HEAVEN IN HELL || jaeyong [In...

By RuKiRa01

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"I am the Demon Lord!" "Yeah and I am Captain America. Now get... More

Chapter - 1🌹
Chapter - 2 🌹
Chapter - 3 🌹
Chapter - 4 🌹
Chapter - 5 🌹
Chapter - 6 🌹
Chapter - 7 🌹
Chapter - 8 🌹
Chapter - 9🌹
Chapter - 10 🌹
Chapter - 11 🌹
Chapter - 12 🌹
Chapter - 13🌹
Chapter - 14 🌹
May I have your attention!!!
Chapter - 15 🌹
Chapter - 16🌹
Chapter - 17🌹
Chapter - 18 🌹
Chapter - 19 🌹
Chapter - 20 🌹
Chapter - 21 🌹
Chapter - 22 🌹
Chapter - 23 🌹
Chapter - 24 🌹
Chapter - 25 🌹
Chapter - 26 🌹
Chapter - 27 🌹
Chapter- 28 🌹
Chapter - 29🌹
Chapter - 30🌹
Chapter - 31🌹
Chapter - 32🌹
Chapter - 33🌹
Chapter - 34 🌹
Chapter - 35 🌹
chapter - 37🌹
chapter -38🌹
chapter -39🌹
chapter - 40🌹
chapter - 41🌹
chapter -43 🌹

Chapter - 36 🌹

564 18 25
By RuKiRa01

An angry man shuts his eyes and opens his mouth. The saying goes very well with Taeyong. But he wasn't a fool who commits even bigger mistake by not accepting his previous ones. He was not 100% wrong as he was oblivion to many things but he was guilty of being the judge even before listening to both the sides of the story.

Taeyong stood in the depth of the jungle, the fire of the portal enlightening the surrounding- the only source of light in the darkness of the night.He was rocking back and forth on his foot, taking deep breaths and rehearsing his apology speech multiple times in his brain. But damn! He never knew apologising would be this difficult. He felt anxious.Nervous. He was battling with his ego for 4 days already now. Yes, it took him that long to finally muster up the courage to face the Demon Lord.

"You won't choke on your pride. You can do it!" With the final words of encouragement for himself, he stepped into the portal.

It's weird to him how well he knows the routes to this place - Hell, to be exact. The similar corridors, the haunting aura, the shadow guards on the doors, and the smell of doom, he was used to it now. Quite weird of him.

Few turns and lanes, and Taeyong was finally infront of the very familiar door. A small fireball levitating in the air right infront of the door. He doesn't know what to comprehend. Was Jaehyun in a good mood?

Taeyong smoothed out his shirt, and fixed his hair. His hand touched the cold metallic chain around his neck and he got reminded of the ornament. He adjusted his shirt collar to make space for the red stone to shine. One last huff and Taeyong pushed the door open, without wasting anymore time in procrastination.

"You should knock first." a sudden familiar voice startled the living hell out of the visitor as soon as he opened the door.

"You scared me!!" And there goes his plan to be calm and collected while apologizing. Taeyong took a step to the side and he spotted the Demon Lord, sitting on a big ass sofa, with a dark coloured book in his hand. That indeed was a surprise.

"Not like you don't know it was me." Taeyong stated and neared Jaehyun, while the latter had his eyes fixed on the dark pages on his lap. Taeyong couldn't even spot a word on the pages. How the heck Jaehyun was reading?

Taeyong took his seat across the small table, infront of Jaehyun.

"I never told you to sit." Jaehyun said with his eyes still glued to the book and tone cold.

Taeyong rolled his eyes at that. But to be honest he expected worst, like getting yelled at or thrown out of the room or something. But Jaehyun being this calm was a surprise for him.

"I came to talk to you." Taeyong said. He was feeling a bit salty as Jaehyun was giving his whole attention to the book instead of him. Boy was he craving for the attention of his mate! But he kept his composure.

"And not yell at me? Are you sure?" Jaehyun said calmly without looking at the visitor.

"Look. I want to apologise."

"I guess you pronounced, scold wrong." Jaehyun sassed.

Taeyong poked his cheek with his tongue in annoyance. But he let out an inaudible sigh to calm himself down. He can't lose his patience just yet.

"I made a little mistake-"

"Little?" Jaehyun cuts him off. He finally raised his eyes to meet Taeyong's. It took him a lot, not to melt in those warm orbs of the visitor. Jaehyun clearly saw the guilt in those eyes as they looked at him. It felt like ages since he saw his mate. His beautiful mate. But he can't loosen up that easily.

"Arrghhh! Come on!.......okay okay okay. I made a big mistake. I agree. And i want to apologise for that. I am sorry. I am really very sorry Jaehyun." Taeyong gushed. His well organised words of apologies long forgotten.

