the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

275K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


3.4K 175 109
By x_linn_


Cracking my eyes open in the dawn of the morning, I stretched, my body heavy with aches of yesterday evening. My face felt sore, the cut on my neck was stinging unpleasantly and most of all there was a dull and uncomfortable ache in my abdomen where bruises surely formed. Groaning under my nose at the thought of having to bear this for many days to come, I carefully turned around, glancing at Taehyung who was still sleeping with his back facing me.

I smiled softly, watching his body raise with each stable breath.

Even though we would fall asleep in each other's arms every evening, during the night we always managed to gravitate to our own sides of the bed, and unless one of us realized that and came back to the other, which happened more than often anyway, we slept comfortably in each other's reach but without necessarily suffocating each other in cuddles.

I liked it that way.

A silent rumble interrupted my love-struck thoughts, making me grimace as I held onto my tummy. I haven't eaten since yesterday's lunch and the same most likely went for Taehyung.

Sighing I pushed myself up, rounding my shoulders slightly to get away the stiffness before carefully getting out of the bed.

After refreshing myself quickly in the bathroom I was soon on my way to the ground floor, not bothering to stop by my room to change from my nightgown since it was way early in the morning anyway.

Soon I was opening the heavy door to the kitchens, the area so dark it sent shivers down my spine. Turning the lights on quickly, I shuffled towards one of the pantries, assessing the ingredients that were available. Deciding on making crepes I grabbed flour and sugar, putting them on the counter before going to the coolroom to get the rest of the things I needed.

Gathering everything I got to work, moving around the empty kitchen slowly, careful of the dull ache in my stomach.

I couldn't get the fact that assassins would do such a reckless thing as this out of my mind. Never in my life have I heard about the palace being attacked, it was simply such a nonsensical thing to even think of. The palace may as well be the best-guarded place in the entire kingdom, and to dare to enter it like this, with the king present at that was very...brave, to put it nicely.

It bothered me, thinking they must have had an important goal to do such a thing. Was it the murder of the aristocrat? Why would they go as far as this for a murder of one guy? Did he have any dangerous leads on them? Something they could not overlook and had to act promptly?

The heavy door to the kitchen opened and to my surprise, Taehyung shuffled in, glaring at me already from the entrance.

''Good morning?'' I uttered, watching him curiously.

''Not so good. Why aren't you in bed?'' I raised my eyebrow amusedly as he sulkily approached me.

''I was hungry.''

''Well get something to eat quickly and let's go back,'' he argued, standing behind me as I turned back to the counter, stirring the mixture for crepes.

''I'm not going back to bed. But you should, you're usually still asleep at this time,'' The man behind me huffed, amusing me further.

''I'm not going back without you.'' Rolling my eyes I put the pan on the heat before taking the bowl with the mixture.

''Then help me make the breakfast,'' I turned towards him, pushing the bowl to his chest, ''Here, hold this. You will pour the batter on the pan while I get some things for the toppings.'' However, instead of taking the bowl, he took my face in his palms, kissing me. Surprised, it took me a moment before I returned the sweet kiss, and I couldn't help but smile into it. Blushing, I watched as he pulled back and without acknowledging what just happened in any way, he took the bowl from me and shuffled towards the stove.

Taking a second to recover I turned around on my heels, smiling to myself as I went for the cupboard.

We prepared the breakfast together in comfortable silence. While Taehyung took the mission of making the crepes very responsibly, I, on the other hand, took to arranging the plates with already done crepes and a bunch of toppings.

Proud of my creation, I poked Taehyung's shoulder excitedly, showing him the plate. Turning his focused stare from the pan to my plate, he raised his eyebrow, looking up at me.

''Pretty, right?'' I cheered, looking down at it.

I folded four crepes into triangles, placing them neatly into one big circle. With two cut-up strawberries at the top of it and in the middle, I made the ears and the muzzle and with blueberries for eyes, it was the perfect bear. I, of course, added some chocolate topping as well and just under the head, I put some whipped cream too. He had a bow-knot.

He watched it for a moment before chuckling softly, shaking his head.

