Smoke and Fire

By Darkness0166

16.7K 325 22

What would happen if the story started off with Edward being a dad? He finds a little girl in the woods some... More

My Beginning....
Growing up...
Fuxk Bella Swan
She knows....
Baseball ⚾
Leaving Forks...
Death is easier than living
The deal....
Balls and Wives
Plot Twist
Life and Death
Athenodora part 2 (Elena⬆)
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By Darkness0166

Athenodora pov

I sat at my desk trying to fix my face. The claw marks didn't heal at all. I frowned looking at myself in the mirror. All i saw was that bitch! "Ahhh!" I screamed punching the mirror. I hated her with every bone in my body. She had my husband wrapped around her finger. I sighed, I missed him if only he'd give me the time of day. Now that, that woman was with child he didn't even glance at me.

Well, she was dying today, Caius would never give up his immortality for a mere human. It was only a matter of time. I smiled at myself looking at the clock. Two minutes left.

My door barged open slamming into the walls. I stood up looking at the guard and, in the center, Sulpicia and Marcus stood. "What is the meaning of this?" I frowned.

"Take her." Marcus whispered. I backed away as the guard came towards me. "No!" I growled against their hold. "You can't do this to me! I'm the Queen! "

"Were." I heard Sulpicia whispered with a straight face. "What are you talking about?'' I growled at her. "You said your Queen, and your not. So the correct word is, Were."

What is she talking about? She was supposed to be my friend. She should be helping me! "What are you doing Sulpicia? Your suppose to be my friend Remember? We are the Queens here, and Queens stick together." She looked at me with such a face, it was as if she knew all my dirty secrets. Her face showed pent up hate. ''Your right, Queens do stick together, so you must understand why i am not siding with you. It was my idea to have you arrested now  instead of waiting. " She smiled at me flashing her fangs. "it was also my idea to skip the trial and just have you ripped apart limb by limb."  I frowned at her taking a step forward, the guards gripped my arms hard.  "What happened to you Suplicia? We were so close, you helped me rule when i first came here! We have been friends for over six hundred years!" 

"Wrong. We have been friends for 4 years, after i learned about your true nature i made you my enemy, It just topped the cake when i got a letter last night about you and my husband. But, before you speak, just know that I'm passed it. Knowing Aro, he tricked you somehow. " She chuckled at me. "Your so stupid and blind by power and Caius that you don't see anything around you!" 

"Did you notice my secret friendship with Elizabeth or how about my relationship with Marcus?" She was right...I didn't even notice them.....  let alone her and Marcus.

"Cats finally got your tongue?" She chuckled at me. I felt so stupid and embarrassed right now. She was showing her claws finally, and they were sharp. 

  Where was Caius, he wouldn't allow this to happen! "Where is Caius?! I know he wouldn't let this happen to me! Whatever this even is!"

Marcus and Sulpicia share a face. It shows sadness and pity? "Master Caius is dead." Marcus whispers low to me. I frown, my eyebrows raising in shock and pain. "What?" I stutter falling to my knees. I feel pain in my chest. Like a gasping whole has appeared. If I could cry, I knew it would be pouring down my face like rain.

 What did you do my love? "Master Caius died saving the New Queen, and the Little Prince." A guard says proudly. I glare at him. "You mean to tell me; he really gave his life for those Humans?! " I scream. "How could he! How could he leave me alone like this! He promised me!" I drop my head down. This was not part of the plan....He was suppose to be mine again.... Did she really mean this much to him?

"Take her to the cells, she will be tried in court at noon for treason against the Queen and Prince." 

I let them take me not wanting to fight anymore. What was the point? I lost the person i thought was my friend. My true love was dead ....

They dragged me throughout the castle showing everyone i was now beneath them. They tossed me into a dirty cell that was sealed with Alec's mist. With one touch I would be suffocated and killed in a minute.

Maybe it was a good idea.

 I squeezed the necklace around my neck tightly. 

This was all I had left of him. He gave it to me the day we met; it was the start to our forever.


"Athena. What do you think?" I sighed looking at Elena. She had been trying to find jewelry for her wedding. I had looked at over fifty sets. "Yes, its very nice." I whispered hiding behind my fan. "You said that about the last one!'' I rolled my eyes looking away from her. "I feel like you don't care, I would hate to tell Eric that your being unkind to me again." She faked pouted. I sighed looking at her again. Fake it until you make it. "You know, those ruby's would like so nice with your pale skin. It would really make you glow!" I smiled at her. She grinned picking it up. "Your right! " She grinned grabbing the case. "Eric!" She yelled catching his attention from a near by stand. "I found the pieces i want!'' she flashed him a smile. Of course, he was a sucker for her. 

He came to her side holding her in his arms "Buy it my darling, anything to make you shine on our wedding day." His eyes moved to mine. "Did you find anything my love?" I shifted my feet uncomfortable. "Not really, maybe at the next stop." I smiled at him.

I loved my husband with a passion at first, and then he met Elena at a party and fell for her, and made the choice to take two wives putting me second. Elena managed to worm her way into his heart making him all hers. Whenever i tried to spend time with him, there she was! She took my first love, and for that, I hate all women who do this disgusting thing!

Elena made a face. She was getting jealous. "Eric, I'm getting tried, can we go rest please, I think the baby is tired of me walking." She smiled placing a hand on her stomach. "Of course my darling." He picked her up in one motion leaving me behind. Guess I'm shopping alone now.

I felt everyone's stares. They must have overheard her. It was no secret I couldn't have kids, as much as i wanted to. Maybe that was the reason he was in love with her. She gave him something I couldn't.

I moved to another stand looking at the necklaces. They were all so pretty but went over my spending amount. Eric only gave me ten dollars. Enough for one meal and a bus ticket. 

"This one would look regal on your neck."  I smiled hiding behind my fan.  "You're to kind Sir." I blushed looking up at the man. He was very handsome with long blonde hair tied behind him in a blue ribbon and these red eyes that shinned like a ruby. He handed the man coins and tossed the necklace to me. I looked at the  jewel and smiled. It was a ruby necklace, it looked just like his eyes, but the price! Fifty dollars! 

"I can't take this Sir, its too expensive to give to someone like me." I held out the necklace to him. "Think of it as a token of my appreciation." Appreciation? "Appreciation of what Sir?"  He grinned at me taking a step closer. With one hand he touched my hair looking at it before looking me in the eyes. "Of your beauty." he smirked walking away from me with just a nod of his head. "Until next time" he whispered.

And he disappeared. For the first time in a year, i felt love again. 

We started to meet in secret for the next few months and then it happened. I was murdered.

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