The Uchiha Princess and Legac...

By naruhina2007

162K 2K 938

The Uchiha clan never was killed and Izumi ( Fem Itachi ) never joined the Akatsuki. Naruto had nobody not h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

3K 42 22
By naruhina2007

Chapter 21

The Chuunin Exams: Preliminary


" Jutsu "

" Flashback "

" Demon/summoning talking "

" Demon/ Summoning thoughts "

"For those who passed, congratulations!" Anko's voice echoed throughout the clearing as she was using a microphone attached to her ear. Her eyes passed throughout the chunnin hopefuls for a second, before looking at both Sasuke and Naruto for a bit longer. The idea of Orochimaru wanting the Kyuubi in Naruto sent chills up her spine. She didn't have anything against the kid, but tempering with the strongest bijuu in existence would obviously lead to terrible consequences. She wondered what the Hokage was going to do with the newly accursed genins. She noticed with a level of sympathy at Sasuke, since the boy was doing the same thing she did on occasions, rubbing the back of his neck to stop the pain from the cursed seal. She snarled at her former sensei for giving his damned cursed seal to the Uchiha and wondered what his intentions were.

Back to the story

"To everyone who has made it this far, I would like to congratulate you on passing the second stage of the Chuunin Exams," Anko started, breaking everyone from their thoughts. "Now I suggest all you listen carefully to Hokage-Sama who will be explaining the third test!"

The Hokage cleared his throat and began to speak, "Before that, I wish to explain something to you; it concerns the true meaning of this Chuunin selection exams, Why do we have all the allied countries taking the exam at the same time, even some neutral countries?" He looked around at all Genins' faces. "To promote friendship among countries, to raise the level of Shinobi, do not be confused, this is exam is...War." He paused accentuating his declaration, the tension in the area increased as some Genins shifted uncomfortably. "If we were to turn back time, at some point, all of us would be fighting the other countries over who would rule. This exam is an alternate that allows us countries to avoid such wasteful fighting. For the third test, Lords and Ladies of all countries as well as the leaders of your countries will all be watching your fights. You will fight with your life on the line to protect not your homeland but its prestige. If your country seen as weak, you will lose clients, the livelihood of a Shinobi. If you are strong, you will gain clients, bolstering your home. If your country shown as a strong country, it will also send a political message to other countries." He took a breath from all talking.

"Then why must we risk our lives? There has a better way to fight for this prestige," Kiba argued.

"The strength of the Country is the strength of the Village, the strength of the Village is the strength of the Shinobi, and a Shinobi's true strength... is only born with life-risking battle," the Hokage said with a serious voice. "This Exam only has meaning because there are life-risking battles. The friendships between Shinobi countries must this and it is as soon as because this that we call it an exercise in friendship. This fight is not just your own, it is a life-risking battle with the prestige of your country in line with your own performance."

He was just about to start talking again when a sickly looking Jounin appeared in front of him. "(Cough) Actually Hokage-sama. (Cough) Would you please let me explain this (Cough) to the Genins?" he said.

Hiruzen nodded and took a step back. The Jounin stood up and turned around. Naruto had to raise an eyebrow at the man's appearance. He dressed in the standard Jounin uniform and had a bandana style headband. However, what caught his attention were the deep bags under his eyes as well as his general sickly look. Is he sick? He should be in the hospital not here.

"Welcome, my name is (Cough) Gekko Hayate and I'm the proctor for the (Cough) (Cough) Third stage of the Chuunin Exams," Hayate spoke, coughing so much that many Genins wondered if he was fit for duty. "Unfortunately, it seems that the first and second stages of the Chuunin Exams were too easy and we now have too many candidates. Because this, we will be holding the preliminary matches."

Shikamaru muttered to himself before speaking louder. "What the hell? Preliminaries?" he asked.

Hayate coughed again before responding, "Because the first and second tests were too easy this year, we've too many participants for the third test. The Chuunin exams rules state that we must thin out the numbers of those taking the third exam. As Hokage-sama has explained, there are many visitors for this exam and time is limited, so too many participants cannot be accommodated." He coughed again. "Those that wish to withdraw may step forward and do so now that they have heard these conditions. Also, this is an individual basis from here on out and if you quit, your team will not penalize."

"Excuse me proctor, I must give up." Kabuto raised his right hand in the air, looking sorry to do so. "My chakra is low and I lost hearing in my left ear. I'm afraid I can't fight."

"You are Yakushi Kabuto, correct?" Hayate consulted his paper and nodded. "Indeed you are, what a bad luck you have. All right, you can leave." When Kabuto left, he asked for others, but no one said anything. "All right, everybody on the balcony. The electronic board will show your names in a random fashion and then you fight."

Izumi looked at her student and saw the same mark as she curses so hard for not making in time because of Orochimaru.

Everyone started to go as Kiyomi went with her eldest sister, with her twin brother and Sakura, as Kiyomi looked at Kabuto, she had a feeling that he's was not a genin. While for Naruto looked at Kabuto The fake Genin was a liar, a good one. However, he couldn't hide anything from the Naruto. Kabuto was no mere Genin, more like he was a well-trained spy as he had suspected. Most likely Orochimaru's, since he had shown an unhealthy interest in Sasuke.

"The rules for this battle are simple. There are no rules, the match continues until one of you dies, out, or declares defeat. If you don't wish to kill, quickly acknowledge your defeat. When the winner has been clearly established, I will jump in and stop the fight. If you continue to harm your opponent after the fight has declared, you may find yourself in the hospital," Hayate said as he coughed then smiled at the group of Genins. "And... The thing that will decide your future is that." He pointed to a, now revealed, big black screen, "This electronic screen will randomly select two contestants to fight. Now, let's begin."

When the electronic board started to roll,

The group of Genins waited anxiously as the board flashed through names after the names of the many contestants, each name bringing a dinging sound before a loud beep signaled the names of the first two contestants.

