Believer's Sins [Reborn In On...

By movingdildo

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In an island, there is a nameless 35 year woman. Despite all the shit she's gone through in her life there, s... More

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Chapter I

4.1K 87 49
By movingdildo

I'm bored. There is nothing to do in here as always. And I may die of hunger in 7 days if I don't find anything to eat.

All the fish are gone, there isn't a single one left. There isn't any animal either, since the last female sheep died not long ago of old age. The wolves, too died but of unknown reasons.

I assume it was because they may have drank polluted water. Well, there isn't any water left in here too, it isn't raining in this hellhole. Therfore, not a single tree is producing some consumable fruits.

Plus, I don't find bears anymore, which is annoying since i'm so fucking hungry. Those bitches appear only when at my lowest. Not to comfort me, but to beat the shit out of me. Almost died 3 times because of those cowards.

I swear-! life is against me these days. Or is it just my time to die? Damn. At least I die as a hot survivor. And I have abs too, something I never thought I would have when I was still 18 years old.

But bro, I fucking never had a proper life. From childhood to adulthood I couldn't have a peaceful good one. To think that leaving my hell-like past household would lead me to die in my 30's... ahhhhh

A loud sound could be heard. It sounded like some plane. PLANE?! WHY WOULD IT BE SO LOU- don't tell me it's going to crash-

Hurry! I should hide and wait for the impact in my basement. I don't want to die crushed by a plane.

But before I could do anything, a loud splash made me freeze.
-if I save the people there, police officers may come and save me with them! AHHH MY ONLY CHANCE. HURRY, MY CLOTHES.

(Yes, she was shameless enough to wear nothing)

Don't judge me, I explored the whole island before doing so. And bro, who won't want to admire their body if it looked like mine.

I put a torn white cap around my waist and some ripped black t-shirt. I look like a tramp but we dont care about that.

I run to where i heard the splash and see some bubbles in the water. They might still be alive.

Then, I run until my feet can't reach the land and continue by swimming. I dive in and see that there was a guy desperately trying to pull 6 other people. I held out my hand for him and as he take it, he looses consciousness.

I pull him out and the others to the shore, then go back in again and search for other people or useful things.

Back to the shore, I lie the things I brought from the plane.

Loots gained:
-emergency food and water to survive for 3months ×7
-some plushies.
-pack of clothes ×7
-emergency survivor pack (to light on fire, collect rainwater, knives, bowls, spoons, and a gun)
-non-working emergency phone box(or whatever it's called)
-non-working tracker.
-luggages full of useless mechanic stuff.
-pillows, blankets.

Wow, the best part is the food and the gun obviously . But neither the tracker or phone are working. There is no more hope of being saved... and now I have 7 guys that are probably too spoiled with their comfortable life.

I assumed they would be spoiled because what normal people would have a private jet? They're either very rich or just that the world developed so much that flying with a private jet is normal. But let not be irrational.

I lay them on some towels on the floor and stripped them off their clothes. (Not like that, I just can't afford them having a cold. Plus, I let them stay with their boxers)

I try to get the water off their lungs like I always do when I drown.


Fuck, I can't think straight. I should first see where we're gonna crash.


I try to get them to tighten their seat belts and put their vest on but they're too panicked.


I cover them up with my body (well, try to) but that was a useless move. And Bon-Hwa Hoseok and Baek Hyun even lost consciousness as they hit their head on the wall.

Water start surrounding us, we'll drown If it continues like that! Shit shit shit.

-calm down, we can still go up if we hurry.

I didn't know that He could be like that in times like that...
-thanks Beom Seok.

Yoongi, Hijiri and Beom Seok are carrying the passed out members and we hold hands before counting to three.
-on three we'll open the exit..

We get sucked outside.. I could barely stop the water into getting in my lungs. Beom's grip weaken and i look at him, trying to ignore how bad it hurts to open my eyes in this salted water.

Fuck, He lost consciousness! And Hijiri is barely trying to stay awake. no no no. I should hurry up.

I swim as fast as I can but then, I see a figure swimming towards me, helding out it hands for me to take it.

Hallucinations before dying? Maybe, but I'm too desperate to have pessimistic thoughts.

As I take their hands,everything goes black.

I'm doing the PPR? DPR? Or CPR thing to the one that was trying to swim up. I didn't use my technique since I doubt one would be able to survive MY way of getting the water out of the lungs...