''It's cute,'' he said, watching me with a smile.

I grinned widely, jumping in my skin from excitement.

''Thank you!'' I put the plate down and took another, ready to make another masterpiece.

3. person pov

He looked on silently as the girl got back to decorating the plates, a little content smile never leaving her breathtaking face.

Taehyung would have never thought he would be voluntarily making pancakes at six in the morning anytime soon. And enjoying it too, may he add. As much as cooking was not his cup of tea and he pretty much sucked at it, he wouldn't want to be anywhere else at the moment.

It was so incredibly easy to just tune down when he was with her. She was like his little escape, bringing incredible calmness to his body and mind.

Feeling the urge to grip the serenity even closer he stepped towards her, leaning his chin on her shoulder, watching her work.

She was warm and comfy, like a blanket to his heart. He couldn't get enough and he knew he never would.

''What's this one going to be?'' he asked quietly into her ear.

''A heart,'' she chirped.

Smiling at the giddy sound of her voice, he felt the relief washing over his body. It was so good to see her in a good mood even after what happened just a few hours ago. He could not forget the overwhelming urge to bring the world to ashes when he saw her in that cold storeroom, all bruised up. It was terrifying how he felt his heart stop beating at the sight of her. It was terrifying how much it affected him, how much he wanted the entire world to disappear, just so nothing would be able to hurt her anymore. Those paralyzing thoughts have made him go mad. He would have gone madder if something more serious happened to her. If he didn't come on time. He would have gone berserk.

''Tae, the crepe is burning,'' she chuckled, pushing her shoulder into his to push him back. Groaning he grudgingly leaned back and walked towards the pan, carefully flipping the already burned crepe.

Sighing he watched the pan in front of him, the whirlwind of thoughts making him frown.

This was all so new to him. He never felt so strongly for anything, for anyone. That is if he didn't count the hatred he held for his father.

Juhyun. The girl he thought he would never get over. Never forget. She barely crossed his mind these days and if she did, it was when he realized how different she was from Chaeyoung. How different his feelings for her were. She never made him feel so cared for. She never made him feel so accepted. He never felt the infatuation, he never felt like he wanted much much more and like it would never be enough. He never felt so consumed by her.

And most importantly, she never felt like home, not like Chaeyoung does. She never felt like comfort, like something he wants to return to again and again each evening. Not like Chaeyoung does.

The sudden thought of Juhyun's disappearing stirred something in him. What if that was Chaeyoung instead of her? What if she suddenly left him and he had no way of seeing her ever again?

His muscles tensed and he felt his heart in his throat, beating away, his surroundings blurred.

What would he have done? He couldn't imagine himself without her anymore. If Chaeyoung disappeared, he knew things would look different. He would turn the world upside down just to find her.

''Woah!'' snapping out of his nightmarish thoughts, he looked at Chaeyoung confusedly, the girl watching him in worry.


''Are you alright?''

''Yeah, wh-'' something fell to the floor and looking down at his feet, he realized he snapped the spatula in half. Clearing his throat, he bent down to pick up the half that fell.

''My bad,'' he muttered, cursing at himself.

Watching him suspiciously, Chaeyoung took one of the ready plates, placing it on the counter where two stools were already pushed back.

''Come on, eat up. We haven't eaten in forever,'' she said, walking to him and taking the broken spatula from him she threw it into a bin nearby. Taking his hand she pulled him to the stool and sat herself next to him.

''Are you sure you are okay?'' she asked timidly, gazing up at him with her fork in the middle of the air. Looking down at her he smiled softly. Taking her wrist gently he pushed the fork to her mouth slowly, making her take a bite.

''I'm fine baby, don't worry.''

''Seokjin, I need your help.'' Taehyung stormed into the meeting room, walking around his seated friend to settle down at the head of the long table.

''Look who finally decided to come to work, here I was thinking you were on a vacation.''

''Quit it, I have a problem.''

''When don't you?'' grumbled Seokjin, not raising his eyes from the countless papers strewn over the table.


''Yes yes, I'm listening,'' sighed Seokjin, putting the pen down before leaning back, looking at his friend, ''What is bothering you, my child?''

