Embrace Two (Spin of from Acc...

By EmmaWilliams66

1.3K 127 56

Set Six months after Embrace. Its half term and Tyler is extremely happy to be able to spend an entire weak w... More

Chapter One: What the hell is going on?
Chapter Two: Check you over.
Chapter Three: So much to come
Chapter Four: Lost in the mountains
Chapter Five: Lets get to business
Chapter Six: Blame me for his death.
Chapter Seven: We have not even started yet
Chapter Eight: I'll do my best.
Chapter Nine: I think we can!
Chaper Ten: Come Back Alive!
Chapter Eleven: Follow my lead!
Chapter Twelve: Very angry!
Chapter Thirteen: Not lose
Chapter Fourteen: It's Robbie!!
Chapter Fifteen: Bitch!
Chapter Sixteen: I can't wait!
Chapter Seventeen: I didn't miss you
Chapter Eighteen: I'll take it!
Chapter Nineteen: I freaking love my dad!
Chapter Twenty: Greet them
Chapter Twenty One: Don't run!
Chapter Twenty Two: Perfect
Chapter Twenty Three: Protect Zane!
Chapter Twenty Four: Survive this
Chapter Twenty Five: Understood.
Chapter Twenty Six: Have up next.
Chapter Twenty seven: You hear me.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Through the smoke
Chapter Thirty: Arrow Sharp
Chapter Thirty One: Good instincts
Chapter Thirty Two: Teach them
Chapter Thirty Three: Can it really wait?
Chapter Thirty Four: Bravest man
Chapter Thirty Five: In a heartbeat
Chapter Thirty Six: Hello Nephew!
Chapter Thirty Seven: From the very beginning
Chapter Thirty Eight: End well
Chapter Thirty Nine: He has too!
Chapter Forty: Behind
Chapter Forty one: Goodbye dear friend .
Chapter Forty Two: Sorry its taken so long!
Chapter Forty Three: Will need each other
Chapter Forty Four: Want what is best for Fay.
Chapter Forty Five: Fay Lake
Chapter Forty Six: Enjoy ourselves.
Chapter Forty Seven: Do happen for a reason.
Chapter Forty Eight: His cooperation
Chapter Forty Nine: Unfinished Business
Chapter Fifty: Good Lad
Chapter Fifty One: Hey Sweetie.
Chapter Fifty Two: Good enough job.
Chapter Fifty Three: Welcome to my world
Chapter Fifty Four: Loves us just that much.
Chapter Fifty Five: What should he do?
Chapter Fifty Six: Here we go
Chapter Fifty Seven: We are leaving.
Chapter Fifty Eight: Tyler...I'm Scared
Chapter Fifty Nine: What?
Chapter Sixty: I'll Fix you.
Chapter Sixty One: In hope he could be the hero
Chapter Sixty Two: To be continued.

Chapter Twenty Nine: Why shouldn't I just kill you!

17 2 0
By EmmaWilliams66

Paul's POV

The explosion took us by surprise. It isn't the first time I've found myself within one. Arrow's dad is sure it must of been grenades but alot of them to cause this much damage and fire.

Just as we thought we had some luck on our side, just great.

We were lucky to have been at the back of it, close enough to be afraid but not enough to cause either of us any serious damage.

However I can already feel the smoke entering my lungs, Arrow's dad already coughing as we try make our way further into the building to find Arrow.

The smoke making it hard to see a bloody thing. What the hell is going on at this point?

Arrow's POV

The wall now being my only comfort and the knife in my hand as I watch the figure approaching, the smoke clearing slightly to reveal them.


At first I thought I must of passed out. Must be dreaming. How could he be here? Why would he be here but I suddenly realise he didn't look so good.

"Colin?" I ask confused and worried.

He falls down onto his knees in front of me. "Hey Sexy," he whispers taking my free hand before he kisses me on the lips.

"Your hurt," I whisper to him.

"So are you. I'm so proud of you. So brave you did this to protect me and the boys," he says.

"I had too!"

"I know and I'm sorry that you had too. You able to get up?" He asks me.

With some struggle Colin helped me to feet. "Zane...," I whisper.

"Who is Zane?" Colin asks me.

"Arrow!" I hear my uncle shouting.

Colin looks at me sadly. "He is only a kid. He got dragged into this like I did. Duke killed his parents," I say struggling to concentrate or find the energy to look for him.

Colin holds me close to him, let's me use him for support but I'm worried. He doesn't look good either and I feel my lungs struggling, my chest hurting.

"Are the boys safe?" I ask him.

"Yeah. They are safe. I couldn't bring them...but I had to come get you," said Colin.

I nod. I hundred percent agree, its good he didn't bring the boys with him...but I'm happy he came. I'm happy he had found his way back to me.

I can not put into words how much I love this man, my weight clinging to him. Every inch of my body and soul never wanting to be away from him, to not be away from his side. Apart from our boys this man is my everything. He has been since the moment I set my eyes on him. The moment in that school corridor.

The moment I fell over someone's bag and how he came to help me on my feet. I knew then...deep down that my world would change. I just didn't know how much. I didn't know the things we would face together and things we would have to go through apart.

"Arrow...we have to get out of here," Colin says to me.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you. How much I hate being apart from you? You have beautiful eyes. A beautiful soul...I'm so grateful you decided on me," I say to him.

Colin looks at with me, a smile present. His kind nature shinning at me. "Arrow Sharp. I love you to the stars and back. I have and will always choice you. Regardless of the struggles we face together or apart. You are my world. I came to save you from more pain and suffering!"

