Always and forever | peter Pa...

By spiderparker05

35.7K 546 162

Adopted by the avengers, born with magical powers and about to face school, y/n meets peter Parker for the fi... More

1. A new hope
2. Pilliow war
3. Late chats and waffle wars
4. First days
5. Boredom
6. Dogs and hats
7. Hes just a friend
8. Our tree swing
9. Is that thor?
10. Halloween
11. Walks and cake
12. Zoned out
13. Ice cream
14. Meeting may
15. First kiss
16. The date
17. Lazy days
18. Its begining to look alot like christmas
19. The perfect tree
20. Video call
21. Snow
22. Stay like this forever
23. Snowman
24. Hot chocolate in the park
25. Snoring
26. Girls shopping day
27. Christmas market
28. Christmas eve
29. The polar express
30. Christmas day
31. Group call
32. New years
33. Situation
34. Lego set
35. Valentines
36. Chill day
37. The past
38. Space ship
39. Dust
40. 5 years later
41. Pain
42. Tea party
43. Shopping with peter
44. The charity event
45. Babysitting
46. Back at school
47. Wecome to venice
48. Water monster
49. Mr Beck
50. Baby mountain goats
51. The plan
52. Fire elemental
53. The truth about mysterio
54. Im in the netherlands?
55. London
56. Welcome home
57. Cookies
58. Cinema
59. Peters birthday
60. Picnic at sunset
61. Goodbyes
62. Clouds
63. Bike ride
64. The test
65. Mood swings
66. Bad feeling about her
67. Mysterio reveals a truth
68. New friend
69. Little black dress
70. Mj meets morgan
71. Winter is coming
72. Multiverse guys
73. Explostions
74. You look like you've seen a ghost
75. Who is peter parker?
77. A new home
78. When you realise your childhood is over
79. Prom dress shopping
80. Prom
81. Missing you
82. Stars
83. End of the summer
84. New roomate
85. First days again
86. Story of us
87. Peters home
88. Graduation
89. Wedding
90. New beginings
91. Happily ever after

76. normal is boring

171 3 0
By spiderparker05

"Peter?" I wake up noticing he's not in bed. Oh great. I get up and grab his hoodie he left on the chair and slide it over my head before walking down the corridor.

"Morning kid" dad said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning dad, have you seen peter?"

"Not since last night" dad said. "Do you want any breakfast, I'll make pancakes specially for you"

"Thanks dad but I'm not hungry"

"You should really eat something (y/n)"

"Maybe later" i say and walk out the door, it was a frosty morning, the lake had begun to freeze around the edges as the sun began to rise above the trees.

The dogs followed me outside and made there way into the garden before looking up at the roof.

"Peter?" I ask and the dogs give me a look as if to say yep.

I climb on the chairs and onto the roof to find Peter sat in a little hall hugging his knees.

"Hi" I give him a sympathetic smile, my heart broke when I saw his eyes, they where red and blotchy like he'd been up here crying. I carefully walked over to him and sat down next to him as he dropped his head onto my shoulder.

"I've lost everyone" he sobs and I wrap my arm around him pulling him in closer.

"No you haven't, Peter we can get Ned and mj to remember and you have me and you will always have me because I'm with you for life"

"I can't lose you either, if I lose you i have nothing but you being with me is putting you in danger like how I put May and happy in danger and now they are gone, (y/n) I can't lose you but you'd be safer without me around, you will be in less danger and I can't go on knowing you will be in danger every time im around you so if it means your safety I think we should maybe put a break on us-"

"Peter Benjamin Parker don't you dare tell me all that bullshit crap about how im safer without you and how we should just break up because we will not be breaking up, when I first came into This life I knew my entire life I would be in danger, everyday something may happen and I've learnt to just get on with it because that's the life I was born and raised into so don't you dare break up with me Peter don't you do it and you know what together we can take on whatever life may throw in our way and we will get through it together do you understand" I cup his face in my hand forcing him to look into my eyes.

"Yeah" he nods and I kiss his forehead.


"If you die and it's my fault I will never forgive myself" he says.

