𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎? 𝚈/𝚗 𝚂𝚋𝚒 𝚂𝚝𝚘...

By KaG1204

135K 3.8K 3.6K

Cover art creds: @swaglord6942069 on twt! You are a 14 yr old troubled teen in an orphanage waiting to be ado... More

1 - Another Regular Day
2 - Skiving
3 - Finding Out About Phil
4 - Fight with Schlatt Before Meeting Phil
5 - First Impressions
6 - Being Fostered
7 - The House
8 - Flashback
9 - Filler Chapter
10 - Morning of School
11 - First Day
12 - Trouble
13 - Calling Phil
14 - Consequences
15 - Advice
16 - Talking
17 - Going Back to AHS
18 - The Plan (Not for St Pauls)
19 - The Night
20 - The Feud
21 - Aftermath
22 - Running Away
23 - Phil Catches Techno
24 - Sister?
25 - Spinning
26 - Caught
A/N Pt 2
27 - Speaking to Jack
28 - Sorting things out
29 - Wilbur's Sesh
31 - Phils Background
32 - Tommy and Tubbo Fighting??
33 - Bedtime

30 - Hospital

2.8K 73 73
By KaG1204

Wilbur's POV
I woke up a few hours later to an annoying beeping sound and a thumping headache. I opened my eyes and was nearly blinded by the bright lights.

"Hey buddy. Are you ok?" It was dad. Dads voice. I leaned my head to the left where he was. My whole body ached.

"Dad?" I reached my hand out, and he held it tightly.

"Hi Wilbur. You're awake."

"I thought you were out? What happened?"

"Nows not time to tell you, mate. You go back to sleep. It's still early."

"Ok." I fell back asleep with dad still holding my hand. It all came back to me now. Well, some. I can remember having a party. The last thing I remember was wondering through people trying to find Dream. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember anything after that.

Phils POV
I was out last night. It was nice to escape the house and get away from the kids for a while. As much as I love all of them even I need a break sometimes.

I got a phone call at roughly 1am from Techno. He said Wilbur had passed out, and he needed an ambulance as he wasn't responding. He never gave me much more context than that. All he said was:

"Phil, we need you to come home ASAP, Wilbur's blacked out. He isn't responding. I think he needs an ambulance."

And then he hung up. I said to all my mates that I'd have to go and I got a taxi back to the house. Techno had messaged, saying he'd already phoned an ambulance, so that was good. I wasn't drunk. I'd only had 2 pints.

I got into the house, and the mess was real. There were plastic cups spilt everywhere. Hand prints on the walls, a bunch of food and empty alcohol bottles and cans lying about. I ran into the kitchen and saw Wilbur passed out in the middle of the floor, y/n, or Techno not being able to wake him.

"Wilbur. Wilbur! Can you hear me?"

He let out a grunt.

"Can you sit up for me, mate?"

I tried to help him sit up, but his body wasn't having any of it. He was floppy and was the best way to describe it. He couldn't hold himself up. I wanted him to try to drink water, but he couldn't if he couldn't sit up.

He kept looking like he was about to choke. I sat him up quickly, and y/n got a basin while Techno poured a glass of water.

Me and Techno held him up while he spewed while y/n held the basin, making sure it didn't spill.

He spewed, and we made him drink some water, although he kept trying to spit it out. He laid back down on the floor again once he had got most of it out of his system.

"Guys, what happened?" I asked the other 2.

They both looked at each other sceptical.

"Will had a party. As soon as you left, he ran up to Tesco and got all the snacks and stuff. He got the alcohol from a dodgy corner shop. He invited all his friends over, and I had some of mine over as well. He was drinking a lot, downing vodka and shit straight from the bottle. I think he went upstairs to the toilet and when he came back down he couldn't find his way through the crowd and he passed out. I got Techno to phone you while I rushed everyone out. Dream stayed for a while to try help, but he left just before you came in. We are sorry about this, Phil, genuinely."

