𝘿𝙖𝙢𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠! ⏱ ᴮᵒᵇᵒ...


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❝Because of you, this stupid prophecy got me under a damned mask!❞ → Betrayed, accused and blamed, ... More

▪︎ S. Chapter I
▪︎ S. Chapter II


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Chapter XLII: Reckless

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A SCOFF was seen from the elemental hero's face as soon as he realised that they got separated from Yaya, Fang, Gopal and Y/n. But, they couldn't contact them at the moment because of the situation that they were in. He glanced at Ying as both he and the time manipulator were hiding behind huge trees while they were on the lookout for those monsters. It wasn't their day, they kept getting misfortunes for some reason.

Ying leaned slightly to see if the coast was clear for them to go. Boboiboy waited for the female to say something, impatiently tapping his foot, worried at what happened with the rest of their friends. Ying made eye contact with the elemental hero, nodding her head once in encouragement. "Are they gone?" He began, his hand wandering its way towards his power watch. Ying stepped out before answering her friend.

"No worries, I think we lost them for now," The Chinese girl scanned the area in awareness to make sure that it was guaranteed safe for them to get out of their hiding place. A wave of relief rushed over him, supporting himself with a hand against the tree before sighing. His other hand made its way on his chest, feeling the fast beating of his heart due to the sudden rush of adrenaline.

"Thank goodness," he slouched his back with a relieved expression. "I can't go on running for hours without transforming, it's hard to transform when running on mud puddles and slippery grounds," Boboiboy stated the obvious while deadpanning. "You're unfortunate but I am not, I can go on for as long as I want," Ying proudly huffed pointing to herself. Boboiboy blankly stared at her, completely unamused. She didn't have to flex right in front of his face which he deemed quite unnecessary.

"Right... but that's because it's associated with your power and you most likely run every day," Boboiboy leaned his back towards the tree with a shrug before looking back at his power watch. "I'll try contacting them," he began, activating his power watch that was modified by Ochobot for communication. A hologram popped out and the signal bar had a red 'X' over it as it flashed with the words 'No signal'. Boboiboy clicked his tongue in annoyance once he saw this.

"I can't contact them," he mumbled under his breath with a tone of irritation. "I probably won't be able to contact them too," Ying frowned, turning back to the elemental hero. Dropping his hand, he glanced back to the time manipulator before speaking. "We just have to search for them then," He huffed, his tone becoming more serious. The Chinese girl nodded her head in agreement before walking away from the tree, followed by Boboiboy.

"I hope the rain will stop anytime soon so that Y/n won't have any trouble using her magic," Ying started, wiping her face because the rainwater was annoying her. "Indeed, we can't find the Leaf Gem with the state of the weather like this," Boboiboy responded, scanning the place that they were passing by. A bright flash caught their attention, making their heads perk in curiosity. "What was that?" Ying questioned, her face morphing into a concerned one.

"I don't know but I hope it isn't anything bad, let's go!" He commented before running in the direction where they last saw the mysterious flashing of lights. Ying wasted no time and followed the elemental hero from behind. As they neared the destination, they were disappointed to find nothing. There wasn't even a single noise, it was slightly skittish in their opinion. Something as attention-grabbing as that couldn't just vanish into thin air. There has to be a single clue anywhere but they found nothing at all.

"I could've sworn I saw a bright light emit from here, where did it go?" The time manipulator caressed her chin, her bright blue eyes scanning every single detail of the area. All that was present were the random plants and trees of Planet Plantae, nothing interesting. "If Y/n was here, she would've sensed that in no time. It's sceptical," she continued, crossing her arms as she glanced to her companion.

"Couldn't possibly be the rose monsters, it's similar to seeing magic being cast but I don't think Y/n is around here though," Boboiboy continued to search for more clues but he was unfortunate and unsuccessful. "That's odd but we can't keep standing here, let's find them─" Ying stopped once her power watch began releasing beeping noises, catching the two superheroes' attention. The dark-haired girl tapped on her power watch as soon as she realised that she was receiving a call.

Yaya's face suddenly popped out from the hologram with a stern look on her visage. "Yaya!" Both Boboiboy and Ying exclaimed in happiness, glad to see that she was able to contact them. "Guys, I think many rose monsters targeted Y/n. I don't know why but I think most of them were following her. She's currently with Gopal," The girl in a pink hijab informed the two, her eyebrows crossing in seriousness.

