final round - lrh

By whiskeyluke

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the story of a boy and a girl who rely on each other to keep one another alive emotionally and physically. ... More



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By whiskeyluke

Luke's POV:

I'm about to lose my fucking mind.

One minute I was beating the living hell out of Henry Brown, the next, I'm on a literal manhunt trying to find Lila. Her and Ashton had left the medic after she had been properly equipped with a cast and Ashton informed me he was going to help her pack her bags.

I went to our cabin to help them just to see that she wasn't there.

Not only that, but not a single one of her items were packed. I've been trying to call for Ashton but he's ignored every single one of my walkie calls. And I want to beat the hell out of him for it.

I know they're up to something and I don't like it.

Maybe they're trying to hide Lila so she doesn't have to leave which absolutely infuriates me. She obviously needs to go home and that should be incredibly obvious. Whether she's hidden in a closet or in plain sight, I'm going to find her and I don't care what it takes.

I tried calling Calum to see if he knows where anyone is but he's not answering either. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt considering I'm assuming he's clueless about everything going on but then again, who the hell knows at this point. The fact that not a single person is answering is nothing short of alarming and I'm not happy about it.

I haven't called up Declan yet purely because I don't know what I'm going to say to him. Not only do I feel guilty as hell for asking him to come out here but I also have to admit to him that his sister was attacked, once again. He's not going to be happy and I'm trying to figure out the best way to break the news.

And I'm definitely not ready for that yet.

I decide to head towards the gun range, figuring Calum will probably be there as that's his station. I'm sure he knows more than I do. Maybe he's seen either one of them and can give me some sort of insight... if not willingly, I don't doubt I can forcefully get it out of him.

I walk towards with a clenched jaw, feeling frustrated by everyone as they clearly can't recognize how serious this situation is. Lila needs to go home and if they're going to help hide her-- it's just going to make things harder than they need to be.

Obviously, I feel fucking awful having to choose between one of my best friends and my girlfriend but I remind myself that this is what Declan would want me to do. If she's out there and can't defend herself due to the fact that she's down an arm and loses her life as a result, Declan would have me dead. I don't know how I'd explain to him that we lost her because I knew she had a broken arm but still convinced myself it was okay to send her out there.

I'd rather die out there than ever have to go home to Declan and explain to him that I put his little sister out there knowing the odds were against her.

I understand that I could potentially be losing her forever if I send her home but as I said, I'd rather her be alive and want nothing to do with me than dead, six-feet under at my expense.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

And I hope everyone can see that and won't give me problems when it comes to sending Lila home. I'm sure she's convinced them to help ensure she stays but at the end of the day, I have the final word and I don't care who I have to explain that to.

I spot the building, hoping to hell Calum's in there and I don't have to continue searching for someone further. I have no idea where the hell anyone is and no one's bothering to answer me so now I'm sending myself on a wild goose chase.

Approaching the gun range, I tug open the door, immediately being met with the sound of a gun going off. This doesn't catch me off guard as I'm incredibly familiar with the sound and am hardly phased by the noise of it anymore.

However, what does catch me off guard is the sight in front of me.

Lila stands beside Calum, a rifle tucked under her arm as she shoots effortlessly at the targets in front of her, nailing every single one of them in the dead center. She doesn't take a second to breathe, instead, continuing to fire the gun as I stand absolutely astonished.

Calum is beside her, not phased as he keeps his arms crossed over his chest and watches every single shot. He's far from his walkie and clearly is caught up in Lila right now as it's now clear as day why he was ignoring me.

I can't believe the sight in front of me due to the fact that Lila has never shot a gun like this before. With the last gun she worked with, she was good but she was never this exact.

I didn't think to acknowledge the fact that you can shoot a rifle with one arm.

Lila shoots her last target and Calum is quick to instruct her to reload her gun and to start all over again. She doesn't hesitate, neither of them seeming to notice me while Lila picks up the magazine beside her, tucking the rifle between her thighs and picking up the process of loading the gun.

How the fuck did she learn all of this so quickly?