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Zaku Abumi

Every saw the names as Kiyomi and Izumi is worried about Naruto because of the curse mark as he looked at his opponent, with no fear!

" You're gonna pay for what you did to my arms!" Zaku said with anger and wanting to destroy Naruto on what he did to him!

Naruto looked as he tried to use his chakra but if does his neck started to hurt and touch it

Everyone noticed it as Sasuke want to see how strong Naruto after their first battle after the land of waves!

Naruto took of his kimono battle shirt as everybody looked at his body and saw his 6 pack abs at only 12 year old, every since girl blushed the slightest of Naruto even some men!

" GOO NARUTO-KUN" Ino yelled which surprised everyone as they looked at he r

" Go do it Foxy" Yugito whispered but only Killer Bee and Samui heard Yugito

" Beat hum down Naruto-kun" Lee cheer for a person he wants to fight after his battle with after what he called his sensei

" Naruto I know you can do this" both Kiyomi and Hinata said without anybody knowing what they said!

" Naruto you've change so much? This is suck a drag" Shikamaru knowing fully well as he perks at the battle

Back to Naruto and Zaku

Both started at each other as Naruto unleashed his katana his family right and Zaku was ready to fight without his arm is what both everyone thought but he was special is what his master told him!

Both waited for Hayate to said begin

" Hijime" he called out as both Naruto and Zaku ran to each other as Naruto send a slashed his arm but Zaku easily blocked the slash.

As Naruto went for an elbow to the back of his Zaku back but he jumped into the arm in the nick of time! Both fighting in the arm while Zaku was kicking Naruto with his legs as Naruto grabbed his right leg and tossed him onto the ground like a rag doll, as Naruto leaps into his stomach with his right knee to only Zaku used his arm to ripped off his bandages off as put both his arms in the air aiming for Naruto who was noticed it he need think of something quickly

Zaku chuckled evilly at Naruto. "Extreme Decapitating Airwaves! Die!" he said, as his palms glowed with gathered chakra and released a massive burst of air toward Naruto. This hit Naruto directly on his stomach and sent him toward the wall. "Heh, you're just trash." He chuckled evilly at unconscious Naruto.

" Seems you have an interesting move," a voice came right behind him.

Zaku turned back to another Naruto. "W-what? How?" he shouted. He quickly turned around and saw Naruto, he had defeated, disappeared into puff of smoke.

"It's my turn." Naruto smirked. "Let's dance, shall we?"

Zaku tried to attack him, but blond dissolved into swarms of black butterflies. "Where are you? Are you afraid of me? You scaredy-cat!" he shouted while looking around to find the half breed Uchiha

With everyone

" What the hell? How did Naruto get this good?" Kiba whined to see how muck Naruto since their academy days

" Izumi-san what have you been teaching him?" Kurenai asked her fellow Jonin, Izumi looked at the fight

" Naruto has always been special his real IQ is over 180, his started to use his katana since he was 6 years old Naruto one day will surpass everyone before him his legacy will continue and will grown" Izumi answered as everyone looked back at Naruto.

The Rookie 10 as well as their senseis turned to the blonde Sand kunoichi who had spoken it.

"Where?" Kankuro asked his sister, as he wanted to know more about the blond boy.

"In the Bingo Book," Temari answered.

"What?"! Sasuke shouted.

Temari looked at him, surprised. "Don't you know your friend is in the Hidden Cloud's Bingo Book." She produced a book from the pouch and threw it toward him. "Read entry number 399."

Sasuke hurriedly picked up the book. He opened the entry number 399 and started read while both Ino and Sakura looked over his shoulders to read it. When they finished, their eyes widened along with Sasuke.

"What's in it, Ino?" Choji asked, seeing the expression of the face.

"I can't believe it!" Ino said. "Naruto is in the Bingo Book."

"What?" Kiba said. He went over to Sasuke and snatched the book from his hand and began to read loudly for others who were also wanted to know about it.

Most of Genins eyes popped out from their socket. They didn't know what to say on this, even Kurenai was speechless who hadn't known anything about it.

"Naruto is in bingo book?" Sakura was still stunned at what she had read.

"The Demon Slayer is a cool name," Choji said. He had gotten over from the shock.

Sasuke turned to the arena and stared at Naruto with a jealousy.

' Good job Naruto' Kiyomi thought as she knows damn well he will become even stronger in the nearly future!

Orochimaru in disguise look at his future new host as he lips his mouth... ' Kukuku how wonderful' in evil smug face Orochimaru glad to see Naruto.

Back to the fight

Naruto appeared in front of the Zaku. "Surrender Now!" he said

"Never, you the Leaf trash!" Zaku shouted.

"As you wish." Naruto drove his katana in the heart of Zaku as his eyes widen as he saw the katana on than Naruto jumper up with his katana on his hand and does fast hand-seals " Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" A massive orb of roaring flame came out of his mouth. It was three times bigger than the Zaku's size and completely white.

Zaku looked at fireball with horror. He felt heat coming out from it. He hadn't been given the chance to scream. Fireball collided with his body. The force of Fireball was too much, it rolled at the opposite site of a wall. When it died down, there was nothing left other than few body parts of Zaku.

Hayate appeared next to Naruto. "Winner is Uzumaki Naruto!" he said before turning to Zaku's corpse. "And the ten minutes break to clean all this mess."

With everyone

The team 8 stunned at ruthlessness Naruto had shown. Unlike others, they hadn't seen that side of Naruto.

Is he really Naruto? Kiba thought. His mouth was wide-open.

H-he killed him, Hinata thought with slight fear in her eyes. It wasn't that Naruto-kun she knew.

This is dead-last of the academy. What the hell is Izumi teaching him? Kurenai thought, wondering what Izumi had though to the black hair. It wasn't the same Naruto she had heard about.