"Target Y/n? Could that possibly be because she's the bearer? But shouldn't they target Boboiboy too since he purifies the artefacts?" The time manipulator questioned which brought everyone into deep thought. She was right, why would they target the Lluminarian elf only? Could they possibly be affected by the dark magic? "I don't know, can Boboiboy still use his Thorn element?" Yaya turned the attention to the elemental hero.

They almost forgot, if Boboiboy can still use his Thorn element then the leaf artefact wasn't affected by the dark magic yet. "I'll try," Boboiboy nodded his head before backing away from Ying. Raising his right arm to his chest, he prepared himself to transform. "Elemental power!" He began, light particles began surrounding his watch as he spoke those simple words.

"Boboiboy Thorn!" He yelled out as soon as he manage to transform to his wanted element. He turned to Ying and Yaya with a cheeky grin on his face. "Okay, try to use your powers," Ying commanded to the green element who nodded back as a result. "Will do!" He saluted after fixing his dark green salakov hat. "Ensnaring Thorns!" He tried to use an attack against a boulder, green thorns suddenly emerging out of nowhere. Just when they thought it was working, for some reason it had a mind of its own.

"Uh..." He trailed off, unable to understand what was going on. He tried to control it but it didn't oblige his order. Suddenly he began trying to do so many gestures, hoping that it would follow him and wrap the boulder but it remained still. That was when he commanded it to just move away from him, it unexpectedly threw itself towards a tall tree ─surprising him, Yaya and Ying. "Whoopsie dais─ I mean... that wasn't me," he hid both of his hands behind him, trying to avoid the two female's dumbfounded gazes.

"Well... I guess that explains it," Ying turned to look back at the gravity manipulator. Boboiboy Thorn stopped hiding his hands and turned to the time manipulator. He was about to say something when he heard something drop from behind him. He turned towards it in curiosity but felt his soul leave the galaxy of Glamoura once his bright green eyes landed on the figure of a snake that fell out of nowhere or from the sky for Boboiboy Thorn.

"WAIT! SNAKE, GET AWAY!" He shrieked ever so loudly that it would be enough to break anyone's eardrums. This was a side of him that he wouldn't want anyone to see. He jumped from his spot and ran behind Ying, holding her shoulders to use her as a body shield from the oh-so-monstrous reptile, a snake. "Wha─ what's wrong with you!? Are you some kind of baby!?" The time manipulator yelled angrily at him since she almost stumbled and lost her balance.

"There's a snake, Ying! Planet Plantae is horrifying! It rains snakes here now!" He screamed and cried, pointing his gloved hand towards the live snake that was moving on the ground that he was standing near from earlier. Ying was about to scold him again when she turned to where he was pointing from. She blinked at what she saw, indeed there was a snake this time unlike all of the previous times that he thought there was a snake around him.

"Oh... there is a snake," Ying blinked, backing slightly, in case it will move and bite them. "Kill it! Stop backing away!" Boboiboy Thorn began shaking the girl frantically; this seemed to irritate the female manipulator even more. "Says you! You're using me as a human shield!" She smacked his head which caused an imaginative bump to grow from his head. "Um... Guys?" Yaya began, concerned for her two friends.

As they argued, Boboiboy Thorn panicked even more and eventually he couldn't take it any longer. Ying was about to say something when a bright flash of red appeared out of nowhere; this caused Ying to squint and cover her eyes in surprise. Soon an unidentified noise reached her ears which resulted in her dropping her arm that she used to cover her face. She was dumbfounded to see Boboiboy Thunderstorm with his two thunder swords, standing in a ridiculous stance in front of her.

She noticed that he was breathing heavily as if he had finally conquered something so huge in his life. Her jaw dropped as soon as she caught sight of the now electrified and dead snake in front of them. Oh the poor snake, it didn't do anything wrong to them. "You know we could've just left," Ying commented blankly while studying the terrified figure of the boy in front of her. "Yeah, that. Let's leave, I don't want to be in the presence of a dead snake any longer," Thunderstorm responded before walking away.

Ying watched him unamused, seeing him somewhat covering his head while walking carefully or weirdly rather from the area as if he was in a dangerous place. "What are you even doing?" The time manipulator stared at Boboiboy Thunderstorm with a slouched form and a dumbfounded expression. This was the elemental superhero everyone was so fond of?

Boboiboy Thunderstorm cautiously turned to her with a disturbed look on his visage.

