Golden Dandelions|Teen Wolf

By Raina_Boi

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"An alpha that leads by fear will only receive fear. But an alpha that leads with love and respect will earn... More

summary & cast
1|home sweet home
4|the grave
5|sheriff station
8|poisened bullet
9|first meeting
10|anger management
13|not the same
14|meet Miguel
15|there's a risk
18|new alpha
20|so that's Lydia
21|jail break
22|good day (for most)
23|ice skating
26|late-night swim
27|protection squad
28|side effects
29|two messed up peas in a pod
31|same class
32|time to rave
33|trunk of memories
34|cheers to spiked drinks
35|hostage situation
36|therapy session
37|game night
38|it won't work
40|they're coming
41|who wants a tattoo
42|first day crazies
43|crimes to pay
44|ice bath
45|ten hours later
47|he deserves it
48|getting even
50|it's a bird
51|enter the witches
52|do we have a deal
53|lesson one
54|new tactic
56|morning after
58|long night, even longer day
59|story time
61|so that happened
62|hospital from hell
63|ancient ritual
65|it's actually not a bird
66|the calm and the storm
67|seeing things
70|human again
71|mischief night
74|wellness check
77|the bomb
79|no matter what
82|blue eyes
83|the return
84|the wait
85|he's sixteen!
88|party? party!
91|Eichen House
92|the funeral
94|did you know
95|idiotic plan
96|something borrowed and something discovered
97|but wait there's more
98|burn baby burn
99|last stand
101|money problems gone
103|first game of the season
104|lo que pasa en Mรฉxico, se queda en Mรฉxico
106|last day of summer
107|first day of a new year
108|car crash
109|slight cough
110|sick day
111|social worker
113|new book, dark secrets
114|the legend of Selina and Lucian
115|who's next
117|everything's not okay
118|supermoon madness
119|band back together
120|escape plan
121|burn the witch
123|late-night talks
124|wednesday night's alright for fighting... monsters
125|born, not made
126|new life
128|worst date
129|Schrodinger's cat

90|Devonford Prep

511 18 4
By Raina_Boi

DEREK POURED HIMSELF a cup of coffee when his head snapped up at the sound of boots thunking down the metal stairs. Turning, Derek watched as Beck stepped off the last step fully dressed, her messenger bag slung over her shoulder as she moved to the desk.

"Where do you think you're going?" Derek asked as he left his coffee, moving to stand in front of his little sister.

"School," Beck murmured as she grabbed her book. "I've missed too many days already. And the scrimmage with Devonford Prep is today. It's gonna be Liam's first time playing as a werewolf, I wanna be there for him. Not to mention Devonford being his old school."

"And... you think going is a good idea?"

"I can't sit here doing nothing for the rest of my life," Beck muttered, looking up at Derek. "Especially with assassins possibly hunting me down for money. I... I need to do something. And at the moment, that something is helping Liam."

Derek sighed at the look on Beck's face. She was trying so hard to make it look like she was okay, but Derek knew better. He could see it in her eyes. Beck was barely holding herself together.

"Look, Beck, you shouldn't rush back so soon," Derek said softly, watching as Beck lowered her head, her lip moving between her teeth. "Scott can take care of Liam."

But Beck shook her head as she began going through her bag, making sure she had everything. "No, I... I have to go. I can't stay here any longer."


"I can't stay here Derek!" Beck snapped, light green eyes snapping up to look at her older brother. Tears could be seen forming as a lamp flickered on suddenly. "I can't. I-I-I need a distraction, Derek. I need to do something. I need to get... to get my mind off of..." Trailing off, Beck wiped at the tears building in her eyes before glancing around the loft, refusing to look up at the sympathetic look Derek was making. "Derek..." Beck took in another breath to calm herself before continuing. "I have to go to school, I just have to. Now, are you gonna give me a ride or do I have to walk?"

Derek watched his baby sister for a moment, watching as she forced a calm look on her face. The lamp had stopped flickering as Beck took deep, calming breaths. Knowing she was serious about walking to the high school, Derek nodded his head before grabbing his keys.

"Thank you," she muttered, readjusting her bag over her shoulder.

"On one condition," Derek said, lifting a finger at Beck. "I want you to text me between every class. No matter what."

The small blonde gave a curt nod. "Deal."

AS BECK WALKED down the halls of Beacon Hills High School, she could feel the eyes of every student, teacher, and faculty member watching her. But Beck didn't crack under the stares. She held her head high, showing no weakness.

Just like Lydia had advised so many months ago.