"I like him. Now he is favorite kid." Anko grinned at her crazy way. She had suddenly appeared from nowhere next to next to Kurenai, who was frowning at Naruto's display of power.

"You would, Anko," Kurenai remarked.

Suddenly everyone heard a cried as they looked at Naruto his whole body was in deep red, Kakashi, Izumi, Kiyomi and Sasuke eyes widen as all of them jumped with Sarutobi with Anbu with him until Naruto stood up as he looking directly at Hiruzen and laughed!

" HahahaHAHAH" Naruto laughed everyone felt it the presents of it was so evil

" Sarutobi, what would my parent think of what happened to me? For the past 12 year of my life Haha." Naruto demonic voice said everyone froze at that moment as Hiruzen eyes widen in pure shocked

' No. doesn't Naruto know? Does he know about Kushina, and Minato?' The Current Hokage asked himself

" NARUTO" a voice shouted as he turns to see Sasuke

" You truly don't know dumbass, show me Sasuke show me why they called you a prodigy? Show meee to me you just a genin never even in my level." Naruto announced as than Izumi hugged Naruto

" Naruto you can fight it I know you can don't let Orochimaru take control of you're body." Izumi whispered to Naruto as he walked away as everyone since was about to curse until Naruto red and black marks were gone as he falls to his knees and breathing heavily as nobody knew how strong Naruto to take control of the Curse mark

Izumi help Naruto up as the electronic board started to roll, it showed the names of the next genin that are going to face each other.

Uchiha Sasuke vs. Tsurugi Misumi

As Sasuke smirks but than Naruto and Izumi are behind Sasuke and Kakashi! Nearly everyone was waiting for Naruto. He looked at Sasuke and whispered into his ear... " Don't use the Sharingan nor your chakra! The Curse Mark with make you say or do things so bad Teme!" Sasuke smirking has he already knows

" Sure thing Dobe." Sasuke with the simply replied as Naruto sighed!

As than Izumi and Naruto disappeared with the (Shunshin no Jutsu)

"Uchiha Sasuke vs. Tsurugi Misumi, begins!" Hayate said, and he moved out from the arena.

Sasuke chose not to attack head-on, but waited for his opponent to make a move.

"You're an Uchiha, huh?" Tsurugi asked.

"Yeah... so what, you're going to give up now?" Sasuke smirked. "Just because I've the Sharingan doesn't mean you don't stand a chance." He thoughtfully looked up for a second. "Oh wait, it does." Then he suddenly jumped up and performed a few hands-seals. "Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu!"

With everyone

" Damnit Sasuke." Kakashi muttered as Naruto warned him but because of his Uchiha Pride is the biggest ego of all the Uchiha's expect Kiyomi, Izumi and Naruto!

" SASUKE-KUNNN" Sakura shouted

" SASUKEEEE" Ino shouted in fear

" Mm the Uzumaki warned him but didn't listened to Uzumaki." Neji replied looking into the fight!

Back with Sasuke

Tsurugi slithered around all the small Fireballs that Sasuke was spewing out of him. Sasuke stopped his attacks and landed on the ground several feet away from his opponent.

"Come at me, Uchiha!" the glasses-wearing Leaf-nin shouted.

"You can bend your body any way you want, huh?" Sasuke said. "Which means you just want to choke me to death or somewhen I come close." He then snorted. "Fine, try it."

Sasuke rushed forward and caught Tsurugi right in the jaw with a right hook. As he expected Tsurugi's neck twisted back, but Sasuke easily jumped away from Tsurugi's now failed head-butt. Instead, Tsurugi's head came face to face with Sasuke's left foot. Again, Tsurugi's neck twisted back and Sasuke just reacted with a roundhouse kick, this time making Tsurugi's entire body twist around.

Tsurugi taunted, "Heh, you're too slow to counter me."

Sasuke swept both of Tsurugi's legs from under him and followed up with an elbow in his stomach. Tsurugi's flailed through the air and Sasuke quickly performed a few hands-seals. "However good try... Fire Release:Dragon Fire Jutsu!" To his surprise, his stream of fire dodged.

"Your attacks aren't that powerful, you know?" Tsurugi chuckled as he approached Sasuke fast. "But then, it's a little hard to hurt a body like mine."

"Is it?"

Tsurugi's eyes widened as Sasuke was now behind him, planting a kunai right into his shoulder, followed by another one into his knee. "You can't move so smoothly now, can you?" he asked as he jumped over Tsurugi, who was screaming in pain. Before he landed, Sasuke threw another Kunai straight through Tsurugi's left foot.

"Don't underestimate me!" Tsurugi screamed and chuckled at the same time. "These wounds... I can move them to a... less annoying spot, with this body of mine..." He dropped on the ground.

"Winner is Uchiha Sasuke!" Hayate said.

And the curse mark didn't show at all in Sasuke body as it surprise nearly everyone.

' Kukuku such a shame so Sasuke-kun doesn't have evil intentions but Naruto does Kukuku do I will have his body. He will come to me I know Naruto-kun will.' Orochimaru had a smirk under the face he has right now

Sasuke started walking away, only to momentarily pause and stare at the medics taking Tsurugi away. He started walking again.

"I must say, my eternal rival. You're student are quite talented," Gai said to Kakashi, whose face was buried in his favorite book.

Kakashi lowered the book and looked at Gai. "Hmm?...What? Did you say something, Gai?"

"Damn you and your hip attitude, Kakashi!" Gai shouted dramatically.

Still useful, Kakashi thought. Turning around, he observed his both students who had passed the preliminary, Sasuke and Naruto. As he know both of his Sensei and Fugaku-sama are in them and wants to see them fight!

"You were great, Sasuke-kun!" Ino and Sakura shouted, trying to cheer Sasuke.

Aburame Shino vs. Akado Yoroi

Both Genin stepped down to the arena below and faced each other.

