The Hunted • Teen Wolf

By BlackPhyre

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BOOK 2 to 'True Survival - Teen Wolf' The riddles have been solved, the truths have been revealed and the sto... More

Time for Introductions
3B - One
3B - Two
3B - Three
3B - Four
3B - Five
3B - Six
3B - Seven
3B - Eight
3B - Nine
3B - Ten
3B - Eleven
3B - Twelve
4 - Thirteen
4 - Fourteen
4 - Fifteen
4 - Sixteen
4 - Seventeen
4 - Eighteen
4 - Nineteen
4 - Twenty
4 - Twenty-one
4 - Twenty-two
4 - Twenty-three
4 - Twenty-four
5 - Twenty-five
5 - Twenty-six
5 - Twenty-seven
5 - Twenty-eight
5 - Twenty-nine
5 - Thirty
5 - Thirty-one
5 - Thirty-two
5 - Thirty-four
5 - Thirty-five
5 - Thirty-six
5 - Thirty-seven
5 - Thirty-eight
5 - Thirty-nine
5 - Forty
5 - Forty-one
5 - Forty-two
5 - Forty-three
5 - Forty-four
6 ~ Forty-five
6 ~ Forty-six
6 ~ Forty-seven
6 ~ Forty-eight
6 ~ Forty-nine
6 ~ Fifty
6 ~ Fifty-one
6 ~ Fifty-two
6 ~ Fifty-three
6 ~ Fifty-four
Final (1) ~ Fifty-five
Final (2) ~ Fifty-six

5 - Thirty-three

1.2K 54 56
By BlackPhyre

Author's note: I didn't make this art, @MultiEleonora96 on Twitter made it, but I wanted to put it here to show Derek Hale in booty shorts, because YES! 😳🤤

ALSO, this chapter is going to a long, and VERY Leo centric, so sorry in advance... 😅🥲

5 x 09 ~ Lies of Omission

Leo's POV

Are you my daddy?

Whoever would have thought that the simplicity of four, little words, would send two grown men into a complete spiral of an argument. Well, it did.

Also for the record they behind at it, for almost an hour, both ignoring the fact that I'm still in the room, and neither wanted to accept the fact that they were in the wrong, over whatever they were arguing about, at first it was about me, then it spiraled into something about a bunker, and then to a person named Amara, and now they were just being childish as they went back and forth.

It made me feel like a child, watching their mom and dad, arguing over who was supposed to pick me up from soccer practice, but instead of soccer practice, it was the truth about my life.

"Will one of you just tell me the truth?" I yelled over their shouting, they both froze and turned to look at me, like deer who were caught in headlights, or as if they forgot I was still in the room, I looked at Dean and asked, "Are you my daddy?"

He froze, well, more like his brain malfunctioned for a second. He blinked, once, twice, looked at Sam then looked at me, I heard his heart rate spike, and anxiety came off him like he had been sprayed in it.

"Yes," he answered,

I stared at him for a moment, and he held my gaze. My chest felt tight as I nodded to myself, I pushed myself out of the chair I was sat in and made my way to the kitchen. I could them shuffling to follow behind me, I walked around the kitchen island and made my way to the drawers, I checked a few but couldn't find what I was looking for. So I checked the counter itself, and I spotted the knife block, I reached over and felt for the largest one.

"Kid?" I heard Dean call out, I took the knife in my hand, and with the speed that only a an Alpha werewolf/Kitsune could muster, I spun and threw it at his head,

Unfortunately, he caught it.

His eyes grew wide as he stared from the knife to me, so I turned back an reached for the second largest one, and I turned back to him. Sam looked between us and begun to shuffle away from Dean.

"I'm just gonna stand over here," he muttered softly.

"You have one chance, to explain to me, how you aren't dead," I said in a low voice as I glared at him,

"One? Seriously? I think I could use a few more tries than tha-" Dean begun to stutter out as an attempt to lighten the mood, I spun the knife in my hand and slammed it down into the marble kitchen island, which split upon impact, his eyes fell on the surface then back up to me as I glared at him, "One chance, got it,"

I pulled the knife out and leaned upon the surface as I waited to hear the bull that he was about to spew out. He placed the other knife on the island in front of him. He scratched the back of his neck before he begun.

