Young Lies

Por pradabagg

594K 11.4K 12.5K

After being offered the scholarship of a lifetime, Catalina Faye starts her journey at Las Flores Private Sch... Más

important <3
character aesthetics
1 ❥ welcome to las flores, bitch!
2 ❥ the phoenix with broken wings
3 ❥ i don't tutor dickheads
4 ❥ just a disappointment
5 ❥ little miss perfect
6 ❥ we all have are scars
7 ❥ dress to impress
8 ❥ sealed with a kiss
9 ❥ big girls don't cry
10 ❥ i'll tell you my secret, if you tell me yours
11 ❥ lyrics and lies
12 ❥ apologies and almost hookups
13 ❥ the disaster date
introducing "new" characters
14 ❥ devil in disguise
15 ❥ daddy issues
16 ❥ mystery man
17 ❥ the other mitchell
18 ❥ looking for asher
19 ❥ brotherly love
20 ❥ "alex"
21 ❥ cupcakes and cock blocks
22 ❥ surprise!
23 ❥ everyone knows
24 ❥ show time
25 ❥ who the fuck is dr.moore?
27 ❥ puppy love
28 ❥ axton mitchell...apologizing?
29 ❥ getting the girl
30 ❥ tease
31 ❥ doubt
32 ❥ let's do this
33 ❥ a new tradition
34 ❥ a mother's love
35 ❥ mile-high club
36 ❥ aloha mother fuckers!
37 ❥ september 15, 2019
38 ❥ playing her game
39 ❥ goodbye jackson, hello axton
40 ❥ adventures behind the waterfall
41 ❥ french asshole
42 ❥ confessions
43 ❥ new year and new beginnings
44 ❥ 21 questions
45 ❥ the flash-drive pt.1
46 ❥ the flash-drive pt.2
47 ❥ reality fucking sucks
48 ❥ confrontation
49 ❥ the princess and prince charming
50 ❥ another new girl
51 ❥ can we start friends?
52 ❥ making amends
53 ❥ one secret ruined everything
54 ❥ the redo date
55 ❥ face to face
56 ❥ grayson hart
57 ❥ a forbidden romance
58 ❥ three broken hearts
59 ❥ just can't take it anymore
60 ❥ i can't watch you get hurt
61 ❥ mommy dearest
62 ❥ talking things through
63 ❥ revelations
64 ❥ birthdays and big reveals
65 ❥ the worst kind of betrayal
66 ❥ he loved me?
67 ❥ back to bad habits
68 ❥ breaking down
69 ❥ i can't imagine my life without you
70 ❥ a deal with the phoenix
71 ❥ what the fuck!
72 ❥ the future
73 ❥ we need to talk
74 ❥ he needs to be stopped
75 ❥ the end of one chapter and the beginning of another
76 ❥ i'm sorry
77 ❥ you and me against the world
78 ❥ the next step
79 ❥ epilogue pt.1
80 ❥ epilogue pt.2
goodbye <3
answering questions + surprise! + other

26 ❥ the truth always comes out

6K 115 171
Por pradabagg

⚠️ TW: Slight Mentions of Pedophilia⚠️

"So, Alyssa, your dad has been telling us about how great you are at tennis." A lady says.

I quickly look away from Dr.Moore and smile up at her.

"Oh um yeah. I love playing tennis, it's something my mom and I used to do together before she passed away." I explain.

"Awww how sweet!" The lady says.

What the heck is Doctor Moore doing here?

How the heck does he know my dad?

Macy quickly returns to her seat and by the looks of it, she's been crying.

Her makeup is smeared a bit and her eyes are red and puffy.

"You okay?" My brother asks me.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" I lie.

"You're starting to look like Macy."

"Oh uh- I'm about to get my period." I blurt.

"Oh. Do you need anything?"

"No thanks, I've just lost my appetite though," I mumble.

My brother still looks pretty uneasy but eventually shrugs it off when a man asks him another question about college.

"What the-" I let out a quiet gasp when I feel a foot swipe across my calf. I look below the table a notice a designer's men's shoe moving up and down my leg.