" Third Match Aburame Shino vs. Akado Yoroi, begin!" Hayate announced, and he vanished from the floor; he didn't want to get in between the fight.

Shino simply stood in his place.

Yoroi rushed at him. His move was to grab the rookie, and to his surprise, he did. He grinned. "Ha, you're my kid! My chakra draining technique will finish you off."

"How curious Yoroi-san that you would use such a technique on myself," Shino said calmly. He grabbed Yoroi with both hands and a swarm of insects rushed out of his wide sleeves to latch on the immobilized Yoroi.

Yoroi tried to disengage from Shino, as his chakra sucking technique shut down. It was impossible. Shino moved closer as more and more insects poured out from his coat and enveloped Yoroi like a living, buzzing second skin. Soon Yoroi stopped struggling and Shino released the wrestling hold he had on him, and his insects retreated under his coat.

"Winner is Aburame Shino!" Hayate announced his victory.

The medic-nins rushed Yoroi's unconscious form out.

"Idiot!" Sai scoffed.

"What do you mean, Sai?" Sakura asked, whom had somehow came back from depression state to her normal state.

"Close combat with an Aburame clansman is a foolish thing often. Their bugs are widely known to able to suck ones whole chakra in a minute or so. Even a few seconds are enough to lose a large supply of chakra. Shino's opponent chose a wrong way to attack him. You don't drain the Aburame ninja, he does that to you," Sai explained.

Temari vs. Inuzuka Kiba

"Alright Akamaru, it looks like we're up!" Kiba shouted, as he forewent the stairs and just jumped off the railing.

Temari shook her head and glided down off the opposite balcony into the center of the arena.

Hayate looked at both, reminding them that the fight ended if he stepped in. At both of their nods, he raised and dropped his hand quickly. "Begin!"

Kiba immediately launched forward at the girl, swiping at her, but she easily managed to block it just by tilting her fan in the way. Kiba snarled and jumped back along Akamaru. "Ninja Art of Beast Mimicry: All-Fours Jutsu!"His nails and teeth lengthened, and his overall appearance became more animalistic.

Temari merely pulled out the gigantic fan of hers and opened it. "I'll beat you without even moving from this spot," she bragged.

Kiba snarled before charging at her again. "Don't get your hopes up!"

Kiba blocked again by Temari's fan. When Akamaru likewise tried together, she swiftly turned and kicked the dog away. Kiba turned, wide eyes as Akamaru bounced and skidded across the floor. He turned back to Temari. "You bitch!" He ran over to Akamaru to make sure he was all right, but that turned out a big mistake.

Temari quickly unfurled her fan fully. Just as Kiba bent over Akamaru, she swung it hard, creating a huge gust of wind that picked both of them and slammed them against the wall. With a pitiful whine, they both fell to the floor unconscious.

Hayate walked to Temari. "Winner is Temari!"

As Temari walked up the steps to return to her team, Medic-nins hurried into the arena to check both Kiba and Akamaru and to escort them out of the chamber.

Haruno Sakura vs. Yamanaka Ino

Everyone frowned as the match started. It was a shouting match first, then a little brawling and finally a pitiful double knockout strike to the head. He shook his head in disappointment, as Kakashi and Ino's Sensei, Asuma, took both of them to the balcony.

As I thought that was a most pathetic match I've ever seen, Yugito thought.

Then he saw the flashing board had stopped on the names.

Hyūga Hinata vs. Hyūga Neji

When everyone saw this they thought it was going to be a good fight but not everyone thought as Kurenai, Kiba and Shino didn't.

Hayate held up a hand and said "Preliminary round of the Chuunin Exams. Hyuuga Neji, are you ready?" When Neji nodded, He looked at Hinata. "Hyuuga Hinata, are you ready?" Getting a second nod, His hand flashed down. "Then you may begin!" He vanished from the spot.

Neji's looked at Hinata, "Before we begin the fight, I'd like to say something, Hinata-sama. You don't make a good shinobi. Forfeit now," he said condescendingly, causing Hinata to look down. "You are too kind. You wish for harmony and avoid conflict... You agrees with others, never resisting. And you've no confident in yourself. I always feel your sense of inferiority. That's why I thought I'd be best for you remain a Genin." He hadn't even taken a taijutsu stance, neither had Hinata as Neji tore her with his words.

Interesting way to use psychological warfare to gain an edge in battles, Naruto thought, as he noticed Neji's words breaking Hinata's concentration and her confident.

"But, you entered the Chuunin Exams because your team could not advance without you. You entered this unwillingly... Am I wrong?" Neji asked, his tone not actually questioning.

Hinata looked back up, though her hands wrung themselves as she spoke, "N-no, I-I entered too... Change myself... I j-just w-wanted t-to change."

Naruto and Izumi

Both Naruto and Izumi have returned after Izumi sealed Orochimaru evil curse mark away as long Naruto doesn't think evil thoughts! As both return the see the rest of the fights but Izumi told her student to rest but he didn't listen he was to stubborn!

Naruto looked at scene. "She is going to lose," he finally voiced her opinion. He noticed Kurenai glaring heavily at him. "Don't look at me like that. It's your own fault why she's like this."

Hearing Naruto's voice, everyone, even Third Hokage, turned toward them to know what was happening.

"What are you implying, Uzumaki?" Kurenai asked, as she clenched her fist in anger.

Naruto scoffed. "You're her teacher. You'd have gotten her in a track way before she fought here. Except for Kiyomi, Tenten. all Leaf's kunoichies need a reality check. The shinobi world isn't for a naïve girl like her. She has low confident and is very shy, whom scares of her own shadow." He looked at Kurenai who was gritting her teeth in anger. "This isn't a primary school where everyone is everyone's friend and you can hold her hand the entire time. This is shinobi world and you are her teacher, not her mother."

"Hey! Do not talk like that to Kurenai-sensei!" Kiba shouted, angrily. "Fang Passing Fang!" He jumped in the air and began to spin rapidly at Naruto.

