Gambit (Obsessions in Overdri...

By MarcelinePierson

159K 2.9K 2K

Previously known as The Accident --------- She is beautiful. So fucking beautiful. She is a star and I would... More

One | Intro
Two | Reflections
Three | Chance With You
Four | 4u
Five | Friends
Six | Beauty
Seven | girl in new york
Eight | Escapism
Nine | Only Ones Who Know
Ten | love race
Eleven | I Had To
Twelve | Meddle About
Thirteen | Flawless
Fourteen | HAPPY
Fifteen | Leaving Tonight
Sixteen | Daddy Issues
Seventeen | Daylight
Eighteen | You Are the Right One
Nineteen | It's My Birthday
Twenty | my heart is lost
Twenty - one | Gilded Lily
Twenty - two | atlas
Twenty - three | Play Pretend
Twenty - four | Orange Juice
Twenty - five | What a Feeling
Twenty - six | me & ur ghost
Twenty - seven | Colors
Twenty - eight | Chrome Hearted
Twenty - nine | shut up & kiss me
Thirty | dying on the inside
Thirty - one | Thnks fr the Mmrs
Thirty - two | Weekend Friend
Thirty - three | American Money
Thirty - four | Desi Boyz
Thirty - five | Love Me
Thirty - six | Falling Down
Thirty - seven | Wanting
Thirty - eight | Cars, Clothes & Calories
Thirty - nine | We Own It
Forty | Love Like You
Forty-one | Slow Love
Forty - three | Drive You Insane
Forty - four | dear god

Eleven | Sweater Weather

3.3K 70 49
By MarcelinePierson

We all died last night. Died sounds dramatic. We all passed out- nope that's not it. We all fell asleep last night.

It wasn't meant to be a sleepover, but Atlas fell asleep on the floor. Norah couldn't keep her eyes open and neither could I. You can't blame us since it was a Saturday night and we were all busy during the week.

On the other hand, Dylan and Luke seemed just fine if I'm being honest.

They sat through the entire movie from what I heard. I watched that movie everyday since it came out. It sort of became my comfort movie after Brave of course.

Last night when I had to sit next to him I did feel slightly uncomfortable in the beginning. It's not necessarily that I am uncomfortable around Luke, it's just at that moment I felt...weirded out. I did however get used to it, I fell asleep on him.

I know this because when I woke up my head was resting on his lap and his head was thrown back, also asleep. It didn't take him long to wake up though.

We all left their apartment at different times. Dylan and Norah left first since they have to get to the airport as they both need to get back to college this week. I left not long after that.

I am now standing in front of my dorm. The door is shut and I am hesitant to walk in. It might have been weeks since the incident with Ethan and Catherine, but I still do this. I take my time to open the door. To deal with her.

I finally get the courage to open the door. When I walk in I immediately see her. She's sitting on her bed with her phone in her hand. She is wearing a red top and black jeans. I swear half of her closet consists of red clothing.

"Hey." She says as if we are friends. I choose to ignore her. I walk over to my closet grabbing a few clothes to go shower, since I have been in the same clothes from last night.

"Indra you cannot ignore me forever. You cannot think of me as the villain. We broke up. He isn't apart of my life anymore." Just ignore her. Ignore her. "Did you not hear me? We broke up." Just keep on ignoring her and all your problems will go away, simple.

I walk away from her and into the bathroom, locking the door. I leave my phone by the bathroom counter because if I haven't mentioned, Miss Catherine over there is very nosey. She goes through everything I own. One time I caught her reading my texts with my mom. Till this day I have no idea how she got my phone password.

I take off my clothes and get into the shower. The hot water hitting my body. There isn't much you do in the shower. Well me.

I just stand in the water. Admire the water. Zone out. Do whatever I must do like washing my hair. Admire the water. Have a staring contest with the water. Think a lot. Like a lot. It's not as if I am overthinking, It's just stupid stuff.

Like orange is the only color you can taste!
They say roses are red and violets are blue, but violet means purple.
If people can be legally blind, are people with glasses illegally blind?
If fish die in water, does that mean their cause of death was drowning?

None of it makes sense to many people, but to me it makes complete sense. When I finally get out of the shower and change. I walk out of the bathroom and Catherine is gone. Thank god.

I sit on my bed staring down at the pile of half finished and half unfinished assignments. I'll do it another day.

I lay down on my bed and I scroll through my phone. A text message comes through from the one and only Luke Gambit.

Luke has had my number for years and we text now and then recently.

Only for this stupid deal that I created. I open the message and I don't know if I should respond.

Luke: Come over. [20:34]

That's all it says. Nothing special. Just come over.

[20:34] I just saw you less then an hour ago.

Luke: I want to show you something. [20:35]

[20:36] Now?

Luke: Yes. [20:36]

No sarcasm? There is something going on over here and I cannot put my finger on it, but what I got to lose?