Rushing down the hall, Liam moved to match the small blonde's pace before resting a hand on the small of Beck's back to grab her attention. "Hey, I didn't think you would be back so soon. You doing okay?" Liam asked, studying Beck's face in concern.

"I'll be fine once people stop asking me that stupid-ass question," Beck grumbled, brushing a couple of strands of blonde hair behind her ear. "But other than that, I'm managing. What about you? Nervous for the scrimmage tonight?"

"That and other things," Liam muttered as he removed his hand from the small blonde's back, the pair still walking down the hall. "But really, Beck, are you okay?"

Beck smiled softly as she looked down at the ground, touched by Liam's concern. "I'll be okay, just need to get through today and the scrimmage." The small blonde then turned to Liam. "You think you're ready for tonight?"

Liam sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I have this recurring fear that I'm gonna lose control on the field."

Shrugging her shoulders, Beck brushed some more hair behind her ear. "You just need an anchor."

"What's that?" Liam asked, head snapping up to focus on Beck.

"An anchor is something you want to be in control for. It can be an emotion that you feel strongly about, a memory that you enjoy, or a person you care for." Beck explained as they stopped in the hallway. "Every werewolf has an anchor. Derek's was anger, Isaac's is the memory of his dad, Tessa's is the memory of her brother, Malia's is Stiles, and Scott's was Allison before he changed it to himself. Liam, all you need to do is think of something that makes you want to be in control and focus on that. Then you will gain control."

"What about you?" Liam asked curiously, blue eyes focused on Beck. "Do you have an anchor?"

"Yeah," the small blonde whispered with a nod of her head. "Drew."

BECK STOOD IN front of Drew's locker, the memorial the students were building for him growing by the second. Photos, notes, flowers, and even some candles were piled around the locker. Beck had given up on trying to read the notes, there were so many.

Instead, Beck just stood there, watching. Waiting for Drew to walk over and make a joke. Wrap his arm around her shoulder and call her beautiful like always.  But that was never gonna happen again. He was dead.

Suddenly, Mase appeared, wrapping a tight arm around Beck's shoulders to steer her away from the memorial. "It's okay," he muttered as Beck realized tears were falling down her face. "It's almost over. Let's just get through today. Maybe after the game, you could come over and we hang out, like the good old days."

"That sounds like something I need at the moment," Beck muttered, moving her head to Mase's shoulder. Beck never realized it before, but she could always count on Mase to be there to help pick her up. Ever since they were children, Mase had been there for Beck. "Did I ever tell you thank you?"

"For what?"

"For inviting me to your birthday party when we were eight," Beck explained as Mase led them through the halls of Beacon Hills High. "If you hadn't invited me, I would've been home when the fire happened. I would've died with the rest of my family. You're the reason I'm still alive. I don't think I ever thanked you for that."

Mase stopped in his tracks, turning Beck to face him. Opening his mouth, Mase stuttered to say something before pulling Beck into a tight hug. Beck returned the hug, face buried into his shoulder.

"You're my hero Mase," Beck whispered into his shoulder, making Mase tighten his hold on the small blonde.

Then they pulled away, both giving the other a teary smile. It would have been the perfect mushy friend moment. If it wasn't for Liam running past, an enraged look on his face.

"Liam?" Mase called before his eyes landed on something driving past the window. "Oh shit," he hissed before rushing after the angry beta.

"Mase, what is it?" Beck called as she hurried to follow the pair.

"Devonford just arrived," Mase explained as he tried to catch up to Liam.

"Shit," Beck hissed, quickening her pace to catch up to Liam as he exited the school.

"Liam," Mase called desperately. "Wait. No, no, no, no. Liam."

"Liam," Beck gasped as the blue-eyed boy stopped.

"Brett," the beta growled, ignoring his two best friends behind him as his eyes narrowed at the lacrosse players from Devonford Prep climbing off their bus. Moving again, Liam approached the players, his old teammates, as they gathered in a small group to watch Liam approach.

"Ah, here we go," Mase groaned, giving up on trying to stop Liam.

"This is bad, isn't it?" Beck muttered, sharing a look with Mase as they followed their friend.

Liam and a guy Beck could only assume was Brett stared each other down, the students of Beacon Hills High stopping to watch what would happen.

"I just wanted to say," Liam growled at Brett, eyes never leaving the tall blond. Suddenly, Liam stuck his hand out for a handshake. Mase and Beck shared another look before watching the scene in front of them. "Have a good game."

