Embrace Two (Spin of from Acc...

بواسطة EmmaWilliams66

1.4K 127 56

Set Six months after Embrace. Its half term and Tyler is extremely happy to be able to spend an entire weak w... المزيد

Chapter One: What the hell is going on?
Chapter Two: Check you over.
Chapter Three: So much to come
Chapter Four: Lost in the mountains
Chapter Five: Lets get to business
Chapter Six: Blame me for his death.
Chapter Seven: We have not even started yet
Chapter Eight: I'll do my best.
Chapter Nine: I think we can!
Chaper Ten: Come Back Alive!
Chapter Eleven: Follow my lead!
Chapter Twelve: Very angry!
Chapter Thirteen: Not lose
Chapter Fourteen: It's Robbie!!
Chapter Fifteen: Bitch!
Chapter Sixteen: I can't wait!
Chapter Seventeen: I didn't miss you
Chapter Eighteen: I'll take it!
Chapter Nineteen: I freaking love my dad!
Chapter Twenty: Greet them
Chapter Twenty One: Don't run!
Chapter Twenty Two: Perfect
Chapter Twenty Three: Protect Zane!
Chapter Twenty Four: Survive this
Chapter Twenty Five: Understood.
Chapter Twenty Six: Have up next.
Chapter Twenty seven: You hear me.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Through the smoke
Chapter Twenty Nine: Why shouldn't I just kill you!
Chapter Thirty One: Good instincts
Chapter Thirty Two: Teach them
Chapter Thirty Three: Can it really wait?
Chapter Thirty Four: Bravest man
Chapter Thirty Five: In a heartbeat
Chapter Thirty Six: Hello Nephew!
Chapter Thirty Seven: From the very beginning
Chapter Thirty Eight: End well
Chapter Thirty Nine: He has too!
Chapter Forty: Behind
Chapter Forty one: Goodbye dear friend .
Chapter Forty Two: Sorry its taken so long!
Chapter Forty Three: Will need each other
Chapter Forty Four: Want what is best for Fay.
Chapter Forty Five: Fay Lake
Chapter Forty Six: Enjoy ourselves.
Chapter Forty Seven: Do happen for a reason.
Chapter Forty Eight: His cooperation
Chapter Forty Nine: Unfinished Business
Chapter Fifty: Good Lad
Chapter Fifty One: Hey Sweetie.
Chapter Fifty Two: Good enough job.
Chapter Fifty Three: Welcome to my world
Chapter Fifty Four: Loves us just that much.
Chapter Fifty Five: What should he do?
Chapter Fifty Six: Here we go
Chapter Fifty Seven: We are leaving.
Chapter Fifty Eight: Tyler...I'm Scared
Chapter Fifty Nine: What?
Chapter Sixty: I'll Fix you.
Chapter Sixty One: In hope he could be the hero
Chapter Sixty Two: To be continued.

Chapter Thirty: Arrow Sharp

17 2 1
بواسطة EmmaWilliams66

Arrow's POV

I have faced danger. More then I would of ever thought possible. I've gone up against some pretty crazy people. Each one as hard to deal with and survive as the next.

But to see my boys tied up like this. To watch this man so angry, so lost. It hurts that it doesn't matter what I say. I don't think I can get through to him.

Maybe my luck really has finally run out. No way to escape this fate...

Only to let the tears slip down my face. My body feeling numb and unfamiliar to me.

Time almost feels like it's going in slow motion. The young boy in front of me wanting to end Lewis's life and mine.

Lewis now begging him to think what he is doing. But honestly...I don't think that is helping at all.

This kid...is lost and destroyed inside. No matter what his father and uncle had done...they were his family. No one could really blame him for wanting to do this.

No one deserves to die like they did...no matter what they had done to me. I don't think anyone would believe me, but that is how I feel about there death. At the time I wanted it to stop, for them to die. But if I was being completely honest. I don't think I could of ever killed them. I just wanted them to leave me alone...not for them to be shot in cold blood even if at the time I think I did want too deep down.