Calum doesn't provide her any instructions, watching her swiftly and skillfully load the gun with her one good arm, leaving the other to the side completely while loading a gun for the first time in front of my eyes. As she does so, Calum switches the target category to one that's much more complicated, Lila not paying him any attention. She follows the instructions a million times quicker than I see from most people, the gun prepared once more while she brings it back up and under her arm, firing immediately.

Once again, she's hitting every single target and not missing a single beat as her body moves to get a better aim at each one, coming off as incredibly skillful which leaves me half speechless. Even Calum looks shocked as he stands off with a smile on his lips, a proud look in his eyes.

It makes me wonder what the hell I missed.

Once she hits every target, Lila lowers the rifle, not wasting the extra bullets, looking to Calum, seeming to anticipate further instruction. However, before either of them can say anything, I decide to make my presence known.

"So that's why everyone's been ignoring me."

Calum and Lila snap their heads in my direction, Lila with a look of fear in hers, recognizing that she's been caught while Calum doesn't seem too phased. I just take the moment to observe the two of them, eyeing them over in a challenging manner as if reprimanding them for hiding from me.

"Would it have killed you to answer the goddamn walkie?" I ask, my words directed towards Calum as I narrow my eyes at him in anger.

"I'm in the middle of training," Calum says simply.

"She's supposed to be packing up to prepare to head back."

"I'm not going anywhere, Luke," Lila immediately challenges, which grabs my attention as I raise an eyebrow at her. "You're going to have to drag me onto that plane to get me on it."

I just watch her, my silent gaze being challenging.

She places the rifle down, probably knowing better than to challenge me while holding a rifle. Regardless of the fact that we both know she'd never use it, the act of it alone would be disrespectful in the sense that she has a gun in her hand and is preparing to argue.

"Calum and Ashton both think I'm capable of adapting to this and in all honesty, I don't really care if you disagree," she says, taking me by surprise further. "This is my decision, I'm the one that signed up to come out here and I'm the one who decided to represent my family. I shoot better with a rifle than I did any other gun and the odds of me actually needing to go one-to-one with someone on the other side are low. How many times is someone stupid enough to actually cross over to the other sides territory in hopes of winning a hand-to-hand battle?"

I stay silent further.

"When it comes to climbing... the only time you need to climb is when you need a better perspective or want to make a tricky shot. You have hundreds of other soldiers who can do this for you while I'm perfectly capable of remaining on the ground. Ashton even camouflaged my cast for me so it'd be easier for me to hide in bushes and such."

My eyes drop to her cast, recognizing the dark green fabric that's colored with brown sharpie. I'd be lying if I said Ashton didn't do a damn good job at camouflaging it and making it easier to be left unseen.

I try to ignore the fact that Calum and Ashton clearly filled her in on this all, giving her information to use against me as I don't have much of an argument anymore. I can continue putting the blame on Declan, insisting that I can't do this to him but I don't know how much further that will take me.

"She's worked too hard to just send her home now, Luke," Calum speaks, grabbing my attention. "She wants to be here... she's capable of being here."

A million scenarios run through my head and I try to make sense of them. In all honesty, I don't know what to think. It's true, we can limit what she does once she's out there and I would've been glued to her side regardless. The fact that she's mastered the art of a rifle makes me feel slightly better considering she wasn't good with the handgun before. It seems as if this injury has only made her that much more driven.

Letting out a sigh, I just look to Calum, "I need to talk to Lila... alone."

This seems to alarm Lila, as if fearful she doesn't have anyone to back her up in this moment. She opens her mouth to oppose but Calum just nods, giving into my request.

"You know what the right decision is, Luke," Calum says, seeming to leave me with his final words.

I don't acknowledge them, instead, waiting for him to leave the gun range so I'm left alone with my girlfriend. Knowing I don't want anyone else coming in here and offering their unwanted opinions, I walk over and quickly lock the door. In response, I can see Lila tense up a bit, seeming fearful of where this conversation is going to go.

She can spew what she wants but we both know I will drag her onto that plane if I have to.

