By bangtan_parkchim

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╚»★«╝ Book 1 of Where We Come Alive The New York Institute and its' shadowhunters, Jace, Alec, and Isabelle... More



577 27 41
By bangtan_parkchim


song: belong -cary brothers

After they had watched Alec and Magnus disappear into the portal, Jace, Lyra, and Isabelle were left in Magnus' penthouse to do nothing but wait for their inevitable return. It had quickly become quiet, and Isabelle decided to get some cool air and keep perimeter check around the building in case any unwanted visitors came around.

This left Jace and Lyra alone.

The first hadn't been subtle in how he rummaged through the warlock's things. Occasionally pointing out an object or two as 'only something a Downworlder would have', then continuing on in snooping.

Meanwhile, Lyra had stepped out onto the balcony to outlook the gorgeous view of the city. It was chilly, but she had Jace's leather jacket wrapped around her small body, so she didn't mind it. It was perfect enough for her, at least, and she hoped one day she got to live in a home with this kind of view for herself. Dreams, right?

Lyra turned her head a little when she heard the door sliding open and closed, then the blond Wayland boy appeared with this disturbed look on his face that made her giggle. "Everything okay?" She asked him.

Jace shrugged as he stood next to her. "Warlocks are weird. He has a spice rack filled with vampire hair, or werewolf fingernails and blegh," He gagged and shivered.

She rolled her eyes playfully. She leaned off the railing and faced him directly as he did the same to her.

Their eyes softening with purity as they stared at one another. An innocent love that was slowly turning into something more, stronger.

Jace brushed back her long hair behind her ear while she lowered her head shyly. But his finger pushed her chin up back to face him as he stepped closer to his girl. "Want to tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He murmured.

She couldn't even hide from him anymore, but she was okay with it.

Her lips curled up a little in the corners, as she shrugged gently. "I just really hope Alec is able to convince Henry to come back. I'm worried about him," She admitted. She watched Jace make a face as he stayed silent for a few moments, too.

"Me, too," He finally admitted after a long beat.

Lyra's brows raised. "Did Jace Wayland just admit to missing Henry Darkblood? His sworn enemy? Someone alert the media," She teased, poking Jace's side.

Jace laughed, shaking his head as if he were bothered by that statement. "Let's not go too crazy. It's only because my parabatai and my girlfriend want him back so much that I'm doing this," He tried to save his rough image.

But Lyra knew better, because she could see it in how far he had come with them. He wasn't just tagging along. This was his friend, too. Even if he didn't want to admit it.

Lyra's smile died a little, and she lowered her head as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Jace's waist. Her eyes closed blissfully when he brought his arms around her and pulled her in, and when she laid her head on his chest, she could hear his heart racing in his chest like he was nervous. It comforted her and she leaned into him with a content sigh.

Jace perched his chin on her head. His own eyes closing as he clung to the girl in his arms. And as he stood there, something felt...so right to be like this. Like in her arms is where he was meant to be all along.

Jace Wayland remembers his home in Idris, down to every nook and cranny of the mansion he lived in. But even that place with his father didn't feel right. Sometimes, not even the Brooklyn Institute felt right. But this, in Lyra's arms, hell...he didn't think his life could get better than this.

Nothing could be better than being loved by Lyra Sommercrest.

In this moment, he began to wonder if this was what being in love felt like. He knew what love was, because he loved Alec and Isabellle, and Max, like they were his family. This wasn't the same kind of thing though.

With Lyra, he wanted to be around her all the time, to hear her voice, to make her laugh. He loved when she did that pouty smile thing right before she broke out into a full on grin. He loved how her laughter began with this squeak that he found adorable. He loved how kind and perfect she was, full of determination no matter what knocked her down.

By the angel, Jace loved her.

Jace's eyes widened to himself, as the revelation smacked into him, and he looked down at Lyra's who still had her eyes closed. Did he just really...

...Yeah, yeah he did.

He loved her. He was in love with her. Like, madly.

He wanted to shout out from this balcony for all of Brooklyn to hear.

What was even stopping him from telling her now? This was the perfect time. A perfect setting. It felt like now or never.


"I think I'm going to ask Henry to be my parabatai when he gets back," Lyra suddenly revealed, pulling away a little and leaning her chin on his chest to peer up at him with those beautiful, doe eyes. That determination he just thought about written all over her face.