"Covering my head just in case it will rain more snakes."

Ying almost lost her faith in humanity.

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"If Boboiboy can't control his thorn element anymore then that means the Gem of Leaf must be in trouble," Fang spoke from the hologram, it seems like Yaya got separated from them with the shadow manipulator. "That's right! That's why we need to do something about it right away─look out from behind, Fang!" The gravity manipulator zoomed past Fang and assisted him from behind after a rose monster suddenly tried to attack them from who knows where.

"Are you guys okay?" Ying worriedly questioned her friends, seeing that they were being attacked. "Y-yeah, but we need to find Y/n and Gopal, they're probably in a much worse situation right now," Yaya glanced from her watch to the rose monster that was attacking them. "Right, I'll search for them," Boboiboy Thunderstorm finally spoke out after being silent for a long time. It seems like the snake incident did get to him.

"Huh? Are you sure?" Ying turned to the elemental hero beside her, raising a brow. When Thunderstorm said so, it needs to go the way that he wants it to be. He was one of the most stubborn elements and it's hard to get him to cooperate. "I'm sure, go find Yaya and Fang, I can handle this," he insisted, his red eyes looking over to the female time manipulator. "Alright then, contact us when you find them," Ying sighed repeatedly before nodding her head.

Thunderstorm didn't say anything and just gave her a silent nod. Out in a flash, he used his lightning speed ability to move at a rapid pace. Flashes of red lightning emerged everywhere as he ran, the rainwater didn't bother him, he stepped on puddles, creating a good splash in the process. His black jacket flew from behind while he ran, the wind hitting his face and his hair gracefully flying along without holding him back.

He stopped once his red eyes fell onto the familiar figures of rose two monsters. Summoning his thunder swords, red flashes and light emerged from his hands as soon as possible. Gripping the thunder swords tightly, he lightly scoffed before lunging against his opponents. He quickly ran towards them without being bothered about the slippery and dampened ground.

The closest rose monster attempted to attack him but he successfully evaded that attack by effortlessly sliding down to the left; Boboiboy Thunderstorm made that smart move by using the slippery ground to his advantage. He threw one sword towards the monster which swept it down from the part below it. It fell, getting electrocuted by his sword.

His other hand made its way to the only remaining sword that he has, getting up to his feet before he side glanced at the other rose monster with a visible stern expression from his visage. If only looks could kill then the monster would be long dead by now. "Let's finish this off," he mumbled to no one in particular, wiping the rainwater trickling down to his nose. More lightning flashed from his spot once he began swinging the sword to the side.

The remaining rose monster sped up towards his direction while he just stood nonchalantly waiting for it to get to him. Effortlessly, the thunder sword twirled around him which generated so much electricity; flashes and sparks were conjured as he does so. Raising his arm, his dark red eyes filled with so much bloodlust looked at his opponent before making a move. "Thunder Slash!" He chanted and soon the monster flew too high, as it elevated even more to who knows where.

Boboiboy Thunderstorm clicked his tongue, removing his salakov hate to shake off the droplets of water holding on its smooth dark surface. Beads of water dropped down from his dark and dishevelled soaked locks. He ran his hand on his soggy hair slowly to get rid of some water. The rain didn't show any signs that it would be stopping soon. He placed his hat back on his head, wiping the rainwater off his face and flicking it off from him soon after.

Never had he thought the rain was this annoying.

He picked the other thunder sword that he managed to throw away earlier before drawing himself back to continue searching for his two friends. "Lightning speed," he spoke shortly again before he was given the ability to manoeuvre with unlimited velocity. From that, he was off again to look high and low for the Lluminarian elf and the molecule manipulator.

Meanwhile, with Y/n and Gopal. They found themselves facing many rose monsters that were approximately 6 or more. Gopal didn't think that the monsters would find where they were hiding; although Y/n wasn't even a tad bit surprised because she knew they were bound to be found again. "W-what do we do, Y/n!?" His voice sounded frantic as he hid from behind the Lluminarian elf, gripping her shoulders tightly in the process.

That question didn't even need to be answered.

"We battle, of course. No questions needed," Y/n didn't even sneak a glance at him as she responded, her deep and determined (e/c) eyes pinned themselves on the enemies that were planning to attack them soon. Cautiously, she took a step back every time one of the ferocious monsters strides closer to the two. Her ears perked up when she felt something snap. "Cover your head down, Gopal!" She yelled, spinning the spear over her crown a myriad of times without so much effort being put in.

