Love And War❤️

By CenasGirlForever44

50.1K 2K 204

Thinking Your Truly Happy Until You Open You're Eyes And See That It's All A Lie ❤️ More

Long Story❤️
I Miss You❤️
I Want Him❤️
Happy Birthday❤️
I'll Stay With You❤️
What I Did❤️
You Did What!?❤️
She Liked You❤️
Red Marks❤️
Wont See Them❤️
I Need To Tell You❤️
I Cant❤️
I Hate You❤️
He Does❤️
Told Me What?
Why Didn't You❤️
Forgive You❤️
Miss Daddy❤️
Tell Him❤️
We Need To Talk❤️
On The Way❤️
Baby On Board❤️
Baby Girl❤️
My Family❤️
Dont Tell Him❤️
Support Me❤️
The End❤️

For Now❤️

1.4K 46 7
By CenasGirlForever44

(Chapter 9)


As she was doing it he looked over at the boys who were running around the gym and he saw that Ben was about to fall when Jason caught him and they kept running he smiled forgetting what Nicole was doing when she fell on top of him and he fell back with her!

They both laughed then froze when they looked slowly into each other eyes and began to slowly lean in, suddenly their lips connected with each others and instead of pushing back like they both thought one another would do they deepens the kiss and John wrapped his arms around Nicole! He was about to turn them over and have Nicole on the bottom when...

Jason: Mommy look daddy's here!

He said as he ran to Brady who was standing at the door!

Nikki and John got up and pretended like nothing happened she thank god that Brady saw nothing he was to busy talking with the boys!

Nikki: Kids why don't you go see if aunt Nattie is here!

They nodded and they went to go look for her on the other side of the gym!

Brady: Hey babe!
Nikki: Don't call me that what the hell is wrong with you why are you here?
Brady: Can't a husband see his wife and kids?
Nikki: Soon to be ex wife and my kids are staying with me!
John: Should I call the police?
Nikki: Yes! You're not supposed to be within 100 feet of my and my kids!
John: You're pretty close to me too you should be at least 200 feet away from me!
Brady: I came to bring you these!

He said handing her papers!

Nikki: Our divorce papers!

She said sounding kind of sad!

Brady: Yes and my new contract with WWE!

John and Nikki looked at each other!

Nikki&John: What!?!?
Brady: Mark hired me again to be the new talents representative on the roster!
Nikki: I hate you!
Brady: Nicole I never mean...
Nikki: Just shut up! I will look over these because we had a prenup and we have kids I want to know that I'm getting what I deserve!
John: Come on Nicole let's get the kids and go!

Nikki nodded and they walked away together!

At home!

Nikki was stressing out about having to see him at work all the time and she didn't want the kids to get use to him either because she feared he wouldn't be in their lives for long once this divorce is done he will probably move on with one of his many whores and just forget about her kids and she honestly didn't care they don't need him they have her and they have Randy! They have JJ, Punk,TJ and John they most definitely have John who is like a father to then well he is their god father and he had always been there for her and for them especially in this time when she began to think of John she began to think of that kiss and she smiled at the fact that after many years of wanting to do that she finally got to and she was so happy! She felt something with John that she never even felt with Brady and she just felt these sparks that she has never in her life felt with anyone let alone Brady she thought about it and the only time she ever felt the way she did when John kissed her would be when Jason or Ben kiss her it's just this sense of joy and love and she couldn't stop the smile forming on her face every time she thought about it! She decided to woman up and talk to him about it so she took advantage of the fact that Ben and Jason were taking a nap to go to see John!

She walked out of her room and walked to Johns she knocked and he told her to come in! When she walked in he was on the phone so sat in the bed and watched him walk around talking to someone he was kind of talking in a hush tone so she didn't really understand what he was talking about so she stopped paying attention until he said thank you and goodbye he looked at her and sat down next to her!

John: Guess what?
Nikki: What?
John: That was Vince and I told him about what was going on with you and Brady!
Nikki: John why would you..

He put a finger to her lips and shushed her she smiled and slapped the hand away!

John: Once he heard what was happening he told me that you were family way before Brady was and that you would always be family! So he will still be working with the WWE but down at NXT so the only time you will see him is when we have to do stuff with the NXT people!

Nikki smiled she couldn't believe that John did that for her but then again John had been going a lot things for Nikki that it didn't really come to her as a surprise!

Nikki: Omg John thank you so much!

She said as she hugged him and she hugged back tighter causing him to pull her onto his lap!

She faced him and they were just looking into each other's eyes!

John: So umm.. What is it that you needed?
Nikki: I umm actually wanted to talk about what happened earlier today!
John: Oh Nicole I'm so sorry I knew this was coming I shouldn't have kissed you it was a bad idea and then Brady came in he could have seen us an....

Nikki thought his rumbling was kind of cute but she needed him to shut up so they she could tell him that she liked it and that it wasn't a bad thing that she wasn't mad at him and she wasn't here to yell at him! So she did what she thought would work!

She kissed him again! It took awhile before he kissed back and he wrapped his arms around her waist and her around is neck! They made out for a while when they both pulled out for air!

Nikki smiled and gave him a small peck!

Nikki: If we're apologizing for what happened earlier then I should apologize too because I kissed you too! And for now for kissing you again!

John smiled and kissed her again!

John: You don't ever have to apologize for kissing me!

Nikki smiled and looked at him!

Nikki: John I really think I like you but I don't think I'm in a place to date right now!
John: We don't have to call it dating we could say friends who occasionally kiss! Maybe when her kids are busy or sleeping!

Nikki giggled and nodded her head!

Nikki: Yes, but we can't tell no body not even Randy or Brie! At least not now okay?
John: Okay!

They smiled and kissed again!

Days later!

Maddie: Brady there's something I need to tell you!
Brady: What?
Maddie: I think I'm pregnant!
Brady: You can't be I can't have kids......

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