Jace's throat closed. His brows raising at the sudden subject, thoroughly surprised.

Lyra began to smile. "What's with that look? You don't think it's a good idea?" She asked, laughing a little.

"Huh?" Jace cleared his throat. "No, I mean, yes. Yeah, you should go for it." He gathered himself, turning serious again. "I know how much of a bond you two have. I know how much you care about him, and how much he cares about you." He smiles, "The same way Alec and I care about each other. You two are meant to be parabatai's. I can feel it," He answered honestly.

Her face filled with excitement and also relief.

"I was also thinking..." Lyra looked down while playing with the zipper on his leather jacket, turning red, "...Maybe, when all of this is over. I wanted to ask Maryse if I could get transferred her into Brooklyn, permanently." She slowly looked up at Jace, waiting for his reaction. "What do you think about that?" She whispered, glancing at his lips nervously.

Jace fought back a smile. His hands cupping her face gently and pulling her close. "I think...I would like that, very much," He glanced at her lips, too, "Because I really would like to do this every day..." He leaned down, and captured her lips with his own.

Her knees went weak, and she threw her arms over his shoulders and pulled him down. Her lips colliding with his and in her mind, fireworks went off as he kissed her back desperately. Her fingers tangling in his blonde locks, smiling through the kiss.

The two of them laughed as they kissed, not planning on ever pulling away.

Jace only pulled away when he felt warm tears on his cheek, and leaned his forehead against Lyra's as she sniffled. He chuckled a little while brushing away her tears. "Why are you crying?" He asked her.

Lyra's laughed, too, shaking her head while holding onto him for dear life. She met his gaze. "Because, I think I love y-"

Her phone rang, cutting her off.

The two of them looked down as she pulled out her phone, viewing her Mom's name on the Caller ID.

Lyra pouted. "I'm sorry," She looked up at him sheepishly, "Hold that thought."

Jace smirked a little, because he had a feeling he knew what she was about to say. And while he really wanted to keep kissing the daylights out of her, he nodded for her to answer the call.

Lyra happened to put the call on speaker after answering. She wiped away her tears as she readied for her excuse on why she would not be returning to the Institute.

"Lyra!" Amelia's voice sounded, and both Jace and Lyra suddenly looked at each other in alarm at the panic on the other end of the line, "Lyra, baby! Help us! Shang's attacking--" The line crackled. "-The Clave ordered an attack on Deviants! We are overwhelmed!" The line crackled again.

"Did she say Shang," Jace asked, murder in his voice as he looked furious.

"Mom?!" Lyra cried, hearing her mothers grunts as if she were fighting, "Mom, where are you?"

"-Pier's Street-Dock 41-Hurry-" The line cut off.

"That's on the other side of town," Jace realized, but he also frowned to himself. Because if there was going to be an attack on the Deviants, then surely Maryse would have contacted them. So, why hadn't she?

"Mom?!" Lyra called, her breathing growing frantic as she looked up at Jace fearfully, "We have to go help her," She begged.

Jace nodded without hesitation, already grabbing her hand. "Let's go get Izzy, come on!" He rushed, leading her out.

song: you are the reason -calum scott

Back at the motel parking lot, Henry stumbled back as his katana collided with a seraph blade from one of the Deviants. Sparks from colliding adamas metal shined in his face, as he kept the blade from reaching is face, using all of his strength and pushing the other back.

"Henry!" Alec called from behind.

Henry didn't even falter, as he bent backwards just as Alec ducked down, and he used Alec as leverage to flip over to the Deviant that had been attacking Alec. He sliced his katana down with a final grunt of power to the Deviant, slashing him in the chest.

At the same time, Alec shot down the man that had been attacking Henry. His fingers were pulsing, some bleeding from how many times he had loaded an arrow onto the string in the fight. But still, he kept his bow up, searching around just in case there was another one left.

Henry and Alec stayed back to back, leaning on one another. Both of them moving in a slow circle together in case the fight continued.

The Deviants were scattered all around them, only one left standing. But a fireball from Magnus, made that man scream and they turned to find the warlock dusting his hands as if he hadn't blasted someone to smithereens.

