Embrace Two (Spin of from Acc...

By EmmaWilliams66

1.3K 127 56

Set Six months after Embrace. Its half term and Tyler is extremely happy to be able to spend an entire weak w... More

Chapter One: What the hell is going on?
Chapter Two: Check you over.
Chapter Three: So much to come
Chapter Four: Lost in the mountains
Chapter Five: Lets get to business
Chapter Six: Blame me for his death.
Chapter Seven: We have not even started yet
Chapter Eight: I'll do my best.
Chapter Nine: I think we can!
Chaper Ten: Come Back Alive!
Chapter Eleven: Follow my lead!
Chapter Twelve: Very angry!
Chapter Thirteen: Not lose
Chapter Fourteen: It's Robbie!!
Chapter Fifteen: Bitch!
Chapter Sixteen: I can't wait!
Chapter Seventeen: I didn't miss you
Chapter Eighteen: I'll take it!
Chapter Nineteen: I freaking love my dad!
Chapter Twenty: Greet them
Chapter Twenty One: Don't run!
Chapter Twenty Two: Perfect
Chapter Twenty Three: Protect Zane!
Chapter Twenty Four: Survive this
Chapter Twenty Five: Understood.
Chapter Twenty Six: Have up next.
Chapter Twenty seven: You hear me.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Through the smoke
Chapter Twenty Nine: Why shouldn't I just kill you!
Chapter Thirty: Arrow Sharp
Chapter Thirty One: Good instincts
Chapter Thirty Two: Teach them
Chapter Thirty Three: Can it really wait?
Chapter Thirty Four: Bravest man
Chapter Thirty Five: In a heartbeat
Chapter Thirty Six: Hello Nephew!
Chapter Thirty Eight: End well
Chapter Thirty Nine: He has too!
Chapter Forty: Behind
Chapter Forty one: Goodbye dear friend .
Chapter Forty Two: Sorry its taken so long!
Chapter Forty Three: Will need each other
Chapter Forty Four: Want what is best for Fay.
Chapter Forty Five: Fay Lake
Chapter Forty Six: Enjoy ourselves.
Chapter Forty Seven: Do happen for a reason.
Chapter Forty Eight: His cooperation
Chapter Forty Nine: Unfinished Business
Chapter Fifty: Good Lad
Chapter Fifty One: Hey Sweetie.
Chapter Fifty Two: Good enough job.
Chapter Fifty Three: Welcome to my world
Chapter Fifty Four: Loves us just that much.
Chapter Fifty Five: What should he do?
Chapter Fifty Six: Here we go
Chapter Fifty Seven: We are leaving.
Chapter Fifty Eight: Tyler...I'm Scared
Chapter Fifty Nine: What?
Chapter Sixty: I'll Fix you.
Chapter Sixty One: In hope he could be the hero
Chapter Sixty Two: To be continued.

Chapter Thirty Seven: From the very beginning

25 2 1
By EmmaWilliams66

Tyler's POV

I feel sick. This horrible feeling washing over me. Every ounce of me wondering if this had been timed perfectly. Waiting for Arrow to be out the picture to strike.

Had Liam been genuine? Or asked to take Arrow away to ensure they could get close to there nephew without Arrow getting in the way?

Either way I don't feel this is going to end well. It really isn't is it?

I have Luca and Zane either side of me holding them close.

We had got caught in that explosion just like our dad did. I tried to protect my brothers the best I could. They are both in shock just like I am but unharmed and hadn't been hurt.

I had hurt my ankle pretty badly. I remember screaming and shouting at my dad as he had been chucked away from us but he was too far away and my dad's uncle was there. I hadn't noticed the women near by to us with three other people. All I tried to do was ensure my brothers didn't get hurt.

I might not be that much older then they are but regardless of that I am the oldest and I have come to care deeply about them both as my brothers.

The fact that only last night I had been sat happy with my two dads and brothers enjoying a great evening to having no idea what is about to happen next.

We just been dumped into this room. It feels over hot and stuffy in here but I won't let my brothers go. I have to protect them! So I hug them even tighter.

"We know you are just worried but you are squeezing a bit too much," Zane informs me.

