring back. Just don't come crawling back to me when she stops loving you."

M: "She never has stopped."

H: "Goodbye, Michael. *crying loudly* You'll never hear from me again." *click*

-dial tone-

Hannah hung up the phone in Michael's face, furious with him. Michael slowly hung the phone up, leaned his back against the wall, and deeply sighed to himself. He has never acted out like that before, but that was how he was feeling and it needed to be done before the last minute. Even though it was late, Michael decided to call up Tamika and tell her what had happened.


Tamika's POV:

While lying in bed, asleep with her music and candles on, the phone was ringing on her nightstand. *ring...ring...ring...*
Tamika finally woke up by the fourth ring from her deep sleep and answered groggily,

T: "H-hello?"

M: "Tamika? It's me, Michael. I'm so sorry to be calling you this late, waking you, but I can't go to sleep without telling you something first."

T: *stretching while looking at her clock on the wall* "Mmmm...it's fine, Mike. What is it?"

M: "It's about Hannah. The engagement is off."

T: *surprised* "What?"

M: "I just got off the phone with Hannah and told her how I have been feeling since we've been engaged. I remembered your words tonight, ringing in the back of my mind, "Go with what you feel, Michael. Just know that I am always here for you. I love you." Tamika, you just don't know how much that meant to me. I couldn't fall asleep without getting everything off my chest."

T: "Ohh Michael. Well, how did she take it?"

M: "Not good at all. She was yelling, being self-centered, not acknowledging her actions -- saying she was going to ruin me and I haven't seen the last of her. It just went on and on. She was definitely not the woman anymore I fell in love with a year ago. She's beyond furious, but I'm happy because I have you."

T: "Good riddance then, huh? Well, you didn't need that going on in your life. You need someone who's going to love you for you and always be there."

M: "Like you?"

*long pause*

His tone made Tamika quiver in excitement.

T: "Yes, like me."

Both of them had huge grins on their faces, blushing. They knew they loved each other and Tamika now has butterflies in her stomach from the fact that she will soon be marrying him, something that she has always wanted.

M: "Tamika?"

T: "Yeah, Michael?"

M: "I love you."

T: "I love you more. Always have, always will."

M: "We have two weeks babe, until the big day. I want you to be ready."

T: "Trust me, I already am."

M: "Good night, hot stuff."

T: *laughing* "Good night, Applehead!"

They both hung up at the same time. Tamika had no idea how this day was going to turn out -- she went from overly sad to overjoyed. After hearing his voice, it took her forever to finally fall back to sleep.

Two weeks later...

It was a Friday evening, at a rented beach mansion, 30 minutes before the wedding and Tamika was happy, but nervous at the same time. She invited some of her friends and family after telling them the big news. During that time period, she spent days and hours preparing herself for the big day -- beautiful dress, hairdo, invitations, makeup, oh so many things! Michael and Tamika were having a sunset beach wedding, with the colors being blue and white and the reception being held in and outside the mansion. Tamika never thought this moment would come and she wasted no time getting herself prepared for it. Her best girlfriend, and maid of honor, Charlene, who she also met in college, came into one of the 12 rooms where she was at to check in on her. *knock knock* "Come in!", shouted Tamika. Charlene opened the door and walked in, gleefully saying, "Omg babe, you look so beautiful! I love it!" She walked up to the mirror where Tamika was doing the last finishing touches on herself. Tamika smiled and rubbed her thighs, saying, "Thanks love." Charlene, while straightening up Tamika's dress, asked her, "You ready to marry the man of your dreams? I know how much Michael means to you, considering what you've been going through since ya'll's college days." Tamika took a deep breath, sighed, and replied, "I am so ready, girl. I love him so much. He means everything to me -- I mean, I turned out to be the lucky one all this time." Charlene replied, "I'm so happy for you both, T. Whoever that Hannah bitch was, she better not show up at this wedding, because I've got something for her." Tamika laughed, "Charlene, I know you girl. You better not start no stuff now." Charlene laughed, "I'm just sayin', boo. Considering what Michael told you and what you told me, she just better not be here. I know that." Tamika patted her friend's cheek and said, "No fighting, ok? Do it for me and Michael." Charlene smiled, "Ok love. I got you." They hugged each other. Five minutes later, there was a light knock on the door -- on the other end, someone said, "It's time to start!" Tamika took a deep breath. Charlene held her friend and said, "You got this, babe. You are going to do wonderful. Go out there and get yo' man." They both laughed and strutted out of the room together.