I felt my head falling forward, my body wanting to welcome sleep. To forget the true danger I am facing. To dream something more happy and welcoming then this.

I keep myself awake. Falling a sleep is accepting my death and I just can't accept that yet.

"What is your name?" I suddenly blurt out disturbing the deadly silence that had arrived.

The boy turns to me and sighs. "My name is Kay. But what is the point in asking my name?" He asks puzzled.

"Believe me or not Kay but I told Lewis what he did was wrong...no matter what they had done and he did it out of jealousy. I told him to do his time...did you take him from prison and if so how?" I ask.

"I didn't personally no but there plenty people out there who can outwit the police and that prison. It was simple. He deserves to die for killing them! Not just to sit in a cell and how long will it he till he is put out there again, killing someone else's dad!"

"I know...honestly I know. But what you are doing is no better. If you kill us do you deserve to die too?"

He frowns at me. "I guess I never thought about it like that..."

"I understand that losing your dad and uncle is painful and even after all they put me through...I would of never killed them. I just wanted the pain to stop, the anger and the violence to stop. To be able to live my life," I tell him.

"I know...I wasn't ever going to actually kill you or hurt your boys. I know alot of people would of been lost without you. What my father and uncle did to you...it was unforgivable and yet you say you would of never killed them. If I was you...I probably would of. You was about my age when he stabbed you right?"

"I was sixteen."

"Yeah...so my age. Arrow...I did this to get back at Lewis. Because regardless of what they did...he killed them in the worse way. I had to do something..."

So underneath all that pain and anger is just a young boy who lost his dad and uncle too soon.

"I know but there is always a better way then this, Kay. Always a better way."


Things had got way out of hand. But Paul and Arrow's dad had made some arrests and the place is covered in police.

Luca, Tyler and Arrow still not found. But Paul had been told by Colin where to look.

Ambulance's had arrived and Colin is being well looked after.

So Paul, Arrow's dad and police unit are on the way to the aircone room.

What will happen next?

Tyler's POV

I woke iruptley, screaming out Luca's name but my worry disappeared instantly as I watch Arrow run over to me and untied me bringing me into a warm embrace.

My body aches, my arm sore but my dad looks in much worse condition. He nods to me as he let's go before untying Luca next trying to bring him too.

Luca stirred but finally opened his eyes. "Dad," he says as he pulls him in for a hug and I join them and we stayed there for a good few minutes.

"Thank you, Kay," my dad says turning to a young man. He couldn't be much older then I am.

"Don't thank me. I am sorry for bringing you into this and your sons."

I make sure Luca is okay before I insist my dad to sit down on the chair, he doesn't look so good.

"I'll be okay, Tyler."

The door it burst off its hinges as Paul, Arrow's dad and number of officers storm the room.

"Right...," Paul said confused.

"Arrest me, my men and Lewis. I am sorry for what I have done," Kay says.

I look at Kay, so young but made the wrong choices and will have to suffer before he can live life in a better way.

Arrow's dad got the police to make the arrests while he and Paul came over to us.

"Hey Arrow," Paul said looking at my dad sadly.

"Don't look so upset. It's nothing that can't be healed," Arrow says to him.

"But are you okay?" He asks him.

Arrow sighs as he held mine and Luca's hand.

"My boys are safe. The danger is gone. I'll be absolutely fine. I get to live another day and I'm grateful for that. The rest really doesn't matter at all," said Arrow as he got up with a struggle but brought his dad and Paul into an embrace. "But God I'm happy to see you," he adds.

"I'm happy to see you too, Arrow." Both Paul and his dad say at the same time.

"You okay Tyler?" Arrow asks me.

"You really okay?" I ask him seeing through his smile instantly.

Arrow looks at me as he now clung to Paul and his dad. "I'll be okay or my name isn't Arrow Sharp," he beams at me as he let his eyes close and Paul picks him up into his arms as he passed out.

"He be fine Tyler. He needs rest and some medical assistance...but he is right. He is Arrow Sharp. There is nothing he can't handle. He is incredible!"

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