As I turn back to her, she immediately begins, "You can't make me leave, Luke. I won't-"

"What did the doctor say? What's the time frame for your healing?" I ask, cutting her off.

Lila seems taken aback by my question but answers quickly, "Six to eight weeks. She said I just need to refrain from using it and irritating it further."

I let out a far from humorous chuckle, "And throwing yourself into war will allow you to do so?"

"I'll be careful-"

"There's no being careful in war, Lila!" I express. "The only thing you have on your mind is surviving and making sure everyone you care about is alive! You're not thinking about maneuvering your arm the right way, or figuring out a different way to crawl when you have to go to a new spot without being seen!"

"We have the rest of the week to go over these kinds of things and prepare for the worst-"

"Do you know how hard this would be on me? Watching you out there with a broken arm, not nearly as capable as everyone around you?"

"Since when have you ever known me to back down when things don't go as planned?" she asks, referring to the chaos that has taken place over our time here. It's true, she's been through hell and back and she's only come out stronger.

"I'm going to be so fucking worried about you, Lila... you don't understand."

"You were going to be worried about me regardless," she retaliates, making a fair point that causes me to shut my mouth. "I know you and I know you would've been just as worried for me with both arms than you would be with just one."

And she's right. There's no measuring how worried I am and would've been. I'd be at the peak of my stress level either way.

"I know you're scared and trust me, I'm scared too but I've earned a spot out there and I'm not just going to go home because you're not confident in me," she says, making my heart tug slightly as I don't want her to think of it in that way. "I'm prepared to spend every second of the rest of our time here learning to adapt with this thing and becoming the best one-armed soldier you've ever seen."

Fucking hell. She's going to be the death of me.

Grabbing onto her waist, I move her body backward, allowing it to find the wall as I press my forehead to hers, earning an instant gasp from Lila's lips. She remains strong, her body still, her eyes finding my own.

"Do you understand that I can't fucking lose you, Lila?" I ask, wanting her to see where I'm coming from. "I can't live another day without you in my life... I don't want to know a life without you again."

Lila gulps, "This was always our reality, Luke. Don't make me take the easy way out just because you can't fathom the thought of me not being in your life. This is meant to be our story."

I close my eyes, trying to ignore her words and instead, convince myself otherwise. I don't want her to be right. I want to be right. I want to send her to the safety of her home and know that if I make it out alive, she'll be alive too.

And for the first time in a while, I feel emotional.

I feel emotional over this shitty reality. Lila and I deserve a different reality... one that's much more promising and reassuring. One that makes me feel better in believing that we could grow old together one day. However, I can't help but admit that she's right. Maybe, as twisted as it is, this is meant to be our story. We're meant to go through something as awful as this and come out a million times stronger. Maybe we're meant to see one another at each other's truest lows and experience the span of a ten-year-long relationship in the course of a few months.

And maybe this is my second chance.

After spending years of beating myself up over Amelia's death, maybe this is my chance to fight alongside a woman I care about more than anything in the world and ensure she makes it home. Maybe she is my second chance at feeling confident in my ability to protect someone. Maybe I can finally send home someone's daughter at the end of this with a proud smile on her face as she conquered one of the most challenging things this universe has to offer.

Even if it's a turnaround from my adamance in not allowing women in my army, there's no one in the world I'd rather make the exception for.

So with that, I bend over, hooking my arms under the back of her knees in order to hoist her up against the wall. Lila gasps, hooking her arm around my neck, and looking to me, expecting an explanation for my actions.

I can't help the words that fall out of my mouth as I ask, "You promise it will always be me?"

It probably is an unfair thing to ask of her but I do so because I know more than anything that it will always be her. I feel it so deeply and I could say it a million times over. I know it will always be her and a part of me is hopeful that she could feel the same.

Lila searches my eyes, "Of course but I need you to trust me enough to send me out there or-"

I don't let her finish.