It's now when Jaehyun realised how badly he yearned for those lips to call out his name. He wanted to pull him into a big hug. But he can't loosen up just yet, right? And more importantly-

"And what made you realise that?" Jaehyun asked. How come all of a sudden Taeyong was apologising? Did Ten told him the secret?

"I-I never gave you a chance to talk about your feelings or explain things to me. I never asked you about anything but concluded that you were wrong all along. That was not very nice of me." Taeyong tried his best to show his sincerity in every word of apology he spoke.

"The Taeyong i know is quite feisty and arrogant. He never backs down and sorry is missing from his dictionary. I wonder what changed the season?" Jaehyun said teasingly.

Taeyong gave him a look before saying,"Why are you making this so difficult for me? Just accept my apology already."

Jaehyun stared at him with unbothered look making Taeyong groan. The poor being was battling with his own ego and Jaehyun's cockiness was just making him weak. But then again, this was not the worst case scenario as he had expected.
He took a deep breath, calming his nerve, then said, "I know you haven't killed Johnny. I know he is alive."

For a split second Taeyong spotted the look of surprise in the Demon's eyes before it went back to its unbothered state. Taeyong kinda guessed what Jaehyun must be thinking.

"No, Ten said nothing to me. So please don't stop him from seeing his soulmate." he clarified Jaehyun's unspoken doubt. The latter remained quite, allowing his guest to speak up.

"I know, you must be wondering how come i know that and who told me, but does that really matter?" Something in Taeyong told him not to mention about Kun. Maybe it will get Kun in trouble, and that's not how he should repay him.

"I realised my mistake. And i am sorry. It would have been better if you told me about Johnny earlier, though" it was not planned but Taeyong tried to irk Jaehyun just a little bit, so that the demon would finally lash out and in the end forgive him. He was also hoping that Jaehyun would not press upon the part that he knows about Johnny.

"I would have, if you would have given me the chance to." Taeyong should have expected this come back. Jaehyun was still calm and collected but had the cocky expression on his face as he gave Taeyong a look.


"I just recalled an important task. I have no time for chitchats. Pardon me" Jaehyun interrupted the visitor and he snapped his finger. Seeing the black smoke suddenly engulfing Jaehyun, Taeyong panicked and shot up.

"No wait wait wait! I am not fi.......ni....shed .........yet." Jaehyun vanished, leaving Taeyong in dilemma.

Taeyong huffed and fall back on the sofa, resting his head on the back rest. He felt heavily dissapointed. It felt like all his hard work, fighting his inner egoistic beast, went in vain. Jaehyun just left him hanging.

In the midst of his mental whinning, Taeyong felt as if he was being sucked by the sofa he sat on. The gravitational pull felt heavy and suddenly he had wetness on his lips followed by tingling sensation, as if being kicked. His eyes went wide in realisation but the bulb in his mind probably fused when he felt the smooth motion of other pair of lips on his own. He knew what it was. And as if to kick out the last 1% fear of oblivion, Jaehyun's figure made its appearance, straddling the visitor, while his lips pasted on Taeyong's.

Taeyong was frozen at first but his body knows what to do. After all it was yearning for this moment for so long. Taeyong held Jaehyun's face and closed his eyes, letting his lips be the sense of sight, letting them show him through the feelings, touches of the demon Lord.........his mate.

Unlike other times when Jaehyun's kisses talked passion and aggression, lust and thirst, now it was calm and soft. Jaehyun craved for this moment. He missed it so much. He was cherishing every passing second and Taeyong knows it. It was all clear from how caring and slowly Jaehyun tasted those lips. Not biting them but planting passionate smooches. Not sucking on it but feeling every inch of Taeyong's lips with patience and care. Jaehyun's hands that cupped his face were gentle as well. Thumbs slowly caressing the smooth skin in the rhythm of their kiss. Taeyong was overwhelmed, to the point he would cry. And maybe he did.

Feeling the wetness in his fingers, Jaehyun knew something's wrong, or maybe something just got very right. He slowly broke the kiss but didn't back away. Face still centimetres apart, his eyes scanned the few tears that dared to stain the beautiful face.

"I missed this so much" Taeyong said softly, "...............mate" he opened his eyes, showing his beautiful red orbs, as he looked at Jaehyun, rendering the Demon speechless. Did Taeyong just accept him as his soulmate? Did he accept his fate? His power? Him being a demon? But above all, Jaehyun was much more affected by the affection shining in those red orbs. Honest. Loyal. Loving.

"You are beautiful." Jaehyun breathed out and placed a caste kiss on his temple. As a reflex, Taeyong blinked, and the red shine was replaced by the warm brown eyes. He couldn't help but smile wide. His heart thumping loudly in his chest but weirdly he felt calm and peaceful. A big weight lifted off of his chest. He breathed.