''I'm in deep shit,'' said Taehyung, knocking his knuckles on the table repeatedly in distress. Seokjin, glancing at the action, raised his eyebrows.

''What kind of shit?''

''I have no idea what the fuck to do.'' Seokjin sighed, crossing his arms on his chest.

''Will you tell me already what's going on, or am I to guess till I get it right?''

''It's Chaeyoung,'' muttered Taehyung, not looking at his friend as he fixed his glare on the table. Seokjin quirked up his eyebrow, smirking.

''Oh, so we are finally ready to have that conversation?''

''Hyung this is not funny, I-'' he paused himself, clenching his jaw.

''Yes?'' Seokjin prodded, glad his friend was finally willing to talk about his feelings.

''I think I let it go too far, she's doing things to me, Jin. I-'' he took in a sharp breath, ''I've never felt like this before and it's...fucking terrifying to imagine that one day she won't be here anymore.''

There was a short silence while Seokjin observed his friend, noting he barely saw him as distressed and off-balance.

''Why wouldn't she be here anymore?'' he asked slowly and Taehyung glanced up at his friend, frowning.

''I don't know...'' he trailed off, looking away, deep in thoughts. Seokjin sighed, leaning his elbows on the table.

''Look, just be careful. It's been a while since you two got close and your father's rats are being suspiciously quiet about it. I hate to say this, but all this could turn around terribly in just a moment.'' Taehyung looked at his friend for a long moment, so long Seokjin felt uneasy in his seat as his friend observed him quietly. He could almost see the storm of thoughts passing through his orbs.

Finally, Taehung looked straight ahead, leaning in his chair.

''I think I know what I have to do,'' he said, the rasp in his voice giving away the reluctance of his words, but Seokjin knew, his friend has decided.

''I think you do.''

Taehyung hated it. He hated the idea, hated the sole thought of it, but it had to be done. He knew it was going to be fucking difficult and that it would require the fucking willpower of the gods themselves. But it was the only thing left to do, he saw no other choices.

He would give himself a few more days. A few more and that's it, he needed just a little more. A little more time with her.

Chaeyoung's pov

''It's been more than a week! Usually he answers within like two days!'' I complained, pacing in front of the bed, ''He never took this long to reply to my letter! And he was acting weird the last time I saw him too!''

Taehyung sighed from his spot on the bed, already done with his attempts to stop me from walking up and down.

''Maybe he's just busy with looking for a job, just like everyone else says. It is tough in Hangar district when it comes to employment,'' he tried to reason with me calmly, his eyes moving left and right together with my movements.

''He wasn't home either!'' I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air, ''And no one has seen him in days!''

''Baby, please calm down,'' said Taehyung and I stopped in my tracks, looking over at him defeatedly.

''I'm just scared,'' I muttered, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

''I know. How about you write to the girl from the pharmacy?'' he proposed and I perked up, widening my eyes.

''I guess I could do that,'' I trailed off, frowning. Hopefully, Soojin would give me some good news.

''Now, come here,'' he motioned me over, holding up his arms. Exhausted from my anxious outburst, I shuffled over to him, nestling in between his legs with my head against his chest.

Wrapped up, warm in his embrace, I could feel the panic drifting away, getting replaced by incredible comfort. As his hand stroked up and down my back, I lazily ran my eyes over the room, pausing at the family portrait above the small dresser.


''Hm?'' He placed a soft kiss on the crown of my head, arms pulling me closer.

''What was your brother like?'' I asked quietly, careful not to interrupt the cozy silence in the room. He paused his caresses for a short moment but soon continued, recovering from the surprising question.

''He was the most intelligent and strong person I ever knew,'' he said, fondness clear in his husky voice, ''He always acted with his mind and heart first, not his physical strength. Unlike me and my father. He was kind and considerate and you could always count on him with anything,'' his words were whispered, vaporizing into the silence.

I smiled sadly.

''He sounds amazing.''

