Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)

By MyLadyOfStories

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(Sequel to The Fall Of Arcadia) The Doctor and Sera, finally together, finally a family. But there are things... More

Late For The Wedding
The Wedding Part 1
The Wedding Part 2
Mr and Mrs Christmas
Really Confusing...
The Siren Song
Polyamorous Relation
Find the Babies
Our Precious Song
Lost and Found
Don't Skip 9
A Demon
Popping In
One Last Good Dream
Daughter or Murder?
Burnt and Lost
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Remember Me?
Little and Broken, But Still Good
Date Night
Girls Night
Running to the Ponds
Last Dance
Goodbye Magickal Princess
The Unknown Girl
Impossible and Unknown
Wifi Soup
Past's & Future's
Goodbye Song
That Sinking Feeling...
Fury of the Night
Body Swap
Journey to the Centre of Time

The Wedding Part 3

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By MyLadyOfStories

River Song:

I was watching my parents get married. How many children can say that, unless they were born before hand? I was even getting to be a bridesmaid, in a beautiful TARDIS blue dress. Well, the TARDIS was as much my parent as the Doctor or Sera, I was the daughter of the TARDIS.

She was still asleep while Amy, Martha and Sarah Jane went to help the men set up wherever the ceremony actually was, because I may know them in the future, but I didn't know where any of it was, it wasn't exactly like I was able to look at photo albums growing up. I'd made her a mug of tea, and a plate of scrambled eggs on toast and shook her shoulder lightly.

"M, Sera, Sera, wake up, Sweetie." Crap, I nearly called her mum then. To be fair, I'd done well to have never called her it before, same with dad. "Come on, we need to get you ready for the wedding."

Her eyes flickered open, flashing gold as she smiled up at me. "Morning, River."

"Morning, Doctor Sera. That's pretty much your married name, you know that, right?" I laughed, giving her the tray and sitting down on the floor next to her. "So, your last day as Seraphina Dark, how does that feel?"

"I don't really use that as my last name anymore. I use Pond, seeing as at times Amy feels more like my family than Koschei ever was, and he's my twin brother." Yeah, I'd been told the stories. He used her, even though she was the only one searching for his redemption. My Mad Uncle Master.

She ate quickly, then I threw her in the shower while I got out all the dresses and laid them out in age order, Seraphina, me, Sarah Jane, Martha, Aunt Amy. Rani was at college, as the boys should be, but I had a feeling Jack would have roped them into wedding prep. When she came out, I sat her down at the dressing table, carefully drying her hair so that it curled in long loose waves down her back, then pinning the front out of her face.

I'd made my own purchase for her hair, knowing that she wasn't letting anyone do anything, but I was in charge of her hair and make up. Nails, good luck, they already changed colour. But I slid in little star clips in there, all in the colours of the Doctor's eyes over the years, icy blue, steely grey, ocean grey, sky blue, TARDIS blue, ultramarine, a between colour of grey and blue, cornflower blue, white blue, infinite brown and lastly a jade green. I'd given Jack some cuff links to give the Doctor, one of tigers eye, of of emerald. Eyes were the gateway to the soul, and to us Time Lords, they were the most important feature.

"Phina, River, we're back!" My Godmother, Sarah Jane, shouted up the stairs, then I could hear three sets of feet running up to us. "Oh, wow, your hair looks perfect..."

I hadn't even had a chance to start on her make up, but I could already see that she was glowing, the perfect blushing bride. This was such an honour, to be there for my mum and dad on their special day. Anwyn was being the flower girl, having sunflower petals to scatter down the aisle, and Alice was holding the rings, that no one had seen other than the person who bought them. Sera buying the Doctor's and the Doctor buying, or making as I already knew, hers.

We all got into our dresses quickly, and we went around doing each others hair, while mum was just stood around watching us, still in just a dressing gown. None of us were wearing shoes, just like all the men had to wear bow ties, but we knew that the TARDIS wouldn't risk there being anything to cut us. "I can't believe I'm getting married..."

"Hey, you cry off that make up, I won't let you." I teased, shaking my head at the woman. "Come on, you need to put that dress on, and then we need to get to the TARDIS, the wedding's in half an hour."

She took out the dress from the bag, and I was reminded again how perfect this was for her. Shining white, with a beautiful beaded lace rose design across the skirt and a textured bodice. It showed off her gorgeous tan skin, as well as the tattoos of my siblings names, Jenny, who I'd met and was amazing, and poor Rory, who should have been my older brother. One day, there was my name on there too.