"I guess, it all began after the accident. One of Satomi's betas worked at the hospital at the time, and when they brought in my body, she called her, and when they checked, it turns out I wasn't dead. The impact from the crash, but the damage that bitch did to my neck, just made my healing factor slow down, so Satomi, and the help of a few others orchestrated a way to help me recover and lay low, and once I was fully healed the helped me leave town," Dean told me, I took that in as best I could,

"If you were healing? Why did you leave?" I asked him, he sighed before he answered,

"Leo, in all official records, Thomas Prince died in the car accident," He told me, and a chill ran up my spine, "The EMTs, the deputies, even the Doctors at the hospitals all acknowledged, me, him, as dead. There were deputy and medical reports about my death, your mother's too, so it would be hard to explain, how a month after they saw my dead body, I was up and walking again. So to everyone who didn't know about the supernatural, Thomas was dead, but I survived,"

"So you left town, and after a decade, basically, you came back, why?" I asked, this time he paused before he spoke, he looked over to Sam, gave him a look, to which Sam shook his head, and Dean gave him a angry glare, before he nodded in my direction, Sam sighed before he shuffled back towards the island, he looked at me then to the knife in my hand, and I sighed, "Oh, for the love of..."

I flicked my wrist and threw the knife into the wall adjacent from me. It made a loud thud as it stuck their, Sam watched it before he looked back at me, he took a breath and begun to speak.

"Two reason, the first being Chuck, and the second is Eileen," Sam said to me, I shrugged at him like I was supposed to know who these people were,

"Who's Chuck?" I questioned,

"A rat-bastard, son of bitch, who's soul better be burning in hell," Dean spat out immediately after I asked, my brows furrowed at this as I looked over at Sam who gave a slight shrug in response,

"He's got a point," Sam added on,

"I'm gonna need more, nouns, verbs, adjectives and basically everything I learned in English, to fully understand what the hell you two are talking about," I said back to them, I pushed myself off the island and leaned back against the counter, I folded my arms and watched them,

"Okay, um, Chuck was an old acquaintance of ours," Sam begun,

"Who quickly turned enemy," Dean added on quickly, Sam glared at him, before he continued,

"Right, he was a hunter, not like us, but like Chris Argent, or more so, his father, Gerard Argent. However, unlike them, he did most of his hunting alone, and he used so really messed up tactics whenever he did," Sam told me, I opened my mouth to ask but Dean spoke before I could,

"He pretended to be weak, and claim to have information that could help those in need, and most werewolves, or wendigos, or anything who didn't know better would believe him. So, he'd butter them up, and when they lowered their guard and took him back to meet the rest of their pack, that lil weasel would turn on 'em in an instant," Dean said and did the cutting off heads gesture with the added noise,

"And for the most part, he was pretty good at it," Sam added on,

"Until?" I asked and Dean smirked,

"Until he met Sammy," Dean said as he patted the other man on the back, Sam's face turned red and he begun to smell like embarrassment, "You see unlike you're average supernatural creature, Sammy here is a bit harder to kill than most, so when the lil weasel tried to pry information out him, Sam refused to cooperate, and the chump bit off more than he could chew,"

I gave him a confused look.

"Let's just say, he got off lucky, with a few second degree burns," Sam said with a soft chuckle, "But regardless, he didn't stop, he kept on hunting and hunting, until he decided he was tired of picking off a few smaller packs, some that didn't even have an alphas, he wanted to go for something bigger,"

"Someone bigger," Dean corrected, he smirked as he turned to look at me, "So after searching around, Chuck found his White Whale, or well a pack of White Whales, one that you and your friends crossed paths with last year,"

Pack of White whales? I thought to myself. I racked my brain to think about over the last year and what had happened, but then it quickly came to me.

"The Alpha pack? Seriously?" I asked and Dean nodded, "So, what happened to him?"

