Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)

By MyLadyOfStories

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(Sequel to The Fall Of Arcadia) The Doctor and Sera, finally together, finally a family. But there are things... More

Late For The Wedding
The Wedding Part 2
The Wedding Part 3
Mr and Mrs Christmas
Really Confusing...
The Siren Song
Polyamorous Relation
Find the Babies
Our Precious Song
Lost and Found
Don't Skip 9
A Demon
Popping In
One Last Good Dream
Daughter or Murder?
Burnt and Lost
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Remember Me?
Little and Broken, But Still Good
Date Night
Girls Night
Running to the Ponds
Last Dance
Goodbye Magickal Princess
The Unknown Girl
Impossible and Unknown
Wifi Soup
Past's & Future's
Goodbye Song
That Sinking Feeling...
Fury of the Night
Body Swap
Journey to the Centre of Time

The Wedding Part 1

911 25 3
By MyLadyOfStories


"Sera, Sera, wake up!" The Doctor whispered, shaking my shoulder. "Sera, come on, wake up!"

Groaning, I rolled over and looked at him lying above me in the dawn glow. Oh, yeah we went to the Australia and slept out on the mountainside, watching the sea, the remnants of a fire still smoking in the middle. Looking over, I saw Amy and Rory curled together, still newly weds. They'd only been married for 2 days. "Angel, it's barely dawn, what?"

"It's still 2010."

It took me a moment, but then I realised. "You want it to be our turn?" He nodded. "We still need to plan, Doctor. Get my dress, your suit, get Janie, Martha, Jack. We need them to be with us. Our friends and family."

"We live in a time machine, and we can leave it to the TARDIS for that part. Get writing, your list of guest, and then we'll do my list." He thrust a note book, bright green one, at me, along with a purple pen. "No more than 30!" Yeah, because there would be that many people that would recognise me.

Sighing, I got to work, wishing that maybe he could have waited until I was actually awake for this. Here's how my list ended up looking:

Seraphina's Wedding Guests:

-Luke Smith, Rani Chandra, Clyde Langer

-Mickey Smith

-Marcus Bolt

-Gwen, Rhys and Anwyn Williams




Maid of Honour: Amelia Pond

-Sarah Jane Smith

-Martha Smith

-River Song

I looked over, seeing the Doctor had less people on his list. I didn't have many friends, not even from when I was Alice, and obviously none of them would believe that I was that little ginger girl. But the Doctor, he changed so many more times, and a lot of our old companions had either died, or they wouldn't recognise us any longer.

Here's how his looked:

The Doctor's Guests:

-Jack Harkness

-Grace Holloway

Best Man: Rory Pond.

"What do you think, good enough?" He asked me, checking through my own list.

Nodding, I rested my head on his shoulder, watching the tide start to come in. "Yeah, small, but perfect. That's our family, Doctor. I just wish that we could have Donna with us."

He sighed, wrapping his arms tight around me. "Yeah, I know, Princess. But she's happy, we know she is. She's got Shawn, and her Gramps, and her scary mother. Tell you what, with that many people, we don't need more than one table, do we? We just need a big one."

That was a good point. And I threw a stone at the sleeping Mini-Ponds, making them groan now too. "Sera! Come on, it's early, we stayed up really late last night!"

I went over to them, pulling them both into a sitting position. "Well, you've had your wedding now, it's our turn." They both stared at me for a moment, not really getting it. "Amelia, Rory, we're getting married, in 2 days, we need to get everything planned."

And then Amy was on her feet, hugging me tight. "Oh, my God! Yes! Um, we need to get you a dress, get a dress for the bridesmaids, wedding rings, get a caterer! Rory, you need to go with the Doctor, get a suit, write a speech, oh my God!"

Rory, on the other hand, was still a little slow on the uptake. "Um, why are you waking us up for this?" And then it hit him. "2 days?! Doctor, Sera, that's really fast, you can't get everything done in that time!"