Naruto grabbed Kiba by his legs and Slams him into the wall, Kiba rubbed his head and stood up on his feet. He was ready to try another time, but Naruto nowhere appeared in front of him and grabbed him by his neck, squeezing it. He lifted him up, showing his superior strength. Kiba struggled to free himself, but Naruto was much stronger than he was.

Just than Kiyomi appeared and grabbed and grabbed Kiba's nin-dog, Akamaru, who had tried to help Kiba.

"A-ka-maru," Kiba tried to call his partner's name.

Everyone was so stunned by the fast and teamwork they have together.

In the puff of smoke, Hayate appeared to stop the fight. "(Cough) No fight is allowed (Cough) outside the arena and during the Chuunin Exams," he said.

"I was just defending myself. He attacked me first," Naruto said without taking his eyes from Kiba. "Ask Sasuke, he will tell you."

Hayate looked at Uchiha who nodded his head. "Very well (Cough), but let him go," he said.

"Whatever," Naruto said, and he threw Kiba hard.

Kiba hit the ground and bounced, rolled, then came to a stop, unconscious. Kiyomi freeing the nin-dog, Akamaru, who quickly ran toward Kiba to check him alright.

Naruto turned to Kurenai. "Now, where are we?... Oh, Yes... If you asked me, you shouldn't be sensei of Team 8," he said.

Kurenai glared at him as hard as she could do. She really wanted to tear him apart. He had not only hurt her student, but also called her a bad teacher. She looked around at her fellow Jounins... her friends. No one said anything in her defense or tried to stop Naruto. They all were listing and looking at Naruto.

Naruto continued, "It's not because you're not a good teacher... You're a good teacher, I admit that, but you're not a right teacher for Hinata. You've already known her before becoming her Jounin sensei. You've emotional attachment with her. You cares her like a mother, but she doesn't need a mother." He turned around to walk away from there, but he stooped and said one last thing. "It's not too late. You can still change her, but only if she lived after the fight." He began to walk away again.

" He's right." Both Izumi and Kakashi whispered

"That was harsh," Anko said. She turned her head to Kurenai. "That was really harsh, Nai-chan, but true. You really need to stop acting like mother to her. You can't protect her forever."

Kurenai didn't say anything. Naruto's last words really hit her hard. What she would do if Hinata died in the fight. She looked down at the arena as she gripped the railing with her hands and clenched it in anger. She looked down at her student with worry and concern. Things were looking very bad for the shy girl. Deep down, she had expected something like this would happen. She knew that Hinata was not ready to become a Chuunin, but had let her enter the exam in the hope that she would succeed.

To the fight

Hayate appeared in the arena to start the match between two Hyuuga again, which was interrupted because of the fight between Kiba and Naruto. "You may begin again!" he said, and he left in puff of smoke.

Neji looked at Hinata with his cold eyes. "Forfeit, Hinata-sama!"

"N-Neji-nii-san, I won't retreat anymore... This time, I will fight!" Hinata said. She still had some confident left because she hadn't heard Naruto's words.

"Then prepare yourself!" Neji said, as he took fighting stance.

Neji leaned forward to dash at Hinata and prepared his hands. Hinata began her defense as she parried Neji's attack. Hinata then tried to give Neji her own attack and Neji parried her attack. The two began trading blows and dodged each other's attack. As the two were in a total deadlock, Hinata took a step back, and put all her force at her palm strike. She gave Neji a powerful strike and Neji blocked her attack. The deadlock between the two continued until Neji saw his chance, attacked Hinata at the chest, and pushed his two fingers at Hinata's arm. Hinata had coughed up blood and breath heavily. But Hinata didn't give up as she attacked Neji with her other arm. Neji caught Hinata's arm and pushed his two fingers again. Neji then removed the sleeve from Hinata's arm to reveal multiple wounds.

"What's that?" Sakura asked, curiously.

Kakashi answered her question. "Above the inner coil systems are 361 pressure points called Tenketsu. They are the size of the tip of needle though. These are also called the opening points and if you press these pressure points accurately, you can stop or increase your opponent's chakra flow. You can control however you want these opening points," he said. "Frankly speaking, even my Sharingan can't see them."

They looked down to see Hinata had tried everything to gain advantage in the fight using her only uninjured hand.

"Forfeit, Hinata-sama!" Neji said. He sent his cousin flying away from him with a palm strike just below her heart.

Hinata had fallen but struggled to get back up. "No. I'm not done yet," she said.

Neji scoffed seeing her useless effort. "Acting tough is useless. You can barely stand. I can see that," he said in cold and harsh tone. "From the time of your birth, the responsibility of the Hyuuga main house has been forced upon you. You have hated yourself for your own weakness. But people cannot change...that is destiny."

"There is no need to suffer anymore. That's not true, Neji-nii-san. Because I can see it... It's not me at all," Hinata said. She coughed up blood. "The person lost and suffering within the destiny of the main and branch you."

Neji got mad. He lifted his palm and ran toward her to give the final blow.

"Neji, this match is over!" Hayate yelled.

Naruto sighed as he appeared and kick Neji to send him flying to the wall, as than five Jounins, consisting of Hayate, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai and Kakashi appeared around him in a puff of smoke. As they saw Neji in the floor as Neji was pissed off he was about to attack. But the jonin stopped Neji and restraint him

"Neji, give it rest," Gai said to his pupil while holding him from doing anything that, so he couldn't regard later for his action. "Don't lose your head over this main family stuff."

Neji ignored him and glared at all Jounins. "Why do even other Jounins jump in... Oh, more special treatment for the main family," he said in a hateful tone.

"Gahha! Gah!" Hinata screamed, and she fell to the ground, clutching in pain and coughing up blood.

