Nothing comes between us

Por Littlemix2356

12.5K 302 209

"Nothing comes between us right?" The other two girls smiled. "Nothing comes between us" they repeated togeth... Más

1. Introduction to the story
New Book


421 13 6
Por Littlemix2356


"Jade you took your time! I was ready to send Andre over"

"Sorry girls, we have been talking for hours"

"Don't worry baba, did he tell you what's going on? Do you want me and Leigh to come over?"

"No girls, there's no need and, yes he told me"


"I need to focus on this for a little bit, I need a week off..."

"But what did he say? Does he do drugs?

"It's a long story, girls. I need a week off to focus on this. I won't manage to come to work and do stuff. Can you inform Sam please?

"What's going on Jade?"

"Girls, I'll explain everything when we get at the bottom of it. Bye" and Jade hung up.


Perrie sighed, going back to the living room and stretching out on the couch. She was at her London house and her mom and cousin were there to spend some time together.

"What's going on?" Her cousin asked, noticing her strange behavior and mood. When they arrived there Perrie was extremely anxious and couldn't stay still; she explained that she was waiting for a phone call, which apparently didn't seem to have gone great.

"Nothing, It's a matter with the girls" she replied, conflicted between explaining more or respecting Jade's privacy. She opted for the second since she knew how private Jade was when it came to her personal life.

Her mother on the other hand didn't even ask, she knew it was better not to interfere when it came to her daughter's relationship with the girls. So, the best thing to do was try to distract her. "What do you think about chocolate ice cream and movies?" She offered. Ellie agreed excited, "It's the best for a girls night", and Perrie couldn't help but smile in agreement, still thinking about her fellow Geordie.


"This is amazing, did you write it?" Perrie asked, reading a song written on a notepad. It was deep and profound but soft and sweet at the same time. She totally loved it.

"No, Jade did. And it's true, it's amazing" Leigh replied. The two of them were in the studio trying to come up with more lyrics and adjusting those already created. But it wasn't as easy as they were used to. Maybe it was because they missed their friend, maybe because they had their minds somewhere else, or maybe because Jade was the most talented one when it came to writing. What they were sure of was that they were stronger as a trio, also when it came to writing.

The plan was to spend some weeks working on their own before starting to have sessions with the different producers.

To be honest the two, at that moment, weren't actively working; Perrie was doodling on her notepad while Leigh was online shopping. They kept "working" for a few hours before it was finally lunch time.

They both ordered a salad and sat on the sofa, eating and chatting. "What do you think Jade is doing right now?" Perrie nervously asked while stabbing her salad with the fork. She couldn't help but keep thinking about her friend. She was worried and wanted to be there for her.

She didn't know it yet, but that support that she wanted so hard to give immediately and that Jade couldn't straight away receive, was pretty soon going to be needed; and not only by her fellow geordie.

"I don't know Pez; maybe he is checking in rehab or something like that", Leigh replied, trying not to sound worried, but Perrie knew her too well. "Hey, I know you are concerned as well." Perrie replied before speaking again: " Can you believe that after four years we are still here wondering what's going on in her life? Because she never immediately opens up and doesn't tell us directly what the problem is", she concluded a little bit frustrated and Leigh could totally understand her.

She was right, Jade was the classic person that keeps everything inside, until it becomes too much and then explodes. Perrie was used to this behavior, but she also knew that things needed to change, Jade was pregnant and had to think about the baby's wellbeing too.

"I know, but remember that at the end of the day, she always comes to us. I'm positive this time will be no exception" Leigh said, trying to reassure the blond girl.

"I don't get why her life has to always get so complicated and difficult. So many heartbreaks, she went through so much and deserves some happiness. Life should be easy", Perrie concluded.

Leigh looked at her and shook her head, "Life isn't meant to be easy Pez. It's meant to be beautiful, there'll obviously be plenty and difficult moments but also amazing and wonderful events. Think it like when we had the babies; honestly I never felt so much pain in my life, it felt like I was dying but when I saw their eyes, I felt the greatest joy in my life and forgot about all the pain, it didn't matter anymore. So, I think life isn't meant to be easy, it's going to be quite hard and with many painful episodes, but then, when the wonderful events happen, that joy will be able to erase all the pain that we've ever felt".

Perrie smiled listening to those words, her friend was quite wise. And maybe that writing session wasn't going that bad as she previously thought.

"We have to write this down", Perrie said, taking her notepad.

"Are we that desperate?"

"We are babe. Jade is going to kill us if when she comes back we haven't written anything good".


Leigh and Andre were in her home gym with some music in the background. She had to admit that she really liked working out: it was really helpful for her mental health, it was an activity that she could do with her husband, and her body was actually amazing.

