It Could Be A Whole Lot Worse...

By greytwd

350 15 0

When Maddy and the rest of the group are forced onto there knees and threatened by this new group there leade... More

Chapter 1: We lost them
Chapter 2: Figured out
Chapter 3: How
Chapter 4: Fuck off
Chapter 5: Guilt
Chapter 6: Pleasure
Chapter 7: Why
Chapter 8: Fuck them
Chapter 9: She deserved it
Chapter 10: I'm staying
Chapter 11: Changes
Chapter 12: Still the favorite
Chapter 13: Validation
Chapter 14: Planned
Chapter 15: Taken Charge
Chapter 16: I need to know
Chapter 18: What if...
Chapter 19: Rules broke
Chapter 20: Confessions
Chapter 21: The Next Battle
Chapter 22: The Next Step
Chapter 23: Never-ending
Chapter24: The beginning of the End
Chapter 25: All Over Again
Chapter 26: Revolting
Chapter 27: Confrontation
Chapter 8: Plotting
Chapter 29: The Pieces all fell in line...

Chapter 17: Drunken Apologies

7 0 0
By greytwd

Getting back to the sanctuary was interesting. Knowing Maggie wasn't even on my side anymore kind of hurt. But I expected it. I was sleeping with the guy who murdered her husband in front of her. I knew everyone was pissed. But Negan really isn't that bad. Is he?

I walked up to my room ignoring Negan, Dwight, everyone. I walked in and almost immediately took my shirt off and threw it to the side. I was going through my drawers looking for a tank top when someone walked in. I jumped and turned to see Negan. "A knock would be nice" I said finding a black tank top and putting it on. "Nothing I haven't seen before anyway" he said closing the door and leaning on it. "Yeah, well still" I said turning to face him. "Eh, your tits are small anyway" he said walking passed me and grabbing a bottle of whiskey out of the fridge. "That isn't what you thought when we were fucking" I said following him. He just shrugged while drinking the bottle. "What do you want" I said annoyed. He closed the bottle and sat it back in the fridge. "You" he said. Before I could even respond he put his hands on my hips and pinned me to the wall behind me. "Negan-" I started to say before he cut me off. "Shh" he said kissing my neck. I just melted to his touch. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. He kept his free hand pressed firmly against my side. A few small moans escaped me. His hand slowly moved to my belt and began to undo it. He got it off and pulled my hands down. He released from my neck and tied my hands together. "What are you doing" I asked. "You'll see darling". My hands now tied in front of me he walked me over to my bed. "Laydown" he ordered. I did as he said keeping my hands above my head. "Stay here I'll be right back" he said walking towards the door. "Wait what" I said turning. "I'll be right back. I'm not going to just leave you here tied up" he said walking out and shutting the door behind him. I laid my head back and starred at me ceiling. Waiting for Negan to get back

A minute or two passed and the door opened, and Negan walked in. "Told you I'd be right back" he said hovering over me. This wasn't something I was used to. But I was loving it. He slowly lowered himself down and kissed me. I wanted to move my hands to touch his face. Or at least wrap my arms around his neck. However, when they started to move, he used his hand to hold them down. "Don't move your hands" he said. He used his free hand and began to unbutton my jeans. He leaned down and began to kiss my neck again. Finally lifting his hand from my wrists and pulled my jeans off and my panties. I was lost in my own little world when I heard something start to buzz. Then I felt it on my inner thigh. "The hell" I said looking up. Looking in Negan's hand I saw a small battery powered vibrator. I was shocked. "Problem darling" Negan said with a small chuckle. "Where the fuck did you find a vibrator" I asked genuinely confused. "Going on runs. I am always prepared sweetheart" he said kissing my neck again. He moved the vibrator closer and closer to where I really wanted it. But still avoiding it. I moved my hands down a little and Negan immediately grabbed them holding them in place. "Do I need to tie you to the bedframe to get you to stop moving your hands" he said pushing the vibrator against my clit. I couldn't even make out any words it felt so good. "Answer me" he said. No words came out. I couldn't think of anything to say. "Fine suit yourself" he said. He turned the vibrator off making me whimper from the lack of stimulation. He began to undo the belt on my wrists and tied it to just one. Then taking the rest of the belt and tying it to the bed frame. He took his belt off and tied my other wrist to the bedframe as well. "There now where were we" he asked picking the vibrator back up and turning it on again.  He placed it on my thigh and just slowly moved it up and down. I let out a sigh as he did the same motion. "See I knew you missed me to" he said slightly chuckling. He slowly moved the vibrator closer and closer to my clit. I leaned my head back. "Come on Darling, tell me what you want" he said. I couldn't really make out any words. Before I could try, he pushed the vibrator against my clit. I let out a soft moan since it felt amazing. I felt had the feeling of a vibrator for a long time. He slowly moved it around my clit making it feel even better. Thats when I felt his hands touch me to. He slowly rubbed me and eventually stuck two of his fingers inside of me. Keeping the vibrator on while doing this was bringing me over the edge. "Fuck" I moaned out. His hands slowly got faster over time as he turned the vibrator up to its max setting. "Holy shit" I moaned out looking down at him. "Keep quiet Maddy. You don't want the whole floor to hear you do you" he asked me. I couldn't make out any words. "Do you" he asked again moving the vibrator. "No, I don't" I said quickly craving the vibrator to be back. "See that wasn't hard" he said pushing the vibrator back against my clit. "Mm" I hummed out throwing my head back again. He put his fingers back against me and slowly pushed them in. I moaned out again as he slowly sped up. It had only been a few minutes, but I already could feel myself coming closer and closer to my climax. "Fuck, Negan" I said unable to make out any other words. I felt myself tighten around his fingers and then release. My breath eventually steadied, and Negan kissed me up my body. Before getting to my neck. I moved my head and gave him more room. He slowly untied my hands and laid next to me. "That's all I wanted. Not sex. Just to see you like that" he said tracing my body with his finger. I leaned my head against him, and we just laid there. In silence. "Sorry for flipping out on you" I said finally. "It's fine. No hard feelings. Try not to make a habit out of it though" he said wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep back in the arms of Negan. 

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