And then we pulled him up to his feet too. "Yes, but we have the TARDIS. The TARDIS will sort out venue, food, seating arrangements. All we have to do it get people, get the dresses, rings, and a registrar. Though, we should really try to do it with a Time Lord ceremony."

The Doctor shook his head. "No, Earth style. You grew up here as well as there. Now, we all have our people to get, and we the second we leave the TARDIS next, we aren't allowed to see each other. Agreed?"

This was news to me. "What? No, no, no. I can't sleep without you, you know that!" I could barely sleep anyway, but you know. "It's supposed to be the night before, that's all!"

Amy took my hand. "You can stay with Sarah Jane, you slept well staying there." That was a good point. "Come on, lets get a move on."

The Doctor:

I was finally getting married to her. My Sera.

Rory had dragged me to the same place he got his suit from, though why I couldn't just wear the one I wore to his wedding I didn't know. A bow tie for us both was a must, and I really wanted to get a bowler hat for this one. Bowler hats were cool.

"Rory, what about this one?" I asked him, holding up a maroon tweed jacket and a grey silk waist coat ensemble. "I like the colour."

"Yeah, it's a good colour, but it's a suit, not a tux. You need a tux really." He paused, grabbing a deep grey one from the racks and looking at it. "This one, definitely. It even comes with a hat, Doctor."

It again had a waist coat, though this was a black velvet one, with a pocket watch. I could swap it for the one Sera had, the one that made me realise she was alive. There was a deep green bow tie to go with it as well, just like how here eyes used to be.

"Oh, Mr Pond, you are a genius." I agreed with him, taking it and holding it up against myself in the mirror. "The Best Man wears the same, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, though I obviously have a different coloured bow tie. And yes, I will wear one. Tell you what, why don't we make it compulsory? Every bloke has to wear one." Grinning at him, I clapped his shoulder. "Thought you'd like that. Now, that's the suits sorted, now we just have the guests to pick up, and then you need to get a ring for Sera, and write a vow."

I paused, looking at the list on his phone. "Are Seraphina and Amelia in charge of the registrar then?"

"Uh, yeah, Sera said she had someone special in mind, I dunno. First on the list, probably going to be the hardest. Jack." Ah.

Thinking hard for a moment, I came up with a plan. "I know, he has his own Vortex Manipulator. I can trace the ion trails, his are laced with sonic waves, and then hopefully, I can find him. Come along, Pond."


As usual, he was in a bar. Go figures, that was where I found him when I invited him to the wedding the first time, before we forgot everything. And obviously, we remembered after ceremony. He recognised me, but he looked blankly at the Doctor. Until he realised we were about 200 years in Earths future, and we weren't even on Earth.

"You've had some more work done, I don't like it, Doc." He said, slamming down another shot of tequila.

"Didn't think you would." He smiled, sitting on one side while I took the other. I ordered a water, just to be on the safe side. "Think you can sober up in 2 days? We need you for something."

Jack gave him a dubious look. "You got a reason? And I do mean more than needing someone who can't die to take the fall for something."

Fishing through my bag, I took out his invitation to the wedding, printed on the nicest parchment we could find, and sealed with ruby red wax, pressed with a dragon seal. Apparently it was a joke the Doctor and Sera had. Opening it, he stared at it for about a minute before realising. "Oh. Wow." Jack's eyes widened. "Uh, yeah, definitely. I need somewhere to stay though, this thing has no juice, I can't get back to earth for it."

The Doctor sighed. "Fine, you can use the TARDIS for a couple of nights, but I swear to God, Jack, you try anything funny, and we will still trap you in a Dwarf star!"

Well, that was apparently a big threat. He headed to the TARDIS, while we went back to Earth, getting the next person on the list. Which I would have thought would have been Mickey, but Sera and Amy were getting him when they got Martha to be a bridesmaid. So we, had to get Doctor Grace Holloway, a woman who both killed them and saved them, apparently.