"Okay, ten minutes break!" Andre said, sitting on the floor while breathing heavily. Leigh took her water bottle and sat next to him.

"So, no update from Jade yet?" He asked, looking at his wife, a little bit worried. She shook her head and started drinking.

"But he is in rehab right now?" He further investigated, as the matter was seriously starting to get him all worried.

His wife sighed, "We don't know much. During the phone call, she just told us that she needed to take this week off. We think he is checking into a facility or something like that".

He nodded, still thoughtful, "Maybe when he is in rehab and she comes back to work, we can offer her to stay with us." He suggested and Leigh smiled, "I've already offered. Also, when she informed us of the situation, I was so taken aback that I said that I was going to send you over, to solve the matter" Leigh added. "I would have done it. No need to ask twice", he replied seriously.

Andre and Jade's relationship was quite different from the one that he had with the younger bandmate. When it came to Perrie, he had always seen her as one of his wife's friends and now his mate Alex's girlfriend; she was nice but that was it. When it came to Jade, things were a little different. He saw her as the little sister he needed to protect from the world; and to be fair that's how the girls saw her too. He always acted as an extremely protective older brother that wanted to avoid his little annoying sister from getting heartbroken. And knowing that for the emptieenth time she was facing something difficult was really upsetting him.

"You are really protective over her, aren't you?" Leigh said smiling. "I am. I have to admit, she is really annoying with her silly and dirty jokes, but she is my little sister. I need to protect her." He added starting to get up, ready to work out again.


"You know I love you right?" Alex asked, kissing his girlfriend who started laughing, "I know, it's the 200th time you told me this week".

"Could you two stop please? There are other people sitting at this table" Leigh said, trying to sound annoyed.

The two couples were dining at Red Parrot, their now restaurant of choice. That day the two guys played against each other but thankfully tied, so there wasn't any bad blood at the moment.

"So, any news on Jade?" Andre asked, hopeful looking at the girls. "She texted us today, saying that she is fine and will come back to work on monday. She will explain everything then." His wife replied.

"Poor Jadey" Perrie said sipping on her glass of wine. "She is strong, she is going to be fine. I just hoped she could have a nice and relaxed pregnancy. And I really hope this doesn't come out. Press is the worst" Leigh added, sighing.

"If he's really doing drugs and he's going to rehab he will have to behave. And if he fucks up again I will slap him right in the face; he will have to ask my permission to see Jade again".

The two girls laughed at his statement and how protective he was; "What are you? Her bodyguard?" Leigh asked, joking. "You bet!" he replied.

Alex didn't speak much about that topic. The truth was that Jordan was becoming one of his favorite mates; the two had become really close. "Guys, I wouldn't judge that quickly, first we aren't totally sure about what he's done. Second, if he's actually relapsed, we shouldn't be this hard on him. Sometimes in life, it can happen to make mistakes you never imagined you would do", he added looking at his plate.

They looked at him, still eating, "I know you like him babe, I know he is becoming a really important person in your life; but you have to admit that he fucked up this time, if Jade's worries are true" Perrie replied. "I like him too, but he fucked up", Andre added.

"We know you are a sweet soul Alex. You are always forgiving", Leigh concluded.


"Axel, you have to finish the veggies if you want the ice cream", Perrie scolded her son who wasn't eating the carrots and peas on his plate.

The three of them were having dinner. That week was finally coming to an end and Jade would have come back to work the following day. They were finally going to know what was actually going on.

"Why mommy?" Her son asked, looking at her. "Because they will make you strong and healthy; and because I said so", she replied tickling him and he started laughing and eventually eating the veggies.

"I need to talk to you" Alex informed after a while. Perrie just nodded, "What's about?" she asked. "It's about us, our relationship", he replied quickly.

She just sighed, "and do you think this is the appropriate time?" she said smiling at their son since she didn't want him to worry.

"You are right", Alex replied, starting to eat again.

When they finished dinner, Perrie put their son to bed while Alex offered to do the dishes. She kissed her son goodnight and went downstairs to her husband who was now on the couch. She sat next to him, "So what did you want to talk about so urgently".

"First of all, I want you to know that I love you more than my own life and that our family means everything to me", he started.

"Alex..." she sighed, wanting him to go directly to the point.

"I want you to know that you are the love of my l-", he continued.

"What did you do?" she asked starting to get annoyed

"Umm, so... a girl jumped on my Dms and she started writing to me every single day; basically we started chatting, she was a really big fan of mine, she was nice and ready to listen to me whenever I needed. So, we started to get a little bit closer and we kept chatting for a while. Umm, so yes, I have been texting her every single day. I'm so, sorry-"

Perrie felt hurt like never before; she had trusted him from the first day, they built an amazing family together and this is how much he cared about her. She then felt stupid, she gave up everything for him, and he still had the audacity to do that. The more she was thinking about it, the more mad she was. First, Jade and Jordan, now this and she started wondering how much more she could handle; how much more she could endure before her heart finally gave in and her anxiety would have come back.