Instead, I attach our lips, kissing her feverishly while I process the idea that this could be one of the last times I ever have her like this. Obviously, we won't be able to indulge in this once we're out there and who's to say whether we'll both make it out alive. So for that, I don't let a second go to waste between us.

Lila kisses me back, allowing herself to get caught up for a moment, our lips colliding in a hungry manner. She keeps her bad arm around my neck while the other layers itself on top and relaxes while our lips mesh according.

However, it isn't long before she pulls away from me, clearly not done with the conversation. I allow my eyes to slowly open in order to find hers staring into mine intensely.

"Luke... I need answers," she says, shaking her head at me. "We can't just-"

"I know. I'm kissing you because we won't be able to once we're out there and I'm done wasting time when it comes to you."

Lila searches my gaze, this seeming to answer her question as I see the way her eyes light up. I confirmed that I'm letting her stay and I can see the relief wash over her.

I can especially feel the relief as she crashes her lips to mine once more in appreciation. I press my body to hers further, trapping her against the wall that much more while I try to tell her how much she means to me through the feeling of my lips. I want her to understand why it's so hard for me to send her out there. I want her to feel just how desperately I need her in my life and how she's my whole fucking world.

Lila picks up the kiss, tugging on my bottom lip in order to slip her tongue into my mouth, allowing our muscles to clash while our lips move frantically, the feeling being overwhelming and incredibly sensual all at once. After all, every time I kiss her, it feels like the first. It's just as exciting as our first kiss in that motel room and how good it felt to finally act upon my silent desires to feel her lips.

In fact, it's even better.

So as Lila's good arm reaches up to grab my curls, I think about the room we're in. We're currently making out in a gun range and she already managed to get me wound up regardless of how strange our surroundings are. I could encourage us to pause our actions and take a quick detour to our cabin... or, I can make use of our time in here before Calum's next session, which I assume isn't far away.

The angel on my shoulder is telling me to run while we can while the devil refuses to let go of this contact and put things on a short pause. It's selfish and maybe dumb but it kind of adds a thrill to it all.

I decide to make Lila aware of our situation, not wanting to have all the control of our actions that could be borderline idiotic. With that, I move my lips from hers, instead, placing kisses along her jawline and beginning the path down towards her neck.

"Calum's next session is coming up-- probably in the next ten minutes or so," I say, my kisses soft and gentle in order to not distract her entirely from my words as I don't want her spewing something she doesn't mean. "We could either run back to ours... or I could fuck you right here against this wall."

Lila immediately shudders against me, my vulgar words overwhelming to her while my lips trail towards her stretched-out neck. I don't say anything further, instead, anticipating her response to my words.

"Think you can make me cum in ten minutes?" she asks, her words challenging as we both know the answer to it but she teases me, nonetheless.

And I love every second of it.

"I can do it in five, sweetheart," I chuckle, regardless of the fact that we'll have to cut out foreplay entirely. We don't have time to draw things out and quite frankly, kind of have to cut to the chase.

"Prove it," Lila says, stretching her neck further, her tone doing a terrible job at hiding the smirk that is no doubt sitting on her lips. "Ten minutes starts... now."

With that, I nail my waist to hers, hearing the gasp that leaves her lips while I reach down, preparing to tug my shorts down that currently cover half of my legs. Her words have only worked me up further, proving I'm incredibly ready to kick things up a notch but I have to make sure she's at that point as well.

I have no choice but to rid her completely of the shorts and underwear she currently has on so I tug her legs from around my waist, pulling down the fabric and allowing her to kick it all off completely, leaving her lower region bare.

We don't bother taking off either of our shorts, knowing our time is limited. On top of that, I don't even take my shorts or briefs off completely, instead, exposing myself enough so we can continue with our actions exactly where we are.

I don't push anything before reaching between the two of us, needing to know where she's at right now as I slip my fingers between her folds, desperate for her to be on the same page as myself. Luckily, I'm immediately met with her fairly wet core, making my eyes drift up towards her as I run my pointer finger and middle finger along her clit soothingly.

"Do you need a few minutes?" I ask, wanting to know if she'd rather me play with her a bit before jumping into things.