Pride filled Beck at Liam's gesture, knowing he was struggling to hold in his anger. But that proud feeling popped when Brett and the other Devonford players burst out laughing.

"That's cute, Liam," Brett laughed as the freshman's face shifted to an angry scowl. "Is that what they told you to say in anger management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished coach's car."

"I paid for it," Liam hissed, making Beck move closer. She watched Liam and Brett carefully, knowing that at any moment, Liam could snap. She couldn't let that happen.

"Yeah, you're gonna pay for it," Brett threatened, taking a step closer to Liam. "We're gonna break you in half out there. And it's gonna be all your fault."

Beck rushed forward then as Liam clenched his fists at his sides. The small blonde grabbed a hold of his arm, turning to stand in front of Liam.

"Liam come on, let's go," Beck hissed to the angry beta. But Liam ignored her as his eyes stayed focused on Brett. "Liam, please, let's go. They're not worth it. Ignore them and let's go."

"Yeah Liam, listen to your little girlfriend there," Brett teased as Beck turned to glare at him. "Go run and hide."

"Hey, screw you asshole," Beck snapped at Brett. "And mind your own damn business."

The Devonford players released a chorus of Oh's at the small blonde's comment.

"Hear the mouth on this one," Brett gasped as he looked at his teammates before narrowing his eyes down on Beck. "Your mother ever hear you talk like that, sweetheart?"

Liam stiffened as Beck narrowed her light green eyes at Brett. "My mom's dead, but thanks for the painful reminder." Turning, Beck faced Liam again before hissing, "Let's go."

But Liam clenched his fist tighter, blood dripping through his fingers causing Scott and Stiles to spring into action. Scott grabbed a hold of Liam as Stiles jumped around the group to stand in front of the Devonford players.

"Hey, what's going on prep students?" Stiles greeted with a fake smile. "Welcome to our little public high school. How you doing?" Stiles offered his hand to Brett, but he ignored it. "Stiles. That's a firm handshake you got there. Uh, we're very excited about the scrimmage tonight. Uh, but let's keep it clean, all right? No rough stuff out there. Alright, see you on the field."

Turning on his heels, Stiles hissed under his breath to Liam, Scott, and Beck. "Go," he ordered before gesturing for the group to head back to the school.

Scott and Stiles both grabbed one of Liam's arms, dragging him between themselves as Beck trailed behind, glancing over her shoulder occasionally. Liam began to fight against the two juniors as they entered the locker room.

"Scott?" Stiles gasped as Liam continued to fight them.

The alpha gave a glance around the locker room before pointing to the showers. "Here," he ordered.

The pair dragged Liam into the showers before Scott flipped on one of the faucets. Together they shoved Liam against the wall under the running water.

Liam released a growl as the water began to soak them, Beck watching helplessly from her spot behind them. His eyes flashed golden yellow while his fangs appeared. Struggling forward, Liam stilled for a moment.

"Okay, you calm yet?" Stiles asked the beta. As an answer, Liam released a growl. Sharing a look, Scott and Stiles shoved Liam back under the water as he fought them.

"Liam, calm down," Beck begged as the three boys struggled under the running water. "Liam, please." Liam released another growl as Beck's fists clenched at her sides. "LIAM!"

Instantly, Liam stopped struggling, golden-yellow eyes focusing on Beck before they turned back to their bright blue.

Releasing a calming breath, Beck shifted on her feet as Scott and Stiles glanced over at her with wide eyes. "Calm down," the small blonde ordered. On command, Liam took a deep calming breath as his eyes moved down to the ground. Slowly, Liam nodded his head, signaling that he was calm.

The two juniors released Liam, allowing him to walk away as Stiles turned off the water. Moving to the other wall, Liam slid down it to sit on the floor. Beck rushed to his side, her boots squeaking against the wet tile before she moved to her knees. Liam was soaking wet as Beck grabbed a hold of his hand.

Scott and Stiles watched the interaction in curiosity. How was Beck able to calm Liam so quickly?

"The car you smashed," Scott said, eyeing Liam. "I thought you said it was your teacher's."

"He was also my coach," Liam said, tightening his grip on Beck's hand as he looked up at his alpha. Slowly, Liam looked down in shame as the truth was finally revealed. "He benched me for the entire season."

"What did you do?"

Liam shook his head. "I got a couple of red cards," Liam muttered as Beck stifled a groan.

"Just a couple?" Stiles asked sarcastically with a raised eyebrow.

"Stiles," Beck warned, glaring at him before turning back to Liam as Scott kneeled in front of the pair. "Liam, you have to be honest with us. What else happened?"