She ran under the rain, puddles creating a splashing effect every single time she takes a step on the damp and dirty surface of the ground. A battle cry escaped her lips, feeling satisfied at the fact that she was free to scream and yell again after a few months of concealment about her true self. Stomping her feet on the ground with almost a ground-shaking force, Y/n brought her sharp and magical blade for a great slash against her closest foe.

Her spear made contact against one of them before roughly jumping back to avoid an attempt of a monster to go take a bite of her head. Hands tightening on the staff, a grumble of complete irritation left her lips; she was way too close, nearly having the chance to take one down. She let that one slide, twirling the spear professionally around her body before she strode.

The molecular hero watched his elf friend fight, guilt eating him inside for being useless and relying on her the whole time ever since they got separated from the others. Clenching his jaw, he couldn't just stand there and expect the female Glamouran to continue protecting him. He might regret this but at least he will be helping her. If it was a battle they want, then it's a battle they will get.

"Right! Tell me when you want me to assist you, Y/n!" Gopal managed to get over his problem once he manage to gather all of his courage to fight by the elf's side. Y/n's eyes widened at the newly determined tone that accompanied Gopal's voice. The elf turned to the taller boy who was now standing beside her, completely astonished at the attitude that he had on display for her. She studied his stance, Gopal was scared but he was hiding it for the sake of their safety.

She noticed the spark of courage from within his dark brown eyes which lifted her spirit to win this fight even more. A smile graced her features, her heart warmed at the fact that she managed to see a new side of Gopal that no one has seen before. He was indeed a good friend despite his flaws. "Gopal, I am in deep gratitude for your decision to accompany me with this fight. I will not fail you," Y/n stated, her voice going higher because of the newfound excitement that invaded her.

"Yeah, let's do this, Y/n!" He cheered while forming his hand into a gun position, preparing himself to shoot. "Remember Gopal, I shall fight for you the way you will fight for me too. Onwards!" She finished before running up to a rose monster, kicking it on a sensitive spot which was the reason for this to fly away and hit against a tree. Gopal manipulated the ground particles and simply turned them into something similar to an ice rink.

The enemies running after them suddenly walked to the ground of ice which soon caused them to slip away and fall flat onto the ground. Gopal smiled smugly, blowing his pointer fingers as if there was smoke emerging from them. "Hehe! Now, you─monsters will feel what I feel when I was in Planet Agua!" He began laughing hysterically to himself, watching the monsters slip and fall into their doom. He was experiencing high-quality entertainment.

"Ruptis!" Y/n yelled out after stabbing the magical spear through a rose monster. This chant only caused her enemy to burst into light particles before disappearing into nothing but thin air. Soon she rolled onto the ground to avoid an incoming attack from another rose monster. She stood up on her feet slashing a rose monster in a half with all of her might. They were on a roll with this battle. Feeling an eerie presence from her back, she gritted her teeth and stabbed the monster that she knew was right behind her without even facing it.

Y/n kicked it backwards before yanking back her spear to herself. Fighting enemies had always been this exhilarating.

"Y/n, there's a small and annoying one! Watch out for that!" Gopal caught her attention with a shout, his hand pointing towards a small rose monster that was following the other monsters. 'How are they even this many?' Y/n commented inside her mind. It's like a never-ending frenzy of rose monsters appearing out of nowhere to try and kill them both. "I shall keep that in mind, Gopal!" She nodded her head before punching one monster away from her.

Twirling her spear again, she prepared herself to do another attack. "Ardeat!" She screamed on the top of her lungs, eyebrows crossing while she slashed two rose monsters at once. The two rose monsters began burning from the scorching heat of the increased surface temperature of her weapon. Pursing her lips, she noticed how they were barely getting rid of the rose monsters since new ones kept joining them. 'This is outrageous!' She internally complained.

"Gopal!" She called out, backing away to talk to her friend. "What is it?!" He kicked away a monster sliding his way in disgust. Her eyes flared onto his figure, giving him the signal. "Let us do it!" She hissed through her breath, with her eyebrows furrowing in the process. "Right!" His face morphed into a more serious one, nodding his head vigorously. He ran up to her side while Y/n stood, breathing heavily. She rose her spear up, eyes closing before summoning her old grimoire of spells.