''Yeah, he was,'' he chuckled, stroking my hair, ''The two of us would always bicker, unlike Namjoon, I had a terrible temper when I was a kid. But he always laughed it off, and I could never stay mad at him, nor could he stay angry at me. He taught me a lot of stuff, he was well-read. And as much as I hated learning, he always helped me out and never gave up on me. I always thought he would be an incredible king.'' I frowned, looking up at him.

''What?'' His eyes were cast to the painting, a sad smile adorning his lips.

''Since he was the first child, it was him who was supposed to be the king, obviously,'' he looked down at me, smiling, ''You didn't know?''

''Well,'' taken aback, I frowned at my own stupidness, ''I never thought about it but it makes sense.'' Taehyung, nodded, brushing my hair back from my forehead.

Leaning my chin against his chest, I kept my gaze on him.

''What happened to him?'' I whispered.

There was a short silence in which he never looked away once, neither did I. I wanted him to know that I was with him, present and sharing his burdens and sorrow with him. I wanted him to know that he wasn't alone.

''As much as he was incredibly smart,'' he sighed, ''My father always said he was lacking in combat and physical strength. He thought the kingdom needed a strong ruler, one that would be able to protect it with his own body if needed. He was not weak, don't get me wrong. I never thought he was, he just preferred to solve things differently. It was just my dad who kept finding flaws in him.'' I frowned, wondering how one person could be so foul and vile, ''At that time, our troops were on the front lines against Stella. Stella was in war with Thera, the kingdom on the south, we've been partners with them for centuries now, so we sent some of our troops for a backup.'' I nodded, gesturing that I was still following.

I didn't know much about the war between Stella and Thera, just little bits and pieces from what my dad told me as I was still just a kid back then.

''And so, father sent Namjoon to the front lines for a few weeks, to prove himself worthy of the throne,'' I gaped at him speechlessly, thrown off.


''Yeah. I didn't think of it much then, besides being worried. It's common to send the soon-to-be king to war, to prove himself worthy. Throughout history, it's been a tradition. Even I have been. But Namjoon...'' he trailed off, eyes absent as he looked somewhere behind me, jaw set tight.

''He didn't make it?'' I whispered.

''No,'' his eyes narrowed and slowly but surely, I could feel him tense up under me as the air around us got heavier.

Startled, I scooted up on my knees to throw my hand around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

''I'm so sorry,'' I whispered, leaning my cheek against his, rubbing his back soothingly to hopefully calm him down.

After a minute or so he finally loosened up in my arms, returning the hug.

''He would have liked you a lot,'' he said faintly, burying his nose in my hair.

Not being able to stop the little smile gracing my lips, I pulled him closer, running my fingers in his hair soothingly.

''That honestly means so much to me.''

The next morning I was laid comfortably on top of his chest, half-awake but too tired to move yet when I heard a faint, strange sound coming from the door. Groaning at the interruption of the serene silence in the room, I pulled the covers higher over us.

''What the hell is that?'' muttered Taehyung quietly, sleep evident in his raspy voice.

''I don't know,'' I sighed into his chest, trying to get comfy. But the sound wouldn't stop.

''Just go check,'' he moaned in annoyance, throwing his arm over his face. I frowned, kicking him gently under the covers.

''Why me? You go, what if it's a murderer?'' I complained, not bothering to open my eyes as Taehyung sighed heavily under me.

''Murderer, right,'' he grunted before sitting up, not before pulling me away gently, making sure my head was comfortable on the pillow. I grinned to myself, feeling giddy in my hazy state.

God, I loved him so much.

I heard him shuffle to the door before he opened it.

''The fuck?''

Curious, I leaned on my elbows to see who it was, only to see Hank hopping up the stairs with his tongue out, a confused Taehyung walking in right after.

''Hank!'' I was out of the bed in a second, scurrying towards him who jumped in my arms immediately.

''He was scratching at the door,'' said Taehyung, watching the two of us from a few feet of distance.

I frowned, scratching the pup behind his ears.

''How did you get out of the room?'' I cooed, standing up as I held him to my chest. Taehyung sighed, messing up his already messy hair.

''Just go put him back, I will wait for you,'' I looked up at him, frowning.