The wedding was being held on the beach and everyone, Michael and Tamika's friends and family were already seated outside and chatting away, excited for the big moment, all while the preacher, groomsmen and Michael's best man were in their positions. The sun was soon getting ready to go down as Tamika was in position. IJCSLY began to play:

Tamika's eyes were filling up with tears as she was holding her bouquet of flowers, watching the flower-girl and ring bearer making their entrances down the aisle after the bridesmaids and maid of honor. Afterwards, it was time for Tamika to make her grand entrance down the aisle -- standing from the mansion's backdoor way, she slowly walked down the aisle as everyone stood up watching her, smiling, some taking photos and some crying. While slowly making her way down the aisle, she begin to think to herself, 'This is the happiest day of my life. Look at my man standing up there looking just as handsome as ever. I can't believe I am marrying my best friend, my soulmate. I love him so much.' Tears began to flow down her face as all of the attention was focused on her. She soon made her way up to where Michael and everyone else was -- the crowd had seated afterwards, as the DJ turned the song off.

After sharing their sacred vows and exchanging their rings, the preacher then announced, "I now pronounce you husband and wife -- you may kiss your beautiful bride, Mr. Jackson." Michael smiled, lifted the veil up from Tamika's face, bit his bottom lip as he glared into her sparkling brown eyes, and leaned in for the most passionate kiss ever. Tamika wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands were tightly wrapped around her waist. Everyone clapped, cried and cheered them on -- it was a special moment. The DJ turned IJCSLY back on and let it play on out as rice were being thrown at them. Suddenly, Tamika stopped midways towards the white runner on the sand, lifted the bouquet of flowers up in the air, closed her eyes, and threw it backwards from above her head -- all the single women were gathering around to catch them. As Tamika opened her eyes to see who caught them, she seen Charlene with a big grin on her face, shouting, "Woooo!! I got 'em!!" Tamika shook her head and laughed at her friend, taking Michael's hand as they continued to walk down the aisle.

After gathering around family and friends on both sides for pictures, hugs and love, the reception had already started and everyone was inside the mansion and outside partying and having a good time. 'Remember the Time' started playing and Tamika and Michael were dancing, all eyes focused on them, hooting and video-recording. Michael grabbed Tamika's waist and dramatically mouthed the lyrics to her, making her laugh and smile. Tamika was dancing all seductively on her man, rolling her hips, sliding her ass down the fly of his pants -- Michael grabbed her hips from behind and got in the groove with her. Charlene shouted in the distance, "Gooo bestie!" After dancing for a while, they went inside the mansion to get ready to cut the wedding cake. Once everyone was done getting cake, Michael's best man said a speech and announced a toast: "To the bride and groom!", all shouted in unison, their glasses of champagne raised up in the air. While taking a sip, Tamika noticed a woman from across the room sternly staring at her, but she didn't seem to think it was that serious...until after a few more sips and a bite of cake. Tamika was getting uncomfortable with this woman's stares, so she nudged Michael and whispered to him, "That woman over there keeps staring at me and I don't know what her problem is -- do you know her?" She pointed towards her direction with her eyes. Michael looked over at the woman and was in shocked -- "Yeah, I know her, alright. Let's go." He gently grabbed Tamika's hand and walked over to the woman's direction, but she slyly walked outside from the backdoor, but Michael still followed her.

Seconds later, he found her by the bar trying to get a drink and he politely said, "Umm excuse me. I don't believe I've introduced you to my wife. Hannah, this is Tamika. Tamika, Hannah." Hannah gave him the death stare then made eye contact with Tamika, but smirked at her. Tamika smiled and said sarcastically, "Hmm it's nice to finally meet you, Hannah. You know I've heard so much about you. Michael here is such an amazing man. Such a shame you missed out", all while smiling at him and petting his arm. Michael chuckled under his breath. Hannah snapped and said, "So. This is the woman you left me for? You think this is funny? This was suppose to be our wedding at this exact location!" Michael stopped her, "Before you go any further, let me just inform you that you are wasting your time coming here because it's not going to make me change my mind. You only came here to get back at me, due to the fact that you're miserable. This is my wife now, and I love her. If you don't like it, then I suggest you leave if you know what's good for you." Hannah stared at both of them for a moment, tears welling up in her eyes. She took a deep breath and finally said, "Hmph! Fine! Fair enough! I just came here to give you your ring back, because I don't want any part of you anymore. My boyfriend is waiting for me in the car." She pulled the ring out of her purse and threw it at him. "Have a nice life!" She rolled her eyes at Tamika and stormed off into the distance, never to be seen or heard from again. Michael shook his head and sighed deeply. Tamika grabbed his face and said, "Don't worry about it anymore, baby. You have me now, ok?" She kissed him passionately on the lips, his hands placed on her waist. Instead of going back to the party, they decided to walk to the edge of the waters and enjoy the view.

While standing in front of the waters, their bodies embraced together, Tamika laid her head on Michael's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, watching and listening to the waters roar underneath the settling sun's rays. While holding her body tightly, he asked, "It sure is beautiful, huh?" "Yes it is. Very beautiful", she replied. After a long, calming pause, Michael whispered seductively in her ear, "I love you so much, baby. I can't wait to make love to you tonight." Tamika moaned under her breath, "Mmm yes, I love you too, babe. I can't wait either." They kissed passionately and continued to admire the view.

This was indeed the happiest day of their lives.

*Hope you enjoyed it loves!!* ❤

More coming soon!!

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