Wind engulfed the two of them, her hair dancing along with the wind while Gopal held his cap tightly in hopes that it won't fly off from him. Opening her eyes, they were no longer (e/c) since they were light orange now while she summons her trusted book. Light particles created the form of a grimoire before it magically became one. It opened on its own, floating in front of Gopal and Y/n while her right hand glowed brightly.

A certain spell clicked into her head, trying to get herself to use it.

"Lux arcus!" She yelled out as the spear on her hand were surrounded with magic particles. A sudden flash of light appeared as the spear changed its appearance into a magnificent bow of light. She side glanced at Gopal and nodded her head as a signal to start doing his role in their plan. "Alright then! Paper surface transformation!" He began shooting green particles out from his hand, aiming them towards the nearest opponents that they can see.

Some rose monsters suddenly turned into monsters made of papers right after Gopal shot them. "Wow, it does work!?" Gopal was in awe at this, he didn't think he can transform them since they were practically living. But from what Y/n had explained to him, he seemed to get why it was possible. They were only half living and in the nighttime, they were nothing but actual plants. Luckily, Y/n read of them once when she was still in Luminaria.

"I already told you!" Y/n spoke out, pulling the string and the arrow while she closed her other eye to try and aim for the paper monsters. She let go and soon it hit one monster which caused them to erupt in wild flames. As Gopal continued transforming them, Y/n was on his back, turning every single one of them into dust and ashes. Y/n kicked off a paper monster and struck it directly with an arrow; it burst into flames right after she hit it with her magical bow.

The same process went on and this was the reason the enemy was failing to get their grasp into them. While Y/n was busy fighting, she lost track of Gopal and noticed that he wasn't fighting with her anymore. Her heart fell, feeling worried for her friend. "Y/n!" She heard his loud cry for help. Without any hesitation, she followed the source of his voice, striking monsters that were coming her way.

That's when she finally caught sight of Gopal, her expression fell when she saw that he was being wrapped around by leaves and vines. It was horrifying and she could see that he was almost suffocating from the lack of air but that wasn't the main problem. "Y/n, help! It was the small rose monster brat! It found out how we are winning!" He admitted while crying out loudly. Y/n was bewildered at this. 'Small rose monster?' She confusingly repeated inside her mind.

"Look! It's getting away, it has my power watch!" He yelled out once the tiny rose monster ran past them out of nowhere. Y/n's eyes widened at what she had heard. "Wait what!?" She screamed in a frantic voice, grip tightening on her magical flame now. It was going down. Gopal can't lose the power watch, it was too important to be given away to a simple child rose monster. Y/n made her bow disappear into thin air while she furiously caught up to the little rascal that stole the watch.

It had a brain of its own. It was quite intelligent. It even knew that the source of Gopal's power came from his watch that's why it took it away from him. But she can't let it get away with the power watch. Y/n stopped running and saw that it was climbing a tall tree that was near the edge of a cliff. Her heart accelerated, feeling fear rush inside her. She could imagine the things that will happen to the watch and she won't let all of it come true, not on her watch.

Without even thinking, she climbed the tree and trailed the brat of a small rose monster. No wonder that monster got into Gopal's nerves, it's also getting into her nerves as time passed by. Her face fell when she saw that it was sauntering towards the very edge of a branch. Pursing her lips, she nervously followed and slowly moved towards the branch, in fear that she may break it.

The annoying small rose monster began waving its leaf of a hand where the watch was being held from. Suddenly, it became motioning as if it was trying to mock her by showing her that it was going to drop the watch on the cliff. Y/n's eyes widened in horror, shaking her head since she couldn't believe that this was happening.

Meanwhile, with Gopal, he was lucky that Boboiboy Thunderstorm had found him just in time. He slashed the leaves and vines out of the molecular manipulator's body which freed him from being tied up. "Where's Y/n!?" He questioned Gopal, red eyes glaring at the figure of his friend. "Boboiboy! She went to chase off a small rose monster, it has my power watch!" Gopal cried out, telling him the details of what had recently happened to both him and the elf.

"Your power watch was stolen!?" A horrified look morphed on his face, this was bad news. He was even surprised that a small rose monster stole it, just what kind of monster they were even fighting? "Yes! Listen to me, that brat was smart. Y/n went over there, by the edge of the cliff!" he pointed out to his left side. Boboiboy Thunderstorm's face was even more serious at the simple mention of the place. "A cliff!? I need to go!" He yelled out before using his lightning speed to catch up to the elf.