She shakes her head instantly, "Trying to buy yourself time, Lieutenant Hemmings?"

Fuck, will I even last ten minutes?

"The clock started," I say to her, continuing to rub her clit as I've become familiar with it and the way it feels against my rough fingers. "I don't need extra time."

She shoots a challenging eyebrow at me, biting her lip to hide a smirk. With that, I push her further against the wall, her legs dangling at my side as I continue to work her clit but also pump myself a few times before lining up at her entrance.

I look down at the way her legs are spread for me and how quickly replace my middle and pointer finger with my thumb in order for my other fingers to stretch along her hip. My eyes take in the sight of her lower region glistening for me, practically serving as a green light so I don't hesitate in pushing myself inside of her.

Lila immediately gasps, tugging my neck towards her as I groan at the contact, feeling as if I'm entering her for the first time all over again. My thumb stays exactly where it is, knowing I have to pleasure her quickly and efficiently as we don't have time to bask in the act of sex.

"Fuck, you're so hard," Lila whines, earning a smirk from me as I don't know if she's said a truer thing in her life.

In response, I begin planting frantic kisses over her neck, barely paying any inch in particular more attention than the next. Instead, I try to touch every inch of her possible while I have her like this.

"You love me being inside of you like this, don't you?" I ask, noticing the way her breathing is heavy as she pulls on my hair, the back of her head pressed roughly to the wall as I thrust myself inside of her, my rhythm sharp and furious. "Such a slut for my cock, yeah?"

My own words work me up as my muscles strain in my arms, knowing that she loves this form of intimacy just as much as myself. She's always jumped onto every opportunity to feel close like this and has never once shied back.

I groan at my thoughts, delivering a particularly deep thrust in response as I feel a need to act on the animalistic thoughts that tell me to relish in these moments.

"Oh my god, yes," she says, a loud moan following while she arches her chest to me, my thumb continuing to press down on her clit, keeping the movements consistent as I try to pay every bit of her an equal amount of attention.

I chuckle, one that's deep and dark as I soak in the submission of my girl who knows how to drive me absolutely insane. She knows exactly what to say and exactly how to drive me crazy and I feel like the luckiest fucker because of it.

"Tell me you love it," I practically growl, desperate to hear her tell me how much she loves when we're like this... me pounding inside of her relentlessly and not giving a damn about the fact that Calum's going to be back shortly. I don't give a damn about the fact that the smell of sex will linger in the air and he'll know exactly what I did to the girl who more likely than not be walking out with wobbly legs.

"I love your cock, Lieutenant Hemmings," she says, furthering her submission by using my name of power. "Fuck, I love it so much."

I groan in response, throwing my head back as I bite down on my bottom lip, her words overwhelming as I feel every part of me heat up. The truth is, nothing will compare to what she spews to me when we're caught up in moments like this and that will forever be what sends me to the point of being driven over the edge.

My thrusts are possessive, soaking in this opportunity to fuck the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on as I don't take it for granted for a second. Instead, I make sure to pleasure her to the best of my ability while reminding her that no one else is capable of caring about her this much. No one will be capable of showing her how much they care in everything they do because the way I feel about her can't ever be put into words. I don't think it's possible for anyone to feel anything close to this.

"God, I don't know what I'm going to do out there," she says, her head lulling as her hand grabs onto my wrist that works against her clit. "When no one's looking I might just have to..."

And with that, she replaces my hand with her own, immediately working her slim fingers against her clit that has a shiver running up my spine due to how the site is. She immediately inhales a sharp breath, her chest rising as her shoulders raise as well, eyebrows furrowing together.

"Fuck, Lieutenant Hemmings..." she whines desperately, her body shaking in response.

I'm really about to come undone after two minutes, aren't I?

Moaning at her words, I take the opportunity to press my fingers into her mouth, wanting to watch the way her lips wrap around her pleasure that coats my fingers while my other hand moves to her waist, digging into it in need.