"Nothing," Liam replied, looking up into Beck's light green eyes. He then released a sniffle as he looked away. "I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for an evaluation."

"What did they call it?"

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder," Liam muttered as he looked around at the others.

"I.E.D.? You're an I.E.D.? That's great." Stiles gasped as his mouth fell open before he turned to Scott. "That's great, you gave superpowers to a walking time bomb," Stiles added before giving Scott a thumbs up.

"I don't get it, what's an I.E.D.?" Beck muttered as she looked up at Scott and Stiles before turning back to Liam.

"Remember when you walked in on me in the hallway? When I slammed my locker? You made that joke about me having anger issues?" Liam asked, watching as Beck nodded her head. "Well, it's not a joke. I.E.D. is a behavioral disorder that is like sudden outbursts of rage and violence for no reason. It's hard to control but easy to trigger."

"Liam," Beck sighed as she tightened her grip on his hand. "Did they give you anything for it?"

"Risperdal," he answered before looking down at the wet tiles. "It's an antipsychotic."

"Oh, this just gets better," Stiles mumbled, earning another glare from Beck.

"But I don't take it," Liam added softly.

"Obviously," Stiles pointed out. Sending him another glare, Beck flicked her finger at the boy. Instantly, Stiles's head was knocked back as he grabbed at his face. "Ahh! Beck! I told you to stop doing that." Stiles whined, rubbing at his face. "Jesus, did you flick me or slap me with a textbook?"

Beck rolled her eyes at Stiles's theatrics before turning back to Liam. "Liam, you should take your medication."

"I can't play lacrosse on it," Liam defended himself, eyes bouncing from a devastated Scott to a concerned Beck. "It makes me too tired."

"Okay," Scott said, mind spinning with all the latest information he had just received. "I think you should bail out of the game. Tell Coach your leg is still hurting."

"No, no," Liam said, picking himself off of the ground to stand in front of Scott. His hand still held on to Beck's, dragging her up with him. "I can do this," Liam tried to sound convincing. He then turned to Beck, tightening her hand in his before adding softly, "Especially if you're there."

Stiles released a groan, rubbing his face at what Liam just said.

"But Liam, it's not just about the game," Scott said, grabbing the two freshmen's attention. "We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team."

"What?" Beck gasped at the same time Liam asked,  "Who's Demarco?"

"The one who brought the beer to the party. The guy who was beheaded." Stiles explained as he gestured his hands wildly. "Remember?"

"We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco," Scott explained.

Beck shifted on her feet as she sensed Liam's demeanor change. His face paled a bit, but not from shock. It was fear. "Liam?" Beck asked as she tilted her head at the blue-eyed beta next to her.

"What, you know something?" Scott asked as he studied his beta.

"I... I don't know who ordered the keg. But I know who paid for it," Liam explained as he turned to Beck, concern in his eyes. "It was Garrett."

BECK AND TESSA walked onto the lacrosse field arm in arm. The bleachers were already starting to fill up as the two girls walked across the sideline in search of their friends.

"So, if Garrett's an assassin, do you think Violet knows?" Tessa hummed as they walked past Stiles talking on his phone.

Beck tilted her head at the question. "Huh, I don't know. But we haven't confirmed if Garrett is the assassin or not. All we know is that he paid for the keg."

"And he goes to our school, he's on the lacrosse team, and he was at the party," Tessa listed off on her fingers. "I feel like that checks off all our boxes."

"Let's just focus on getting through this game with as little death as possible," Beck said as they neared Mase and Liam.

Liam was all geared up and in uniform, his eyes focused on the players for Devonford as they changed into their gear. More specifically, Brett as he changed into his gear.

"God, don't they have a locker room to do that in," Tessa grumbled.

"What's the fun in that?" Mase hummed.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me," Liam growled before turning towards his friends standing next to him. "I think I can take him."

"Yeah," Mase hummed absentmindedly, eyes focused on Brett as he pulled on his t-shirt.

Liam looked over at Mase and noticed he was staring intently at Brett, but Mase's look was completely different from Liam's glare. It was almost... sexual.

"What do you think you're doing?" Liam asked, making Mase snap back to attention as Beck elbowed him in the ribs.

"What? Me? Agreeing with you. I'm being agreeable."

"You think he's hot, don't you?"

"No. No. Not at all. No way." Mase argued before returning his gaze to Brett. Beck tilted her head, looking towards Brett too to find him watching their small group as he changed into uniform.

Why was he watching them like that?