"Your powers are showing up already." Jaehyun mirrored Taeyong's smile, it was contagious. He stood up, and Taeyong followed him.

"I am happy. I am on cloud 9 but i just want to confirm once again. Taeyong, do you really accept me as your soulmate? Do you accept my love for you?" Jaehyun asked, seriously but his tone clearly showed his desparation for a positive reply.

Taeyong smiled sweetly, "yes I do." he replied, making the demon king smile wide again.

"I love you!!" Jaehyun cheered and planted his lips once again on Taeyong's. This was the best thing ever happened in his lonely life.

Taeyong was glad to be able to make the demon so happy. He never expected this level of excitement. Was he that important to Jaehyun? Taeyong's heart was swelling with joy. He heard the words right and correct. Jaehyun clearly said that he loves him. Now it was his turn right? Just as it should go. Jaehyun broke the kiss and looked at Taeyong with those eyes full of expectations.

"I.............I........" in a span of few seconds of his laging, and his confidence fell from the heights of the clouds to 6 feet under the ground. Once filled with overwhelming joy, now his heart was trembling. He was scared, as he couldn't return the words. It's just so simple to say. Three words. I. Love. You. But it felt like something caught his tongue. His previous disbelieves about love, came rushing over him, clouding his once sunny mind. He had realised his feelings, even though it was with someone's help, but he did. It was crystal clear in his mind.....he loved Jaehyun. He accepted him as his soulmate even though the guy was a freaking king of Hell. He had made his heart clear. But what came upon him suddenly that prevented him from saying the words of his heart. His mind stopping him, reminding him of the fakeness of this attachment. Love lies.

His heart was battling with his mind, while defending and protecting the new discovered feelings. It was a chaos in inside and fear on outside as his eyes looked at Jaehyun.

"I......." He tired but the words just won't come out. It scared him. Will this sudden incapability of his will drag him back to square one? Will this break Jaehyun heart? Did he just hurt him? Again? Tears pricked his eyes as he stared at Jaehyun helplessly.

But none of his imagination came true as Jaehyun smiled fondly, and pulled Taeyong into a warm hug, securing the scared person in his warmth.

"Don't push yourself. Don't rush. It's okay. I know you love me Taeyong. You always don't need words to show the feelings. Your eyes clearly tells me that you love me. And i am very grateful for that. And one day you will be able to verbally confess to me. And i will patiently wait for that day" he calmly said and rocked Taeyong side to side. He would lie if he said he wasn't disappointed even a little. It indeed pained him. But he knows better than just rushing his lover for things. He trust himself and he trusts his lover as well. It will be soon when Taeyong would freely tell him how much he loves him. And Jaehyun would love to hear that.

"So, Mr. New born Demon. How does it feel to have supernatural powers?" Jaehyun tried to change the topic.

"Horrible." a mumble was heard as Taeyong's face was buried in Jaehyun's chest. Jaehyun abruptly broke the hug and held Taeyong by shoulder. "What??" He was just being playful.

And indeed he succeeded as Taeyong doesn't look that gloomy and broken now.

"It feels horrible to have powers?"

"Yes. It feels horrible. That mark sometimes burns and tingles. Sometimes i feel like i could destroy mountains and the other time i feel so tired, as if i did a load ton of work. It feels like something's going on inside my brain. Uffff that's stressful!!!" Taeyong gushed, successfully distracted.

"There's only one thing i like about all this demon thing. Immortality. And of course my fresh hotness. No wrinkles and toothless grin!" Taeyong cheered.

Jaehyun laughed out loud at that, throwing his head back.
"What so funny?" Taeyong furrowed his brows.

"I have to pop your balloon i guess. Yes you will be immortal, but not your body babe."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"The thing is, your soul is immortal, but not your body. You are still a human after all. Your heart is beating ans there's blood running in your veins. To gain your immortality you have to leave this body. In other words, your natural death. After that your body will regain its youth and your heart will turn into your power core. Your veins will carry your magic instead of your blood and your body will get your youth. But before all this happen, you will grow old, will have grey hairs, will have wrinkles, and of course the infamous toothless grin!" Jaehyun explained.

"Whaaaaaatt!!" Taeyong whined like a kid. "You will be this fucking handsome and i get to grow old??? And you get to see my sexy body withering??? That's so unfair!!!! I don't want you to see me in that state uffff!! This is embarrassing!!!" Taeyong buried his face in Jaehyun's chest.

Jaehyun couldn't hold his laughter. He cooed at Taeyong but it was funny imagining old Taeyong who spit out his fake gums when he sneeze.

"It's okay babe. You will be always beautiful for me. No matter with tooth or without." Jaehyun teased again and earned a slap on his chest by an embarrassed Taeyong.