Lila abides by my request, opening her mouth just enough for me to slip my fingers past her lips, and immediately shuts it. I don't take my eyes off of her, my hips continuing to meet hers as the sound echoes throughout the room, making me that much turned on at the sound of our hips meeting desperately.

And as she begins sucking on my fingers, her other hand working herself further, I roll my eyes into the back of my head, the sight being far too much for me while I try to hold on as best as I can. I can't cum yet, we've hardly begun. I've got more stamina than that, right?

Then again, we are on a time crunch... I can blame it on that?

"Fuck, Lila..." I say to her, my voice on the verge of cracking as my heart is racing and my throat feels like it's closing due to the way that I'm so overwhelmed and turned on right now. She knows exactly what she's doing and it shows in the way she smirks in response.

Her tongue swirls around my fingers, me watching the action while I try not to let it affect my actions, my thrusts remaining consistent as I try to fuck her as deep and roughly as possible.

"God, you look so good fucking me like thi-"

Her words stop as we both hear someone trying to open the door which causes us to halt for a moment. We both look to each other, wide-eyed, recognizing that I definitely overestimated just how much time we had.

Fuck, we totally should've gone back to the cabin.

"Hemmings, are you in there still?" Calum asks, tugging on it once more as I mutter curse words under my breath.

I hope he doesn't mind waiting a minute... or two.

"I'll be right out," I call back roughly, picking up a pace that's much more rapid than the other one as Lila drops her mouth open, preparing to free a moan.

I quickly flatten my hand against her mouth, knowing we can't get caught in the act of literally fucking in here because I can't find it in me to pull away or leave. We're not finished and I'd be damned if I let her walk away still aching for me.

"I need to get in," Calum says. "Ashton has his session and I have to show him how to work the new gun."

Fucking hell... not only is Calum out there but Ashton too?

Lila widens her eyes at me, myself throwing my head back in annoyance, laced with pleasure as I hit a particular spot that makes me have to bite my own lip in an attempt to hold back my moan.

"Fucking hold on," I say in frustration, annoyed that he's trying to interrupt this right now. Then again, I can't help if I'm only further turned on by us being as sneaky as we are right now. It's as if him trying to get in here, having no idea what's going on, makes it that much more thrilling for me. "I'm helping Lila with something."

At least I didn't lie.

He doesn't respond so I grab Lila's wrist, pushing it away from her core in order to finish the work myself as we have to wrap this up quickly. My hand remains to her mouth, my head tilted downwards as I pant heavily, overwhelmed by the feeling of me pushing out of her and being quickly swallowed up once more.

"Can we at least come in?" Calum presses, making my eyes narrow in annoyance. "I have to get something out and take it-"

"Jesus christ, I said hold the fuck on!" I bark, my tone nothing short of irritated as my pent up frustration is coursing through me, taking it out in every single thrust that I manage, Lila's body being pushed up and down the wall at this point considering I know we're really short on time at this point.

Now we especially don't have the luxury to draw things out.

Calum's quiet once more, probably rolling his eyes at my attitude while a small groan leaves my lips, not being able to help it as I'm insanely turned on by the thrill of this all. It's probably irresponsible of me but I guess we can consider this a lunch break, right?

Lila's breath is hot against my hand, her breathing frantic as I feel guilty for keeping her quiet but I know it's in our best interest. She'd want me to do this if I didn't do it myself because the last thing we need is for anyone to hear us fucking in here while Ashton is supposed to be in here for training.

For that, I lean towards her ear, desperate to know what she thinks of this all.

I let out a few shaky breaths against her earlobe, my thrusts getting deeper by the second as I try to get us to our high as quickly as possible. In response, I apply further pressure to her clit, my fingers moving in a spastic manner in an attempt to drive her through the roof.

"What do you think they'd think about me fucking my pretty little slut up against the wall they're on the other side of right now?" I ask her, a whine following instantly as her body weakens in my grip. "I could keep them waiting outside there all day... I'm the only one who has the key."

Lila's eyes prove how weak she is in this moment as they look at me desperately.

