A Shadow Company Tale

By HerrHornet

4.9K 75 2

In a time of uncertainty and bloodshed, an American warrior steps up and does what he thinks is necessary in... More

The Beginning
New Team and Family
The Calm before the Storm
The Villa
The Evacuation
The US is Alone
Welcome to the Company
The Counter-Attack
The Siege of DC
The Crow's Nest and Retreat
The Air Cover
We can't hold the White House sir
Secure the breach
Retreat & Final Stand
The Sky is Falling!
Re-taking the White House
The Safehouse
The Download
The Betrayal
The Aftermath
Unexpected Allies
The Boneyard
Loyalties to the Team
Site Hotel Bravo
Danger Close
River Chase
The Fateful Meeting

The Siege Continues

137 2 0
By HerrHornet

Immediately as the Rangers ran out of the building, mortars, dug in machine guns, and rockets were fired from secure positions as the Russians waited for this exact moment after securing these close positions.

Katana's radio crackled again, this time Dunn. "They got optics on us. Snipers, RPG teams, and heavy arms fire, all floors, 12 o'clock due west of our position."

"We're taking too much Fire!"

"Incoming! Take cover!"

"Let's go, let's go! We're taking too much fire! BCT One is rollin' up! We're in deep shit here!"


Katana continued to move with Foley, Dunn, and Ramirez as Foley spoke over his comtacs, "Overlord, this is Hunter Two-One Actual. Requesting airstrike, over!"

"Uh, negative Two-One Actual, all available air units are currently tasked with multiple CASEVACs along the Potomac. Proceed west to the target building and provide support, out."

"Incoming!" One of the Rangers were hit and fell back, groaning for a medic or someone to drag him out.

"McCord, Sandler, Wade, Sean, Katana, Angel, stick close!" Dunn shouted as the group continued to follow Ramirez closer to the building.

"Everyone move up, get out of the killzone! We gotta buy some time for those casevac birds! Overlord, Two-One Actual! We're screening west with no adjacent support, and friendly victors from BCT One are hauling ass past us, over!"

"Roger. Brigade Combat Team One has already peeled off an LAV to provide suppression, over." In fact, three humvees and an M2 Bradley sat providing suppression. Meanwhile Foley's comtacs went off again.

"Hunter Two-One, this is Overlord. teams are maneuvering into position on the northwest corner of the target building. Link up with them on the top floor and eliminate enemy fire teams, over."

Katana looked up to see a Black Hawk hovering the Department of Commerce as troops roped down onto the rooftop.

"All right! BCT One's LAV has them suppressed! Get ready to move on my mark! Ready! Go go go! Move up! Move up!"

The squad rapidly moved into the building, clearing what Russians who continued their advance to capture the Command Post. The squad continued to push into the building, going through a hallway past two deceased soldiers in an elevator. "Overlord, this is Two-One Actual, be advised, we're inside and proceeding to the upper floors."

In front a Ranger was dragging his battle buddy towards the group, "Hey, give me a ha-" A bullet smashed the window and hit the standing soldier in the neck who dropped his lifeless buddy to the ground.

"Contact!" Sandler shouted as the group began to battle the enemy squad. Katana lined up a shot, pulling the trigger watching as the man she was aiming at dropped. The firefight was fierce for a few seconds but was quickly dropped.

"Fire team has been suppressed in Section One-Alpha."

"Solid copy, Two-One."

"Overlord, this is Hunter Two-One Actual. Proceeding to the mezzanine. Tell the LAV from BCT One to hold their fire, over."

"Copy that, Two-One, good hunting."

Katana narrowed her eyes briefly as the group pushed up a set of stairs to the second floor of the building. Ramirez took point and engaged the hostiles, at least seven. The squad fanned out quickly, dropping the group.

"Hostiles suppressed in Section Two-Echo."

"Roger that, Two-One."

Katana exhaled, muttering to herself. "Let's keep on going, can't be that fuckin' hard."

The group continued to pass the room until they turned the corner seeing Capitol Hill on fire and burning, knowing a fierce fight was occurring there. "That was the freakin' Capitol Building, man..." Dunn trailed off. Katana turned back to the collapsed floors that were convenient for their route to get to the crow's nest.

Everyone's radio crackled with the same transmission, "This is Delta Four-One at the Lincoln Memorial! We are taking heavy fire! Request arty and air strike on our position! Send whatever ya got! Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow!!"

Angel shook her head, "Seems our line is breaking."

"It's why we're sent Ms. Spec Ops, we're here to stabilize the line." Ramirez spoke, the sentiment being shared by all the troops.

"Can it, we have to keep moving."

Hunter Two-One be advised, hostiles on the southwest corner of the fifth floor are hammering the evac site, over."

"Solid copy, Overlord. We are Oscar Mike to the fifth floor. Out."

The radio continued to crackle with more grim transmissions, "All Goliath victors fall back from the MSR! Delta Four-One is callin' in a Broken Arrow! Fall back to the MSR now! We are leaving!"

"Darkstar One-Three, we do not have enough shells remaining in the battery to provide effective supporting fire to your position! We are pulling outta DC in five mikes, out!"

"Gator Two-Six, Gator Two-Five! Be advised: We are pulling outta D.C.! BCT Four has taken 90% losses! Our position is untenable! We are outta here! I repeat: We are getting the fuck outta Dodge!"

"Rhino Two-One, get your team out of there pronto! We cannot hold this position any longer! We are leaving D.C.! I repeat, we are leaving D.C.!"

"Fuckin' ignore it." McCord groaned. "We still have a chance at winning this battle."

"Dude we're getting shredded." Sean retorted, but continued to push with the group.

"If we continue to hold the West of the Potomac, we will... be okay." Katana mustered the strength to say.

"Warpig Two! This is Warpig Two-One! I have visual on enemy armor closing 12 clicks due north of the Washington Monument! Supported by infantry, APCs and attack helos! How copy? Over!"

Warpig Two-One was close to her, that was Austin's brother, Richard's unit. She blinked, reminding herself that this was more than just defending the homeland to herself. It was defending and fighting for her family.

The group finally poked up onto the fourth floor, clearing the Russians and destroying an active SAM site weaving through the halls of the building.

"Enemy fire team eliminated in Section Four-Charlie."

"Copy that, Two-One."

Foley and Dunn pushed up with Ramirez and Katana bringing up the middle section as the group went up the stairs to the fifth floor. "Overlord, We're on the fifth floor, proceeding to the southwest corner."

"Copy that, Hunter Two-One."

Katana locked her eyes onto a shadow that moved just in front of her, she reached for her radio but Dunn beat her to it, "I got movement."

"Watch your sectors. Check those corners." Foley continued to move slowly, eyeing the area where the Russian troops disappeared into.

"Hunter Two-One needs support."

"We are leaving!"

"Take out that BTR!"

"We need reinforcements at the Potomac! We are cut off! Wolverine One-Two is fucking KIA! I repeat: Wolverine One-Two is KIA! Out!"

"Hunter Three, we are leaving! Man down!"

Katana shook her head as the American forces continued to receive battering hits to many of their units. "Eyes on the targets!"

"Drop 'em." The entire squad opened fire downing the remaining hostiles that were moving to the south-west corner to link up with the others.

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