[20:37] Be there in 15

I get off my bed, just after I got comfy he wants me to come over. He just cannot get enough of me. That boosts my ego up a little.

I slip on my converse and before I walk out I stare at the bike my mom bought me when I moved to the city. It leans against the wall of my dorm, but I don't ever use it. I much rather walk.


When I reach his apartment door I am huffing and puffing. I decided I much rather run than walk. I knock on the door three times.

One...deep breath. Two...deep breath. Three...deepest breath.

It doesn't take long for him to open the door. He has grey sweatpants on, his usual black hoodie and his glasses? I had no idea he wore glasses. "Indra, what are you doing here?" He asks as I lean my hand against the door frame trying to catch my breath.

"You to come over." I breath out. He chuckles at me and shakes his head. "When did I ask?" He's fucking with me.

"Over text." I pull out my phone to show him, but all the texts are gone. Did he delete it just to make me seem like a fool?

"Well I might have imagined that. Sorry I'll get going." He opens the door wider. "Get your ass inside. You can't just turn back now. I'll drive you back home after I'm done studying." I shake my head at his offer.

"No thanks. I'll jus-" before I know it he pulls me inside by my arm and shuts the door. He gestures for me to follow him into his bedroom.

When I enter his room there isn't anything I wouldn't expect differently. Last time I was in this room, I didn't get a good look due to me being so confused on where I was. It's your average college bedroom. A mess that's for sure and...Oh My God! There is a guitar!

Without hesitation I go over to the guitar and pick up the triangle looking thingy. "You play?" I ask him.

He just nods and sits by his desk. His hair is a mess as usual. I pick up the guitar and place it on my lap. I used to be able to play a few strings in middle school, but that was it.

"Who signed it?" I ask him. He turns around to see what I am looking at. "What?" He raises an eyebrow. "Who signed the...triangle thingy." I show him the black triangle with a white signature.

"Vic Fuentes." He responds and goes back to studying. Vic who now? "And it's called a pick, star." I roll my eyes at him.

Vic what's his face signed a pick for Luke. Quite impressing. I might just steal it.


Luke has navigated to his bed, still studying. I got really bored and started spinning myself on his rolling chair.

I eventually moved over to his mirror as I attempt to braid my hair. I don't understand how one is able to braid their own hair. My mom used to do it for me all the time, but I never learnt it myself.

I just know you need 3 pieces of hair. That's it. I start to get frustrated when it doesn't work. "Fucking hell." I mutter under my breath.

"You have been at that for the past twenty minutes." Luke tells me. Oh really? I had no idea. "Come here." He gestures for me to move. He puts his pens down and moves his textbooks. "What?" My eyebrows furrow.

"Let me braid you hair." I scoff. "You. Braid my hair. What makes you think you can do it?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

"Just let me try." He smiles. Goddammit! That stupid smile can get me to do anything! I sigh and sit in front of him. My back facing him as he starts to run his fingers through my hair.

"What type of braid am I doing." He asks. I need to choose the hardest braid I know off just in case he actually knows how to braid hair and I seem like an idiot.

"A crown." I hope he understand what I mean. "I don't have Bobby pins." How does he know what that is? "I do." I hand him a couple of pins I have in my pocket.

I always have Bobby pins. Always.

He starts braiding my hair and I feel him stick a few pins into my hair. One after the other. It doesn't take him long to finish whatever was going on over there.

"Done." He says patting my hair. I get up to look in the mirror. He did it right. It's a perfect braid. "Where did you learn how to braid hair." I ask admiring my hair.

"I used to braid my sisters hair." He says. "You have a sister?" I ask. I seriously don't know anything about this dude.

"Sisters and brothers." He says. I had no idea. "Are you all done with college?" I ask him, sitting right inform of him on the bed.

"Oh god no. My older sister, Aurora is twenty-five and she has a daughter, Riley and she's... four months pregnant, I think-" He must be a great uncle.

"Then it's me. I have a brother, Liam. He's 20 and is studying architecture. Then it's my other brother, Casey who's eighteen," I try to remember everyone's name, but Luke just keeps going. "My sister Julie is sixteen, my brother Augustus is eleven and the youngest is my other sister, Oakley who is five years old." He takes a deep breath after his little rambling session.

My eyes are wide and I don't think I can close them. "Luke, you have," I pause to count on my fingers. "Six siblings! I only have two!" I scream out and he nods. "What-wh-"

"We're not all biological. Some of us were adopted." He explains to me and I assume it's probably the younger ones. "Who's biological?" I ask, curious to learn about his family.

His smile widens as he gets to continue to talk about his family. "Everyone except for Aurora and Liam." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose. He was adopted.

I feel bad now. Like really fricken bad. Before I can even ask what happened he already starts. "My parents couldn't afford to keep me. My mom was a live-in house keeper and nanny in and my father worked in a small grocery store." He sighs, looking down at his hands. I don't even know what to say. What can I even say? Sorry, maybe. "But my adoptive parents are alive. Living in Monte Rei." He laughs lightly. I lock a gaze with him. Staring deeply into his eyes as I listen to him. Longer then I should have stared, but I just couldn't look away. I don't usually admire people or Luke for a matter of fact.