"Hinata!" Kurenai ran over her student who was like a daughter to her. She checked her condition. A worry laced on her face. Hinata was having a heart attack now. Oh no! Her heart beat is erratic. She tilted her head at Neji and glared at him. He intended to kill her.

Hinata coughed some blood again.

Kurenai looked her student before turning head approaching medical team. "Medical Team! What are you doing? Hurry!" she yelled.

Medic-nins rushed to help Hinata.

"At this rate, she won't last 10 minutes," one medical-nin said. "Take her to her to the emergency medical room!"

Time Skip...

Nii Yugito vs. Tenten

As both Kunoichi jumped down, the fight, but Naruto already knew who was going to win this match it was pretty simply it was going to be Yugito.

Tenten throws all her weponds to Yugito but she kept on dodging the weapons Tenten throws at her, as Lee, and Gai cheers for Tenten, but it didn't work all, all she need one hit than she would won as the Kuno genin and leader cheered for Yugito as Yugito didn't even need to use her jutsu and she was already behind Tenten and chump her at her neck!

As Hayate check on Tenten to checked and she was indeed knocked out, and and announced the winner!

"Yugito Nii Advance."

The next few fights happened as Nara Shikamaru, Dosu Kinuta, Samui and Kankuro are in the Final Match. Only two more match will going to happened.

Uchiha Kiyomi vs. Omoi

Kiyomi smiles as she finally going to fight as Omoi was freaky out

" Oh no if I don't won't Ay-sama will make me do more dangerous mission than I'd died ahhh" Omoi yelled in so much fear as Bee. Rapped

" Yo yo yo my student it's will be ok." With a horror rap as Yugito deadpanned of her sensei! And want to see Kiyomi action!

" Kiyomi don't worry, you win." Naruto said to Kiyomi as she hugged Naruto because of that as he whispered

" Be careful with him and his katana, he's very skill with that sword. Make sure you careful." Naruto whispered/ Warner as she nodded her head to him.

As both went down, and glared at each other

Omoi pulls of his katana from his slash, as he was waiting for the instructor to start the fight.

Kiyomi went to her pouch and took out 2 kunai off as she was prepared to fight as she closed her eyes wait for him to make his first move.

" Begin." He said as Omoi ran to him

As he jumped and when to attempt to slashed her in Kiyomi shoulder, to only Kiyomi sense him and jumped back and black the hit that was going to her as as she let on kunai and as she kick Omoi right in the his right ribs to only Omoi to black it with his katana as both landed 5 feet away from each other!

Both went and ran to each other as Omoi kept on trying to hit Kiyomi but she kept on dodging it and being away from the sword, as she had so much training with Naruto she knows how to keep her distance away from Omoi! As Omoi had enough as she does handseals

" Raiton: Raiga" Omoi sends bolts of lightning to electrocute Kiyomi but Kiyomi jumped up and does hand seals as well

" Katon: Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu" Kiyomi spits flames from their mouth that, like a dragon's, quickly travel forward in a straight to Omoi as he jumped in the nick of time but as soon he did that Kiyomi appeared behind him and like his ribs both times as she than with the Shunshin, facing Omoi and used her knee and drove Omoi to the ground with she land hard but she was find.

" Gahhh" Omoi eyes are in the back on his head because of that brutal knee hit to his stomach as he tried to stand up but with all his well he was in one leg as he stares at Kiyomi. She had a smug face but he smirks as he pulls his hand out, and jump into the air

" Raiton: Sandāboruto" Omoi extends both arms, releasing a high discharge through both palms, targeting multiple spots for her but as she he was about to hit, Kiyomi was under Omoi and kick him in the chin send him flying and than he was Kiyomi appeared above of him and kick with her heel droving him with her into impact.

Kiyomi stood up.

Everyone in see how much dangerous she is, as Naruto nodded his head, and pulls his thumb up to her

" atta girl Kiyomi." Naruto whispered with a smile of his face! Izumi Smiles at her sister and Sasuke smirks

" Winner Kiyomi Uchiha." Hayate announce as the medic went to check on Omoi to only find he had 2 broken ribs to Killer Bee.

A few minutes later

Rock Lee vs. Sabaku no Gaara

"Rock Lee and Sabaku no Gaara, please report to the arena floor!" Hayate yelled.

Gaara disappeared from his spot and reappeared on the arena floor in a swirl of sand while Rock Lee jumped from the balcony and quickly landed in the arena before moving quickly to his proper spot.

The two competitors looked at each other as Hayate spoke again. "Combatants ready?" He got nods from both combatants. "Begin!" He jumped back and disappeared.

Lee stood in a stance, his right hand forward and pointing toward Gaara. His body turned away from Gaara slightly so those on Lee's left side could see most of his chest as his legs remained in a locked position. His left hand fisted behind his waist behind him as he stared down his opponent, the look in his eyes showing he was being as serious as he could be. Gaara looked at Lee calmly as his gourd began pouring his sand out to pool around him in a circle.

From balcony, all Genins and Jounins waited the fight to start.

Naruto looked down at the arena. "Well, this match is not going to end well for Lee. Gaara is the unstable jinchuuriki of Tanuki."

Kakashi's lone eye widened. He quickly looked at Gaara before turning back to Naruto. "Are you sure about it?" he said.

Naruto nodded. "The Tanuki's most notable ability is his sand manipulation, using it as an effective weapon and shield which's passed down to his container." He looked down at red headed boy. "Gaara has a nearly absolute defense of sand which is not easy to penetrate, even for an experienced ninja." He tilted his head and looked at Lee. "The only advantage Lee has his speed." He looked at Kakashi. "Also, get ready to save Lee, Gaara never leaves his opponent alive. There's another thing Gaara doesn't sleep because if he does Tanuki will take control."

Kakashi looked down at Gaara. He was in deep thought. It doesn't look good. Why Sand brought...? Oh, Gaara is their secret weapon to destroy the Hidden Leaf.