Magnus turned to them, more notably, Henry. His expression seemingly surprised. "My dear, Henry," He looked the man up and down, "You look surprisingly well," He winked.

Henry was drenched in sweat, his clothes sticking to his skin like a second layer of skin. Leaving little to the imagination. He was breathing heavily, too, and his chest rose and fell in a rhythmic pant. He swept a hand through his wet hair, while sheathing his katana on his back. "Magnus," He greeted in a pant, "You look unsurprisingly overdressed."

Magnus smiled, like he genuinely missed the shadowhunter. "You like?" He twirled around to show off his dark purple outfit.

Alec pouted at their shameless flirting.

Henry noticed. "There's a warlock inside who works for the Venatori. His name is Hal Greyjoy," He said to Magnus.

"That bufoon?" Magnus snorted as he turned and began walking. "You two, catch up. I'll be right back." He called, heading into the motel room.

With him gone, Alec stepped in front of Henry and looked down at the other with worried eyes. "You're not hurt, are you?" He asked him, beginning to examine the other. But all he could really see were the way Henry's abs were showing through the white button up shirt. He reached out to grab Henry's arms, examining the small cuts from when the glass shattered earlier. Some of his shirt had been cut, revealing the scars beneath on his skin.

Alec cursed under his breath, shaking his head scoldingly.

Henry's skin ignited with a burning sensation that made him all tingly inside when Alec touched him.

His eyes glued as he tried to take in every feature he missed so dearly on Alec's face.

"By the angel, Henry," Alec glared at him but it was full of worry, "What the hell were you even thinking—" He wanted to yell at him, scream even for the boy leaving him the way that he did.

However, as his eyes met Henry's, really taking in how tired and dead the boy looked, his words stopped in his throat.

Henry's eyes watered, but no tear fell. He just stood there looking back in silent apologies.

Alec couldn't believe that. His jaw clenching as he shook his head in disbelief. Boldly, he stepped forward and without hesitation, he kissed the lips that he's dreamed of kissing since the first moment he's ever laid eyes on him.

Henry froze for a moment, genuinely shocked that the other was kissing him like this. On top of that, they were in the parking lot. Granted, they were glamoured, but still.

He didn't want the moment to be ruined by his thoughts, though.

His hands gripped Alec's face as he pulled him in harder, kissing him back desperately while fighting back the tears that wanted to fall from all the emotions he had held back since he had left the Institute.

He savored the way Alec's lips moved against his like he was the air he breathed. So much need and longing, and fear.

It took a long time for either of them to pull away. Only doing so when they both ran out of air and were left panting, still their foreheads leaned on one another.

"Don't ever leave me like that again," Alec ordered in a soft whisper, just glad to have his boy back in his arms again. His eyes burrowed into Henry's, his arms wrapped around the other and not letting go.

He would never let go again, he decided, it had been too close of a call already.

Henry nodded in Alec's hands. His lips quivered as Alec's thumb brushed over them.

"I was so scared, Alec," He admitted in a shaky voice, making the other's heart tear into pieces, "I thought I'd never see you again. I know I said it before I left, but I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry," He whispered.

"Stop it," Alec immediately shut that down, "Are you kidding? You have nothing to apologize for, Henry." His head shook. "If I would have just been honest with you about how I felt, honest with myself. None of this would have happened. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Henry, I just—" He groaned as he leaned forward and kissed Henry harder, not getting enough of him as he pulled the other closer as the kiss deepened.

Henry breathed in the kiss. His knees growing weak and he actually had to hold onto Alec's waist to keep from falling as he wanted to melt then and there.

Henry pulled away while Alec tried to lean in for more desperately. His head shaking as he held the man's jacket tightly in his fists. "I can't believe you really came for me," He laughed to himself, "I thought you didn't break the rules, Alec."

Alec wanted to smile, but he was serious as he said his next words. "Henry, on every mission I've ever been on, I've never felt this type of fear, ever. Not know if you were alive or dead, or hurt and I couldn't get to you." His eyes brightened more than they had for the past few weeks. "I was terrified."

Henry released a small breath.

"Ever since our fight, I...can't, I can't think straight. Well, I couldn't do anything without thinking of you." Alec sighed as he tried not to stutter or turn into a blubbering mess like he usually did. "Henry, if it means protecting you, I'd go against the angel Raziel himself, if that's what it took," He swore, and he truly meant every word.

