Hope Mikaelson The Player

By hopevampiregirl7

103K 2.6K 556

Bad girl Hope Mikaelson is dating Lizzie saltzman her sister Josie doesn't get along with hope but what happe... More

The Party
The Park
A Mikaelson Ball Never Fails
Get off my doorstep
One Step Forward Three Steps Back
The Hamptons
High School
A Date To The Movies
House To Myself
Take Me To Your Bed
You've Gotta Be Kidding Me
The Unexpected Happens
Cheer Practice
The Appointment
The Baby Scan
The Motel
I'ts A Baby...
Jed's House Party
The Sex Tape
Her father's daughter
Leaving Home
Things will get better
Here Comes Trouble
The perfect little family
Don't get yourself hurt
It's not what it looks like
Making Amends
Football At Night
The Gang's back
Prom Night Part One
Prom Night Part Two
A Perfect day at the Park
Not Again
An Errand
Dinner Date
Home Win
Secret's Out
She needs you hope
An idea in Mind
Got You
Is he though
The Roof
Living life
Birthday Bash
Stag do
Engagement Party
Son were having another kid
The Day Of The Wedding
Two Months Later
Meet your Sister
Snowball Fight
Give it Back
The Boss
It was a Success
Bring Your Kid To Work Day
So Kids What Do u Say
Moving day

The baby's coming

1.3K 38 9
By hopevampiregirl7

After last nights events waking up in a different room

Hope wakes up looking to see a naked maya just watching her

"Morning honey"

"Maya what the...

Following her gaze hope looks at her hardened cock

"I see your packing in that department"

Seeing her jeans unzipped with a view of her dick Hope quickly zips herself pulling herself up

Trying to remember what happened last night after she got wasted

"We didn't did we"

Maya just keeps on checking out hope as she buttons up her shirt

"Oh we did hope you and me we had sex"

This can't be happening hope thinks she really fucked it up this time

"I don't remember anything"

"It's okay you were totally wasted"

Seeing a few missed calls from her parents hope checks a voicemail

Moving closer to hope maya reaches out but she moves back

"Maya this was a mistake don't mention this okay"

"Hope don't leave"

Grabbing her jacket hope rushes out the house

Feeling frustrated Maya sends a message to a unknown number

Walking in Hope can hear someone screaming in pain

She sees her father holding josie's hand as Hayley helps her with breathing exercise trying to calm her

"Where the hell have you been"

"Is everything okay"

"Okay do I look okay"

Hayley takes over giving the girl support as Klaus walks to his daughter telling her what's happening

"You see josie is....

"Klaus her waters just broke"

"Well it looks like your child's coming"

"Oh my god the baby's coming"

Hope's eyes widen she wasn't prepared for the baby to be born this early

"Don't just stand their Hope drive her to hospital me and your father will come see you guys later when we drop of nik and grace at kol and davina's"

Taking hold of josie hope feels her hand get squeezed

The hold on her hand getting tight


"This is nothing hope you should feel the pain I'm in with carrying your child"

"And I'm grateful for that"

Getting in the car hope puts on her seat belt with josie next to her

"If I hadn't of got in this mess with you then I wouldn't be in so much fucking pain"

"Oh I'm sorry josie but you asked for it"

"Your such a dick"

"Look let's just get you to hospital then we can talk"

Arriving at the hospital

Calling out to the nurses who rush in the pregnant teen

Hope gets told to come with the brunette as she's the other parent

Going into labour screaming with all her will power Hope sees a small head coming from josie's vagina telling the nurse who helps pull out a healthy looking baby boy handing it over to the young mother who just gave birth

Josie looks worn out but smiles seeing her child in her arms

The brunette calls over hope who looks at her son playing with his hands

"Hey little man"

Seeing hope in her parent mode fills josie with so much love for the girl

"You gave your mommy a tough time didn't you"

With hope cradling their baby boy josie just watches on as the two bond

"His name I was thinking Romeo"

"It's a great name hello Romeo"

Stefan and Caroline rush in


"Oh my can we see our grandson"

"Of course mum dad"

After hugging their daughter caroline picks up little Romeo with Stefan watching with adoration

A few minutes Klaus and Hayley join Stefan and Caroline spending time with Romeo

Two hours later after celebrating the birth of a new family member both of the girls parents leave giving the two some space now with just hope and josie with their child in the hospital room

Hope lays her son in the incubator now sitting by josie's bed

"Jo there's something I've been wanting to get of my chest and it's been a long time coming.....

"I'm sorry for being a bitch mikaelson"

"No worries salvatore I deserved it for being a jerk"

They share a genuine smile

"But seriously josie I want you to know is that..........I'm in love with you"

The brunette didn't see this coming she knew Hope was attracted to her but love this really shocks the girl


"If you don't feel the same then it's fine"

"I do feel the same... I'm in love with you hope"

Hope feels her face light up

"This is all I've wanted to hear from you hope I just wanted to make sure that you weren't using me"

"Josie I could never use you I even told ethan how the first time I saw you when you walked in class wearing that little sundress I literally felt like my world opened that you were this angel this beautiful girl that I couldn't stop thinking about"

"You liked me since kindergarten"


"Then why were you always such a ass to me"

"Ethan liked you so I decided to ignore my feelings for you and hate you as we grew up over the years"

"I don't know what to say I didn't think you liked me let alone fell in love with me"

Caressing her hand hope stares into her hazel brown eyes

"Josie Salvatore your all I ever wanted and I'm utterly completely in love with you"

"I love you too hope mikaelson over the years every confrontation we had every time we bickered I always wanted to get close to you despite you being a bad girl and seeing you with every girl got me jealous"

"You don't need to be im all yours that is if your not too busy going on dates with all the guys at school"

"I'm all yours"

"Good because that's what I like to hear"

Grinning with their faces so close hope tilts up josie's chin getting her to look at her

The brunette starts leaning in as their lips touch now having a much meaningful kiss after confessing their love for each other

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