So Damn Beautiful (A Twilight...

By Reimariefourteen

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Preview: Edward moves to Forks because his father got a job there. He thought it was just an ordinary change... More

Chapter 1- Moving to Forks
Chapter 2- Emmett's Visit
Chapter 3- First Day of School
Chapter 4- Can't Get Any Better
Chapter 5- Meeting the Hales
Chapter 6- I Know Her
Chapter 7- So Damn Beautiful
Chapter 8- She's On Fire
Chapter 9- Hope
Chapter 10- The Unexpected
Chapter 11- Nightmare
Chapter 12- Start of Something New
Chapter 13- The Closer We Get
Chapter 14 - Anticipation
Chapter 15- Two Roads Two Stories
Chapter 16 - What Did I Say?
Chapter 17- Falling Apart
Chapter 18 - Only In My Mind
Chapter 19- Basketball Competition
Chapter 20- The After Party
Chapter 21- Rehearsals
Chapter 22 - The Autumn Concert
Chapter 23- The Halloween Ball
Chapter 24- Come Over
Chapter 25- Winter Ball
Chapter 26- Christmas Vacation
Chapter 27 - The Date
Chapter 28 - Those Days
Chapter 29 - The Talks
Chapter 31 - The Journal
Chapter 32 - The Meadow
What I came to realize...

Chapter 30 - The Truth

990 47 5
By Reimariefourteen

After a few months...

It's the first day of my final year in high school. I am still studying at Forks National High School. I'm a senior now, obviously. The past few months passed on like a blur. Although they swiftly passed on a lot of memorable events had happened. One memorable event, of course, was Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper's graduation. They're finally out of high school which also means that they are college students now which also means they have to move away so we made most of our summer together.

During the summer break, my family and the Hale family spend the summer together. We went on a lot of road trips together. We even went to North Carolina to see Rosalie and Jasper's hometown. We also went to Hawaii, Miami and a few overseas like the Caribbean Sea, Brazil, and Italy. We bond together like there was no tomorrow. It was one hell of a summer that ended sooner than we thought. Before we knew it, it was time to go back to Forks and time for enrollments.

As mentioned earlier, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper are now college students. Emmett made it into the University of Alaska so he was going to stay with Esme's parents. My grandparents were cool with it. They already treated Emmett as their grandson. He left a week ago and his classes will begin tomorrow.

Rosalie and Jasper, on the other hand, made it into Yale University. They were staying in dorms. Their classes had begun a week earlier. It saddens Alice and Emmett that their other halves are far off but their communication continued so as their relationships.

Alice and I are the ones left in Forks. Yeah, it gets dull with just the two of us but we only have a year to endure it so we'll last. It's the first day of my senior year. I wasn't really excited but my whole body is tensed. I feel like I was really excited or nervous about something.

When you say something, you mean her...

Yes... even if I try to deny it, I know deep down that I'm excited to see her again. I missed her during the summer break. She left for Arizona as soon as the school year ended. I know she still doesn't want to talk to me but I was really hoping for a new school year... a fresh start. I hope Bella will speak to me this time. I'll try to talk to her. I really missed her. During the summer break, although I was having fun, there were still some moments when I thought about her. When I see a brunette and pale-skinned girl once in a while, I really hope it was her. Every time I hear her name, I turn around hoping it was her. I still love her and I really miss her.

I was on my way to my first class of the day which was Statistics. I was looking at my schedule when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I immediately said without even looking at the person.

"It's ok," he said. I looked up to see Seth Clearwater.

"Hey, Seth! Long time no see."

"Hey Edward, yeah it's been long." Seth and I shake hands.

"Have you seen Bella?" I asked. I hadn't seen her in the homeroom ceremony. Seth looked at me confused.

"You didn't know? Bella moved to Florida. She's staying there for good."


You didn't know? Bella moved to Florida. She's staying there for good. Those words were the only thing ringing in my head throughout the day. Bella left Forks. Does she really hate to see me again that much? It hurts like... something worse than hell. It's bad enough that I can't be with her but now, I can't even see her. All I have left was my pictures and memories of her.

I already told Alice. She said she had heard it during one of her classes. She felt sorry for me but I asked her not to feel that way. It was already the end of the day. I was walking to my car when I noticed someone besides my car. It was Angela. She seems like she was waiting for me. I walked faster to her.

"Angela!" I called when I was almost near her.

"Edward..." she turned and looked at me.