"Hey, Mason, do me a favor," Tessa said before scratching at the corner of her mouth. "You got something right here. It looks like drool, mind getting that?"

"Okay, yeah, maybe," Mase defended as he scratched at the corner of his mouth discreetly. Beck giggled as she slipped her arm through the crook of his elbow. "Maybe a little."

"Mase, I love you, but could you not be chaotically gay for like five minutes while we help boost Liam's self-esteem for the game," Beck said as she bumped her hip against Mase's.

Nodding his head, Mase looked down at Beck with a serious look. "I'll try."

Liam shook his head at the two before turning towards Brett, his sour mood returning. "He wants to destroy me," Liam informed as he looked over at his fellow freshmen.

"Liam, you could take him," Beck said, giving Liam an encouraging smile.

"You could definitely take him," Mase agreed, before returning his dark eyes to studying Brett. "And then give him to me."

"Oh God," Tessa groaned as Liam laughed.

Mase smiled in victory at being able to change Liam's mood before shaking his head. "Nah, just... just go out there and kick their smug prep school asses, man."

"Alright," Liam smiled, lifting his fist for a fist bump that Mase returned.

"You got this," Tessa cheered as she patted Liam's shoulder before turning to Mase. "Come on, let's go find a good seat," Tessa ordered before grabbing his arm, dragging the dark-skinned boy away from Beck and Liam.

Liam watched them go before turning to Beck, giving the small blonde a shy smile.

"Hey," Beck said. "You can do this. You have Scott, Stiles, and Kira on the field with you. And me and Tessa will be cheering for you in the stands."

"But what if I start to lose control?"

"Then you focus on your anchor," Beck answered softly.

"I don't have one," Liam sighed, looking toward Beck. "I couldn't think of anything to stay in control for."

"Then focus on me," Beck said with a shrug. "I'll be your anchor, Liam. If you ever get that feeling like you're about to lose control and can't stop it, just listen for my voice. I'll be in the stands talking to you the whole time, got it? Or better yet, focus on my heartbeat."

Liam focused his bright blue eyes on Beck before moving them down to where her heart was. Opening up his hearing, Liam listened to the faint thump thump thump of Beck's heartbeat before smiling softly.

Nodding, Liam looked back up at the young witch. "Yeah, I think I can do that. Thanks, Beck."

"No problem, Liam," Beck smiled before throwing her arms around his neck in a hug. The blue-eyed beta quickly returned the hug, smiling into Beck's shoulder before pulling away.

"Let's go!" Coach shouted as he clapped his hands. "Let's go, come on!"

"You should get out there," Beck smiled before leaning towards Liam, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"What was that for?" Liam gasped, eyes wide.

"For good luck."

"Hey Liam," Brett shouted from the field. "Think fast."

Quickly, Liam turned and lifted his hand, catching a lacrosse ball as it was hurtling toward him and Beck. The small blonde's eyes widened when she realized the ball had almost hit her in the head before Liam caught it.

"Hale, get off my field!" Coach shouted at Beck as Liam pulled his helmet on, a determined look on his face.

"Be careful," Beck whispered to the beta as she backed away to the bleachers. Turning on her heels, the small blonde began to search for Mase and Tessa when someone shoulder-checked her hard.

Gasping, Beck stumbled before glaring at the girl who glared back.

"You're unbelievable," she scoffed, shaking her head. "He's not even in the ground yet and you're already trying to move on."

"Excuse me? Do I even know you?" Beck scuffed, lifting an eyebrow at the girl. Then, realization hit Beck as she pointed a finger at her. "Wait, you're Aspen Wilkins. You're one of Drew's friends."

But she wasn't just Drew's friend. She was the girl who was throwing herself at Drew when he and Beck were broken up. She was also the girl grinding on Drew at Danny's blacklight party.

"That's right," Aspen scuffed again, flipping some dyed blonde hair off her shoulder. "And you're a slut."

"Excuse you?!?" Beck snapped, shifting her feet as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"You heard me. Drew was doing fine till you came around. Now look, he's dead. And you're over here flirting with lacrosse players while his body lies in the morgue. So desperate for rebound you'll flirt with the first freshmen you see?"

Blinking her eyes, Beck gave a dramatic roll of her head as she lifted a finger towards Aspen. "Okay, first of all, Drew died in my arms. That's something you don't make a rebound relationship for. You don't rebound after your significant other dies. Second of all, Liam is my friend. Liam was Drew's friend. Liam has been helping me deal with Drew's death just like the rest of my friends. Lastly, you're nothing special." Smirking, Beck returned her arms to cross her chest as Aspen tilted her head. "If you wanna talk about rebound, go look in a mirror. Cause you were Drew's rebound for when we broke up."