"The wonder twins happened to him," Dean said with a snort,

"Ethan and Aiden?" I questioned and he nodded again,

"They, um, ripped him apart, literally, when the police found his body the labelled it as an animal attack, but it was pretty easy to see that it was something more," Sam told me, "Dean and I managed to find his stuff, all the information, leads, contacts, everything he had amassed in his plan to finally get Deucalion and his pack, and that's when he discovered that he was on his way to Beacon Hills,"

"Apparently, word had gotten out that Derek Hale was an alpha, and building himself a pack," Dean started he looked away as he spoke, but I saw the way his shoulders tensed up and how his scent that start out as anxiety induced as slowly shifted to anger and regret, "At first, I thought the odds of him finding you were slim, but then we found out the names of his newly turned Betas,"

"Isaac, Erica and Boyd," Sam muttered, I looked between them, as Sam looked at Dean who was now staring down at the island, "All of whom went to your school,"

"Then we heard that an Omega, one who was born, not bitten, who also went to school with them, had also joined his pack," Dean said lowly as he looked up at me, and it was like lightning had struck me in that very moment,

"Me," I muttered after a sigh,

"We know what Deucalion did to Alphas who refused him, and we know what we did to their packs so we knew in that moment we had to come and help you," Sam told me,

"But we handled Deucalion, and besides his beef wasn't even with us, it was with that bitch Jennifer," I said to them,

"Leo, come on, show some sympathy, she's dead," Sam said to with a slightly disturbed look,

"Sorry," I muttered, then I spoke louder, "That dead, bitch, Jennifer,"

Dean snorted out a laugh and Sam scolded him.

"You're not helping," Sam said to him, Dean laughed again, which made Sam groan, and I sighed as I looked between them, "Look, we know about Deucalion, and what he wanted, but he was our main issue, was he Dean,"

Dean stopped laughing as he threw a glare at Sam.

"No, he wasn't," Dean told me, "It was Kali,"

"The freak show who desperately needed a pedicure?" I asked and he nodded,

"She caused the accident," Dean told me, and I remembered the part of my brief conversation/fight with her back in the hospital and Derek's loft, "She always hated, envied, my choice to put my family over my pack, and I knew she and Ennis had grown close, but at the time I didn't know that had met with Deucalion. When she learned that I was leaving town with my family, she decided to act. Kill me, kill my family, become an alpha, then kill my pack,"

"And she did, all except a young baby hybrid, who was the son of the pack's previous Alpha," Sam said to me,

"Me, again," I muttered,

"We knew that she would come straight for you, so that when why we came back here," Dean told me,

"So then what about the Wild Hunt thingy? That Aunt Marcie told me about?" I asked them, they shared a look,

"That's not important, yet, we're still trying to stave off dealing with that, research, time..." Sam begun to explain,

"And a whole lot of fire power," Dean said with a nod, "I got this bazooka back at the bunker that I've been dying to use,"

Sam and I both turned to give him different looks. Sam's was more annoyed, but my was just pure disbelief.

"Any whose," Sam said before he looked back at me, "After you and your friends, stopped the Alpha pack, and the dark druid, we decided to stick around,"

I shook my head at this.

"So that night at the hospital, when I first met you, why didn't you say something?" I asked,

"What did you want me to say? 'Hey, Leo, its me your father, I know you thought I've been dead for years but actually I'm alive and I've been secretly protecting you from the shadows from evil forces that want to hurt you, oh and I don't like that boyfriend of yours'?" Dean spat out in the most annoying voice he could muster,

"I don't know, yes, no, maybe, this is so freakin' confusing," I said with a disgruntle shrug, "So why stick around and borough your way into my life?"

"That's not on me," Dean said quickly as he raised his hands in defence, he turned and pointed to Sam, "It's his girlfriend's fault,"

"She's not my girlfriend!" Sam snapped at Dean, who only chuckled in response,

"Is too," Dean with a laugh,

"Is not," Sam said back with a s whine,

"Who's not your girlfriend?" I asked him,

A gust of wind filled the room and our heads spun to look into the living room. Castiel was standing there, but my eyes fell to person behind him, from what I could tell it was a woman, she was short and skinny, and was about to throw up. Sam immediately ran across the room to help her, Dean snorted and muttered 'yea right, she's not your girlfriend' under his breathe as he watched the two of them.

"Can I get a glass of water?" Sam asked with turning to us, I looked over at Dean who was still smiling, he looked at me and his smile fell,

"What?" He asked,

"You heard him," I said to him, Dean's mouth open and closed before he marched over to the sink,

With a grunt and groan, Dean proceeded to fetch the glass and hands it off to Sam, who then helps the woman drink it. After, she drank it all Sam began to cradle her face.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded, "Are you sure?"