I look up and notice Doctor Moore in the middle of a conversation with some of the people sitting next to him but he quickly glances my way and sends me a smirk.

The same smirk from the other night.

"Uh, I'm gonna go put my plate away," I announce as I quickly get up and make my way into the kitchen.

"So am I." I hear Macy mumble from behind me.

We both awkwardly begin to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes.

"I know he's the man you had over the other night." I blurt and I watch as she drops the plate from her hand onto the floor.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She lies.

"You know, you're a pretty crappy liar."

"I'm not lying!"

"You act as if I haven't caught you with another man before." I scoff.

"This is the first time I've ever met Christian."

"You're pathetic."

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me! You're a gold-digger, a cheater, and overall a shitty person." I say right to her face.

"How dare you- you little-"

"What's going on here?" I look up and see Asher and Dr.Moore enter the kitchen.

"Yeah Macy, what's going on here?" I ask, a fake smile plastered onto my face.

"Nothing." She mutters.

Asher just shrugs it off and makes his way over to me to help me dry the dishes while Christian walks over to Macy to help her clean the broken plate on the floor.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I called her a fucking gold-digger." I shrug.

I watch as my brother's eyes almost fall out of his head.

"WHAT?!" That causes both Christian and Macy to glance over at us.

"SHHHH! You heard me."

"I just wanted to make sure I heard you correctly. Well, good for you Lyss!" He laughs.

"Asher! Macy! Come here for a moment." My dad yells from the living room.

Both my brother and Macy sigh before making their way out of the kitchen leaving Christian and me alone.

"How are you, Alyssa? You know...after your brother's incident." He asks suddenly.

"I'm fine," I mumble.

We both continue awkwardly tidying up the kitchen.

"You look just like her." He says.


"Like your mother."

"You knew my mother?" I ask before turning around to face him.

"Of course! Your mother was a very beautiful woman."

"She was, wasn't she." I smile.

"She had dark brown hair like you..." He takes a step towards me.

"A contagious smile like yours..." He takes another step.

"Big brown eyes..." Another step.

"Beautiful body." At this point he's standing directly in front of me, keeping me stuck in between him and the counter behind me.

I freeze when I feel his hand stroke my hip.

"Uhh, can you please back up? I ask while staring down at my feet.

"Do you really want that?" He gently grabs my chin so I would look up at him.

"Uhh yes please," I say.

He just continues staring at me for a couple more seconds before letting go of my chin and walking out of the kitchen.

What the fuck!

What the fuck!

What the fuck!

"ALYSSA!" I gasp before glancing at my brother.


"I called your name like 5 times! Are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, I just- I was thinking about something." I sigh.

"Dad wants you out here."


I quickly follow my brother out into the living room and take a seat on the couch next to him.

"So, Alyssa, how are doing knowing the anniversary of your mother's death is coming up?" A woman asks.

"Oh uh- well obviously it's a very sad time but I know she wouldn't want us to be upset. She would want us to celebrate her life. So, I'm just taking everything one step at a time." I reply.

"That's good honey! I'm glad that you're so mature for your age."

"Yeah, Alyssa is an amazing girl. I always adore all the time we get to spend together." My dad lies while everyone else looks at him in awe.

"You're such a great dad Jonathan." A man said.

"It's been hard but these two make my life a whole lot better." He smiles at my brother and me.

Or should I say...FAKE SMILE at us.

I hope my father goes to hell :)

"Asher, you must admire your father so much." Dr.Moore asks.

Asher stills for a moment before answering.

"You know it's funny you say that because my father is the last person I admire." He says and everyone including myself gasps.

"What are you talking about, son?" My dad asks, his voice sounding more like a warning.

"Well, my father is a fucking coward. All he does is lock himself in his office the whole day, he's verbally abusive and a borderline alcoholic, oh and he slut-shames his own daughter." Asher says, never breaking eye contact with my father.

"What are you doing Ash?!" I whisper-yell.

"I'm not gonna let him fool more people into thinking he's such an amazing man." He shrugs.

"Asher! GO TO YOUR ROOM!" My dad yells.

"Why? I'm pretty sure your friends want to know more about how 'great' of a father you are." He laughs.