"Here, small rose! Please give it to me, do not act recklessly with that watch," Y/n tried to negotiate with the small rose monster. But it was mocking her, not even once listening to her pleas. It kept acting like it was going to drop the watch and break it. Y/n was on edge, she was anxious at the moment. One simple move will cause the rose monster to throw it away and she didn't want that to happen.

"Do not dare."

With a horrified look on her face, she watched as the small rose pointed it out to the very edge of the branch where it could fall to the cliff. "No... " she trailed off, shaking her head rapidly. But, even if she tried to stop it, it didn't listen and simply threw it to the edge of the cliff. "NO!" She screamed, letting her body control her, almost forgetting her situation. She ran, forgetting that she was on a branch. She jumped out of the tree, not even minding the fact that she was jumping to her death.

Her hand caught the watch but she wasn't safe.

"Y/N!" Someone called out for her.

Y/n realised what she had done, she was now close to her death. She had just jumped to her death.

She shut her eyes close, waiting for the impact to hit her. How reckless of her.

But she was fortunate that someone had engulfed her with their arms. She was being held tightly by someone which made her eyes shoot open in surprise. She couldn't process what was happening since everything went in a flash. All she noticed was a flash of red. Like one second has passed, she was harshly shoved into the ground by an unknown force. Her hands were clutching the power watch into her chest while she breathed heavily.

She was now safe.

She laid on wet grass, the rainwater continued to pour down onto her face. Her breathing wasn't steady as she realised that someone was still hugging her figure while she lay down. She couldn't believe she just survived that. But how was she able to survive that fall? Or did she even fall from the cliff? All of that actions were answered when the person who hugged her placed their hands on either side of her head to support themselves.

This person was breathing harmoniously as her. Her horrified (e/c) eyes met with striking red ones as soon as she was able to snap back to her thoughts. It was Boboiboy Thunderstorm himself and certainly, he didn't look too happy while he stared down at her. His knees were in between her legs so that he can move slightly up from her figure, hands on either side of her head. Y/n was surely dead, his furious red eyes alone tell her that.


She was right.

His breathing was heavy while he glared down at her (e/c) eyes. His jaw was clenched, anyone could tell how angry he was for what had happened. "Do you think you can just throw your life like that!? Darn it, Y/n, if I didn't save you, you could've been dead by now!" He continued scolding her but the Lluminarian elf said nothing. She knew what she did was wrong and stupid, she indirectly tried to kill herself again.

"What was on your head when you jumped off the cliff!? Did you think that you can save the power watch if you jump after it? This is the third time you did something so reckless that it could've gotten you killed and this is the worst one! Can you please just stop doing this!? You can't just act recklessly!" He continued, his breathing becoming heavier as he yelled.

"What if you died!? Do you imagine what will happen if we lose you!? Y/n, we can't lose you!"

"I can't lose you!" He yelled out. Y/n's eyes widened as she stared at him, tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. Boboiboy Thunderstorm noticed her vulnerable state, her lips were nearly whimpering. Now he's done it, he made a girl cry. Perhaps he was being a bit too harsh but he needed to be. What Y/n has done was too much and she needed someone to make her realise that.

He exhaled deeply, finally breaking eye contact. He slowly stood up and reached an open hand towards the female elf to take. Y/n looked down as a result, avoiding any possible eye contact with the element due to regret and embarrassment. His salakov hat made it look like a shadow was covering his face. The Lluminarian elf took the hand that he has offered for her, allowing herself to stand back onto her feet.

She tried to take her hand back but she was surprised that Boboiboy Thunderstorm didn't budge from his spot, he didn't let go of her hand. And that was when he suddenly yanked her closer to himself and shortly engulfed her into a warm and longing embrace. Arms wrapped around her body, he tightened his grip on her and placed his chin on her shoulder as if she was going to leave him. Y/n was shocked, standing still silently while she let him hug her.

"But you're safe now. I'm just glad you're safe now."

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A/n: Wow that was a long one. I enjoyed writing this chapter too much that I made it longer than the previous longest chapter which was Chapter 25: Sacrifice. You guys have no idea how I'm so excited to write this part, this was long-planned already.

Anyway... Pinterest pictures coming up!

No cause I'm wondering right now if he sees that way.

His facial expressions in the comic are pretty hilarious.😭

Disclaimer: The illustrations above aren't mine. They belong to their original artists.

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