And as soon as I do a bump in his chest he brutally wakes up.

Damm bitch calm down, I just saved your sorry ass.

He throw up a LOT of water and tries to open his eyes, but can't. He might have opened them underwater, that was dumb but at the same time worth the praise. He must have done it to see how his friends(?) are doing.

-lay down, not ready, sit.

I push him to lay back down, he can't fight back since he's weakened. Stress, fear and all, might have something to do with it.

-the others, saved, not worry. pilot, not find.

He cough water but then answer.
-we did not have a pilot, the plane was flying on its own.

I put a towel in cool water and then go back to the guy. I put it on his face.
-rinse, eyes, bacteria, blind.

He start cleaning his eyes while I go to the other guys and do the cpr thing. They cough up a lot of water but they did not regain consciousness.

After I finished, I look at the first guy who was staring intensely at me, then ask.
-you want my name..?

I just stare at him. Cuz bro, didn't I make it very clear that I want his name? I can't keep calling him the first guy.

-I'm Makai. And yours?
-not have.
-stay put.

I warn him before going to my basement. I put the loot I gained there. And also do some cleaning.

Two hours later, I go back up and see my house turned upside down. They all freeze when seeing me. We stare at each other for a few moments.
-my house. What. You did. With. House?!
-y-your house?

these ungrateful bitches really.... and what is Makai doing? Ah, he's sleeping. He must have been really tired.

They all bowed to me, asking for forgiveness.

they finally got the hint and started cleaning their mess. I go to the kitchen and see that there is no wood left to do the fire.

I leave the house and go fetch wood, rocks and dirt. I need to make more spoons and bowls. I also check the salt production at the shore and put some in leaf boxes. After all that, I go back to my house. I'm welcomed by 7 hot guys sitting on the floor in their pajamas.

I completely forgot how to be attracted to hot people (as well as shame and fear of death) So I don't waste much time and do what I gotta do.

I start cooking and one of them come near me and help me with it.
-uhm... my name is Hijiri...
-a-and yours?
-not have.

Pfff he had the same reaction as Makai haha.

We cook in silence.
-uhm.. I very much enjoy cooking?
-no uhm.. it just.. nevermind..

The others are just talking together. They must have forgotten this morning's incident should I remind them? Or is it too evil to do so? Nah, let stay put.

-You. from where.
-ah, we all work and we're born in Korea except for Hijiri and Makai, that were born in Japan. Do you know something about it?

I nod.
-oh, it might be late but.. thank you for saving us.. I heard from Makai what happened and what you did for us. Thank you again.
-and also... were you stuck in this place for long?

I shrug.
-i was 18... now 35-36?

I nod.
-WHAT IS IT?! why did you yell 18 years?!
-Bon-Hwa... she was stuck in this lost Island alone for EIGHTEEN YEARS.

They all yelled a 'WHAT?!'.
-shut up.
-it must have been so hard. I'm sorry for what happened to you... plus, you were so young when that happened.
-no need pity.
-I... I didn't mean to offend you.. (Hijiri)

The room is silent once again, no one dared to talk after hearing what I said.

After I've finished making dinner, we all sit around the table no one had a proper chair except for me (since I made it obviously).

-it's delicious! You're so good at cooking! (Bon-Hwa)

I nod.
-by the way, my name is Kim Bon-Hwa.

This guy is a pure extrovert.

-oh.. uhm.. and.. mine is Jeon Bora...

Look like he's shy. Cute.

-i'm Park Beom Seok.
-Kim Hoseok at your service!

Too cheerful. I feel like all my suicide thoughts are getting wiped out.

-I uhm am a Gwan Yoong.
-don't mind him, he's bad at English. And you already know me, i'm Tanaka Hijiri.
-same for me, i'm Shirakawa Makai

-I'm 'Nameless'

So, we have a lot of fun during those 2months. They learned how to survive in the wild life. Even though the island has lost every living thing in it (excluding us), we managed to survive with the kits I found in the plane.

They would often complain about how there isn't any food and I slap that off their mind, cuz babe, you're not the only one struggling.

-you said you were k-popers.

-yeah? (Suho)

-so you're rich.

-yeah we're kinda are, yah yah hehe (Bon-Hwa)

Is this bitch trying to flex?

-then you gotta spoil me then when the damn police find you.

-you'll be entangled in many scandals though.

-Makai. Do I look like someone who care about my reputation?