"Luke, seriously, come on!" Calum groans, annoyance evident in his tone. "We're on a tight schedule."

"Keep bitching and I'll keep you waiting longer," I call back, knowing I'm going to pay the consequences for my words as once they come in here, they'll know exactly what the hold up is. "I told you I'd be out in a second."

"That was-"

I don't listen to him finish his sentence, looking over to the clock on the wall to notice we're at four minutes. Due to my own pride, I pick things up furiously in fear that I won't follow through with my words.

I told her I'd make her cum in five minutes and I'd be damned if I didn't make her come in five minutes.

My thrusts become slower, instead, focused purely on pushing inside to reach as deep as physically possible as each one is rougher than the last. On top of that, my fingers continue to work her clit, staring intently into her eyes as I don't want to miss a second of every emotion that's about to become evident.

Her body becomes weak and I realize that right away as she shoots me a look, telling me she's close. As a result, she lets out jumbled moans against my hand, silently begging me to get her to her high while I look at the clock once more.

Thirty seconds.

Pulling out slightly, I focus entirely on her clit for a moment or two as she sucks in a deep breath, her face reddening slightly before I deliver a final push, one that shoots her body up as she practically screams against my hand.

Her high clearly takes over but I can't hear any of it as my hand silences it all. I'm furious that we had to keep it quiet but her body reacts accordingly, shaking in response as her eyes shut and she throws her head back in pleasure.

"Luke, I swear to fucking-"

I remove my hand from her mouth, nodding my head towards the floor as I help her down gently, knowing the only way I can probably cum right now is if she swallows it. I can't cum inside of her and I definitely can't cum in here. Luckily, Lila recognizes that instantly.

She gets on her knees, opening her mouth for me as I immediately begin jerking myself off, watching every inch of her while my muscles strain against my arm in surrender. I bite on the entirety of my bottom lip as I try to keep myself quiet as well, knowing I can't make a single noise.

"I'm going to kick this-"

"Fuck!" I scream, coming undone completely as I shoot into Lila's mouth, the orgasm taking control of my body as the word sounds angry enough to apply to Calum's annoying ass demands. Regardless of him pissing me off, I feel on top of the world as my vision blacks for a moment, stars twirling around in euphoria while I try to remain standing straight. Nonetheless, I trying to cover it up. "I'm fucking coming, okay?"

Once again, at least I didn't lie.

I don't look away from Lila, watching her take my pleasure in its entirety as my hand slows down, drying myself out completely before pulling my pants up without hesitation. Once Lila catches me doing so, she stands up as well, me spotting her shorts and underwear so I rush towards it and toss it to her.

Lila shoots me an appreciative but shy smile, tugging them up her legs with speed as I hurry to the door, looking behind me to ensure she's closed before I open the door for Ashton and Calum. She looks good to go so I unlock the door and pull it open in order to shoot them a bored expression to mask the incredible high I just reached.

"Fucking hell, took you long enough," Calum says, barely paying me an ounce of attention while walking into the room and purposefully shoving into my shoulder.

I roll my eyes at his behavior, Ashton slipping in as well, both seeming irritated that I kept them waiting. They head towards the guns, not in the mood to ask any questions while Lila walks towards me, giving me a look of relief considering we somehow managed to not get caught.

"Alright well, we're going to-"

"Why is it so hot in her- oh my fucking god, you two were totally just fucking, weren't you?" Calum asks, turning to us with eyes of horror as I don't even know what to say or do.

We're caught but in all honesty, I don't care.

"Catch you guys at dinner!" I say, shooting the two of them a cheeky smile while wrapping my arm around Lila's shoulders and rushing us out of the gun range. She doesn't say anything, probably much more humiliated than myself as we practically run from the room where we just had phenomenal sex.

Well, I'm sure that'll definitely encourage them to do absolutely anything but work in the gun range right now. 


sheesssh ok lmao

hope u guys enjoyed this one (-,: last smut scene for a bit


one more chap left before they go to the final round so buckle up for the loads of drama to come

thank u so much for reading, I love and appreciate all of u!! 

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