''What? He can't stay?''

''No, he can't.''

''But why?'' I argued, disappointed. After all, he must be very lonely in that room all by himself when I am barely there. I would have felt better if he stayed with me.

''Because I said so.''

''You don't like dogs?'' Taehyung glanced at Hank, before looking back up at me.

''No, I don't,'' I gaped at him in horror, pulling Hank closer to myself.

''Who doesn't like dogs? Have you ever had a dog before?'' Taehyung seemed tired of the conversation, pinching the bridge of his nose, ''Look at him! Isn't he cute?'' I tried, pushing little Hank in front of his face. Hopefully, he was putting on his best puppy eyes right now.

Taehyung sighed once again, assessing Hank before looking back at me.

''Chaeyoung, baby please,'' I pouted, looking down at my pup. He was looking at me too, eyes twinkling excitedly, his tail swinging left and right.

It was not fair, he was so happy and chirpy even after I left him in that room alone. He didn't deserve it.

Standing my ground I looked back at Taehyung, face flat.

''Come on Hankie, looks like we are not welcome here,'' I declared, Taehyung's blank face falling immediatelly into disbelief.

I turned on my heel and walked towards the door but his voice stopped me in a second.

''Okay okay, he can stay!'' I turned back around excitedly, smiling in triumph. Taehyung shot me a small glare, pointing his finger at me, ''But the bed is off-limits for him.''

I put Hank down on the floor and ran to Taehyung, jumping on him and causing us both to land on the bed with me on top of him. I chuckled, kissing all over his face, bringing out a little smile from him as well.

''Thank you, thank you, thank you!''

Later that morning, the two of us were standing in front of the bathroom mirror brushing our teeth with Hank watching us from the floor. He was sitting right next to Taehyung's feet as much to my surprise, Hankie took a liking to him even while Taehyung tried to stay distant from the pup.

It was obvious he had no experience with pets, but it was truly funny watching him walk around his room with little Hank sauntering around his feet, causing the guy to stumble quite so often, grumbling to himself in annoyance.

''I want to dye my hair,'' It took much effort not to choke on the toothpaste in my mouth as I gaped at Taehyung in the mirror, thrown off at the sudden confession.

''Dye your hair? Why?'' He shrugged, wiping his face with the towel and putting the toothbrush away.

''I feel like it would piss my father off,'' I chuckled, shaking my head, ''Besides, I never really liked my hair.''

''But I think it's pretty,'' I noted, still watching him in the mirror. He looked at me, smirking.

''Thank you, sweetheart.''

''Well, what color were you thinking?''

''Black,'' I could suddenly feel my cheeks heating up, imagining him with black hair. Don't get me wrong, his hair was already beautiful but with black hair, he would just look...ethereal.

''O-oh okay,'' I cleared my throat and stepped towards the sink to rinse my mouth. Standing back up I looked at him carefully. He was observing himself in the mirror, curling a lock of hair around his finger with a thoughtful expression.

''I would love to help if you would like,'' He glanced at me, raising his eyebrow, ''I was planning to go to the city today with the girls, I could get you the dye and we could try it out.''

Taehyung smiled, pulling me in by my waist.

''That would be great, thank you,'' Heat rose to my cheeks, feeling the counter behind me as he leaned in, his thumbs drawing small circles on my waist.

Smiling, I stroked his bangs back, pulling closer but never diverting my eyes from his. I could see so much warmth within, the unexplainable amount of familiarity I felt with him as his lips stretched into a tiny smile, eyes full of specks of something. Something comforting.

Just as his lips were about to meet mine he paused in his movement before sighing heavily. He pulled back a little, leaning against the counter behind me with his forehead resting on my shoulder.

''What's up?'' I frowned, stroking his hair.

''Chaeyoung, your dog is chewing my pants,'' I laughed, peeking down to the floor and sure enough, Hank was having a little tug of war with his pants, growling softly at the fabric.

''Oops,'' I mused, bending down to pick up the playing puppy before straightening back up, ''It's getting late, let's go get ready,'' I kissed his cheek and Taehyung, giving me the longest sigh, nodded unwillingly.