"Hey, Angela! What are you doing here?" I asked. All of a sudden, Angela cried.

"I'm so sorry Edward. I didn't know Bella did that. I'm so sorry." Angela said. I was surprised to see Angela cried. What is she talking about? Was she referring to Bella's rejection for me? Why is she sorry for that? I gave Angela my unused handkerchief. She took it and wiped her tears. I asked her what was wrong and she told me this.

"Edward, I'm the reason why Bella rejected your feelings."

"What? How come you are involved in this? I don't get it."

"Remember the Winter Ball. When someone spiked the drinks..."

"You're the one who did it!?"

"No! No! No! It wasn't me. It was Eric and Mike. I saw Eric with two bottles of alcohol in his car. I stopped him. I took the bottles and emptied them out but I didn't know Mike was also into it. He was the one who successfully spiked the drinks."

"Ok... then what does that have to do with what happened to me and Bella?"

"Tanya..." the moment Angela said her name... I already know it is trouble. Angela continued.

"Tanya has a photo of me that day. It was a photo of me holding the empty bottles. During that moment, I was throwing the bottles away. I didn't know Tanya was there. I even heard she wasn't attending. When classes had resumed, Tanya showed the photo to Bella. She said she'll give the photo to the principal and frame me unless Bella stays away from you. Bella knows how much an expulsion will affect me and my academic standing so she gave in to Tanya's demands. I'm sorry Edward. I really didn't know a thing. I only found out a week ago when she sent me a package and letter to me."

I was so surprised. I didn't know how to react to that. Before I could even think of something to say, Angela pulled out a book from her bag and gave it to me.

"It's from Bella. It's her journal. She wants me to give it to you. She said that she wanted you to read it. I'm really sorry Edward. I'm so sorry. I knew you like Bella more than a friend. I can really tell. Just so you know, it was hard for Bella to stay away from you. She was so unhappy when she stayed away from you. She hadn't smile since then. There are also times that I see her cry. I'm really sorry."

"It's ok, Angela. It wasn't your fault. You, me and Bella are all victims here." I finally said.

"Thank you, Edward. I also hope you forgive Bella." After she said that, Angela left.

I looked at Bella's journal in my hand. I know I should be reading this but I was already too overwhelmed with the information I received from Angela. I got in my car, started the engine and drove off. Tonight, I'll read the journal and find some answers.


I went to my room. I had just finished dinner and I am already dressed for bed. When I sat on my bed, I reached for my nightstand to get Bella's journal. I was still thinking if I will read it now. It's only seven in the evening. I looked at Bella's journal again. It's just black. Oh Bella, why did you have to give me this? What do you want me to know? Before I knew it, I already opened it. The first thing I saw was a sticky note. It says...

Read the only ones with yellow highlights -B

I immediately scanned the pages for some highlighted words. The first few pages do not contain any highlights. But when I reached Entry 21, I found some highlights. This is what was written...

Entry 21

I was in Seattle that day. I was going to the airport. I planned to visit my mom in Arizona before she and Phil move to Miami. My flight got delayed for an hour due to some technical problems so I decided to stroll around for a while. I saw a bookstore not far from the airport. I went in there. I immediately went to the novel section. I immediately spotted my favorite novel, Wuthering Heights. I got it and opened the book. It was smaller than the one I had in my luggage.

I was scanning the pages while walking when somebody who was holding two books, one was entitled the White Rose, bumped onto me. He said he was sorry and that he didn't see me. I said it was no big deal and that I was just clumsy. He was such a gorgeous guy. I suddenly felt embarrassed to look up. When he said that it was ok, I smiled at him and walked away. I went to the cashier and paid the book and immediately got out of the bookstore

I was briskly walking back to the airport when I realized that I bought the book. I have no intention of buying another copy of Wuthering Heights. What's wrong with me? Am I really that embarrassed with that gorgeous guy that it got me out of my mind?

Entry 29

Today was the second day of school and guess what? I saw the gorgeous guy again. The one I bumped into at the bookstore in Seattle. He's studying at Forks National High. I bet he is a transferee because I never saw him before. Forks is such a small town. Almost everybody knew everybody. Maybe I'll get some more information from Jessica tomorrow. She's the school's gossip queen so she always has the latest news.