Aspen released a gasp as Beck turned on her heels, walking away before finding Mase and Tessa in the bleachers. Along with Violet. Tessa sat in the row in front of Mase, while Violet sat next to him. 

"Hey, what was that about?" Tessa asked as Beck climbed up the steps to join them. Tessa's dark eyes remained focused on Aspen as she stomped away, having heard the whole conversation.

"Just some bitch accusing me of rebounding," Beck explained as she sat next to Mase.

"Rebounding from who?" Mase asked with a shake of his head before looking at Beck. "Drew?"

The small blonde released a hum as she nodded her head, eyes focused on the field as Devonford's number twenty-eight, Brett, scooped up the ball before sprinting across the field unopposed. Approaching the goal, he fired the ball, scoring.

"Who rebounds after someone dies?" Mase gasped before turning to Violet, earning a shrug from her. "Who does she think you're rebounding with?"

"Liam," Beck answered, making Mase's mouth fall open.

"Don't listen to her, she's a slut that's gonna end up pregnant by her junior year," Tessa grumbled, scooting over so she sat in front of Beck, allowing her to lean back onto the blonde's legs.

Beck released a laugh before shaking her head. "You know she's a sophomore, right?"

"Then she doesn't have much time to waste. Besides, you have something she doesn't."

"And what's that?"

"Naturally blonde hair," Tessa smirked as Mase and Beck burst out laughing. They watched as the players tossed the ball around before Tessa leaned her head back to look up at Beck. "Remind me again, what's the point of this?"

"Don't look at me, I'm still trying to figure that out." Beck shook her head as Brett stole the ball from Scott at the whistle.

Instantly, Beck sat up as Beacon Hills's number nine, Liam, charged across the field toward Brett. But he was blocked by two other players from Devonford who pushed him down onto his back. A few people in the crowd cringed and gasped as Brett shot at the goal again. Scoring a goal, again.

The two players that knocked Liam down stood over him, smirks plain on their faces. Jumping to his feet, Liam threw off his helmet and gloves.

"Liam!" Scott warned as his beta lunged forward at the players.

"Liam, don't," Beck whispered under her breath as Scott and Stiles held him back. "Calm down."

Slowly, the furious boy began to settle before his blue eyes moved to the bleachers, instantly finding Beck's light green. The small blonde nodded her head, encouraging Liam.

"Well, he calmed down fast," Tessa whispered, looking up at Beck again.

"He's listening to me," the small witch whispered back, eyes focused on Liam as he returned to his position.

"Why are you two whispering?" Mase whispered as he leaned closer to the two girls next to him.

Turning to Mase, Beck gave him a smirk. "We're whispering so that you can't listen in, nosy."

At the whistle, Stiles snatched the ball into his net before running, tossing it to Kira.

"Go Kira!" Beck cheered as Tessa sat up, clapping her hands for their friend.

Kira looked down at the ball in shock before running across the field. She ducked and weaved through Devonford's players as Coach shouted at her to pass before firing a shot into the goal, scoring.

"Yeah!" Beck cheered as Mase lifted his arms over his head with his own cheer. "Way to go Kira!"

But their celebration was short-lived as Coach yelled for Kira. The three freshmen watched as Coach gestured for Kira to sit on the bench.

"Did he just bench her?" Mase asked in shock.

"Yep," Tessa said, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she sat back against Beck's legs again.

"Why? She made the goal?"

Tessa opened her mouth to answer when Beck kneed her in the back, making the werewolf bite her tongue when she realized she was about to share too much.

Sighing, Beck shifted in her seat as the game continued.

Suddenly Violet leaned over Mase, placing a gentle hand on Beck's leg. "Hey, Beck, I've been meaning to ask how you're doing?"

The small blonde glanced down at Violet's hand on her leg before looking at its owner. "I'm good, Violet. Thanks for asking."

"Did the police ever find out what happened to Drew?" She asked, lifting her hand to perch her chin on it as she looked at Beck in curiosity.

Tessa turned in her seat, brown eyes looking from Violet to Beck and back. She could sense the unease radiating off of her blonde friend at the question. This was something Beck didn't want to talk about at the moment, especially with Violet at school in the middle of a lacrosse game.

Looking down at Tessa, Beck slowly shook her head. "If they do, Stilinski's never gonna tell me."

"Why's that?"