She nodded again, and gave him a soft smile. He smiled back and held her closely to him, clearly sharing a moment and forgetting about the others in the room, which made Dean shuffling quietly in his spot, and Castiel looking down at the floor, I cleared my throat which made the pair turn to look back at us.

"Not that I want to break up your tender moment, but..." I began and Sam's eyes went wide as he remembered we were here,

"Oh right, sorry, Eileen this is Leo, Leo this is Eileen," he said as he introduced us,

"Hello," I said to her, and she waved at me, I waited for her to speak but then she begun to move hands in a way I couldn't understand,

"She says it's nice to meet you," Sam told me, I looked to him them back to her, she moved her hands again, "And that you're taller than she expected,"

Then it clicked.

"Oh..." I said softly, I was about to speak but Eileen waved her hands and I stopped, she then signed again and Sam spoke for her,

"Before you ask, yes, I'm always this beautiful," Sam said with a smile, which made the rest of laugh as well, "And yes I'm also deaf,"

"But not mute," Eileen spoke for herself, in a voice was a little lower than I expected,

"Okay, so then how do we...?" I said as I gestured between us, I looked over at Sam but he pointed back to Eileen, so I looked at her,

"I can sign, but I also read lips," She explained, "So when your speaking to me, speak to me, not Samuel,"

"Samuel," Dean said with a snort, but I ignored him and nodded,

"Okay, well they were explaining, why they came back to Beacon Hills, and they mentioned you so..." I begun to say, Eileen looked from to Dean and her look turned icy cold,

Then she begun to sign, very aggressively, at Dean. Sam watched her hands move and his eyes went wide, Castiel snorted, and Dean's mouth fell open as he read her hands as they move.

"Wait, Eileen, I didn't- No, I didn't! Hey! I'm not a idiot!"

"She said blithering idiot," Castiel corrected, Dean glared at him before he looked at Eileen who was slowly advancing on Dean,

Dean begun to back away as Eileen signed at him, and I watched as the color paled from his face. So I looked at Sam.

"Um, what's she saying?" I asked him, Sam blushed before he shook his head,

"Trust me it's better you don't know," Sam said as he watched the pair,

"Yes! Yes! I am a horse's ass, and everything else but you please stop now!" Dean said in pleading tone, Eileen looked at him and threw her middle finger up at Dean's face,

"Hah! I know that one!" I said with smile, Dean groaned before Eileen turned back to me, she sighed before she begun to sign again, Sam came up beside me and translated,

"A few years ago, after she met us, Eileen had a premonition, and it was about you, she wasn't sure what it meant, but she knew that something bad was going to happen to you and if she told us, then maybe we could change it," Sam explained before he looked over to Castiel, "Cas, could you get her some paper and a pen,"

"Sure," he said before he moved off,

"Eileen is a banshee," Sam explained further, "And before you ask, though she is deaf in human terms, she can still hear things that none of us can,"

"Like Lydia," I said with a soft smile, I looked over at Eileen and she nodded, "So what was the premonition?"

Castiel came back in and gave her the paper and pen, she went over to kitchen island and begun to draw on it. I came up beside her and watched in awe as she drew an image which slowly made my blood turn cold.

"Is that?" I asked them,

"It's you," Dean answered, "In a pool of blood,"

I froze as I looked at the picture.

"What..." I asked softly,

"We don't know, Eileen has tried to figure out more but this is all she keeps getting," Sam told me,

"Is it the Wild Hunt?" I asked in hopes of getting a better explanation,

"Not likely," Dean said, and I spun around to glare at him,

"So, yours saying that not only is an evil supernatural force coming to get me, but there now a very likely chance that someone or something is going to kill me?" I asked them,

Sam looked at Castiel, then to Eileen, we was about to speak but Dean stepped forward and cut him off.

"No," Dean said firmly,

"Dean," Sam said in warning voice,

"No, Sammy! Nothing is going to take my little boy from me!" Dean snapped at him, his eyes flashed electric blue for the first time in a long time,

"How can you be so sure?" I asked him but my voice wavered half way through,

"Because I say so," Dean said as he looked back at me, he stepped forward and place his hand on the side of my neck, it was firm but warm, he took a breath and looked me in my eyes as that electric blue faded back to their original hazel color , "I don't care if its a pissed off werewolf, or an army of hunters, or a hungry wendigo, a harpy on a rampage or some dumb kid who turn 'emself into a berserker! I don't care!"