She was working in a hospital in Toronto, Hope Zion, and we found her just scrubbing out of a heart surgery. Grace was about in her mid 40's, with strawberry blonde hair that was laced with grey as she was getting changed to go home. The Doctor just marched right up to her, smiling.

"Amazing Grace, look how far you've come." He smiled, not introducing himself.

She just stared at him warily. "Uh, I'm sorry, do I know you? I've had a long day, all I want to do is go home."

Then he remembered he had the ability to regenerate. "Oh! Sorry, Grace, it's me, it's the Doctor! Remember, I'm the man with two hearts!"

It took a moment, and then Grace covered her mouth with her hands. "OH! Doctor! But, you, you changed again! How many times can you even do that? It's been 11 years and you've just gotten younger!"

"Ooft, about 507, now, you remember my lovely lady friend, the one I wasn't married to?"

"Seraphina, yeah. Where is she, because I doubt that she managed to completely change gender." Grace nodded towards me, who the Doctor had yet to introduce to this woman, whom I had actually read about in medical journals. She was an amazing Cardiologist, hence why she got the name Amazing Grace.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is my brother in law, Rory Pond. And, we're now actually getting married. And we wanted you to be there, after helping us both so much last time we met. You're part of the reason we're together."

Grace grinned at that. "Yes, I would love to be there. Where is it? Any dress code or anything?"

My job, other than to keep him on topic, which was proving to be harder than I was anticipating, was to keep a hold of the invitations and hand them out. So I took out hers, and smiled. "I've read some of your papers, by the way, I'm training to be a doctor myself in England. You're an amazing surgeon."

"Oh, thank you. Typical you, cryptic clues. I'll be there, promise. Glad that you two managed to be the epic couple I saw you as. Now, I desperately need some sleep, please. I'll see you at the wedding." The Doctor gave her a quick hug, and then we left her too it, heading back to the TARDIS.


Dresses. There were so, so many dresses in this shop, it just wasn't funny anymore. It had been hard enough finding my perfect wedding dress, so now, dress shopping in under 2 hours with my sister, was just a little hard.

"Sera, we have been to 3 different stores already, there's got to be one that you like!" I complained, passing her another one in the pile to try.

A minute later, she came out of the changing room. I just stared at her. "Amelia, I am nearly 704 years old, and getting married to the man I have been in love with for my entire life, I need the perfect dress!" She realised I was staring slack jawed at her. "Um, Ame's what are you staring at?" All I did was pull her over to the mirror.

The second I saw her in that dress, I knew it was the perfect one for her. All the one's that Sera had tried on had been the full length ones, covering her from collar bone to the floor. But this was strapless, ending just below her knees and showing the rest of her smooth tan legs and dainty little feet, as well as flaunting the rest of the skin of her arms. The only problem there, was her scars. It was white, as she wanted, though she was definitely not a virgin, and the majority of it was made of lace.

Though over the top, there were roses in lace and beads, and a there was a tight white ribbon around the middle, more roses there too. Sera was staring at her reflection, her tigers eyes were wide and filling quickly with tears. "I, I, um."

"Hey, you look amazing, Sis. This is the dress, you know that, right?" I grinned at her, making her look at me through the mirror. "Come on, you know that's you, it's perfect."

"I definitely agree, by the way." A voice said, coming in behind us, putting down her bag on the spare seat. I turned to see Martha walking in the room. "So, you regenerated?" Sera turned and looked at her, and Martha's eyes widened. "You, look hot. And elegant, and just pretty spectacular in general."

"Yeah, I guess I do." She smiled, looking down at the dress and her bare feet. "But you! So, where's the little 'un?"

Martha now stared at her. "W, what? How did you- Visions. You seriously saw about our baby?"

"Yup. Alice Smith though? Really?"