"Because Stilinski likes to do that overbearing protective dad stuff. It gets annoying sometimes, but I appreciate that he tries." Beck shrugged as Tessa turned back around, both of them focusing on the game. "I wonder where he is anyway. He promised Stiles he would be here."

"So, you don't know what happened to Drew?" Violet continued to prod, not dropping the topic.

"Hey, Violet, ya mind? We're trying to watch our friends play lacrosse. I don't think Beck wants to be bugged about her boyfriend's death. So back off. Maybe pay attention to your own damn boyfriend." Tessa snapped, spinning around to send the mocha-skinned girl a glare. Violet lifted her hands in surrender, sitting up to return her attention to the game. "God, take a hint," Tessa added under her breath as she too returned her attention to the game.

Beck gave Tessa a grateful smile as her werewolf best friend leaned her back against Beck's legs.

The ball was then passed to Brett as he headed down the field being followed by Beacon Hills players. Liam charged forward growling, heading straight for Brett. As was another player from Beacon Hills.

Suddenly three bodies flew into the air as the players crashed together.

"Oh my God," Beck gasped as she sat up, eyes focused on Liam who released a scream of pain. Tessa quickly grabbed her friend's hand, preventing her from getting up and running to the field.

"Okay, back off," Coach shouted as players from both Devonford and Beacon Hills surrounded their respective teammates.

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know, I can't see anything," Mase answered as he shifted in his seat, trying to see over the many bodies and heads.

Stiles and Scott helped Liam up, checking him over as Brett continued to yell in pain. Everyone watched as they lifted him before escorting him off the field, a slight limp in his step.

"Jesus, how hard did Liam hit him?" Mase gasped as he watched Brett head to the school.

"He didn't," Tessa muttered, turning to Beck. "Liam didn't hit Brett."

"Then what happened?" Beck asked as she glanced back up at Liam, Scott, and Stiles. All three boys were staring over at Garrett.

"I don't know," Tessa hissed as they both stared at Garret too. "But I think I know who it involves."

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom," Violet suddenly announced, bouncing up before climbing down the stands.

Calling a time-out, both teams regrouped on the sidelines as the crowd talked amongst themselves about the game. Beck and Tessa shifted in their seats as they watched Liam talk to Kira and Scott.

"Liam's out for the rest of the game," Tessa blurted out.

Mase sat up, looking down at Tessa with an arched eyebrow. "How do you know?"


"I'm gonna go check on him," Beck gasped, standing up quickly before climbing down the bleachers.

"I'll come with you," Tessa called, following the blonde.

The two girls rushed over to join the lacrosse players as Scott spoke. "Something's still not right. We're missing something."

"You okay?" Beck asked Liam as Stiles rushed over with his phone in hand.

"Guys," Stiles called as he joined the group. "Lydia just broke another third of the list," he announced, glancing down at the screen.

Liam's eyes widened as Beck grabbed his arm and Tessa glanced around at the rest of the group.

"Am I on it?" Liam gasped.


"What about Drew, is he on it?" Beck asked softly, light green eyes never leaving Stiles's face.

"No, he's not and neither are you. But Tessa, you are," Stiles added, pointing over to the freckle-faced werewolf.

"Damn it," Tessa hissed under her breath. "I better be worth a lot of money."

"Four million, but that's not all." Stiles rushed before turning to Scott. "Someone else is on it."



"AND HOW DID you know them, Violet and Garrett?" Stilinski questioned Beck outside the guys' locker room.

Scott had gotten to Brett in time, stopping Violet from killing himself and Brett. Now she was under arrest, but Garrett had escaped. Meanwhile, Stiles had rushed Brett to Deaton because he was poisoned by a wolfsbane-laced dagger.

Beck slowly shook her head as she looked up at her foster father. "I didn't, not really. They were Liam and Mase's friends. Mase had met them while I was in the hospital. But it does explain..."

"What? What does it explain?" Stilinski asked after Beck trailed off.

Releasing a sigh, Beck bit her lip before explaining. "Earlier, Violet was asking me a bunch of questions about how Drew died. She and Garrett must have been the ones that killed him."

Stilinski nodded his head, resting a hand on Beck's shoulder. "It looks that way, sweetheart. But you sure you're okay?" Smiling, the small blonde nodded her head. "Okay. Look, I need to get going, are you going home or staying with Derek tonight?"

"Actually, I had planned on spending the night at Mase's place after the game," Beck said, tilting her head. "Now I think Mase is really gonna need me after finding out his friends were assassins."

"You think that's a good idea? With this Deadpool and... everything?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Beck nodded. "Besides, Liam's gonna be there too."