I felt something cold run down my cheek as he talked.

"The day you came into the world, I made a promise to always protect you, and I know that I haven't held up that part for the early years of your life, and I hate myself for it, but right here, right now, I am telling you, that as your father, I will fight you, no matter what comes," Dean confessed to me,

"Promise?" I asked him softly, he let out an airy sigh as he raised his pinky to me, and I held it with my own,

"Promise," he said to me,

As he held my hand, something inside me just filled with warmth. It was feeling I hadn't felt in, I'm not actually sure how long. But as it filled me it made me want to do one thing, that I hadn't done since I was five.

I lunged forward and wrapped my hands around Dean in a bone crushing hug. I felt him tense up but then he hugged me back, and just like I was a child, again. Safe in my father's arm.

I wasn't sure how long I spent hugging him, but by the time I came back to myself it was the next day. Eileen had decided to stick around, one because maybe now that she was closer to me, she could hopefully get a better -whatever Banshee feelings are called- about me, and two, apparently teleporting -which is actually a thing- with Castiel made you throw up.

Sam described it as having your entire body twisted inside out, like your brain is in your toes and you intestines are in your throat.

I didn't go to school for the next few days. I mainly spent them, listening to my dad, or Dean as I needed to call him, talk about basically anything. We told my mom and Aunt Marcie that I knew, which lead to more arguing, and resulting in me, up in my room, head buried under my pillow and music blaring through headphones.

On the other front, Lydia called and told me about Parrish.

He was the one taking the bodies, but didn't know and nor does the sheriff.

It was around midday when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered,

"Leo!" A voice yelled, I pulled away to look at the name and saw the word Intense,

"Mason? What's wrong?" I asked,

"It's Corey!" He cried out, I flung upright in my bed, "He started to bleed, cough, choke up the mercury! There was so much! I don't know what happen!"

"Mason calm down, please, where is he? Where's Scott?" I asked him,

"They took him to the hospital, and Scott just left with Theo," Mason cried, I could hear how frantic he sounded, "There gonna kill him, the dread doctors, there gonna hurt him aren't they,"

"Not if I have anything to do about it," I said as I jumped out my bed, I ran around to search for some clothes, "Mason, I need you to calm down, get to the hospital, I'll meet you there!"

He hung up and I got dressed quickly, I made my way downstairs and stumbling into a heated argument between the adults. I looked at all of them, who hadn't noticed me yet, so I dropped my fingers to my mouth and whistled loudly, which made them all flinch.

"Hey if you guys are done screaming at each other, Dr. Winchester and Dr. Novak are needed at Beacon Hills Memorial, stat!" I said to them, Dean gave me a worried look,

"What happened?" Aunt Marcie asked,

"It's Corey, he's not doing good, and which means the Dread Doctors are coming for him, now!" I said to them,

"I'll get my coat," Aunt Marcie and Dean said at the same time, they both glare at each other,

"I'm the real doctor here," She said to him,

"Well, I have a gun," He countered back,

"So does half of America, what's your point?" She asked him, and he looked offended at the words,

"The point!" Dean yelled,

"Oh, my god, I hate my dysfunctional family," I muttered to myself, before I shouted to them, "I'm leaving in thirty seconds, whoever's not in the car, is getting left behind!"

Without much fuss or arguing, Dean, Castiel, Aunt Marcie and myself piled into my car and with Dean behind the wheel got us to the hospital, albeit, breaking many road traffic violations in the process.

"If he came into through the ambulance, he should be in the ER," Aunt Marcie said as she let us through the halls, but I spotted a frantic and spiraling Mason down another hall,

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up," I said to them, Dean gave me a look before he nodded,

I went over to Mason, and I could smell the anxiety from him, and the sickly scent of the mercury that was on his shirt.

"Mason," I called out and he spun around to look at me, he had the black and silver ooze on his hands, and they were shaking, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up,"

He nodded as I heard him to a nearby bathroom. With the respect of a passing nurse, she gave me a shirt from the lost and found, and after cleaning up Mason's hands and face, I gave him the clean material to change into.

"You okay?" I asked, and he shook his head,

"Not really," he muttered as he splashed some water on his face, "This is just all really..."

