You, Me and the shadow (Vampi...

By sarahlovesVA

36.3K 1.2K 262

Something's going on with Rose. She's never been what anyone deems 'normal', especially after she became shad... More

The start of it all
On our way
Homeward bound
Meeting the family
Welcome home
Infinity Rising
Information overload
What's up Doc
Oh brother
Rings and bells
Hurry home
Bitch, please
Back to the books
Deep breaths and focus
Reveals and heels
A small slice of normal
One with blood
Revelations and tribulations
Let's get to work
Seer's and fears
Setting off
Boys will be boys
Back to Vampire academy
Don't say her name
Your Majesty
Bow before your Queen
Our Cabin
Shall we begin
Automatic reactions
Don't say the T-word
Explanations and contemplations
Damn alarm clocks
Past friendships and feelings
Can we try
We need to be ready
What are you?
Comrade. Breathe.
I'm ready
The war council
The Eve of Battle
Our last night
We can dream
Are we ready?
Fighting talk
The Battle- Part one
The Battle - part two
The Battle - part three
The Battle - Part four
We did it
Wake up, Ivan
Duties and changes
Anger and questions
Have at it
Finally, at peace
A Queen's work is never done
Oi, Hathaway
Welcome to the Royal Guard
The more you know
Stupid dresses and stresses
Our promise
Questions and quits
The Bastard returns
Giving thanks and remembering
The end of it all
Epilogue - What comes after
Quick idea.

It's about time

347 16 2
By sarahlovesVA

You, Me and the shadow chapter sixty-three

Russian in italic

M rated chapter

An hour later


Thank fuck that's over. Dimitri and I can finally relax.

It's taken an hour to hash out the plans for tomorrow, but at least it's done now, and we're one step closer to going back home.

The plans are simple. We're holding a televised assembly tomorrow just after lunch that'll be broadcast on every moroi news channel across the world. This will be the first time our people will be seeing their new King and Queen in person, so we're required to make a speech to introduce ourselves to the world.

It's a little daunting, I'm not going to lie, but the fact of the matter is, they either accept us or they don't. I know that some of our ideas are going to anger some people, namely the royals who think they run everything, but I genuinely believe that we can make our world better for everyone in it, not just the select few.

Still, I'm not worried about it. I've just faced a whole army of strigoi and lived to tell the tale; I don't think one speech will kill me.

After the assembly, we're holding the funeral to honour all the fallen, followed by a mass cremation atop wooden plinths. It's all very medieval, but it's the best we can do considering the number of bodies and the time we have. To be honest though, I think it's sort of perfect. It will be a real warriors' funeral, and that's what they deserve.

Once everything's done, we'll leave the following day and return home. Lissa, Christian, Eddie, Alberta and Ivan will all be coming with us as well as everyone who we arrived with. Aunt Tati will be remaining at the academy for another few days to manage the redistribution and readjustment of all the guardians who fought, before returning to court to start the process of dismantling the current governmental system.

We have six months to study, learn and prepare before Dimitri and I fully take up the reigns of running our world. In the meantime, Aunt Tati will act as a steward to the throne, giving us the final say on all decisions but temporarily holding the crown for us until our coronation on Halloween. Ironic, I know. Vampires holding a special event on the spookiest day of the year, but what can I say? We're traditional.

But after that, everything will officially be in our, I hope, capable hands. We've already arranged with Ivan for him to start therapy as soon as we get home, and I hope that it helps him with anything he's struggling with, but I'm sure that with his family's support, he'll get through this and be able to live a full life.

So yes, tomorrow will be busy and probably emotionally wrought, but it's the final step to a very hectic trip, and then we're free, but for right now, tomorrow is the furthest thing from my mind.

Exiting the office after saying our farewells to everyone, we're both exhausted, but sleep isn't the thing we crave. We need each other. We need the recuperation and energy boost that only one thing can give, and that's definitely not sleep.

That's why I'm not shocked when I feel Dimitri's hands grab me as soon as the door is closed and we're alone in the empty hallway. Pressing me against the wall on the opposite side to the office, I can't help the grin that forms on my face when I look up into the almost depraved looking dark eyes that are staring back at me.

No words are needed between us as we take each other in, evident need and want mirrored in each other's gaze, and after being forced to hold back for what feels like forever, the need is strong.

"Come with me," Dimitri says out of nowhere, a peculiar look in his eyes as he takes my hand in his, pulling me away from the wall to follow him down the corridor. I'm beyond confused. All I want to do is teleport to the cabin and get my much-needed fix, and I know that Dimitri craves it as much as I do, so I'm confused as to why we're walking.

"We're not going to the cabin. Not yet, at least." He explains, picking up on my thoughts as he looks over his shoulder at me with a smirk on his way too perfect face. "Where are we going then? I swear to god, Dimitri, if you make me wait any longer, then I might actually go insane." I ask, slightly annoyed and a lot turned on as he leads me further into the building and up some stairs at the end of the corridor.

