The Sapphire Witch {Bucky Bar...

By castielsangel67

25.5K 451 54

"Here." I said, scooting over to the bars that separate me from him. I stick my hand with the ball through th... More

Super Suits
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Four

408 6 0
By castielsangel67

Y/n's POV

    I was sitting and watching as Tony and Rocket worked on the time machine. Tony had to go grab something so I made a ball with my powers like I would do when I was locked up in Hydra. I was humming along to whatever song it was that Tony had playing over the speakers.

    I looked up and saw Thor walking towards me, Tony not far behind him. I had to do a double take when I saw Thor. He definitely didn't spend his five years taking care of himself. He had a beer in hand, his hair grew out, his beard was really long and um let's just say he had a six pack of donuts now.

    "You're drifting left. One side there, Lebowski." Tony said as he passed Thor. "Ratchet, how's it going?" Tony asked. "It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal." Rocket said. The Thor Burped really loud. "Really dude? You're a god." I said, shaking my head.

    While they were working on the time machine, the others were working on the suit and helping Scott get ready to test the machine out for the first time. I got bored of watching Tony and Rocket argue so I went to check up on the others. "That's a nice time travel suit." I said, as I entered the room.

    "Hey, hey, hey! Easy! Easy!" Scot said as Bruce went to put the Pym Particles into the suit. "I'm being very careful." Bruce said. "No, you're being very Hulky." Scott said. "I'm being careful." Bruce argued. "These are Pym Particles, all right? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more." Scott said.

    "Scott, calm down." Rhodes said. "Sorry. We've got enough for one round-trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Scott said as he went to put the Pym Particles into the suit when he shrank and came back.

    "One test run." Scott said, as Rhodes scoffed. "All right. I'm not ready for this." Scott said. "I'm game." We heard someone say. I turned around and saw Clint leaning against the door frame. He's changed as well. He has a sleeve on his left arm (which is an arm covered in tattoos) and a mohawk.

    "I'll do it." Clint said. We gave Clint a suit and then Nebula programmed everything so we would be able to track him. "Clint, now you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about that." Bruce said.

    "Wait a second. Let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know...go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos? You know, and..." Rhodes then used his hands to wrap a rope around baby Thanos' neck and then pull till he's dead.

    "First of all, that's horrible." Bruce said. "It's Thanos." Rhodes said. "He makes a point." I shrugged. "And secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future." Bruce said. "Look, we go back, we get the stones before Thanos gets them...Thanos doesn't have the stones. Problem solved." Scott said. Rhodes then looked at Bruce and motioned to Scott.

    "Bingo." Clint said. "That's not how it works." Nebula spoke up. "Well, that's what I heard." Clint said. "Wait, but who? Who told you that Bruce asked, turning to face Clint. "Star Trek, Terminator, Timecop, Time After Time." Rhodes started to list off different movies.

    "Quantum Leap." Scott cut in. "Wrinkle in time, Somewhere in Time." Rhodes continued. "Hot Tub Time Machine." I shrugged. "Hot Tub Time Machine. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Basically, any movie that deals with time travel." Rhodes said.

    "Die Hard. No, that's not one." Scott said, shaking his head. "This is known." Rhodes said. "I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true. Think about it. If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future, and your former present becomes the past...which can't now be changed by your new future." Bruce said. "Exactly." Nebula agreed.

    "So Back to the Future is a bunch of bullshit?" Scott asked. "You just confused the hell out of me and I'm just saying I'm not getting trapped in the past future shit so I will not be traveling through time." I said, before walking out of the room before I lose any more of my brain cells.


    Once the time machine was finished we got ready to send Clint to the past. "All right, Clint. We're going in three, two, one." Bruce counted down. He then hit some buttons and Clint disappeared from the time machine.

    "Okay and bring him back in three, two, one." Bruce said as he pushed a lever. "Lila!" Clint yelled as he was brought back. We all ran up the ramp towards Clint who was hunched over on the ground.

    "Hey, hey, look at me. You okay?" Nat said, as she helped Clint stand up. "Yeah. Yeah." Clint panted. He then tapped Nat with a baseball glove. "It worked." He sighed. "It worked." He repeated throwing the glove at Tony.


    We were now gathered in the waiting room trying to figure out what times they will travel to in order to get the stones. "Okay, so the how works. Now, we got to figure out the when and the where. Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at ;east one of the six Infinity Stones." Steve said.

    "Or substitute the word 'encounter' for 'damn near been killed' by one of the six Infinity Stones." Tony piped in. "Well, I haven't...but I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about." Scott said. "That's why Steve said almost everyone." I smiled, patting Scott on the shoulder.

    "Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round-trip each. And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." Bruce said. "Our history." Tony corrected. "So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in, yeah?" Tony said.

    "Which means we have to pick our targets." Clint said. "Correct." Tony nodded. "So, let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve asked. I turned around to face Thor who was sitting in the corner with sunglasses on and a beer in hand. "Is he asleep?" I asked. "No, no. I'm pretty sure he's dead." Rhodes said.