Laid down on the bed, I was skimming through one of his boring books on ideologies and philosophies when Taehyung walked out of the bathroom, drying his now dark hair with a towel. Grinning I sat up straight, watching him. He looked out of this world, black really suited him even though I was now already used to his golden locks that created almost a halo around his head.

It was safe to say I had a thing for his hair no matter what color, as I immensely enjoyed getting to play with it while I dyed it for him.

Watching him mess up his hair with the towel, I thought back to the conversation we had in the bathroom.

''How come you're the only one in your family with blonde hair?'' I asked, parting his hair carefully so I could take a separate lock to apply the dye.

After a shorter silence, Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, watching my actions in the mirror in front of us.

''My dad would say it was the gifted power. That there was so much of it, it showed on my appearance as well. I don't think that ever happened before to anyone else, only if in a less noticeable way,'' he said, leaning back comfortably in the chair, ''But it's the only explanation,'' I pondered at that, slowly working my way through his soft locks.

''So you're more powerful than your father? Or anyone before him?'' Taehyung chuckled, yet it wasn't a genuine laugh, his lips curling bitterly at the end, ''I doubt that. There are many ways the strength can manifest.''

''Well you got lucky enough to be a blondie, how cool is that?'' I grinned and Taehyung rolled his eyes in amusement, ''Why don't you like it though?'' he raised his eyebrows at me in the mirror, ''You said you don't like your blonde hair.''

''It had always made me feel different, not in a good type of way,'' he muttered, ''Namjoon always told me I should be proud of it, but I hated it. I...'' he trailed off, looking at himself in the mirror, ''I never wanted to be different than him.'' I bit the inside of my cheek, focusing on his hair in front of me that was now slowly turning dark with the sticky substance.

His confession obviously went deeper than the color of his hair but I didn't want to prod any further.

''Well, I can already tell you will look great with dark hair,'' I smiled gently at him in the mirror.

If such a simple thing as dying his hair would help him overcome his demons even a little bit, then I was going to help him through it as much as I could. He did not deserve to be haunted by the judgment and malice of his father.

''You're spacing out,'' Blinking out of my daze I looked over at Taehyung, the sight, once again, rendering me speechless.

It would take time to get used to this change. He was still the same yet he looked different, and something about the dark strands falling into his eyes as he watched me knowingly made him look more...sinful.

''Uh sorry,'' I shook my head, desperate to get out the arousing thoughts. Smirking, he walked up to stand in front of me where I was sitting down on his bed. Taking my chin in between his thumb and pointer finger he made me look up at him, eyes dancing in mischief.

''You like what you see?'' he whispered, grinning even wider at the heat in my cheeks.

''I do,'' I said quietly, my voice trembling.

Oh God, I loved what I saw, he could bring me to my knees.

Seemingly content with my answer, he ran his hand from my face to my shoulder, and soon I was pushed down on my back, landing on the soft sheets while he kneeled in between my legs on the floor.

With my heart beating out of my chest, I peered down as he leaned his chin against my tummy smugly.

''I believe you deserve a reward, hm?''

''F-for what?'' I gasped, feeling his finger run up and down my inner thigh.

''For helping me,'' he murmured, pushing up my nightgown to plant a small kiss at the waistband of my underwear.

''That was nothing really-'' but his glazed eyes silenced me, the fervor in them leaving my thoughts hazy.

''Do you want it?'' he rasped, voice so heavy with passion he couldn't speak above a whisper.

The tension in my tummy grew and the skin where he touched with his fingers felt so warm and enchanting, I could not comprehend a single thought as I nodded silently.

But thankfully that was all he needed to take action, for I was certain I would start begging if he decided to tease.

It was fascinating how after all this time I craved him just as I did in the beginning. His touch and affection never got old, like it was magic.

He made me feel magic.


omg we reached 200K reads, you guys are amazing TnT

thank you for all your support, I appreciate every single read, vote and comment <3

don't hesitate to share what you think about this story so far, I LOVE to read your guys' comments and thoughts <3

love you all, stay safe!

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