Once she was in the dress, I passed her a long silvery wrap and we all headed outside, into the summer air and in the light, we all looked fantastic. Rani was just running up then, holding a bouquet of sunflowers from her mums shop, and handed them to her. "Mum was fine with it, she was pretty happy that I was taking an interest in flowers to be honest. You look amazing Phi, and so do you guys."

"Please don't make me cry just yet, my Lovely, I haven't even seen the venue." But she hugged the girl, and linked arms with me and Amy on the way to the TARDIS. There were none of the lads, and the second we were inside, we were already taking off, heading to wherever my parents were getting married. "Rani, poppet, you want to go out first and sit down."

Nodding, the sweet little thing slipped out and we all took our places. First 4 year old Anwyn, who was stood perfectly still in a little sunflower dress, and a basket of petals, Martha, then Sarah Jane, then me, then Aunt Amy, and then, then my mother. The music started, and then we were walking out. How many girls could go to their parents weddings before they were born?


Stepping out after Amy, I was taken in by the surroundings of my wedding. We were on a cliff top at sunset, and there were white cherry blossoms scattering more petals around us as I walked up the aisle to Enchanted by Taylor Swift. Our few guests, Grace, Ace, Mickey, who was at the end, holding baby Alice with the rings, Luke, Rani, Clyde, Marcus, Gwen and Rhys, were chairs coated in deep blue velvet throws and green bows tied on the end like Amy's maid of honour dress.

And then, then there was my Doctor.

He was stood, transfixed by me as I walked up towards him, stood under a trellis of a deep red climbing rose, his deep grey tux with a soft waist coat, and my watch, the watch I had hidden inside of for such a long time, hanging from one of the pockets was perfect. Oh, and he was wearing a bowler hat. Bowler hats were cool.

I got to the end of the aisle, where Amy took my wrap off of me and kissed my cheek, giving my hand to the Doctor as Tasha Lem, the best Priestess in the Universe, under me, came to stand with us. The Doctor had tears in his jade eyes as he held my hands so, so softly it was just like a caress from the wind on my skin. "Hello, Seraphina." He whispered, and his soft lips curled up into a small smile, and I had to try so hard then not to kiss him.

"Hello my darling Doctor." I whispered back, hardly believing that I was finally here, finally marrying this man whom I loved more than anything.

Tasha cleared her throat, and we had to tare our gazes from each other to look at her. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the long overdue union of the Doctor, and the High Priestess Seraphina Dark of Gallifrey, after nearly a millinium of loving each other.

"All of you are present today because you, in one way or another, have been part of the Doctors and Seraphina's life. Today we witness a marriage that began with a lake, iced over that. The Doctor proved from the moment that he pulled her from that frozen and dark water, he was always going to save her, and Seraphina certainly has made him live up to that promise. Innumerable factors have joined them together, adding to both of their lives to create something greater than that which existed before. And now, today Seraphina and the Doctor become a set that is natural, certainly complex, childish at times, and occasionally irrational, but always real.

"In marriage, two people turn to each other in search of a greater fulfillment than either can achieve alone. Marriage is a bold step, taken together, into an unknown future, unless you happen to be the wife in this case." Everyone laughed at that. "Only in giving of ourselves fully, and sharing our lives with another, can the mysterious process of growth take place. Only in loyalty and devotion bestowed upon another can that which is eternal in life emerge and be known. Two among us, who have stood apart, come together now, to declare their love and to be united in marriage.

"The words we say today have no magic or prophetic powers, not even for Sera." Everyone laughed again. "The power of the wedding vows is merely a reflection of a reality that already exists in the hearts, plural for both, and minds of these two people. Seraphina and Doctor, nothing I can say, or nothing you can say to each other, will ensure a long and happy, satisfying and committed marriage. Only your love for one another, and your integrity to make your commitment real, can do that. You may now read your vows to each other, Doctor, can you please start."

The Doctor, my Doctor lifted his hand to touch my cheek and brush away a single tear of happiness that had fallen. "My Seraphina, my beautiful, amazing Sera. When I saw you fall through that ice, nearly 700 years ago for you, and 900 for me, I didn't think. I just acted, knowing that I had to save you, had to bring you back. When I saw your eyes for the first time as I brought you back, I fell in love with them, getting lost in their infinite majesty. You have been my oldest friend, and I thank you for always understanding, always putting up with me and always knowing what I mean when not even I do."

I laughed at that, more tears starting to fall down my cheeks. "It's not that hard..." I whispered, making him smile.

