The Sacrifices We Made

By writerkemmy

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After a divorce with your husband the last thing you want on your list is seeing him again 6,000 miles away f... More



874 55 34
By writerkemmy

This is for all the ladies that follow the story and read it. Happy women's month lets celebrate the beautiful women around the world. 🌎🌍🌏🌍🌐🌐🌎🌍🌏🥰😍🥰

1 month later.

Under two months the two (Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo) Had spent so much time together that now everyone on the grounds was starting to believe they were going out together. You couldn't really blame them when every time you asked for Xiao Zhan he was with Yibo or whenever you asked for Yibo he was with Zhan. It was like wherever the 'pretty doctor' is you will find 'Cap' there.

"I just found out that the comrades do their morning run shirtless" Xingchen sighed coming into the room

"Where did you find that out and how," Jiang Cheng asked looking up from his phone.

" uh" Xingchen blushed

"you were out with that chatterbox right" Jiang Cheng smirked, it was no secret that Sungjoo had a crush on Xingchen, also it was just the fact that Sungjoo was very vocal about his crush on Xingchen thus earning the nickname 'the chatterbox' from the doctors.

"NO" Xingchen shook his head no "I was just walking back from my shift and I ran into him some he asked me to take a morning walk with him"

" Are we ignoring the point where he said they were running around shirtless" Wooseok handed Xingchen his coffee "So where do they do that kind of activity and how can I see them"

Jiang Cheng nodded "Thank you for asking the most important question of all when and how can we go see them"

The group settled down to one of the beds with Xing Chen sharing everything. "Yeah and that's how I landed the date with him" Shrieks gasps and laughter (Mainly from Sizhui and Wooseok) filled the room congratulating Xing Chen, after his break up with his boyfriend because the said boyfriend wasn't ready to commit a long-distance relationship.

"In your face you custard bitch" That was Wooseok shouting at Xing Chen's ex-boyfriend who was nonexistent.

"Offensive language do we have there" Xiao Zhan walked into the room.

"And where were you," Xing Chen asked "Or better question where did your ex-husband take you this time"

Xiao Zhan didn't come back to the house last night, and the others were sure he didn't have the night shift since Wen Qing was the one who was in charge of it last night.

"I don't even know what you all are talking about" Xiao Zhan opened his suitcase. "And a matter of fact we had to go to the offices to make sure the shipments were coming in, in like two days. And the Office said that the UN is going to send some people down"

"and what happened during the night why weren't you back then," Xingchen asked

"We couldn't the meeting went longer than we intended and Yibo had to stay back to talk to some people over the phone so I had to wait for him" Xiao Zhan groaned "I am so tired I just want to sleep but I cant"

'You sleep I will hold down the fort for you" Wooseok advised Xiao Zhan.

"I cant there is just something I have to do you cant" Xiao Zhan looked at Wooseok with his racoon looking eyes.

"ah, the boy" Wooseok nodded. "I heard he didn't sleep he gave the night guard a hard job"

"I promised to visit him every day and I can't afford to ruin the trust I build with him" Xiao Zhan sighed. "And also he's a little bit clingy with me as of today"

"Why are you hellbent on seeing this boy," Xing Chen asked

"He doesn't have anyone in his life now, and he's just turned 10 years old I have to see around to make sure he is fine" Xiao Zhan didn't want to tell the group there was a possibility of the boy being fucked up mentally.

"Every day I aspire to be like you" Jiang Cheng comments. "And then I remember how emotionally constipated you are and then I say no"

"Jiang Cheng" Xiao Zhan whined "No need to remind me that I am emotionally constipated"

"A-cheng is right" Xing Cheng joined "Like who in hell remains friends with their ex-husband" Xing Cheng was laying down a trap for Xiao Zhan and according to him he knew Xiao Zhan would fall into that trap.

"If you and your husband are divorced why are you still friends with him," Jiang Cheng asked causing Wooseok to laugh

"Yeah the crowd wants an answer why are you still friends with ex-husband if you are divorced" Wooseok charmed in

The look on Xiao Zhan's face was very funny he looked like he was betrayed "There is nothing wrong with being friends with my ex-husband"

"Yeah there is nothing wrong with being friends with your ex either unless you still love him or you are afraid of moving on from him choose one" Xing Cheng looked at Xiao Zhan point-blank "Which one are you" Xing Cheng looked down at his opened hands

"And this is why Sizhui is my favourite" Xiao Zhan sighed

"At the end of the day we are still the ones who are going to tell you the reality of things" Jiang Cheng shrugged

"But you should think about it are you afraid of moving on or you are still in love with him" Wooseok placed his hands on Xiao Zhan's shoulder

Xiao Zhan knew the truth there was no reason to think about it he already knew the answer and that was something he was going to keep to himself, not to every other person. "I just don't want to have any more bad blood with him we were once in love it's not like we chose to hate each other overnight"

"You know this time you have the chance to be happy in your life and no one can come between it you know" Wooseok sat beside him "And I know that you and Wang Yibo have something going on we are just here to tell you to go for it we are going to support you and if someone comes between you two they will have to face us this time okay" Wooseok failed to protect his best friend the last time but now he won't fail to do so and he was lucky he had a whole team with him now. Wooseok turned to the other three who were nodding vigorously. "The thing is we are not naive anymore and you should not be scared to pursue your love life at this point go do it, do it for love"

"Well that was a nice speech a good one but the real thing is there is nothing between us" Xiao Zhan groaned how many times was he going to tell them there was nothing going on between him and his ex-husband.