"Oh, don't you worry yourself, Roza, you're not the only one who can't wait any longer." His voice comes out deep and sexy, and it just makes me want him even more, but I don't open my mouth again as I allow him to lead me wherever he likes. As long as I get his fine ass naked within the next five minutes, he could take me straight to hell for all I care.

A few seconds later, after reaching the top of the stairs and going through another two doors, I find myself outside a nondescript office that I've never been to before, but before I can even send him a confused glance or ask him to explain, his lips are on mine, and any thoughts or questions are soon forgotten.

I feel him pulling me towards him as he walks backwards into the room after opening the door, quickly closing it as soon as we're inside. He quickly and without warning pushes me up against it, continuing our kiss as he picks me up, my legs immediately going around his waist.

As we continue exploring each other's mouths with our tongues, I find myself needing to pull away after a few minutes to catch my breath as Dimitri uses the opportunity to move down to my neck, biting and sucking as he goes, earning him a loud moan from me with every sensation I feel.

Opening my eyes, I take in the room around us. All it consists of is a single large desk, three chairs and a window that currently has the blinds drawn, only allowing in a small slip of the mid-morning sun that's shining outside, allowing me to see, even in the darkened room.

"What're we doing here, Comrade?" I ask through a moaned gasp as I feel his teeth bite down on my collar bone, wetting my underwear even more than they already were and sending my mind to mush.

"I'm doing you here. That's all that matters. So do you want to keep asking questions, or do you want me to do what I came here to do?" He responds, looking me in the eyes with a questioning brow and a cocky smirk after removing his sinful mouth from my skin.

I already know the answer to that question without even thinking, so instead of saying anything, I surge forward and take his earlobe between my teeth at the same time as I grind my core down on him and release a groan at the delicious friction, and earning a similar one in return.

"That's what I thought." I hear him mutter, his voice the only thing breaking through the needy fog that's taken over my mind. I don't know whose office this is, and I don't know why he picked it, but right now, I couldn't care less.

Reaching my hands into his hair, I roughly tug on it, bringing his head back and watching his eyes close in pleasure as he releases a moan that makes my thighs clench around his torso even tighter.

"Do me then," I whisper into his ear with a voice full of want and promise. A voice he knows well by now. A voice that instantly garners me the response I crave.

Hearing him growl is honestly the sexiest thing known to man, and I can tell that those simple three words had the desired effect. Like a live match hitting pure gasoline, our whole soul ignites in a single second, sending a shockwave of anticipation to my pleading pussy when he rips me away from the door with accurate speed, and I find myself perched on the edge of the desk after he swiftly clears it with one swipe of his arm.

After that, it's a flurry of hands, lips, teeth and breathy pants as we work to get each other naked as soon as possible. As it is, we don't make it far enough to remove everything before I feel his pulsating dick against my opening, and I can't wait any longer.

Leaving one hand in his hair, I rest the other against the wooden desktop as I tighten my legs around his hips and use the leverage to pull him towards me, making his cock enter me only a few inches. Still, it's enough to feel fucking mind-blowing, and I can't stop the cry of pleasure that escapes me at the intrusion.

Dimitri isn't any less affected either as he mirrors my cry with a pleasured grunt of his own, but even though it's exactly what I want, it's not enough. I need all of him, and I need him now.

"Fuck me, Mitya, and don't be gentle," I demand, leaving absolutely no room for doubt as to what I want in my tone, and he understands me immediately.

"Your wish is my command, My Queen." Throwing me a look that makes my lower stomach clench, he keeps his eyes on mine as he moves his hands to my hips, holding me there with enough force to leave bruises, but instead of pain, all I feel is pure bliss.

Removing my hand from his hair, I lower myself back onto the desk as he pulls me towards him, so much so my arse is nearly hanging off the edge, pulling himself almost all the way out of me before proceeding to thrust all the way back in, hard. And let me tell you, when I say I screamed the whole building down, it's not even a little bit of an exaggeration.

And the first excruciatingly incredible thrust is soon followed by another, and another, until all I can feel, think, and sense is Dimitri.

I don't even know how long we keep going until I fall entirely apart beneath him, my body shaking and my eyes watering when the dam breaks, and I feel the most intense feeling I've ever felt. Stronger even than on the battlefield, because this feeling doesn't stem from pain or hate; it comes from pure love and happiness, and it causes the earth to shift.

Focusing my mind on our bond, I can feel how much more powerful it is than even a few days ago, and that alone adds to the incredible sensations that are going on in my body as I sense Dimitri leaning down closer to me, his mouth aiming for my neck. Allowing my natural instincts to take over, I raise up to meet him.

Wrapping my hand around the back of his neck, he tilts his face into mine, and we each bite down simultaneously, igniting a whole new wave of pleasure through me, equally bringing him to his peak with a loud grown as he continues to pull more of my blood into his mouth, as I do the same.

