365 days // Tom holland

By fictional_people_hoe

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Tom holland x reader "Wait I got paired with Tom holland like the actor from marvel?!" Book 1/2 Started: Ja... More

A few months before
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Pictures of the mansion
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Day 33
Day 33 (tom's POV)
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36
Day 37
Day 44
day 45
Day 46
No way home
Day 74
Day 75
Day 76
Day 77
Day 78
Day 79
Day 80
Day 81
Day 82
Day 83
Day 84
Day 96
Day 121
Day 123
Day 126
Day 130
Day 130 part 2
Day 135
Day 136
day 150
its done
Intro pt.2
Hi again

Day 127

599 11 29
By fictional_people_hoe

(A/n: I'm listening to the soundtrack of tick tick boom while making this go watch it if you haven't already)

I wake up and check the clock "2:30 am are you kidding me" I get up walking to the bathroom "oh fuck me" I say splashing myself with water I wouldn't not get up later so i guess I'm just gonna get ready for work now.

I grab clothes from my dresser "he won't wake up" I decide to not go into the bathroom to change since toms sound asleep.

I go downstairs once I'm dressed and head to the gym. I get into the gym room it's not much but it's enough for a short workout.

I hop on the treadmill and start a a slow pace not to fast but definitely not a walking pace. I play some music after putting my airpods in.

After my workout I text z. 'Wanna go out for lunch today when we get a break' it was still only 2:30 so I wasn't expecting a response anytime soon. I walk upstairs to shower I get into the shower hearing loud noises from outside.

Oh fuck me I woke up from a certain dream I did not want to wake up from for many reasons.

I knock on the bathroom door "I'll be out in like ten minutes"I hear y/n say "um okay" "are you okay do you need my help" "NO! Sorry no I don't need help" I mean I need help but me and y/n haven't done anything like that yet so no I don't need help.

I walk to another bathroom pressing down on my aching member trying to stop my erection before I have to go to different measures. I'm gonna have to delete this off of the cameras. Maybe I try and get them taken out instead I mean they have enough footage from taping us from 6 am to 10 pm every day.

I walk into the bathroom and hop in the shower hopefully y/n won't be able to hear me if I have the water running.

I pull my member out of my sweatpants and start thinking of things to get this over with as fast a possible ummm y/n fuck no. I don't know I'm trying to be as quit as possible while Fifi long myself.

I get out of the shower and get dressed I hear another shower turning on damn if he wanted to shower so badly I would have speed up.

Then I thought about it no no no don't think about that you've only been with him for 2 months. But he has to be so fucking hot under all those clothes. No we haven't gone any further than kissing I don't think we've even kissed for over 5 minutes.

Oh god I can't stop thinking about her without clothes on I bet she's as beautiful without clothes. No I can't think of her like this it's still too soon I mean we haven't even kissed for more than 5 minutes.

I have to get ready for work my phone goes off 'yes where are we gonna go' daya texts back 'I don't know Ill ask Tom and see if he knows any good places' I send back.

I made myself a small breakfast making something for Tom and leaving it on the counter I put a note down writing 'hey I have to go in early for a fitting for something here's breakfast and text me when you see this I have a question' I leave it next to the food .

I grab my keys going into the car I got Zendaya's snap a few weeks ago so I play keep it undercover in my car blasting it and taking a video I start jamming out and singing to the song and stop the video sending it to z.

Once I get to set I walk to my trailer and set everything down "y/n you here" "yes" I open my door "they need you in wardrobe" "okay" I walk over to wardrobe area and walk in. "Hi y/n" my stylist says "hi" they bring me to this outfit showing what I'll be wearing for the last week of filming.

We had to move and take a flight to New York to film some stuff at the school and then I'll most likely go back to London with Tom.

I really hope this movie will look good and I can get more movies. I try on the outfit and my stylist fixes some things sending me off after they have the measurements they need.

I get back to my trailer getting some water and sit down on my phone the first trailer for far from home already released back in December so I started gaining some followers from then.

I check my work email to see if the agency got back to me 'hello y/n we would love to be the agency you use for jobs we will send acting jobs and you can chose which one you'll take they all start from 2 months to around a year those are the time ranges from the starts of the movies'

Yes that works perfectly 'thank you for getting back to me I'll take the one in two months' now we wait.

Now that that's settled I can talk to daya about lunch since we should be going in an hour or two since it's already 10 am.

I knock on z's door "come in" I walk in "what's for lunch today" "mmmm there's some cafes around unless we want like real food" "I'm good with whatever makes me full" "we'll go to a restaurant then" "okay I have to find Tom but I'll be back around 11:30 we can go at 12 if that's good" "it's perfect now go find your mans girl" "shhh I'm a secret agent" I walk against the way like I'm sneaking around "bye" I say laughing out the door.

I found Tom shooting something so I waited around until they were done "hello darling thank you for the breakfast" "your welcome I'm going out to lunch with z but we can hang out after work does that sound good" "sounds perfect" I was following Tom guessing he has to change out of the suit I mean at least I could see his face. "I'll see you later okay" "okay" I walk back to my trailer.

For the next hour I had to shoot a little with Tom nothing much some short lines and stuff.

After the hour it was time for lunch so Im quickly walking to wardrobe right now trying not to be late since daya made 12pm lunch reservations.

We hop in Zendaya's car and I grab the aux and start playing her old Disney music. "Y/n/n" she whine "what it's a bop"

We get to the place and have lunch.

After a few hours we're need back at set I went home since I wasn't needed and started packing since me tom and z we're leaving tonight which was within a few hours I pulled out tom and i's suitcases from below the bed packing what I might need.

It was 4 hours till we leave and daya's gonna pick us up in her rental car and bring it back to the airport.

Tom got back an hour later running into the house he just throws stuff into his suitcase since 4 hours is now 3 and it's takes a while to get to the airport. "We'll make the flight make sure you have enough" I say "look at your already packed" "I was here for over an hour I also did our laundry so whatever's on the bed could be yours" "thank you doll"

He starts to throw some stuff in and I walk out with my bag and suitcase. I grab two waters and grab my phone charger and plug my phone into the outlet since it's kinda low.

After an hour tom finished packing and daya was on her way. "Oh I forgot to tell you I got an acting job well kinda I'm auditioning" "that's great so where is it" "in a few weeks so I'm going to go to LA with Zendaya when she's leaves" "okay I'll try and bust if I'm not doing press you'll be roped into press too" "wait really" I say "yeah I mean your one of the main characters now" "I'm scared yet exited I don't know"

Z picked us up a while ago and now where on the flight I just watched a movie and it's pretty late. "Night tom" I say kissing him "night y/n" and with that I feel asleep.
(A/n: sorry i didn't post last week I was on break and wanted to sleep)


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