While they were talking, the Genins... most of Genins, who could hear their conversation, were wondering, What does jinchuuriki mean? And why does Kakashi-sensei look worried after hearing it?

' Jinchuriki The Power of Human Sacrifice.' Izumi, and Shikmaru thought of smarts

Lee charged forward and attempted to strike Gaara, but his sand blocked every attack. While Gaara was keeping Lee distracted, he was gathering and creating more sand from under the ground. The gather sand rose from the ground and surrounded Lee. Twisting away from his attack, Lee leapt atop the statue of the twin hands near the back of the arena, a top of the highest finger.

"Lee, take them off!" Gai yelled down.

"B-But Gai-sensei... You said never to do that unless I was defending the lives of people who are precious to me!" Lee yelled up, surprised, as he crouched down on his perch.

"It's alright... I'll allow it!" Gai called back, giving the 'Nice Guy' pose.

Lee smiled joyfully, and reached down to take off his orange leg warmers. Slipping them off revealed the weights strapped to his calves. He quickly pulled those off too.

Kiyomi said, "Weights?"

What an old style training method Gai, Kakashi thought, who had come to stand next to his fellow Jounin-sensei.

"Yup," Gai grinned.

"Why doesn't he just use ninjutsu?" Ino asked. She was confused as other Genin was wondering the same thing. "Against an opponent such as this, ninjutsu would be a far more effective strategy."

"It's not that Lee doesn't use ninjutsu. He can't use them," Gai said, catching all Genins' attention.

"Huh?" Ino responded.

"Lee has almost no skill for Ninjutsu or Genjutsu," Gai finished.

"No way! Then how did he get this far?" Sakura asked, the question, which all Genins wanted to ask, especially Sasuke.

How did he get the power and skill to fight with me and defeat me? Sasuke thought, looking at Maito Gai's pupil Lee.

Gai started to explain. "When I first met Lee, he was nothing. He had no talent at all. So only technique left for Lee as a ninja are Taijutsu," he said. "There aren't many ninjas who can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu. That's why he can win."

"In short, he is a Taijutsu-specialist," Naruto said.

"You are right, Naruto-kun," Gai said.

Temari watched Gaara's opponent removing weights. Ptf, there's no way taking off little weight will let him keep with Gaara's sand, she thought.

Dropping the weights, Lee stood up happily. "All right! Now I can move easier!" he declared.

As the weights hit the ground, amazed cries were heard in the noise and the dust kicked up. As the dust cleared, there were two rather large-sized craters with his discarded weights in the center.

Isn't that bit much... Gai, Kakashi thought. The Maito Gai's training methods were always bit too extreme.

' Gai you dumbass.' Izumi though.

"Lee, go!" Gai ordered.

Gaara blinked as he felt a fist impact very close to his head. He turned around to see what happened but then his eyes widened in shock when he felt a kick near his stomach. Gaara was safe until Lee descended from above and landed a kick on his head, shocking every person from The Village Hidden in the Sand.

I-impossible that kid h-hit Gaara. Temari and Kankuro thought. It had never happened before.

Ok, now, I'm definitely going to use this training method, Naruto said. He was impressed by Lee's speed, and impressing him wasn't that easy.

Gaara's face cracked and sand fell, revealing a demonic expression but it was quickly replaced with his stoic one. He started sending his sand out to attack his opponent. Lee dodged a huge hand of sand, but a spear of sand struck in his right ankle.

Lee grimaced at the gaping hole in his leg, which was almost the size of his palm and proceeded to open the first gate at which point he charged at Gaara and kicked him up in the air. He then appeared behind him and wrapped his bandages around him before shouting, "Primary Lotus!"

"Is it over?" Sakura said.

"No, look closely," Naruto answered

Lee looked on and figured it was over but still waited. As the dust cleared, he saw a shell of sand like Gaara in a deep crater. "What? How?" he asked as he couldn't think how Gaara had escaped from his technique. There was some laughter to his left, so he looked over and saw Gaara emerging from a wall of sand.

"You are strong. Haha... You will make me feel Alive!' Gaara shouted, as he raised his arm and blasted a literal wave of sand at Lee.

Lee was too tired to dodge after opening the first gate as he smashed into the wall and screamed in pain. After a while, the sand lets up and everyone could see Lee's arms and torso were bleeding heavily.

"It seems as though you are a more than worthy opponent, therefore, I will take this seriously. The Third Gate, The Gate of life, Open!" Lee shouted, and he began to turn red.

Kakashi questioned, "How many, Gai? Just how many of the Eight Inner Gates that kid can open...?"

Gai closed his eyes and showed him five fingers. "Five Gates!" he said.

Kakashi looked at Gai like he was crazy. "You of all people should know how truly dangerous that technique is!" he said.

"That boy has something he absolute values. He wants to achieve his dream so badly. I warned him of the dangers of what I taught him, he didn't care. He said he was willing to die to achieve that dream of his... That's why I taught it to him with caution. I want to help him become someone who is able to stand up to his beliefs. I had to do it," Gai countered.

Kakashi looked very shocked and mad.

"What are the Eight Inner Gates?" Sasuke asked, as he wanted to know more about Lee's technique.

Izumi answered his question. "The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body." She noticed everyone listening her expect for Naruto and Kiyomi who's attention is on the fight. "The Gate of Openings, the Gate of Healing, the Gate of Life, the Gate of Pain, the Gate of Limit, the Gate of View, the Gate of Wonder and Finally the Gate of Death... Those are the Eight Inner Gates. But there is one drawback using them. The Inner Gates grants exponentially greater amounts of strength each time one is opened, but with more and more strain on the user's body. If all eight are opened, the user becomes physically stronger than any human could otherwise manage. For a few minutes. Then you drop dead on the spot."

Everyone who was listening it, his or her jaw dropped on the floor after hearing the drawback of the technique.