"Hey, no, you're one of my best friends, and Rose was Mickey's first love, and the Doctor took her away. And, she was a big part of his life before hand. She's with her dad, anyway." She walked further in and hugged us both and then looked at the dress again. "That is so your dress! I mean, old you, I would have seen her in a very Gothic one, but this is very traditional."

Nodding, Sera had a look down at the dress again, grinning at herself. "Yeah, have you heard from Sarah Jane? I messaged her to meet us here too, and then I need to borrow her sonic lipstick for a minute."

Martha paused for a moment. "No, sorry. Not since you last saw her. Amy, how about you go keep an eye out?"

Knowing that they wanted a minute to catch up, I nodded. It was still summer, only a couple of days after Rory and I's marriage, and we'd spent the first day saving that train in space. London, was probably the best place to buy a dress, as well as the fact both Martha and Sarah Jane lived here.

Sarah Jane, had been running really late, and her car screeched to a halt in front of the store, doing and amazing job at parallel parking, which is practically impossible. When she got out, she smile apologetically at me, and ran over. "I am so sorry, a Hurd Worm decided it wanted to hide in my car and it took all three of us to get it out of the car. Luke's at university." She explained.

"Hey, it's fine, Martha just got here too. How've you been?"

"I'm good, yeah. You know, I got very annoyed last time I saw Sera, because I saw that she was married, and I thought she'd forgotten to invite me." She realised she put her foot in her mouth. "Ah, rule 12... Sorry, but I saw her about a month ago, as well as the Doctor. So, yeah, I know that she regenerated."

"Aw, that kinda ruins her surprise then. Well, until whenever she see's you next." i linked arms with her, pulling her into the wedding shop, where Sera was still crying over her reflection. No, that's mean, she was just looking at the bridesmaids dresses. "You, Ser, Sarah Jane's here!"

My sister turned around, giving her a massive grin. "Hey, Janie."

"Phi, that dress..." She stared, just like I had. "That, that's perfect. Phina..."

"Yeah, it is, isn't it. So, now, I need one more person to turn up. Only Amy know's her though, and she should be here, whenever she's managed to escape prison. I did let her know how to get out, but you know."

Everyone stared at her, because River, yeah, River was in prison, but I didn't believe she either willingly killed that couple, or did it at all. And is if on queue, the curly haired woman zapped into veiw.

"Hello, Sweetie's. Sorry I'm late, took me a while to track down where they hid my Vortex Manipulator. What did I-" and then she saw Sera's dress. "That dress is perfect."

Everyone started laughing, seeing as we'd all had the same reaction, and then we got to work on the second part of dress shopping after Sera took her's off. Bridesmaids.

Sera said that she wanted them to look summery, like her dress, but also be elegant. And also, we were being her something blue, apparently. They had to be the same color as the TARDIS. It took us a while, but then we managed to get a hold of something. It was blue, obviously, and it had one strap of blue flowers over the left shoulder, and reached down to our shins. Other than that, it was plain blue lace.

"I can't believe I'm actually getting married... And you guys are all going to be with me..." Sera whispered, her eyes filling with tears while looking at us all in the dresses. We'd customised mine a little, putting a deep green ribbon around the middle, to show I was maid on honour. I was very chuffed to have gotten that role over Sarah Jane, her oldest friend.

We all laughed at her and had a group hug, and then the shop assistant came over, asking if we wanted a group photo taken. "Oh, we have to, right sis?" I asked her, giving the woman my phone for it.

"Definitely. Only wedding I'm ever going to have, and I've got all my best friends with me!" Sera agreed, being jostled into the middle of the group while we all stood around her, linked arms and grinning. "Say Ponds on the count of three, ready? One, two, three!"


Heyyy, Izabelah here, in a sequel :) Just have to say this, I had never finished anything before I completed TFOA, so am kind pleased with myself right now, lol. The Wedding is going to be a three parter, the planning, the Hen/Stag nights, and then the actually ceremony. Love you all my Lovelies, Izzi xxx

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