"I won't die, not any time soon and neither will you, we will grow old together and probably just sit in our old people chairs watching Star Wars together" I say and he finally smiles.

"I like the sound of that"

"Me to" I quickly kiss his lips before being blinded by the bright sunlight. "I need sunglasses" I cover my eyes making peter laugh.

"It's a lovely sunrise"

"Yes it is but it's freezing out here" I say and he hugs me tightly.

"Even with my hoodie on?"

"Yes it's only a thin hoodie now can we go back inside and maybe if you wanna go back to bed and if you're in the mood we can..." I move my hands in a weird motion making peter laugh. "What it's been like a week and I just want you to be inside me"

"You're dad is downstairs" peter says.


"He might hear us, you aren't exactly quite"

"Hey I can be quite"

"Sure" he laughs and I just glare at him and he begins to laugh even more.

"You're mean" I fold my arms.

"I love you really" he kisses the top of my head.


"You aren't gonna say it back?" He pouts and I lean in and kiss him.

"I love you Peter" I smile and his face lights up. Every time I tell him I love him it's like he's hearing it for the first time. "Can we head inside now my butt is frozen"

"Yeah" peter nods and we slowly get up off the roof and carefully walk down. Peter jumped down first and then he catches me.

"Hey you found him" my dad said as we walked back Into the house.

"Yeah I did"

"I made pancakes" dad said putting them on a plate.

"Thanks dad" I smile taking a seat next to Peter.

"I spoke to your school and they are going to send all your work online so you can just work from here and send it in by the end of the day" dad tells us. "You can use the library"

"There's a library here?"

"Yeah it's at the end of the house"

"I'm so going in there"

We finished eating breakfast before heading back I to the bedroom.

"I'm gonna go shower"I tell Peter as I grab my towel from the side.

"Okay" he says getting a text book out.

"Wanna join me?" I grin and he instantly gets up and throws his top on the floor before pressing his lips against mine and pulling my top above my head.

I step out of my pyjama bottoms and throw them on the floor next to the other clothes.

"Do we have any condoms?" He asked.

"Check under the sink" I say and peter opens it up and grabs the box and getting one out. "Don't want a repeat of last time we where here"

"Definitely not" he smiles before kissing me. I quickly turn the shower on and let it warm up before stepping Into the warm water.

We took our time in the shower, not wanting to leave the warmth of the feeling of us. We managed to stay as quite as we could but thanks to the sound of the running water it should have made any noise we made not noticeable to anyone else.

"Wanna watch high school musical again?" I ask as we both are putting out clothes on.

"Obviously, I love high school musical" peter says with a smile.

"I learnt the entire dance to where all in this together" I tell him. I forced Bucky to learn it with me and when we watched the movies we'd move all the sofas out of the way and dance.

"I've seen you do it" peter says.

"What when?"

"I came round once when we didn't officially meet and I saw you and Bucky dancing to it"

"We did dance a lot"

"Do you ever miss your life before everything that happened with the blip"

"Yes and no, I miss the people mainly but because of the blip I got a sister and I get to live with you"

"We could actually do with apartment shopping because we can't live in your dads house forever" Peter says and I nod.

"I have enough money saved lot help buy an apartment" I tell him. "And I get a ridiculous amount when I turn 18 so we could wait a year before buying an apartment so then we can get a nice place" I add.

"Yeah, I can't believe we will be 18 soon"

"It's only November we've still got a while till august"

"It's our one year tomorrow"

"I know"

"I had a big plan but we can't really do any of that now"

"I'm sure we can do something equally as special as long as we're together everything will be perfect" I smile as he kisses my lips.

"Stop making out and go do some school work" my dad said from behind the door.

We both laugh before getting up and making our way down the corridor and into the library, Morgan was sat on the sofa reading a picture book and she got up and ran over to us.

"Hey Morgan" I smile as she jumps up into my arms.

"I'm so happy you are living with us now" she smiles at Peter and I.

"Morgan, get your school work done" dad walked in and I placed Morgan on the chair in between me and Peter. "Don't distract (y/n) and peter" he tells her and she nods before sliding down the chair after my dad closed the door.