Stilinski knitted his eyebrows together as he looked down at Beck. "And Liam is...?"

"He's my friend," Beck said before pointing towards the said boy as he passed, moving through the crowd of lacrosse players trying to get into the locker room. "He's also a werewolf."

"Great, another one," Stilinski muttered as he watched Liam disappear. "Just stay safe. And call me if anything happens."

Nodding her head, Beck gave Stilinski a quick hug before following Liam.

"Guy's back off. You can get your gear tomorrow." Coach ordered the gathered players as he blocked the door to the locker room. "If anyone sees Garrett, you are to notify the police immediately. Then tell him that he's off the damn team. Got it?" Some team members nodded their heads as Beck slipped by, resting a hand on Liam's arm as he stood by the wall. "Now get out. Let the police do their jobs!"

Liam looked over at Beck before returning his attention to Scott talking to Agent McCall.

"Is that really Scott's dad?" Liam asked curiously, looking over at the blonde standing next to him.

Beck leaned over a little, watching as the two McCall men talked, unable to hear their conversation. "Yeah, F.B.I. Agent Rafael McCall. He just returned to town."


"All the murders," Beck whispered with a shrug. "And to try and reconnect with Scott. A while back Malissa kicked him out. Now he's trying to be a better dad for Scott. I just think he's a dick."

Just then, Violet was escorted down the hallway in handcuffs, Parrish holding tightly onto her arm. Violet turned slightly, taking notice of Parrish's name tag.

"Jordan Parrish?" Violet asked like she recognized the name.

"Deputy Parrish," he corrected coldly, forcing Violet forward past Scott, his dad, Beck, and Liam.

"I still can't believe Violet was an assassin," Liam muttered as they watched her pass. The said girl glanced over her shoulder, giving the pair a smirk as she moved. "She and Garrett were probably planning on killing us, weren't they?"

Slowly, Beck nodded her head in agreement.

"Sheriff, what is that?" Agent McCall asked, grabbing the two freshmen's attention as he gestured down to the evidence bag Stilinski held. "Is that the weapon?"

"Yeah. It's a thermal cut wire."

"Her necklace," Beck gasped as she recognized the pendant.

Turning quickly, Agent McCall rushed past Beck and Liam. "Parrish, hold up," he called. Stilinski followed after the agent as Beck and Liam slipped around the corner to talk to Scott.

"Where's Kira?" Scott asked the two freshmen in front of him as his eyes searched for his girlfriend.

"She already left," Beck explained softly. "Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the Deadpool."

"Her mom's on it," Scott realized with wide eyes.

"Everyone's on it."

"You two aren't."

"Not yet. Scott, there's still another third of the list that hasn't been cracked." Beck said anxiously, her fingers pulling at the sleeve of her jacket.

Suddenly, Scott and Liam tilted their heads, listening in on something. Sighing, Beck glanced from one werewolf to the other.

"These are one of the times that I wish I was a werewolf," Beck muttered as she shifted on her feet, waiting for the two to finish eavesdropping.

"Coach," Stilinski called from the other side of the hallway. "I'm gonna need both their locker numbers. And someone find me a set of bolt cutters."

Releasing a breath, Scott looked down at Beck and Liam. "We have a couple of minutes before they get back," he explained before walking past them, heading toward the locker room.

Quickly, Liam followed after his alpha as Beck trailed behind. "A couple of minutes to do what?"

"For me to break into Garrett's locker," Scott answered as he glanced down the hallway. "You two stay here and keep watch."

Beck and Liam both nodded their heads as Scott disappeared into the locker room. Standing guard at the door, Beck glanced around the empty hallway as Liam looked over his shoulder at the sound of the lock breaking. Releasing a breath, Beck slipped her hand into Liam's as they glanced around the hallway.

Beck bit her lip at the push of Liam's energy, the young beta squeezing Beck's fingers as Scott searched the locker.

"I think someone's coming," Liam gasped at the crackle of a radio, looking back at Scott quickly. "Hurry."

"Scott," Beck hissed as her nervousness grew.

They listened as the sound of a zipper opening echoed from behind them. "You find anything?" Liam hissed anxiously, looking back at Scott.

Beck turned towards Scott, watching as he stared at something in Garrett's locker before turning to the two freshmen. "Scott," Beck asked, taking a step into the locker room as she tilted her head at the tanned-skinned boy. "Scott, is there something in there?"

"No," the alpha said, shaking his head. "Nothing."

Sydney Sweeney as Aspen Wilkins

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