"Yeah there is nothing going on between you but you are literally co-parenting a child together now" Jiang Cheng was looking down in his phone

"What child," Xiao Zhan asked confused the last time he checked he didn't have a child.

"God are you always this oblivious if I were Wang Yibo I would be crying every day" Xingcheng groaned "Are you telling me that you don't see the man is head over heels with you even though you are divorced"

"Why would he," Xiao Zhan asked

"You know what it is either you are being oblivious or you are plain stupid right now" Wooseok looked disappointed.

"I am not that stupid I know what's going on" Xiao Zhan stood up from the chair wearing his doctor coat

"Then what's stopping you Ge" Sizhui asked

"Many things are stopping me. And I don't want us to get impeccably hurt from our own actions this time" Xiao Zhan took his phone and the radio putting it in his pocket.

"You were influenced last time but this time you are not it's just the both of you" Jiang Cheng looked at Xiao Zhan "Right now the both of you are holding the pens to write the ending of your story it is up to you two to see how it ends"

"Our ending was already done whether it was by influence or not the ending was done" Xiao Zhan smiled but the others could outline the sadness in the smile.

"You are very stubborn are you" Xingchen looked to his friend as if he did know XIoa Zhan was the stubbornest of the four of them. "But you know what you didn't do my friend you didn't get a closure the both of you never got closure from each other and for you to fully move on to which we very much know you are still held up from him you need to have closure, at the end of the closure builds you we are going to be here watching you grow and if it breaks you we are here to pick up the pieces together and we will glue it up together you just have to remember you are not alone anymore get that through your head and heart"

"Yeah you need and deserve that closure its the best for the both of you" Wooseok nodded along "Just think about it okay"

"Fine, I'll see you guys for lunch" Xiao Zhan waved them off. For the four of them, it was a heavy emotional morning to them.

"Good morning" Xiao Zhan greeted the small boy who was hiding behind the door to the clinic. "Are you here to see me?" Xiao Zhan asked stretching out his hand to the 10-year-old boy who definitely doesn't look like a 10-year-old. The boy nodded walking slowly to Xiao Zhan.

"Hello" The boy whispered blinking his eyes.

"Are you still sleepy?" Xiao Zhan asked placing the petit boy in his lap. The boy nodded laying his head on Xiao Zhan's shoulder. (And he still wanders what child he still is co-parenting with Yibo)

"Tired" The boy whispered.

"Then you should sleep here" Xiao Zhan patted the boy's back rhythmically. He thought of the boy's name since the boy said he didn't know his name and everyone called him Bina. At first, he thought it was the boy's name but then some of the soldiers in the base told him it meant the last born it wasn't really a name but a nickname. Xiao Zhan later had asked the boy about his real name but that resulted in the boy crying saying Bina was the only name he knew of. Bina was the boy who was sent to the camp with a bomb wrapped around him but luckily Yibo and the boys had disconnected the bomb from him before it had detonated. Bina was also the same boy who had thrown sand to Yibo claiming they were there to take him the same way 'he took his sister'. Bina knew English was the language he communicated it with Xiao Zhan even though it was a little bit broken Xiao Zhan still understood it. He said his sister was the one who taught him English.

"You were not here yesterday" Bina talked with his eyes closed.

"I had to go somewhere" Xiao Zhan answered him. 'I am sorry I didn't come back early" Xiao Zhan hugged him closely. Ever since Wang Yibo told him about his sister Bina had become extra protective with Zhan following him everywhere and clinging to him not leaving him. Xiao Zhan took it as a trauma response to his sister getting killed. Bina told him how he had gone to play with his friends when he came back to his sister missing. So that is why Bina wasn't going to let him leave his sight for too long. "Did you cry were you okay"

"No I didn't" Bina hid his face in Xiao Zhan's neck

He chuckled still patting the boy's back "I know you didn't cry you are a big boy"

"mh" Bina yawned burying himself deeper in Xiao Zhan's neck making the older laugh. His behavior and personality really remind him about Wang Yibo sometimes.

"I should put you down to sleep" Xiao Zhan woke up from his seat after saving his work on the computer. As if the boy had heard what Xiao Zhan had said he tightened his hold on Xiao Zhan's coat and tightened his legs around Zhan's waist. There was no way he was going to put the child down.

"Hi" Someone spooked Xiao Zhan from the door of his office.

"Holy shit couldn't you have knocked" Xiao Zhan's heart was spooked up. As if the Bina had felt the older's distress he had tightened his hold on Xiao Zhan which had loosened before. "Sorry" Seungyoun raised his hands.

"Oh hi there" Xiao Zhan waved at Seungyoun "sorry for this" He pointed at Bina who was sleeping soundly on his hands.

"No no worries, I totally understand I am just here to talk to you" Seungyoun let himself in.

" If your husband sent you I am not going to listen to you" Xiao Zhan turned to look on his computer.

"Why would he send me" Seungyoun's voice gave it away he didn't know what Wooseok and the others were talking about.

"Oh if not why are you here then," Xiao Zhan asked.

"I really want to ask you what's really going with Yibo like what is these hocus pocus games the both of you are playing with each other don't even try to deny it I know there is a dangerous game the both of you are playing " Seungyoun raised her eyebrows. Xiao Zhan looked at him sighing. 

Why does it feel like I have been updating once per month the past 4 months. Sorry okay i will work harder next time.

The book is going a little bit slow doesn't it.

I am not busy for now but i still have to do the most important exams in my school life and it will depend whether i will later go to a good school or not so i need to get prepared but that doesn't mean i am not updating the next chapter in my notes okay. 

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