"We've had our losses, and had our fair share of heartbreak," he rubbed his thumbs across first our Jenny's, and then Rory's names on my wrists and pressed a kiss to each, "and I am so, so sorry for the pain I caused you without meaning to. But for some reason, for some strange reason you forgave me, and because of that I thank the universe everyday for having you. I promise and swear to you today, that I will protect you with everything I have, that I will love you with both my hearts for all of time. Because they've belonged to you since the moment I met you. I love you, my sweet Dragon Princess."

There were tears going down his face then as well, ones that I wiped away with my thumbs as I held his face gently. "My Doctor, a man who saved my life before he'd ever met me. Without you, I am nothing. You saved me from that ice, knowing that you could have fallen through yourself, yet you did it anyway, and for that, for that I can never repay you fully. There have been things over the years trying to keep us apart, my brother, then my position in the Council, and then later... later things we both wished we could have changed. But we made it through them, and no we're here together.

"Forgiving you was easy, because I can just look into your eyes and see that all you want to do is make me happy, even, even when I physically couldn't be." I glanced down at my scars and he ran his warm, smooth hands over them. "And because of that, I am eternally grateful, because you kept me alive, when I didn't want to be, and now I can be here today to promise to love you with everything I have, and to stop you from doing stupid things like willingly becoming a target for a Cyberarm. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that my hearts have been yours for as long as yours have been mine. I love you too, my darling Angel Doctor."

Even Tasha was a little teared up at our vows, but dutifully stepped forwards again when it was time for us to exchange rings. "Do you, Seraphina, take this man, the Doctor, as your husband, joining with him today in matrimony, offering your friendship and loving care, honouring his growth and freedom as well as your own, cherishing and respecting him, loving and embracing him in times of adversity and times of joy? To have and to hold, for as long as your hearts do both beat? If so, answer now, I do."

Mickey moved forwards with Alice, and I took the sleek silver band with a small piece of remembria in the middle, along with two sapphires, and nodded. "I do."

"Please repeat after me: 'With this ring, I, High Priestess Seraphina Alanah Dark of Gallifrey" Man I hated having a title as well as a name, "offer myself to you, with unconditional love, with all that I am and all that I have, from this day forwards as your wife."

I repeated everything she said, sliding the ring onto his finger and then kissing it gently. I'd given up on trying to stop my tears now, and so had he. We were both blubbing like babies, but we didn't care because we were so, so happy.

And then it was the Doctor's turn. "Do you, Doctor, take this woman, Seraphina, as your wife, joining with her today in matrimony, offering your friendship and loving care, honouring her growth and freedom as well as your own, cherishing and respecting her, loving and embracing her in times of adversity and times of joy? To have and to hold, for as long as your hearts do both beat? If so, answer now, I do."

Without hesitation, he answered; "I do."

"Please repeat after me: 'With this ring, I, The Doctor, offer myself to you, with unconditional love, with all that I am and all that I have, from this day forwards as your husband." He repeated, and then slid a silver banded ring onto my finger. It was set with four crystals, 2 black sapphires, and then, there there were two white point star diamonds. I looked up at him in shock. There had only been one to ever leave Gallifrey, he must have cut it down himself...

"Love freely given has no giver and no receiver. You are each the giver and each the receiver. The wedding ring is a symbol, in visible form, of the unbroken circle of your love, so that wherever you go, you may always return to your shared life together. May these rings always call to mind the power of your love." Tasha told us, a massive grin on her face as we looked back up at her. This was it, we were so, so nearly married...

"Seraphina and Doctor, in the presence of your family and friends who have joined you to share this moment of joy, you have declared your deep love and affection for each other. You have stated your wish to live together, always open to a deeper, richer friendship and partnership. You have formed your own union, based on respect and honor. Now, to be wed in the eyes of your people, you must whisper the name the Universe gave you, the one you had even before your birth, that no one else shall ever know."

This was something I hadn't known, having never married before. But I knew my name, like I knew Artikyor was Susans. I lent forwards, as did he. "My given name is Legacy, but the name I was born with, is Asa, meaning Doctor."

Of course, he was born to be a Doctor, he was born to help and to heal. "My given name is Seraphina, but the name I was born with, is Alenna, meaning Infinity."

We pulled apart, both with smug little grins on our faces. I think we secretly already knew what the names would mean, for they were both who were were, the man who healed, and the woman who was time. "It is my joyful responsibility to officially acknowledge your union as "Husband and Wife." You may now seal your marriage with a kiss."