"Intense," I spoke for him, he looked back at me and then nodded, "Welcome to our world,"

"Is it always like this?" He asked, and I just shrugged,

"Sometimes its quiet, sometimes it's restless, other times, it can feel like whole world is burning down around us," I told him, "But we just need to keep on swim, fighting until we see the other side,"

Mason let out a soft laugh.

"That was oddly inspirational," he said softly,

"I'm your fairy god godfather, it's part of the job description," I said back with a smile, and Mason laughed again,

The sounds of screams and shouts filled my ears, I turned my head to listen better.

"What is it?" He asked, I looked at him before I moved back into the hall way and he followed me,

A nurse fell back and a wheelchair got thrown down. Another person got slammed into the wall. It was chaos, but I couldn't see who was doing the damage.

"What's happening?" Mason asked,

"I'm not su-" I went to say, but something slammed into me, sending me crashing into a wall, it felt like a person, but when I looked up I couldn't see anyone, more persons dropped, and screamed and panicked, as some invisible force made it's way down the hall,

Mason looked down at me, and I pushed myself up.

"We need to check on Corey," Mason said, I followed him as he lead me to the ER, but when we got there the bed that was Corey's was empty, "Where is he?"

"Gone," I heard Castiel speak, I turned and saw him and Aunt Marcie walking up to me,

"I just contacted security to let them know," she told us, Mason nodded but I could he was about to spiral,

"Aunt Marcie could you maybe..." I said before I nodded to the boy beside me, and she nodded,

"Sure, Mason was it? How about we go sit in my office?" She asked him, he looked from her to me and I nodded, so he followed her as she led him away,

Castiel and I shared a look before we turned and made our way to search the building.

That's when I bumped into Theo.

"Theo," I said as he jogged up to me, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for Corey," he said to me, I took in the red undershirt he had on and the leather jacket over it, "See something you like?"

My eyes flicked up just to see him smirking at me.

"Yea, the price tag for the drift store downtown," I said to him, his smirk fell as he lifted his hand,

"I thought I popped that off," I said with a groan, I chuckled to myself as I pushed pass him to continue to search the building,

But I couldn't find him, so I met up with the others.

"Security's still looking," Scott said to us,

"I haven't seen anything either," Theo said to him,

"And its hard to catch his scent too," I told him, that's when the elevator door opened and closed, the lights flickered, and a low buzz filled the room,

"Now they're here," Scott said to us,

A little bit after, we found Corey's body outside by the ambulance bay. Mercury running down his face and hands, and a stab wound in his abdomen. He was dead, and that meant Parrish was soon to follow.

"You need to find Hayden," Theo spoke to Scott, he blinked as he looked back at him, "If they dread doctors killed Corey, then she's next,"

"I-I," Scott begun to stutter out,

"Theo's right, you need to go," I said to Scott, I saw the gears turning in his head as he blinked to look at me,

"What about you?" He asked,

"Parrish is the one taking the bodies right?" I asked and he nodded, "Then I think it's time we found how and why,"

"Leo, you aren't serious are you?" Theo asked as he spun to look at me, "Jordan will destroy everything in his wake, he flipped Stiles' jeep, wrecked a team of deputies,"

"Well, he's never fought someone like me," I said to them, "Good or bad, we need to find out which side Jordan is on, is he helping us, or helping them,"

I turned to head back inside, but Scott came up to stop me.

"I-I can't let you do that, it's too dangerous," Scott said to me, he placed his hand on my chest in an attempt to halt me, I looked down at his hand then up to him,

"Oh yea? You gonna stop me?" I asked, Scott shuffled back and squared his shoulders but I could still see the tension in them, like he was unsure of what to do, so I scoffed and brushed pass him, "That's what I thought,"

I stepped around him and felt a clawed hand land on my shoulder. I spun around gripped Scott's throat and slammed him into the nearby ambulance.

"Leo, you can't!" Scott coughed up so I dropped him, he leaned back on the ambulance begun to struggle to catch his breathe as he reached for his inhaler, and took a puff,

"Why? Because you say so?" I asked him, he glared at me, "Just because your a True-Alpha, doesn't mean you get to call all the shots... you're not the only Alpha in town,"

"I know... but it's reckless," he tried to say,

"Oh? Like running around in circles down in the water treatment plant? Or stabbing my claws into the back of someone necks? And invading their mind, type reckless?" I asked him, his eyes trickled from me down to Corey's body and back up,

"That's different," He stated,

"That was an abuse of your power, that, was reckless!" I spat back at him, "You have made so many bad decisions, and other people have suffered and died as a consequence. So for once, I gonna make a decision... there's two sides to their story, The dread doctors on one, Jordan on the other, and every dead chimera in between. So you go find your beta and his lil girlfriend, while I deal with Parrish,"

I turned to walk off, but Scott stopped me, again.