    Once we finally woke Thor up we pulled up a hologram of the Reality Stone. "Uh, where to start? Um..." Thor said, as he took his sunglasses off. "The Aether, firstly, is not a stone. Someone called it a stone before." Thor pointed at Steve, who gave a confused face.

    "Um, it's more of an angry sludge sort of thing...So someone's gonna need to amend that and stop saying that." Thor said as he put eye drops in his one real eye. "Here's an interesting story, though, about the Aether. My grandfather, many years ago, had to hide the stone from the Dark Elves. Ooh. Scary beings. So, Jane, actually" Thor said, as he touched the hologram and made a picture of Jane appear on the screen.

    "Oh, there she is. Yeah, so Jane was an old flame of mine. Uh, you know, she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time and then the Aether stuck itself inside her and she became very, very sick. And so I had to take her to Asgard, which is where I'm from, and we had to try and fix her. We were dating at the time, you see, and I got to introduce her to my mother...who's dead and, um...oh, you know, Jane and I aren't even dating anymore, so..." Thor said, as he started to tear up.

    Bruce was mouthing words and waving his hand in front of his neck indicating that we should stop Thor. "Yes, these things happen, though. You know? Nothing lasts forever. The only thing that-" "Why don't you come sit down?" Tony interrupted Thor.

    "I'm not done yet. The only thing that is permanent in life is impermanence." Thor laughed. Tony clapped once. "Awesome. Eggs? Breakfast?" Tony asked. "No. I'd like a Bloody Mary." Thor said.


    "Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag." Rocket said. We had ordered Chinese food while we were going over where each stone would be located. "Is that a person?" Bruce asked. "No, Morag's a planet. Quill was a person." Rocket said.

    "Like a planet? Like in outer space?" Scott asked. Have I mentioned how much I like this guy? I mean he's like a 12-year-old in a 45-year-old's body. "Oh, look. it's like a little puppy, all happy and everything. Do you want to go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I'll take you to space." Rocket sarcastically asked, petting Scott's hair.


    "Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vomir." Nebula said. "What is Vormir?" Nat asked as she took notes. "A dominion of death at the very center of celestial existence." Nebula said, causing everyone to look over at her. "It's where Thanos murdered my sister." Nebula said, looking down at the ground. Steve let out a sigh. "Not it." Scott said, I nodded in agreement.


    Tony, Nat and I were laying on the table while Bruce was laying on the floor. "That Time Stone guy." I said. "Doctor Strange." Bruce said. "Yeah, what kind of doctor was he?" I asked. "Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit-from-hat." Tony said.

    "Nice place in the village, though." Bruce said. "Yeah, on Sullivan Street?" Tony asked. "mm...Bleecker Street." Bruce said. "Wait, he lived in New York?" Nat asked. "No, he lived in Toronto." Tony answered sarcastically while Bruce said, "uh, yeah, on Bleeker and Sullivan." "Have you been listening to anything?" Tony asked.

"Uh, guys. If you pick the right year, there are three Infinity Stones in New York." I said, leaning on my elbow. Bruce then sat up from the floor. "Shut the front door." he said.


    We were all looking at a hologram which was labeled 'Time Heist'. There were three categories; New York: Space, Mind, and Time Stones. Asgard: Reality stone. And Morag/Vormir: Power and Soul Stones. "All right. We have a plan. Six stones, three teams, one shot." Steve said.


    So...I ended up agreeing and doing the time travel so, I was getting my suit on and once we were all dressed we all walked towards the time machine. Once we were all on the platform Steve gave one of his famous speeches.

    "Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones. Get them back. One round-trip each. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives...and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes." Steve said, as he looked over to Tony. "Good Luck." Steve said, as we all put our hands in the middle.

    "He's pretty good at that." Rocket commented, looking up at Scott. "Right?" Scott nodded. "All right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys, Jolly Green." Tony said, as Bruce pressed some buttons on the control panel.

    Clint looked down at his hand, which was holding the Milano, which was shrunk with some of Scotts disc things. "Trackers engaged." Bruce said. "You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?" Rocket said with his arms crossed.

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll do my best." Clint said with a nod and a small smile. "As promises go, that was pretty lame." Rocket shrugged. Bruce then joined us on the plate form. "See you in a minute." Nat smiled. I nodded and returned the smile.

    The floor started to spin as the machine started up. Our helmets covered our faces as we got ready to time travel. I took a deep breath as the floor opened up and sucked us all in. We all went our separate ways.


    Scott, Bruce, Steve, Tony and I all landed in New York in the year of 2021, during the Attack on New York. We landed in a back alley out of view of people. Out suits disappeared from our bodies once we landed, to reveal our super suits.

    "All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." Steve said. We then heard a loud thud. Steve turned around, while the rest of us looked up to see the Hulk smash one of the aliens with a car, then jump onto the side of a building smashing the wall in.