Everyone then turned to Lee as they assumed he would attack, but many surprised as his chakra strength kept increasing before he shouted, "Fourth Gate, The Gate of Pain, Open!"

Lee then disappeared in a swirl of dust before reappearing under Gaara and kicking him up. He continued to kick Gaara up and up. He then appeared above him and punched him. He again disappeared in the burst of speed and reappeared under Gaara. He kicked him and continued to beat him senseless. The sound of Lee's muscles tearing could be heard. Lee ignored the pain and moved to end things. He grabbed a strip of cloth, which wrapped around Gaara.

"The fifth Gate, The Gate of limit, Open! Reverse Lotus!"Lee said, immediately after opening the gate. He smashed Gaara to the floor. He then collapsed on the ground holding his right ankle, which was bleeding profusely.

"You have to stop this madness, Gai," Kakashi said, as he didn't want to see the such talented Genin's death for nothing.

"No, Lee can still fight," Gai said.

Naruto sighed as he walked up to Gai and punch him in the gut, everyone gaped. " You idiot So, you want to see your student sacrificing his life for a pointless match... Huh... What a waste of a good talent," Naruto said, catching Gai and Kakashi's attention. "You are his teacher. You should have explained him about right time of using such forbidden technique and right place to sacrifice. In the war or mission, sacrificing life for your country and comrades is a heroic deed. But it's not any of them. It's a pointless exam. Sacrificing life for such thing is nothing but an act of foolishness. He's nothing but a fool." His words were harsh.

Kiyomi added "So what kind of death you want for your favorite pupil, Gai-sensei? A death of a Hero or death of a fool?"

Gai didn't know what to say on this. He clenched his fists and tightened his jaw as he looked at his favorite pupil, Lee, worry clearly visible on his face. Death of a Hero or Death of a fool?

Both Izumi and Kakashi smiles but couldn't help to stare at Naruto. First Kurenai and now Gai. He has done it again. Like Kurenai, he has managed to change the view of Gai with his only words, he thought. has all qualities to become a good leader.

Gaara stood up like nothing had happened to him. His gourd had turned into sand at the last minute, saving him from being knocked unconscious. He raised his hand to the side and said, "Sand Coffin!" The sand closed around Lee's right leg and arm. "Sand Burial!" Before he could kill Lee, a green blur swipe away Lee and tossed the attacking sand away with a powerful wave of his right arm.

Gai had given up seeing his student in distress. He couldn't shake away Naruto's words. He couldn't just watch his student's death by red headed's hand, so he had acted quickly to save his student's life.

"Why?" Gaara asked. He couldn't understand why anyone wanted to save the boy... his prey.

"Because he is my student and precious to me," Gai said.

"The winner of this match due to interference and from his opponent being unable to continue is Gaara!" Hayate declared.

There was quiet for a minute as everyone was shocked by this turn of events before some respectful clapping began. The medics took Lee off followed closely by Gai.

Time skip

Once they were all assembled, the Hokage, Ibiki, Anko and Hayate, all stood in front of them.

Hayate spoke, "To all of you who has won he rights to complete in the Third Round Test in the Chuunin Exams, congratulations to you all!" he said before turning to the Hokage. "Hokage-sama, if you will?"

Hiruzen nodded and looked at winners of preliminary round. "This time used, not only for yourselves in the capabilities of fighting your opponents but also so that we can tell the right figures and have those all travel here. This time allows for you to know yourself and your enemy. Before this, you fought with no comprehension of your opponent's ability, now you have information and your own observation to calculate into your fights. Of course, there are those who have shown everything they can do to you and those who have hidden their potential, this month are to allow for you to rest or improve so your fights can the best show that our clients wish to see," he said, and he took a deep breath of his pipe. "Now then, let us decide the order of the finals; please take a piece of paper from the box that Anko-san is holding."

Anko stepped forward and stopped in front of each Genin, allowing them to pick their piece of paper. Once all of them had a paper, Ibiki took a step forward and Anko walked away.

"Please tell me your number, starting with you," Ibiki said, as he pointed at Sasuke, who was at the end of the line.

" Three " Sasuke said.

"I am Six," Kankuro said.

"Two," Temari said.

" Four." Kiyomi said as both siblings smirks

" Eight ." Gaara said in his motionless voice.

" "Nine," Neji said coldly.

"Five," Shino said.

"Seven," Naruto said. He went to leave but decided to stick around.

" Ten." Yugito with a looking at both Gaara and Naruto

" Elven" Samui emotionless said.

"Troublesome...One," Shikamaru said.

"Twelve ," Dosu said.

The Hokage nodded. "Very well, Ibiki-San please show them their match-ups," he said.

Ibiki then held out a clipboard showing the matches.

Match 1: Nara Shikamaru vs. Temari

Match 2: Uchiha Kiyomi vs. Uchiha Sasuke

Match 3: Aburame Shino vs. Kankuro

Match 4: Uzumaki Naruto vs. Gaara

Match 5: Hyūga Neji vs. Nii Yugito

Match 6: Samui vs. Dosu Kinuta

"With this you are all dismissed, any questions?" the Hokage asked.

"Since this is a tournament, does that mean only one person can become a Chuunin?" Shikamaru asked immediately.

"No, this tournament is judged by multiple judges. Myself, Kazekage-dono, and some of our clients are a few names in it. If someone is decided to have the qualities, in which we believe, declares him fit to a Chuunin. Then that person will be promoted even if he or she lose in his or her first match," the Hokage answered.

"So, that mean we all can become the Chuunins," Temari stated.

"Or none of us." Kiyomi said.

Hokage nodded. "To continue into the finals means you'll get more chances to impress the judges," he said. "If that is all..." The Hokage waited a few more moments. "Then you all are dismissed until a month from now."

With that all Genins filed out of the room to meet their Jounin sensei and their teammates

Chapter 21 completed

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