He looks at me up and down, who's half naked and sitting doing the manspread.


-what was that judgemental look just now?


-he means that you're not lady like (Bora)

-not lady like my ass. Go find that shit in normal girls that didn't live their whole fucking life in wildlife. I bet I could take down every each of you even if y'all ganged up on me.

-aye bet. (Bon-hwa, Yoong, Jin and Baek-Hyun)

-hey, even though she provoked you, you cannot just gang up on a woman. (Makai)

-he's right, this is unmanly (Hoseok and Bora)

-she has the right to be unwomanly and we don't have the right to act unmanly? (Hijiri)

-right! Now let start this fight Nameless. But don't forget that I did my military service. (Baek Hyun)

-bet. (Me)

We fight, and I put them to sleep in 15seconds.

-who's fragile now.

-sorry. (The three guys on the floor)

That was something normal at this point, they would start a fight and apologize when they kiss the ground haha.

They prepare dinner and I wait at the table for them to finish.

-can't you help a little?! (Baek hyun)

-ugh.. I feel like dying. 18 years in this hell-hole sure drained every little energy I have... ugh..

-guilt tripping us won't work anymore.(bon-hwa)

-haha faster my little housewives! I'm hungry!

-hey! (Hijiri)

-Ough- I'm hurt...

-tsk (everyone)

I fucking love teasing them.

They bring me the food and sit around the table to eat with me. But then I have a thought.

-how old are yall?

-everyone is 19-22

-so... I'm older than all of you...?! NO WAY. Call me elder and use honorifics when talking to me you little brats HOHOHO.

-not even in your dreams old hag (Hijiri)

-you're sitting next to me Jin, and look how your neck fits perfectly between my hands?

He gulps and apologize.

-no, like for real. Call me mom.


Suho literally choke on his food. The others were looking at me, bamboozled.

-I've always wanted kids, but since blood attracts wolves and wild animals, and at that time I was really scared and tried to survive no matter what, I punched my gut with a huge piece of wood to get rid of my periods, and I cannot have kids anymore. I basically shat my vagina.


-and I always wanted to hug my kids and kiss them.

I look at them trying to act cute.

-are you all crying?! PFFFHAHA WHY WOULD YO- I mean, come in my arms baby boys..! Momma will give you big big hug to comfort you!

-you're crossing a line (Hijiri)

I pull him into a hug.

-wh-what the hell are you doing?!

-you've brought it upon yourself.

And ever since that day, I didn't restrain myself anymore and hugged them everyday everytime I saw them. We swam played, ate, slept and cuddled together and had a lot of fun until 23days later, since the police finally finds us and bring helicopters to come and get us from here.

The press appreciated the scoop and the journalist interviewed all of us. I fainted because there were too many humans talking to me. When I woke up, I felt like I was sleeping on clouds and I abruptly stood up.

-I lowered my guard a bit and here I am in heaven.

I hear some chuckles.

-you're not dead Mom. This is the place you'll be sleeping in from now on. (Makai)

-Did you also die?! No way! I can swear I was sleeping on a cloud.

-look closely Mom. (Jin)

I look and see that I'm on a bed. A very soft bed. I let myself fall on my back.

-Did you faint again!? Mom! (Everyone)

-I'm just laying on the bed. Don't worry. Is everyone here by the way?

-yes, and guess what?


-you may be able to have a kid on your own! The doctors said that if you do their surgery, you'll have 60% of chance of being able to have kids again!

-I don't need a kid anymore.

-huh? (All)

-i have you as my kids and I love you a lot.

They seemed touched.

-and I reconsidered the choice of making one since having annoying brats like you drained every little energy out of me. I didn't want one more headache!

-why you ruin it?! (Beak hyun)

-yeah why?! (Bora and Hoseok)

I just let out a very unlady-like cackle that sounds like a strangled chicken. They join in the laugh with me and then hug me.

I lived, known as their mom. Traveling around the world with them and discovering the world aside from its wildness and its hardships. Food was always available and I never had something missing from me.

Not in material and money, nor in love and affection. The seven of them hugged and showered me with love every single time we saw each other...

My death was peaceful, 69years old with seven old men crying about me and telling me how much they love me.

-my time is coming, my kids, I love you so much... but did you know what Candice said?

-Candice..? Who's Candice? (Makai)

I smirk.

-Wait please don't make that your last words. Please. I beg you. MOM. (Everyone except Makai who was confused)



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