"I'm bored" Morgan said.

"What work have you got to do?" Peter asked her.

"Silly maths" Morgan replied.

"Well I'm amazing at maths so I can help" peter smiles and pulls his chair closer to Morgan. "Okay so the two times tables is just adding two and when you do ten times anything you just add a zero to the number" Peter explains and passes morgan the pencil for her fo do it.

"You are very smart" morgan smiled.

"I was top of my class" he said proudly.

I got most of my work done before lunch, Peter kept helping morgan with her work. Dad and pepper had to go back into the city to sort some business with stark industries leaving peter and I to watch Morgan.

We ended up snuggling together on the sofa with the fire on while we watched frozen, it was cozy here it was snowing outside but warm inside.

"Morgan's asleep" Peter whispered in my ear and I notice Morgan snuggled by my waist.

"She looks so peaceful" I smile moving a strand of her dark hair from her face.

My dad and pepper opened the front door and noticed morgan sleeping so they where quite as they made there way across the room.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Pepper asked.

"We had pizza since morgan was hungry"

"I will carry her to bed" pepper said lifting her up and carrying her down to Morgan's room.

"We have a date for happy and mays funeral" dad said sitting down at the table and peter and I get up and go sit next to him."They can do it on the same day if we want"

"Yes That's what they would want" peter nods. "Nothing to big though"

"Next Friday is the earliest they can do" 


We both knew we had to have the funeral at some point but I don't think either of us knew it would be this soon.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed, I'm tired" Peter says and gets up.

"I'll come to bed soon" I tell him and he nods before walking down the corridor.

"How's he taking it?" My dad asked making hot chocolate.

"He blames himself, when he is distracted with something he's fine but when he's not he can shut himself away"

"And how are you taking it I know you where close with them"

"It's strange, it's like one second everything was normal and happy and we where sat watching tv with May and the next thing everything's changed and she's not here and happy died in front of me and I did nothing to save him and now he's not here and we still are and then Nat came back and she's gone and I miss her more than anything and I miss how things use to be when we lived at avengers tower and life was care free and fun" I say without a breath.

"It's part of growing up, you lose people on the way and the world keeps moving and we can't do anything about it even though it feels wrong that we live on and they don't" he says passing me two hot chocolates with marshmallows.

"It feels scary how fast everything is changing"

"And time is only gonna move faster" he tells me and I nod.

"Im gonna go check on Peter" I get up of the chair with the hot chocolates in my hands. "Night dad" I give him a smile as I leave the kitchen.

"Night kiddo love you" he says making me smile.

"Love you to dad" i say before walking into my bedroom to find Peter curled up in the dark under the sheets.

"Peter darling, i got hot chocolate" I say walking over to him.

"With mini marshmallows?" I hear him say from under the cover.

"Of course" I smile and see his face appear and pass him the mug.


"Are you okay peter?" I ask sitting down next to him.

"Yeah your here so everything is perfect" he smiles.

"Aww how sweet but seriously are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, it just feels like everything is happening so fast"

"Yeah it does feel like time is moving to fast"

"Do you ever miss how things where before all this crazy stuff?" He asked.

"My entire life has been crazy stuff, it's all I've ever known" I tell him. "What about you do you ever miss life before being Spider-Man?"

"Yes and no"

"Care to elaborate on that?"

"If it wasn't for Spider-Man I never would have met you or been to space or gotten to be an avenger but if i wasn't Spider-Man I'd probably have a normal boring life" he said placing his empty cup on the side.

"Normal is boring"

"Yes it is" he agreed.

"I can't imagine never knowing you, I'd probably be sat alone watching tv and reading all the time, I'd probably go insane" I'd feel very alone without peter, he's the person who brightens my world up even when it's dark and wet he brings the light. "Youre my reason to keep going in this world" I look over at him and his brown eyes are fixed on me with a look that he just wants to wrap his arms tightly around me and never let go. "Hug?" I ask and he nods before wrapping his arms around me holding me closely into his chest.

"I never believed in soulmates until I met you"

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