I admire his perfectly defined cheekbones, his messy black hair, his brown eyes, his perfect smile, I admire everything about him. He doesn't look away either. "How old were you when you were adopted?" I ask.

He looks to side with a huff as he tries to think back. "I was four turning five." He shrugs. My fingers are still messing around with the pick as I try to figure out a response. I haven't put it down. It was still in my hands when I attempted at braiding my own hair.

"You know I'm going to need that pick back." He says with a slow smile coming onto his face. Why did he have to speak? We were having a little moment and how did he see that I still had it. He has glasses on and he didn't even look down.

"Oh... um... no." I lie. His entire face drops and he gives me an award winning deadpan. I look down at the pick that was signed by Vic what's his face.

"Here you go." I place the pick in his hand. "You know that would make a great necklace." He just looks down at his hands and smiles.

There is a moment of silence between us. No words. I just look at him with a small smile on my face as all I can see is joy in his eyes.

"I want coffee." He gets up from the bed and place the pick into his back jean pocket. That was a great way to break the silence, Luke!

I follow behind him as he goes to the small kitchen and makes his coffee. "Do you want hot chocolate?" He asks me. "You know since you don't like coffee." Run that back. He knows.

"How do you know?" I ask him in confusion. "Indra, since day one you have told me everything about you that I need to know. Do you not remember how you used to ramble to me about everything when you used to come over and wait for Ethan?" He waits for the coffee machine to finish pouring his coffee before he picks up the mug and takes a sip.

"What is everything?" I ask him in confusion.

"Okay. You have a sister who is, two years younger then you. No, three years and a step-brother who is now seven, I think. You lived in Brooklyn for few years and then your mom, sister, step-brother and step-father moved to Maschessets. You were born in Denmark. You moved to The United States when you were ten. Your dad died in a car crash when you were three. You hate the taste of coffee, which is so weird. Your favourite dessert is pie. I hate pie honestly-" What psycho hates pie?

"You hate being alone at night and that's why you were always here or at the twins apartment or you only go to your dorm when Catherine is there. You know every single meaning of rose colors. You fancy rainy days. The only thing I do not know about you is how you got that scar just by your eye."

He takes another sip of his coffee as he points to the giant scar that starts from my eyebrow, which is very noticeable.


He remembers everything I have ever told him. Every sentence. Every word. Everything. Kinda creepy, but still.....damn. Ethan didn't even know I hate coffee.

Yet I only know the bare minimum about him. Actually I know barely anything. I only found today that he has six siblings and they all live in Monte Rei.

"That's a story for another day, Luke. I think I should get to know you instead." He begins to smile, dimples showing and I just want to poke them.

That sounds weird, but if you could see it. You wouldn't blame me. "Hey, you're here. Great." I turn around to come across a bastard bitch named Ethan.

"What do you want?" Luke asks and his entire attitude changes. "I just wanted to talk to Indra if you don't mind." He fiddles with his fingers.

He looks stoned. Ethan does weed every once in a while. He went sober for a couple of months, but smoked it during exams. He goes on like being a stoner is a bad thing, I personally love it.

"No." Luke replies coldly. "Luke, I think it's fine. Just go in your room. I won't be long." He sighs. "You giving me orders in my own apartment." He replies sarcastically.

"Just do as I say."

He walks away and mumbles under his breath in a high pitched tone. "Just do what I say, meh, meh, meh, meh."

It brings a slight giggle to me even though he means to annoy me. "What do want to talk about you cheating bastard bitch!" I didn't mean to say the last part. I was just thinking about it.

Before I know it, this man is down on his knees in front of me. He wraps his arms around my waist and begins to sob. "What the fuck?" I try to push him away, but it's no use. He has a tight grip around me.

"Please Indra. I'm sorry. Forgive me. She means nothing to me. Please, please." That's not what he said in the texts.

"I started smoking again, after you left. I'm hopeless without you. Forgive me. Leave Luke. Just be with me. Please." I try pushing him again, but that just makes him hug me tighter.

This dude is literally on his knees. I stop trying to push him as he cries more. Does he think I will forgive him since he does drugs, I think the fuck not.

I just stand there effortlessly. He continues to cry even more. I manage to let some words slip my mouth. "I can't."

"Please I promise I will be better. I know I don't deserve you, but I love you. You can move in with me and you can marry me. We can start a family together. Indra I stole Luke's phone to text you to come over. Please." He pleads. This is making me sick.

"No." I finally get him off me. "No one told you to cheat. You had your opportunity and you fucked up. I am not going to take you back for the millionth time. Everyone was right about you. You are a bastard bitch." I tell him calmly.

He is still down on his knees, begging for forgiveness. He is more pathetic than Catherine.


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