    "That was very aggressive." I mumbled, as Bruce hid his face in his hand. "Maybe smash a few things along the way." Steve said, turning to face Bruce. "I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." Bruce said, as he ripped off the tank top he was wearing.

    I followed him as he started walking away from the group. He was softly growling and flexing his pecs. He walked over to a taxi and lightly hit his fist onto it, causing a small dent. He then picked up a motorbike and tossed it to the side. He softly roared, raising his hands up.

    "That was pathetic and embarrassing. A freaking guinea pig is scarier than that was." I said, shaking my head. Bruce and I then made our way to uptown New York. More specifically on Bleeker and Sullivan Street. Bruce jumped up the building and onto the roof while I flew myself up there.

    Bruce looked at a brown door and went to open it when someone spoke up. "I'd be careful going that way. We just had the floors waxed." Bruce and I turned to our right and saw a bald woman in an all yellow outfit.

    We then walked over to her. "Yeah, we're looking for Doctor Strange." I said. "You're about five years too early. Stephen Strange is currently performing surgery about 20 blocks that way." The woman said, pointing down the street. "What do you two want from him?" She asked.

    "That, actually." Bruce said, pointing at the eye shaped necklace the woman had around her neck. "Ah!" The woman exclaimed looking down at it. "I'm afraid not." she said. "Sorry, but I wasn't asking." Bruce said, taking a few steps closer to the woman.

    "You don't want to do this." The woman said, as Bruce kept walking towards her. "Ah, you're right, I don't. But we need that stone and I don't have time to debate it." Bruce said as he reached for the stone. The woman hit him in the chest, sending him to the ground while his human form was in spirit form.

    My eyes were wide in fear and shock. The woman then looked over at me. "I would like to keep my soul in my body." I said, throwing my hands up in defense. She nodded before turning back to Bruce. "Let's start over, shall we?" She asked.


    We moved Bruce's body to a chair and put a straw hat over his face. "Please, please." Bruce and I begged. "I'm sorry, I can't help you guys. If I give up the Time Stone to help your reality, I'm dooming my own." The woman said, as she walked towards the door. "With all due respect, all right, I'm not sure the science really supports that." Bruce said, as we stood in front of the door. The woman then moved her arm and a glowing golden line flouted in front of us.

    "The Infinity Stones create what you experience as the flow of time." the woman said, as the six Infinity Stones surrounded the golden line. "Remove one of the stones..." She said, hitting one of the stones away causing a black line to appear. "And that flow splits. Now, this may benefit your reality...but my new one, not so much. In this new branch reality...without our chief weapon against the forces of darkness...our world would be overrun. Millions will suffer. So, tell me, Doctor. Can your science prevent all that?" The woman asked, looking over at Bruce.

    "No." Bruce started. "But we can erase it." I piped in. "Because once we're done with the stones...we can return each one to its own timeline, at the moment it was taken." I said. "So, chronologically..." Bruce said, as he grabbed the stone the woman pushed away. "In that reality..." Bruce then put the stone back, and the black line disappeared.

    "It never left." I finished. The woman turned around and as she walked away the golden line disappeared. "Yes, but you're leaving out the most important part. In order to return the stones, you have to survive." The woman said, as she leaned against the side of the roof. "We will. I will. I promise." Bruce said.

    I can't risk this reality on a promise. It's the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone." The woman said. "Then why the hell did Strange give it away?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

    "What did you say?" The woman asked. "Strange. He gave it away. He gave it to Thanos." I said. "Willingly?" The woman asked. 'Yes." Bruce and I said. "Why?" the woman asked. "How are we supposed to know?" I asked, at the same time Bruce said, "I have no idea. Maybe he made a mistake."

    The woman stood up straight and looked Bruce in the eye before she looked down. "Or I did." She said. She then put her hand next to Bruce's head and moved her hand. All of a sudden Bruce was back in his body. I gasped out of shock. The woman then did a hand trick and opened the eye shaped necklace.

    She pulled out the Time Stone and held it out to me. "Strange is meant to be the best of us." she said. "So, he must've done it for a reason." I said. "I fear you might be right." The woman said, as she placed the stone in my hand. "Thank you." Bruce and I said. "She then covered my hand with both of hers. "I'm counting on you guys. We all are." She said, switching between looking into my eyes and Bruce's. Bruce and I both nodded.


    We all reappeared on the plate form, our time travel suits disappearing again. "Did we get them all?" Bruce asked. "Are you telling me this actually worked?" Rhodes said, with a happy smile. I looked over and watched as Clint dropped to his knees with no emotion in his face.

    "Clint, where's Nat?" I asked. When Clint didn't say anything, as tears rolled down his face. I searched his mind. "No." I mumbled as I watched Nat fall down the cliff. Clint then looked up at Steve. Bruce kneeled down on one Knee while the rest of us looked down at the ground. Bruce then punched the floor.

Word Count: 3270


I would just like to say that when I looked up Scott Lang's age in Avengers: Endgame that Google said he was 93 years old. So I just made up the age I used 😂

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