"Okay okay. I will stop. There's a lot of time for that. How about we talk about our present?hmm?. Did you discover any of your power? Has something happen till now? Like you played with fire or something?" He questioned, changing the topic.

"Neh!! Not much but whenever i touch any mirror then there's this small whirlpool like things appears under my palm and it's surrounded by fire." Taeyong explained and gestured like an excited kid showing his toy collection.

For a fraction of second Taeyong saw the change in Jaehyun's expression, from smiling to worried. And it freaked him out as well.

"Is there something wrong? It's not normal?" Taeyong was internally panicking.

"No babe. It's nothing to be worried about." the demon king smiled warmly.

"Don't lie to me. You seemed worried!"

"I was just thinking about the power that's all. Was just recalling it's usability, don't worry." Jaehyun lied. "Tell me more about it, did something happen? Did you see anything?"

"I was freaked out to see that whirlpool and i removed my palm and it shrunk and disappeared." Taeyong explained. Jaehyun visibly relaxed, making Taeyong raise a brow in question.

"So you never actually used it completely? Did you imagine any place or anything when that happened?" Jaehyun questioned.

Taeyong gave it a thought. Whenever that happened he always thought of the mirror of his dream somehow. If he tells that to Jaehyun then he also has to talk about his nightmares and he was totally against it. A big No No!

So he just shook his head, finding it difficult to lie right on Jaehyun's face.

Jaehyun smiled.

"It's okay. Every immortal gets special abilities. You are slowly developing one, so don't be scared, okay?" Taeyong nodded. "But for now, i want you to do something for me." Taeyong nodded again.

"Don't think about this power for now. And dont touch the mirrors." Jaehyun said in a serious tone.

"Jaehyun, there's something wrong with this power?" Taeyong was not a child. He could sense the change in Jaehyun's demeanor. He looked somewhat troubled.

Jaehyun chuckled and said, "no babe, there's nothing wrong. What you got is a special power. Usually immortals get the basic ones first and then they slowly develop their special abilities. Their unique ones. But you have developed your unique ability first. That's good. That's advanced. But powers can be harmful if you don't know how to use it properly. So i have to figure it out, how to train you. That's it. I am just thinking about it. So as I said, don't use it for now. Okay?" Taeyong gave Jaehyun a questioning look. He was not convinced. But nonetheless nodded. Moreover, Jaehyun is there to protect him, always. He knows that.

"Good boy!!" Jaehyun cheered and patted Taeyong's head, making him pout for being treated like a puppy.


After a refreshing bath, the raven haired male was engulfed in a over sized hoody and some sweat pants, while one had rubbing his hair dry with a towel. Whistling to a tune that he made up, he tossed the towel into the laundry basket, not caring to dry his hair completely. The wetness on his hair will keep his head cool, since weather was getting hotter anyways. He sat on his bed side and pulled out the first drawer of his side table, his precious red locket to be the first thing on display. A satisfied smile played on his lips. He pulled the locket put of the drawer, a clink sound followed his action, indicating that something got knocked off. He looked down to find another precious jewel of his, right beside his foot. He picked it up with the other hand. Resting his hands on his lap with the jewels side by side, he looked at them fondly.

One was a reminder of how twisted and tricky love is. Reminding him again and again of the loss he suffered. The ring was the significant reminder of his caged heart.

While the other showed the beauty and charms hidden under the scary twisted roads of love. Reminding him that there is love and loyalty even in the pits of hell. The locket was the key to his caged heart.

How contrasting they were, marking the different mile stone of the journey of his life. How far had he come? Once afraid of love, now he had fallen for the devil of the hell instead. A chuckle left his lips at the twisted thought. Life sure has its ways. Some how it persuaded him to give this wonderful emotion a chance. It's weird how he was now accepting Jaehyun and also himself, slowly transforming into a demon.

You painted me in your colours, huh?
He thought, and chuckled.

Taeyong sighed in satisfaction and wore the chain around his neck, feeling contented. A small thing that ensures him the closeness of his mate. He looked at the ring and realised he never wore it, while the chain, he can't separate it from himself now. Truth to be told, he was scared to wear the ring this all time. Afraid if that will be way too overwhelming for him and will suffocate him with the grief. He was afraid he will never be able to move out of that agony and pain that he felt everytime he looks at it. But now that he runs his thumb on the ring, he could only think of the good part. The part where Jaehyun pulled him out of his dark life. The person of the darkness brightened his life.

A thought ringed the bell in his brain.
Since Jaehyun was the one to open his cage, he should give the key to him to make it official that he was free now. Free to love, free to live, free to live rest of his life with Jaehyun. Johnny too will be out of mirror some day and Ten will be happy with him.

No more misery. No more stress.

Knock knock!!

Or was it too early to conclude things?

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