That was it, that was my wedding, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands found the soft curve of my neck and our lips crashed onto each others, and I swear, I swear at that exact moment, there were fireworks behind my eyes. I was finally married.

The Doctor:

"OK, time for the toasts!" Jack shouted, once we were all sat around the table, laughing and cuddled up to our respective partners. And I was cuddled up to my new wife.

The second she walked out of the TARDIS, there were tears in my eyes at the sight of her. Seraphina was beautiful, there was no other word I could think of when I saw her dress, and her hair and just everything. Alenna. Infinity. It was her, it was everything she was, everything she would ever be. She was my everything.

"Oh, let me start!" Sarah Jane laughed, standing up and tapping her spoon against her glass. "OK, I've know the Doctor and Sera for, ooft, longer than I'd care to admit. They showed me that there was more to life than working, or just getting the next story. There was so, so much more. So, my toast, is to having more to life."

"To having more to life." Everyone agreed, raising their glasses.

Martha stood up as Sarah sat down baby Alice, or Morgana as she was calling herself, sat on her hip in a little yellow sleep suit. I loved children, they were perfect examples of innocence and imagination.

"Ok, well I first met Sera as Alice, who was just a human girl with hair on fire, migraines and spoke in riddles. But then, we found out who she really was and we watched the Doctor and Alice fall in love all over again. So, here's to true love forever!"

"To true love forever!"

Then Jack got to his feet, and I knew we were in for it. "As possibly the oldest person in the room, at about 1032, I have probably known these two the longest. I was there with Rose, who turned out to be pretty possessive, Mickey who became a great friend, Martha, who has the voice of a Nightingale, Donni, who sadly couldn't be with us, and then the Mini-Ponds, who became family. My toast, is to family, that doesn't end in blood."

That, was an amazing toast, and Sera stood up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, before facing our friends and family. "Thank you, thank you all so much for being here for us today. It means the universe to us both, and I couldn't have imagined a better crowd of people to spend the day with. Especially Ace, the girl who blew up a dalek with a bazooka and beat up another one with a super powered baseball bat." There were some cheers and whoops around the table. "I, I really don't know how to say thank you anymore than that, but we love you guys so much!"

They all clapped her as she started crying with happiness again and I stood up to hug her, my new wife, and kissed her softly. "That was perfect, Princess, couldn't have been better."

And there there was a chorus of awws around the room, and we laughed, sitting back down. Jack and River then passed something around the table to us. "You said no gifts, but no one actually listened."

"Oh, guys, thank you!" Sera laughed, tigers eyes glinting as we found a His and Hers dressing gown set. "See, men do wear them!"

"But they aren't cool!" I sighed, shaking my head. "I would rather not open presents in front of people, it makes me feel awkward. But thank you, anyone who got us something. Now, I do believe that we should be clear to start the dancey part of the evening, the TARDIS just told me so."

"Dancey part of the evening? Oh, I love you, but you talk like such a child, my Angel." Sera asked, and I laughed at her, sweeping her up off her chair and carrying her into the next room where there was a large dance floor and fairly lights around the room, as well as candles on every table. There was an automated DJ system at the far wall, already playing soft music.

I ran onto the floor, letting my feet slide right across it as Sera yelped in shock. "Ha ha!" Then I swung her down onto the floor, her beautiful little feet landing lightly on the balls as she reached back up to kiss me. "Why hello, Mrs Pond."

"Hello to you too, Doctor Pond. Could you believe, that about 2 hours ago we were married at long last?" She grinned, taking my hands and starting to dance with me as everyone else did too, River and Jack, Amy and Rory, Martha, Mickey and Alice, Gwen, Rhys and Anwyn, Clyde and some how, Rani, Sarah and Luke, Grace and Ace.

Oh, I was very much believing that we were finally married, I'd been waiting for such a long time for this. Ever since I met her. "Oh, I very much can my Dear Princess Sera. I've always wanted this, us to be together, having a family, and being surrounded by our friends. It's what I've wanted for as long as I can remember, and now I've got it. I've got you."

"Oh, I've got you as much as you have me. I'm your wife, and you're my husband, dear Doctor Pond. We have to be together for the rest of our lives, and I'm wondering however will we spend the time?" She asked me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer.

That was something I was very happy to show her, just not yet, so all I did was bend down to kiss her again. And then the music changed, to something a lot faster with a different beat, and Sera started to move me around, in less free movements, but it was still fun and we all ended up dancing together, everyone in the room. This was it, this was my family, and it was amazing.

And I finally got the girl.

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