Henry smiled shakily. His heart ten times bigger now.

A fluttering of wings made them turn as Rook flew onto Alec's shoulder, crowing loudly.

Henry laughed, nodding. "Yeah," He agreed, "I really like him, too, Rook."

Alec smiled goofily. He wanted another kiss, but Magnus had stepped out of the motel room while dragging Hal Greyjoy out.

Henry and Alec turned to the man, right back in Shadowhunter mode.

"You son of a bitch." Henry collided his fist with Greyjoy's beaten face, and the warlock cursed loudly. "You knew the Venatori were sending people here for you?" He snapped.

Hal Greyjoy laughed. His head whipping to him. "You think these goons were here for me?" He looked at Henry. "They don't give two shits about me. They were here for you," He accused.

"Why, him?" Alec scowled, stepping forward. "What do they want with Henry?"

Hal genuinely looked afraid of Alec when the tall, dark-haired boy gave him the deadliest of glares. "He's the Chosen, the one who will lead the Venatori to victory. He's been chosen for a long, long time," He smirked with bloody teeth, "You will lead us with the blood of the first angel."

Henry scowled deeply. "The hell does that mean?"

"You're talking about the Sanguis Angeli?" Magnus suddenly spoke up, putting the pieces together visibly.

"What about it?" Alec and Henry snapped.

Hal nodded to Magnus.

Magnus' face turned sour then he looked to the Shadowhunters hesitantly. "The Mortal Instruments each serve a purpose, created by the Angel Raziel to help nephilim defeat demons. But not the fourth, the Sanguis Angeli."

"It's the blood of the first angel, Lucifer," Alec prompted, "We know."

"Then you know it acts as a device—a weapon, like the others." Magnus looked between them. "The Mortal Cup, drink from it and it creates a shadowhunter. The Sword, to ensure trial and justice amongst nephilim. The Mirror, a gateway into Idris. And the blood of the first angel..." His jaw clenched tight as he looked to Henry. "...Only rumors. That a nephilim, one of pure soul, who drinks the blood of the first angel—"

"—They'll inherit the abilities of the first angel himself," Hal Greyjoy spat out blood as he cackled, "You'd practically be a God—an Full-blooded Angel."

Henry's face filled with fury. "So, the Venatori wants to put the Sanguis Angeli in me? Fat chance. I'd never drink it," He growled.

Hal gripped his collar, pulling him close. Smiling wildly. "Not even to save your precious brothers?" He growled.

Henry's face paled.

Alec pushed Hal, throwing him to the ground. His glare nasty and filled with anger. "No one's putting their hands on Henry," He growled.

"Where are my brothers?" Henry asked immediately, his knuckles turning white.

Hal only continued to laugh on the ground. Like he knew they had already won.

Henry's heart broke as he looked to Alec. "Alec, I need to help them. They went after the Venatori Leader," He revealed.

Alec frowned deeply. "We need a plan—"

"There isn't time!" Henry grabbed his hand and squeezed, begging. "Alec, please."

Alec cursed, turning to Magnus.

Magnus made a face. "I can track them, but I'm a Downworlder. I won't be able to help you fight them like I did here. Not under the Clave's jurisdiction," He revealed, "Once I portal you to them...you are on your own."

Alec and Henry squeezed each others hands, looking at one another with similar looks of determination. They nod.

"What about me?" Hal called, as they moved to leave, "Hey, you can't just leave me here!" He growled. The magical restraints still on his hands. "Hey!"

He was firmly ignored.

Magnus created the portal with a few hand movements.

Alec stepped in first, pulling Henry in after him. Before Magnus himself stepped through.




As some of you have guessed, the end of this book is very much near. I don't want to spoil anything, however, I will reveal this.

There will be a sequel.

However, as my readers, I have two plotlines that I could potentially go through with. I will let you all vote of which you would like to see best in the second book.

Plot A: The sequel will follow the actual Shadowhunters tv show directly, with some side plots as well that fit in Lyra and Henry.

Plot B: The sequel will be like this book focusing on Henry and Lyra, including Clary, Simon, etc., with its own story and plotline completely.

Plot C: A mix of both, for example, Season One-Season Three, then own plotline all in one book.

Let me know, what you would like to see!

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