Colin is the one and only true man I'll ever love. Looking at him now...I know nothing could ever change that. A man I'll hold onto for the rest of my life. I don't know how long I have left. We may not even make it out of here alive and that thought scares me but not for me or Colin...no for our boys. They need us! So we have to do all we can to survive this.

Colin Sharp...no other man could replace him and my heart would rip into streads if I lost him.

I take his hand. "Then let's get the hell out of here!"

Suddenly my uncle is coming through the smoke while half carrying, half dragging Zane along with him.

They both look as bad as us. "Zane."

"Colin...I'm glad you are here. We got to get these two to safety," my uncle says.

"Why the fuck do you care? And how are you alive? I like to know," said Colin looking annoyed.

"This isn't the time," I begin.

"Well if you like to know. I can tell," says Duke as he comes through the smoke with Mike them both supporting each other.

"You stay away from us. Enough has been done don't you think?" My uncle says angrily.

"We aren't the ones that set those grenades off. We are as hurt as you are. Like we have the energy to even fight you," Duke says.

"Then who did?" I ask worried.

My heart felt like it ripped in two as I heard the screams of Luca and Tyler.

Colin and I both looking at each other in pure horror.

"Arrow Sharp. If you wish to see your sons alive. Come to the aircone room alone!" We hear a voice but I don't recognise the voice at all.

"No. Your not going alone! Who ever the fuck it is," says Colin.

"Luca...Tyler are in danger. We can't risk there lives. I don't want to go alone...but if we don't anything could happen."

"Who is it?" My uncle asks puzzled.

"I don't know," I whisper unable to progress what is happening at this point.


After much discussion and anger Arrow found himself just outside the aircone room that Duke told him the directions for.

Who is it?

What do they want?

Why only ask him to come?

What is going on here?

Arrow is tired and in alot of pain. He barely had energy to make it here, let alone to go up against what is next.

He told his uncle to get Colin and Zane to safety and not to follow.

He places his hand on the door handle before pulling it open and heading into the very dark and slightly lit room.

"I'm here. What do you want? Give me my sons back!" Arrow shouts unable to see anything at all.

At first it almost felt like he was completely alone.

Until something grabs him from the left and right of him dragging him through darkness of the room until forced into a chair, he struggles but before he knew it he is strapped down into the chair.

"What the fuck do you want!" Arrow screams now. Feeling emotional and angry.

A heavy and unrecognizable laugh rips through the room making Arrow feel on edge.

He can hear movement near him but couldn't see a thing still.

Suddenly the room bursts with light revealing Luca and Tyler both unconscious tied up to two wooden chairs. They look mostly unhurt but they both have bandage wrapped around there right arm.

"What the fuck you done to my sons you bastard!" Arrow scream fighting against the restraints, but only causing himself more pain as they dig into his wrists.

"I'll calm down if I was you. You are only hurting yourself more and you be no help to these boys then. You irritating, interfering boy!"

"What the hell have I done to you?" Arrow asks confused and concerned about what this is all about.

"You see Arrow. I was hoping the grenades would of killed you."

The figure finally appeared out from behind him now standing in front of him.

Arrow be stupid if he hadn't noticed the resembles straight away. Same features, same eye colour but the hair had been dyed blue.

"So I don't know you personally but you know me? You Kilma's son?"

"Got it in one. I hate you. I've seen you over the news. Always there reminding me it's your fault he is gone. I saw you on TV and I knew then I had to dispose of you once and for all. To let myself heal and move on."

"I never killed your dad. That wasn't me!" Arrow shouts at him.

"But I bet you wanted too. After all he done to you."

"Maybe but could you blame me? I was sixteen when he stabbed me! And he didn't stop there...but I've never ever killed anyone. No one deserves that...not really. I had to watch people die in front of me and I've spent alot of my life trying to do the right thing. My job had put the people I love in danger...but I'll always try to do the right thing!"

"Look...I know you didn't kill him but you are to blame for his death or for the most part because people seem to have fasination with you. In all honesty I really don't see why."

"I am sorry...really I am. But none of this will ever change what happened. How does this help anyone?"

"Bring him!"

Two people in black cloaks enter the room dragging Lewis who looks beat up, badly. Arrow couldn't pin point where he is bleeding and where he isn't.

"No...Arrow isn't to blame for this. Why even bring him into this?" Lewis manages to say.

"Because you have a fasination with this guy don't you?"

"I did..."

"And its the reason why you killed my dad and uncle in cold blood?"

"Well yeah but," Lewis goes to continue but the young lad wasn't interested in listening to him any more.

He approached Arrow quickly and swiftly punched him right in the face. His body jolts back, his back hitting the chair hard. He kept in his cry of pain but it hurt. That really fucking hurt!

"What is so great about this man? Tell me I'll love to know," the boy says turning back to Lewis.

"What isn't? And I don't mean just by appearance alone. He has many scars. Been through alot more then most but still does the right thing regardless how he has been treated. Your dad put him through hell but I'm the one that shot him in cold blood, not him. Just because I wanted too. The world is better off with out your dad. Arrow would never admit that but we all know that. You want to follow what your dad did. Go for it. You will end up dead too!" Lewis shouts.

"How fucking dare you!" The guy screams at Lewis.

He pulls out a gun but he points it right at Arrow instead of Lewis. "Take that back or I'll kill Arrow in cold blood and it be your fault!"

"Calm down. Killing Arrow will not change what happened. I can't undo what I did kid even if I wanted too!"

"Fuck you! Fuck you both. Why shouldn't I just kill you both!"

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