I let go of the squeeze slightly. "Sorry. I guess I'm worried."

"We all are. You think dad is okay?" Luca asks me.

"I don't know. I really hope so!"

Something just feels off here. I can't quite add it up. I honestly didn't feel anything sinister from Liam. He generally seemed upset that his brother is missing yet how did they time it so perfectly? I just don't quite understand...

The pain in my ankle making me feel sick and my heart pumping faster then it should I feel awfully overwhelmed.

"You keep overthinking everything your head might explode," says Zane to me.

Zane hadn't been with us long. Only a few months. Yet I had grown awfully close to him. He could almost read me like a book only after a few months.

"I can't get my head around it," I tell him.

"Yeah I get what you mean."

"It doesn't add up. Even I can see that. Did they plan to do this with Arrow around? It feels like they waited until he was gone. But how did they know he would go?" Luca says to us both.

"No idea buddy. But don't worry. They can kick us, punch us and put us through the worst but nothing can keep us apart forever. We will see both our dad's soon enough. No one can break up the Sharp's for long!"

Arrow's POV

I felt extremely on edge and it had nothing to do with the two hour drive away from my home, my family and friends.

You would think having Robbie along with me it would make me feel more confident and comfortable but I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach I just can't shake.

I pull into the closest service station and park up.

"I just need some air," I say getting out the car closing the door and then leaning on it.

What is wrong with me?

Robbie climbs out the car and comes over to me. "You okay?"

I look at him. "I don't know. I have this weird feeling."

"Weird feeling?"

"I sometimes get it and alot of the time its right. Part of me wants to go back right now. Like I need too."

"Really? You ever spoke to anyone about it?"

I shake my head. "Of course not. People probably already think I'm a nut job."

"Arrow...no one thinks that. Hey just breath. Everything is fine. You feel that unsure ring Colin," he says to me.

I look at Robbie and then at Liam in the car and how lost and upset he is.

It won't be for that long. I'm sure everyone is fine. Danger follows me but...Will it follow them too?

I just can't help but feel something isn't right. Maybe I'll give Colin a call just encase.

I lean off the car and open the door to grab my mobile but I spot the black van approaching fast.

Robbie grabs my arm and pulls me around the other side of the car as only a few bullets go off almost as a warning and less of an attempt to kill us.

"I might have to start listening to your weird feeling it seems," Robbie sighs.

Liam had crawled to the other side of my car and fell out beside us."I don't understand what is going on."

"Us either," Robbie informs him.

"What exactly haven't you told us Liam?" I ask him.

"All I know is my brother is missing. I don't know anything else."

"You haven't been great on details kid. We can't help you if you don't tell us it all," Robbie says now.

"Why would anyone be shooting at us?" Liam asks puzzled. He seems to genuinely have no idea.

I look into my car desperately wanting to get my phone to ring Colin but my gut twists in my stomach as I watch four figures get out the van.

"We want them alive but if we have to we can use force!" I hear one of them say.


"We take all three. We can't risk blabbering mouths!"

I gaze quickly at Robbie pushing Liam to him. "Go now!" I shout.

"Your kidding? No way in hell I'm letting you stay behind. No. You take Liam now. I'll keep them at bay," Robbie says taking a knife from his belt and a small pistol. "I came prepared. Now go Arrow or I'll never forgive you!"

I glare at him. He is really playing that card? What a jerk! Fuck....

I grab Liam's hand. "I'm only doing this as you told me too."

"I know that. Now go!" Robbie shouts as he heads out into the open knife in one hand and pistol in the other.

"You want a fight. I can certainly give you that," Robbie laughs.

The best option is to get back in the car. We all should of tried too and made it out together but it seems Robbie planned to always fight.


He will never forgive me? I won't ever forgive him!

I make Liam go in front of me as we start to run. Too many people in the open here. Why are they doing this in broad daylight?

It doesn't quite add up does it?

Suddenly it finally dawns on me.

"Stop running!" I shout at Liam but I can already see the scene playing out in front of me.

I wrap my arms around Liam and pull us to the ground as the first tiny explosion went off.

This horrible feeling washing over me. How did they know we would come here? That we would run?

