Scarlet Witch of Middle Earth

By zxmoonstoriesz

24K 426 11

Willow Smith, the lost witch, the scarlet witch of middle earth, and the deadliest woman alive. When a bunch... More

Scarlet Witch of Middle Earth
One; "I will not be the fault of her death"
Two; "What is it Wizard?"
Three; "the book of damned"
Five; "It's a look"
Six; "No dip Dwarf king"
Seven; "I know my value"
Eight; "Beorn"
Nine; "You will rot in those dungeons"
Ten; "look who decided to show up"
Eleven; "Provoked"
Twelve; "I do not fear you"
Thirteen; "Queen of the forest"
Fourteen; "fish and toilets"
Fifthteen; "You can't be her"
Sixteen; "gold quest"
Seventeen; "not on my contract"
Eighteen; "war or peace"
Nineteen; "protecting the people"
Twenty; "you killed my family!"
Twenty-one; "finest healers"

Four; "Shooting stars"

1.4K 29 0
By zxmoonstoriesz

"I don't think the dwarves are to happy about going to Rivendell, Gandalf," Willow said as she walked side by side with the wizard.

"They will learn to live with it," he said with a sassy but sharp tone. She grin as they finally caught a glimpse of Rivendell. It was beautiful.

As Gandalf led them towards the entrance Willow couldn't help but admire the beauty. She only been in a elven territory once and she was ran off. When they were almost to the entrance she head mumbles and whispered from behind her. She glanced back to see Fili whispering something to his beloved brother, Kili. Who would turn red in the face from what his brother was telling him. Kili would shove his brother away from him and try to keep walking but Fili would come back to aggravate him more. Willow grin at the sight of the brother arguing about something.

They entered the main entrance area and they spotted a dark haired elf walk down the stairs. He did a hand motion as a hello or something and Gandalf smiled. She seen this elf before but she knew not. The elf seem to recognize her but she did not remember him.

"Lady Willow," the dark hair elf said.

"And you are?" She asked which caught the elf off guard. He looked at Gandalf who had guilt written on his face.

"Lindir," he said and she nodded.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond," Gandalf said.

"My lord Elrond his not here," he softly spoke.

"Not here...where is he?" Gandalf asked then a cry of a horn rang.

The sound of hooves started to come towards them and she smiled at the elves. However, the dwarf king yelled something she didn't quite understand before she was pulled into the huddle of dwarves. She towered over them as they all held their weapons up ready to fight. Kili kept his arm out in a protecting way to keep her back. She looked up at the elves circling them and they kept their eyes on them. The elves would glance or stare at Willow which made Kilis blood boil. He couldn't exactly block her from their view but he would try.

"Gandalf!" She heard a elf say and she looked over at another dark haired elf.

"Lord Elrond," Gandalf said.

They begin to speak in what sounded like elvish and the girl listen but never understood. Lord Elrond turned to them as Thorin stepped closer. His eyes trailed from him to Willow then back to Thorin. She looked at Gandalf with a weird expression as for she thought she knew the elf. Some reason she felt like she been to Rivendell and knew all these people, but she knew she never been here. However, they seemed to notice her.

Lord Elrond said something one last time to Gandalf in elvish as he glanced at Willow and Gandalf whispered something back. Lord Elrond then said something in elvish to the king which seemed to trigger some of the dwarves.

"What did he say to us!?" Gloin asked harshly.

"No master Gloin he is offering you food," Gandalf said. Willow begin to walk towards Gandalf but something grabbed her hand. She looked down at Kili who had a hold of her hand.

"What is it Kili?" She asked.

"Stay with me," he said confusing the girl.

"We are going to the same place," she said with a laugh. His face turned a pink color as he got flustered.

"No, I mean like sit with me when we eat," he said.

"I will," she said and he gave her a small nod. The flustered dwarf let go of her hand as the began to walk inside.

When they got inside she sat next to Kili like he asked. He looked over at her and she gave him a warm smile and he returned one. She looked to her right and saw Bofur giving her a cheeky smirk. She began to get some food while the other dwarves complained about it being green. She ate the green food while the dwarves talk. She spotted Dwalin giving Kili a dirty look which made her look over at Kili then back at Dwalin.

"I can't say I fancy them," he said as Willow took a sip of her drink. "All high cheekbones and creamy skin," he said looking at Dwalin. "Not enough facial hair for me, although that one there not bad," he said and Willow glanced up at the elf.

"That's not a elf mate," the male elf turned around and Willow spit her drink back out as it went through her nose and out her mouth. The dwarves began to laugh and she did to. Clearly Kili didn't think it was funny.

Willow gave Kili a small shoulder shove as she could see he was clearly embarrassed. He looked up at the girl as she gave him a reassurance smile. She the felt Bofur leave the seat beside her and stood up on something. He began to sing and the dwarves all cut in and sang with him. She smiled at the dwarves as Kili tried to get her to sing along but she didn't know the lyrics.

Food started to fly around the place and she dodge some that flew at her. She watched as they kept singing and dancing while she just laughed and clapped along. The night stayed bright and joyful as they all sang and danced while having a few drinks. Kili yanked Willow from her seat as all the dwarves were up dancing. They begin to dance to the song as she kept drinking the drink they had given her.

The night went on as more and more dwarves began to fall asleep. Lastly Bofur stopped singing and everything died down. Willow collapsed on the floor still laughing and Kili sat beside her. She took the last sip of her drink and tossed the cup aside. She realized the elves and Gandalf escaped the room while they could and left the dwarves to party. Willow was still laughing even though nothing was going on. All the dwarves had fallen asleep other then her and Kili.

"That was fun," she said with a smile.

"Have you never danced before?" Kili asked as the girl laid down beside him.

"Not like that," she said as he looked down at the green eyed girl.

"Why so?" He asked as he laid beside her.

"Never had the time," she sighed. It got real quiet as she stared up at the stars. Not a word was spoken just the sound of snoring dwarves. "Look..." she said as she pointed at a shooting star. "Before my mother had past, she used to tell me that the stars are our loved one that had past away, that they are always looking after us no matter what the situation is," she whispered loud enough for only Kili to hear it. He looked over at her as she kept looking up at the stars.

"What happened to your mother?" He asked softly and he watched as her jaw clenched. Her breathing came to a halt and he knew he asked to much. "Sorry," he said and she let out a shaky breath.

"It's okay, it is a long story," she said and he nodded as he understood what she meant. "Get some rest, I believe we will be leaving early," she said as she turned away from the dwarf. "Goodnight Kili."

"Goodnight Willow."
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