I'm pretty sure I can see some steam coming out of my dad's ears.

"Whatever. Goodnight everyone." My brother smirks before heading upstairs.

"I'm so sorry about that everyone. He's been getting into drugs so he has no idea what he's talking about." My dad tries to reason with his friends who are currently looking at him in shock.

"No, he's not. Asher refuses to take drugs and he barely ever drinks." I state.

His friends look at me and then back at him in disgust.

"Alyssa, go to your room," Macy says.


"Excuse me?"

"I don't know what don't understand? Would you like me to spell it out for you? N. O." I smirk.

"You little-" She quickly pauses when everyone glares at her.

"Please go to your room." My father pleads.

"Goodnight everyone." I send a fake smile and make my way up to my brother's room.

"I can't believe you just did that!" I laugh as I shut his door.

"It's about fucking time."

"You know he tried to convince them you were on drugs?"

"Are you serious?" He wheezes.

"Yes! But I called him out on his lies."

"Well, it's pretty early, wanna go into the city and walk around Central Park?"

"It's about to start snowing." I laugh.

"That hasn't stopped us before."


"Come on! Go get changed. I wanna hang out with you." He says while giving me crappy puppy dog eyes.

"Ew, never do that again."

"You're so mean!"

"Ok fine, I'll go." I sigh before getting up and making my way to my room.

Once I shut the door I let out a shriek which was quickly covered by a hand.

"Calm down Alyssa!" I immediately open my eyes when I realize that the voice belongs to.


"What do you want?" I say while trying to shove him off of me.

"You look just like your mother." He repeats.

"You said that earlier." I roll my eyes.

"How much has your brother and father told you about your mother?"


"Excuse me?"

"How well do you actually know your family?" He asks while one of his fingers slide against my cheek.

"Pretty fucking well," I mutter before shoving his hand off of my face.

"I don't think so."

"And what makes you think that?" I bitterly laugh.

God, I'm getting sick and tired of this guy.

"Well for one, you still think your father is your biological father."


"You heard me."

"You're a fucking psycho!"

"Think about it, Alyssa. You look nothing like your father and at first glance, no one would predict that you and Asher are siblings because you barely look alike." He states.

I mean yes, I don't really look like my dad but I just always assumed it was because I got more of my mom's features.

Even though Asher looks like the perfect mix of both my parents...

And yes, Asher and I don't exactly look alike.

We both have brown eyes but he has light brown hair while mine is dark brown/black.

His nose is on the bigger side while mine is small with a curve at the point.

I'm more on the tan side while he's almost completely pale.

"I've literally seen the video of my birth and my birth certificate." I blurt out.

"No, you've seen a fake birth certificate and the video of your birth without your actual father there. Alyssa, your mother had an affair with one of her coworkers but she never said anything because she was afraid of your father." He explains

"Why the hell should I believe you? I don't even know who you are!"

"I'm a friend of your fathers."

"Really? Because I'm sure my father wouldn't like his 'friend' getting all up close and personal with his daughter...who's a MINOR!" I yell hoping he would take the hint and back off but all he does is laugh and lean even closer to the point where his face is about 2 inches away from mine.

Fuck! I can't even do anything!

I would knee him in the balls but his knees are pushing against my legs and his hands are holding mine down against the door.

"Everything you want to know is in here." He says before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a flash drive.

I quickly break eye contact with him to glance over at the device labeled "For Alyssa" and grab it from his hand.

"Fine, now go!" I mutter.

He looks down at me before slowly leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

I freeze and look up at him as he pulls away.

"Have a good night Alyssa." He smiles before finally getting off of me and walking out of my room.

I finally let out a breath that I felt I was holding since the beginning of dinner.

I look down at the flash drive again and throw it across the room.

"You ready to go?" I hear my brother's voice on the other side of the door.

"I'll be out in 5 minutes."

"Ok! I'll be in the car."

I walk over to the picture frame next to my bed and pick it up.

The picture is of Ash, my mom, and me.

What the fuck did you do, mom?

----------Author's Note----------

Wait what?! What the hell just happened?

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!


Word Count: 1854

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