The next three explosions reaked havoc across the car park. Smoke, fire and utter chaos.

I kept Liam close to me. I didn't dare move, not knowing if any more explosions will go off.

Liam is crying and shaking underneath me by this point and I can hear my own heavy unsteady breathing.

"What do you think you are? A shield? You got a death wish?" A voice rips through my head as three figures had approached us in all the chaos.

I lift my head up to look at them. "I'm protecting the kid from the likes of you!" I shout unable control my emotions.

"Pretty pathetic display. Your almost too predictable Arrow."

"How do you know his name?" Liam managers to ask.

The three figures all laughed. "You do look alot like Jude don't you? You see little one. Arrow here is quite famous these days. Of course you go running to him when your brother didn't come back and we just can't be having that can we."

"Do you want me? I'll go with you, I'll do anything. Just leave Arrow alone. I'm sorry I've upset you," Liam begins but I cut across him.

"No. Don't let them make you believe this is your fault. He came to me because his brother is missing so what! People like you have no respect and just do what the hell you like. Why do you have Jude? Liam needs his brother!" I shout.

"I have no respect huh? That brat made his choice! I gave him a way out but he thought he could outsmart me. Outsmart me? What a fool! I'll be happy to reunite the brothers, scouts honour!"

"I don't trust you!"

"And I don't quite care. You have two options here. As I'm feeling almost generous today. One you give me the boy and go home. Forget about it all. Or you can try to stop us and I promise you I'll fucking kill your friend and make you regret refusing my first offer."

"Take your best shot! I'm not leaving Liam's side."

"Again so very predictable of you Arrow Sharp. You really did make a bad decision involving him, Liam. You will regret that decision soon enough."

Deep down I felt my insides going crazy. I'm sorry Colin...honestly I am. But I can't let this go. Liam and Jude need help. I'll do whatever it takes to help them. I'll try my best to get myself back to you soon enough.


Jude found himself watching his brother and a young man being dragged towards him into the room he had found himself in for a good few days now.

They let the boy walk in on his own accord but they shoved the young man into the room in quite a violent and pissed off way.

The young man had a nasty cut on the top of his eye, looks fresh.

Shortly after another man is shoved into the room directly into the young man before the door is slammed firmly shut.

The man got off the young man quickly. "You okay?" The man asks the younger man putting his hand on his shoulder.

"It's nothing I can't handle. It's not even that painful really. Are you Robbie?"

"Some bruises. Nothing major...yet. What I don't quite understand with all this is how they seemed to have that all planned out. Like they knew exactly what our moves would be," Robbie says.

"I thought that too. He kept saying I'm predictable," the young man says.

"That's because you are predictable to Guy. Guy isn't a fool or an idiot. His plans are always one step ahead. He predicted it accurately," spoke a young women sitting in the corner of the room.

Jude had only spoke to the girl twice. Her name is Marie and Jude didn't like her very much. Like how can she know about what happened out there? She is a weird one...for sure.

"How do you know he predicted it accurately?" Robbie asks.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I can see things and feel things and I know Guy very well. All I'm saying is Guy isn't a person you want to get on the bad side of and it seems you have. Congratulations! Good luck."

"I don't like you," Robbie suddenly says.

"Like I care. What's your next move Arrow? I'm interested in what is next. Can you outsmart him? I love to see that," she laughs.

"Your weird," Liam suddenly speaks for the first time.

"Liam...I'm so sorry," Jude begins.

"I'm glad your okay...but I'm angry at you. If you hadn't got into this mess I wouldn't have had to ask for help and drag Arrow and Robbie into this. Hope your happy!" Liam shouts at Jude aggressively.

"Liam...I really am sorry. I just wanted us to be sorted you know. I got too greedy," Jude whispers now.

"No point dwelling on something that can't be changed now. Tell me what is going on and don't leave anything out! It's time I know what is really going on here."

Jude looks at the young man known as Arrow and nods like a son listening to there father. Jude looked at his brother and Arrow and wondered if Arrow really could help them out of this.

He would have to put faith in him that he could. He would never forgive himself if anyone died here because of him.

So Jude began to tell Arrow, Robbie and Liam everything from the very beginning.

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