But inside of her, she knew that he still had more to say, that the texting wasn't everything. No matter how it hurt she needed to know the whole truth.

"Go on", she said.

"I met her once when I was back in Manchester, and we didn't do absolutely nothing, we just talked after the match and went to dinner. And then, last week, when I went to the club with the guys, I met her again. I swear it wasn't planned, Perrie, we bumped into each other".

"Go on!", she repeated.

"We kissed, it was just that, we didn't go further".

"How long?" she asked, impassive, just blinking a few times.

"Four months, we texted for four months, but I stopped immediately after that day, even though she kept texting me. I love you so much, I'm so sorry. If I could go back in time I would. I never meant to hurt you".

Perrie got off the couch and left to go to the kitchen; she took a glass, poured some water and started drinking, and right there some tears started falling. She now understood everything, why he was so nice, so supportive, all the cute and lovely gestures. It was all driven by guilt.

After a few minutes he joined her there and sat next to his girlfriend; he was crying too, more than her actually, he was actually sobbing. "Please, say something" he begged. He was shocked at her reaction.

She looked at him, her gaze was so cold, full of hate and contempt. He expected her to cry more, to yell and throw things at him, but she just sat there, still and calm.

"Go to fucking hell", she replied starting to drink more water. "Go to fucking hell Alex."

He cried even more, looking at her "I need you to forgive me. Please let me show you how much I love and care about you" he begged again.

She put the glass on the counter and left, directed to her room. She took a shower, moisturized, dried her hair and went to bed. Alex didn't follow her, he was totally aware that she needed time. He knew he messed up but he was also more sure than ever that Perrie was the love of his life and he couldn't live without her by his side. It was sad that he came to that conclusion after that terrible mistake.

After about an hour he stood up, went upstairs and knocked on the door. He slowly opened it to find his wife in bed looking at her phone, he went closer and sat next to her, and didn't say a word.

After about five minutes it was his wife who broke the silence, she looked him in the eyes, "You hurt me, you really hurt me", she said, still calm.

"I know and I never meant to, please allow me to show you that I'm still the man you fell in love with" he replied.

"I need time, I don't even know if that will be enough" Perrie replied and he nodded. "I know, I'll give you all the time you need, but please don't involve Axel into this" he asked. "I would never" she replied seriously.

"Now please go, I need to get some sleep. I will need to support Jade tomorrow" She asked, starting to get under the covers. "Please, let me know what happened as soon as you know" He replied, starting to leave.

"Alex, wait", she added and he immediately turned to look at her. "This thing stays between us. No a word with anyone, just between you and me. I don't need anyone else to know, especially Jade or Jordan, who already have problems on their own".

"Of course," he replied, leaving and closing the door.

She stayed in bed thinking, she was so hurt and upset, but she still loved him so much. Did that mean that she was going to forgive him? She had no idea, what she was certain of was that it would have required a lot of time and that she didn't want to make a life decision on the basis of temporary feelings.

What the hell is going on in our lives? From the day of that dinner everything is falling apart, she thought.

She laid in bed dwelling on all the things that happened during that day, until she was ready to fall asleep; but at that point, her phone started ringing. It was her older bandmate; she thought that it was a sign and that maybe it would have been a good idea to open up with someone. She pressed the green icon.

"Perrie" Leigh said,

"Hey, I'm so happy you call I need to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"I'm gonna keep it short, Alex has been texting a girl for about four months and last week they kissed"

"I'm so sorry Pez, but we'll have to think about that in another moment. We have a problem, a really big problem."

"What is it?"

"Jade came to my house and told me what's going on with Jordan"



"Leigh-anne, can you tell me what's going on?"

"He is sick, he's dying"

Next chapter's preview: 
..............."What do you think if we sit in my car, so we can talk privately and we won't freeze out here?"..........
 .........You can't be this worked up, you are pregnant"........
........."What?" Leigh asked softly, almost pleading.......
.............Can you explain a little bit better........

Hello guys, I'm back with chapter 12, what do you think? 
As you can see I followed your suggestions, and get ready the next few chapters are going to be a really sad. 

Guys we reached 1k! Thank you so much you are the best. I would like you to tell me in which aspects I could improve the story. I'm sorry for any grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language ❤️

Also do you prefer chapters like this or the ones with text messages and instagram post? Please let me know.
Please vote and please please comment, I'm always super curious to know what you think about the story.
Thank you for taking the time to read,
Anna ❤️

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