"Leo!" He yelled in his alpha voice, my eyes burn in response and I glanced back at him,

"This is you're last warning, McCall, stay out of my way!" I growled at him,

Theo's POV

The color of Leo's eyes blazing as he growled at Scott, who didn't put up much of a fight. He was sorry excuse of an alpha in my opinion, but Leo on the other hand, he was all fire, strength and power.

That was what an alpha was supposed to be.

Not a sorry, inhaler huffing, broken alpha like Scott.

"What was that?" Scott asked me,

"Not sure," I answered, "But you can't control everyone Scott,"

"I don't want to control everyone! I-I, I just want to help..." Scott stuttered out,

"And Leo doesn't?" I asked him and he looked away,

"I didn't say that," Scott coughed back, he took another puff of his inhaler, "I just... I don't know,"

"Leo was apart of Derek pack before, right?" I asked him, "But did he ever join your?"

Scott blinked a few times, but didn't answered.

"I don't man, its unlikely for one pack to have two alphas, so did he ever officially join yours?" I asked him and Scott just shrugged, "Maybe it's the full moon tomorrow night, that's got him so on edge, but I think Leo just needs to act for himself, ya know?"

"Yeah, right," Scott said softly, he tone was dejected and slightly hoarse, like he was tired.

Leo's POV

I got the sheriff station and found Lydia sloughed against the wall, out side the Sheriff's office, I looked over at Jordan's desk and saw it was empty.

"I take it you told him?" I asked and she nodded, "Where is he?"

"Holding cell," Lydia muttered, I went over and gave her a hug before I went over to find Jordan,

I walked down the stairs and spotted him sat in the cell.

"Now this is just criminal," I said and he looked up at me, "You look good as a deputy and as a criminal, that's not fair,"

"You're not supposed to be back here," Jordan said downheartedly,

"And you shouldn't be in this cell, but, you know apples and oranges," I said with a shrug as I walked up to the cell,

"Leo, I'm the one whose been taking the bodies," Jordan confessed,

"And you flipped Stiles' jeep, which he is still bitter about by the way," I said to him, he sighed and leaned forward to rest his head in hands,

"Look, we still don't know why your taking the bodies but..." I begun to say,

"Lydia, thinks its because I'm protecting the supernatural," He told me,

"Well, then that's a good thing," I said with shrug,

"It's a crime!" he retorted,

"Did you forget the bounty that on your head a few months ago, on all of our heads?" I asked him, and he scoffed,

"It's hard to forget, that's what caused all of this," He said, to us,

"How many of those hunters are currently in jail cells?" I asked but he didn't answer, "How many of us have to die at the hands if hunters, and they get away with it?"

"Well, I'm not them, I'm gonna hold myself responsible," Jordan said back to me,

"Until you break out of here," I said to him and he looked up at me, "Corey's dead, and according to Malia, another girl at our school was one too, that's two bodies... do you really think these bars can hold you back?"

"I don't know," Jordan spoke as he got up and walked over to me, he leaned his head against the bars and sighed, "I just... I don't want to hurt anyone else,"

"I know," I said softly, "And that's why I'm here,"

He blinked at me, and I watched as the tension formed in his forehead.

"How?" he asked,

I smirked at him as my eyes turned amber, and I focused. The faint sounds of rainfall filtered into through the nearby window as the sun begun to set. Jordan looked at the window as it became littered with rain drops then he looked back at me.

"You're amazing," Jordan said with a soft smile,

"I know," I said back to him,

Author's Note: I just realized how good a liar Theo was, he told a Scott that Stiles brutally m*rdered Donovan, told the Sheriff that he killed Donovan out of self-defense, and told Stiles that Scott would never forgive, so when they had their little talk in the rain, Scott was believing something completely different that what Stiles was telling it. MF, was EVIL!!! Hot, but still evil.

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