It is singularly the best experience of my life, but I doubt that it'll stay that way. With a whole eternity to be together like this, I'm guessing that this is just the first of many times I'll get to feel this way. I guess there really are benefits to completing the transformation.

When I've had my fill, I release my teeth from his neck and gently run my tongue over the two small puncture wounds, closing them and watching them heal right before my eyes as I feel my fangs retract back.

Falling back on top of the desk with Dimitri following, both of us panting for air as he falls down on top of me, just barely catching himself before he lands on my chest.

"Oh, My, Fucking, God. That was.... That was.... I don't even have the words." I pant out, unable to even come up with a suitable synonym for how amazing that just was.

"I know exactly what you mean, Roza." He answers, equally out of breath but in Russian

"Why the Russian, Babe? Not that I'm complaining, you sound sexy as fuck, just inquiring minds want to know." I ask through a smile that I can't seem to kick, not that I want to.

"I forgot English. Just give me a minute."

The laugh that erupts from my chest is instantaneous and full of delight, and it's quickly followed by one of his own.

"Hey, I know for a fact that if I stood you up right now, you would fall to the floor, so don't laugh at me, Little miss jelly legs." He defends, prodding me in my side and earning himself another giggle.

"That may be so, but you didn't make me forget a language," I respond jovially, the happiness clear in my voice as I run my hands through his hair when he raises slightly to look into my eyes.

"I guess I better try harder next time then." He replies, eyes full of determination, his accent thick, and I feel my core clench with anticipation.

"Is that a threat?"

"Not at all, Detka. It's a promise."

Without saying another word, I reach up, kissing him soundly as soon as my lips reach his, imbuing my own promises into the kiss as I do—promises of repeated actions soon to come.

Feeling him pick me up and walk us towards one of the chairs, he sits us down with me across his lap before we both pull away, and I rest my head on his shoulder over the still on but open shirt he's wearing.

"I love you, Comrade." I sigh, completely contented and happy to remain exactly where I am forever.

"I love you too, Milaya. Always have, always will." He replies simply but with so much love in his voice that it makes me smile. And just like that, we allow ourselves a few minutes to just bask in the afterglow. To just be together. That is until Dimitri breaks the silence about five minutes in.

"You know. I've wanted to do that for months."

His declaration makes me lift my head from his shoulder and look at him in confusion. What the hell is he talking about.

"I don't know how to break this to you, Babe, but we've sort of been doing that multiple times a day for a month now," I say sarcastically, giving him a weird look that makes him smirk, but I have no idea why.

"Not what I meant."

Before I can even question him, he leans over the side of the chair and picks up something off the floor before bringing it up and showing it to me. It takes me a second to follow what he's getting at, but when I do, I burst into a fit of laughter, so much so I have tears in my eyes, because what he's proudly holding in his hand is a nameplate that I assume used to be on the desk, and it reads, Guardian Stanley Alto, in big gold letters.

Oh. My. God. Dimitri just fucked me into oblivion on Stan's desk. I have never been more in love with this man than right now.

"Oh my god, Comrade. I've never been more proud of you. I've obviously taught you well." I manage to say through giggles as I try and wipe some of the fallen tears from my face, and Dimitri's own laughter is enough to rival mine.

"Why, thank you, Roza. I was just as disappointed as you when Alberta said he survived, so I thought we could live out my fantasy and give a literal 'fuck you' before we leave." And just like that, we're bursting with laughter again. Even I couldn't think of something this fucking amazing, and that's why we are perfect for each other.

"Oh, Baby. You just earned yourself an extra special something, something later." I promise seductively as I watch his eyes darken and his laughter cease.

"Then let's get back to the cabin so I can cash in." The look he's giving me is full of desire, and it's easily matched by my own, but first, I want to add a little cherry on top to this whole thing.

"Hold that thought for just a second, Comrade. I just have one little thing to do."

Hopping off his lap, I look around at the complete mess we made of the office, but for me, that's not enough. Moving towards the desk drawers, I sift through them until I find a plain piece of paper and a pen before comprising a little note.

Sorry about the mess, but thanks for the memories.

Oh, and fuck you.

Lots of love

R & D B

Leaving two little crown drawings on the bottom of the paper, I lay it on the now-empty desk, making sure that it would be the first thing he see's other than the mess. Taking off my bra, I artfully hang it over the arm of the office chair.

"Ok. Now we can go." I announce proudly, turning to see Dimitri taking in my now fully naked form with hunger. "What about our clothes?" He asks, slowly getting up and making his way towards me.

When he's in front of me, I gently slide my hands up his bare chest, slipping them under the fabric of the shirt at his shoulders before removing it and letting it fall to the floor. "I don't think we'll be needing them, do you?"

The only response I get is his hands grabbing my waist and a growl into my neck, causing me to giggle and immediately teleport us to our cabin.

The night has only just begun after all.

Happy cleaning, Stanny boy. 

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