But anyway, we are lab partners and seatmates in Biology. We also have the same class afterward which was Music. Oh and guess what? I heard him sing and he heard me sing too. When it was my turn to sing, I saw him a few rows back from where I was sitting. Oh my God! If only I knew he was going to watch, I would have practiced the song. But anyway, they all liked it and they all like did a standing ovation even HIM!!! Like he was standing and clapping for me... oh, my! If I was able to see my face during that moment, I'll see it cherry red.

Then afterward it was his turn. That's when I found out about his name. It was Edward Cullen and he's a seventeen-year-old too. When he sang, his voice is so rich. I wanted to listen to it all the time. If only I was able to put on my sound recorder, I would have been listening to his voice right now. But anyway, we both got in Glee Club.

Then we also have gym class together, but Jacob is also in the same class.

Entry 30

I asked Jessica about Edward Cullen. Well, knowing Jessica, I know she'll add colors to her information but I did get these few facts.

1.) His full name was Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.

2.) He is a junior.

3.) He has a twin sister whose name is Alice.

4.) He is Emmett Cullen's cousin.

5.) He is fluent in Spanish

6.) He owns a silver Volvo.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I guess it's up to me now to observe.

Entry 55

Oh my God! I think I have a crush on Edward Cullen...

Entry 60

THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I'm OFFICIALLY FRIENDS with EDWARD CULLEN!!! Oh my God! If I knew earlier that having my face smashed with his locker door would get me his attention and friendship, I would have done that since Day One. It was really an accident and that really hurts but it was ok. I was able to touch his hand when he pulled me up. I felt a spark there. Then when I saw the blood from my forehead, I nearly fainted but he caught me when I fell. Oh my God! It felt good being around his arms and he's so fragrant. He also picked me up bridal style! Oh my God! It just keeps getting better and better.

Then Karen, being helpful and all, asked Edward to drive me home. We took my car and he was driving it. When we got home, I asked him to come inside. Although, I was really embarrassed it was the least I could do after what he did for me. Just think about it. He took me to the nurse, left his classes just to drive me home and made sure I was well. Like that was the nicest thing anyone had ever done to me. Even Jacob never does something like that to me. And besides, I didn't want that moment to end yet.

We talked about a lot of things. I learned a lot of things about him and we have so much in common. I even reminded him of the Seattle bookstore incident. Only then did he remember me. But it was ok... at least we are friends now.

Entry 61

Oh God! Today was really stressful but amazing. When I entered the parking lot, I saw a huge crowd forming at the side of the parking lot near the forest. I wasn't really interested at first. I was already walking towards the school building when I heard the familiar voices. They sound like Jacob, Quil, and Embry. I looked again at the crowd then I realized they were situated in the Cullens' and Hales' usual parking space. Then the next thing I knew, I was already running towards the crowd.

I saw Jacob holding Edward by the shirt and ready to punch him. I was absolutely terrified at the moment that I shouted and got in between them. I immediately apologize to Edward and I demanded to have a talk with Jacob and the others.

When I was talking to them, I found out that they knew about the incident yesterday but in a much horrible version. I told them the truth that it was an accident and Edward took full responsibility. Seth immediately said sorry but Jacob and the other guys are still not cool with. I couldn't blame them. Edward is just new to them and they just want to protect me. They didn't want another James in their hands but Edward is not like that. I can tell that he is very different.

I got mad at Jacob because he wanted me to stay away from Edward. I told him no. Then I walked out.

When I was in the cafeteria, I wanted to treat Edward for lunch as my way of apologizing for what happened earlier. I went to the salad section and started picking the fruits and vegetables that I knew Edward like. I was trying to arrange the fruits and vegetables into a neat presentation when Edward suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He called my salad an edible art. No one ever thinks that my works are art.

I had lunch with Edward. I noticed him occasionally looking at me. I know everybody is staring at us. But I just ignore it... I already feel immune to their stares. Then after lunch, Edward and I went to our classes together. We got paired up with a microscope activity that we already knew so we used the remaining time to just talk about the places Edward has been. He was so well-traveled. I wish I could be as well-traveled as he was. Anyway, when he was starting to talk about his stay in Italy, the bell rang so our conversation was unfortunately cut short.

Then we had Music together and I volunteered us to sing a duet in class. I was so glad that he knew the chords to "Fall" by Justin Bieber. Then there was gym... I hate gym but I was with Edward so it went well but not exactly well because I know Jacob is looking and he wasn't happy. Why can't my best friend just trust me?

Those were the last words I read before I drifted off to sleep...

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