"Yeah, Phil, we didn't know this was going to happen. If we did, we would've told Wilbur not to have the party."

"Have you 2 been drinking as well?"

Y/n looked guilty. Techno didn't. I had my answer right there.

"I have Phil. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, mate."

Right on cue, there was a knock on the door. Techno ran and answered. It was the ambulance people.

"Thank god, my brother is through here. He's been drinking, and he's blacked out. Please help!"
Techno blabbed to the paramedics. They came rushing through to the kitchen. They tried talking to him but it wasn't working. They asked how much he'd had to drink, and y/n answered.

"Near half a bottle of straight vodka, a couple of dark fruits, and a shiton of buckfast."

The paramedics turned to me and said:

"He's in bad condition, but nothing too serious. We'll take him into hospital and do tests on him just to make sure he will definitely be ok. He should be fine after a good spew and a rest. We need someone to come in the ambulance."

"I'll go." I said. They put Wilbur on a stretcher thing and put him in the back, me not far behind. I said to y/n and Techno for them to start cleaning up and then go get some rest.

Techno POV
Wilbur had just been put in the ambulance. It was just me and y/n. Tommy and Tubbo were upstairs, but I had no idea if they were asleep or not. Y/n had sent them upstairs after Wilbur passed out.

"We've fucked this y/n."

"Kind of yeah."

"Phils going to go mental when he sobers up."

"Fuck knows. He'll either be nice about it or go mad. Let's clean up. Then go to our beds. I'm fucking knackered."


Me and y/n cleaned up. We picked up all the cups, all the bottles. We stuck the half full, and full ones in an empty cupboard. We picked up all the food and wrapped the rest in cling film so it could still be eaten. We tried to clean the walls but didn't do a good job. We disconnected Wilburs speaker and turned off the fancy light thing he had. We put everything back where it was supposed to be and then went up to our beds.

Once me and Techno cleaned up we went to our beds. I went in to check on Tommy and Tubbo. They were both still up, Tommy trying to comfort a crying Tubbo.

"Hey. You guys ok?" Tubbo started crying harder.

"Hey what's up? Are you worried about Wilbur?"

"Yes y/n. Will he be ok?" Tommy looked like he was about to start crying.

"He should be. He has to stay in the hospital tonight though just so they can make sure. The paramedics said he'd be fine after he's had a good spew and slept. Worst he'll have in the morning is a banging headache."

The 2 looked more relieved.

"What about Phil?"

"He's away to the hospital with Wilbur. Trust me guys they will both be fine. Wilbur will be home tommorow, everything will be good."

"But what if its not?"

"It will be guys. If he's not home tommorow which he should be I'm sure you guys can go visit. Try get some rest guys. Wilbur will probably be back safe and sound before you guys are awake."

"Ok y/n."

I tucked the 2 in to their bunk beds and reminded them that they could come into my or Technos room in the night if they needed to.

Phils POV
Wilbur woke up at around 11. He'd sobered up a bit which was good.

"Hiya mate. You ok?"

"Yeah Phil. My heads still pounding though."

"I can ask the nurse for pain killers. You just stay here ok?"


I found the nurse and got some strong ish painkillers for Wilbur's head. I brought them back to him with a cup of water. He downed them.

"So Phil can you tell me what happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself. You had a party and at some point blacked out. Techno phoned me to come home. When I got in there was empty bottles, cups, cans lying everywhere. You were in the kitchen completely blacked out. We couldn't even sit you up without holding you. You spewed, had some water and blacked out again. We called an ambulance and thats how you ended up here."

"Oh shit Phil I'm so sorry I genuinely am. I never meant for that to happen."

"It's ok mate. You should be able to get home this afternoon."

A nurse came in.

"Wilbur your tests look good. You're free to go whenever."


"Make sure not to be drinking again though. It's dangerous for people your age."

The nurse said jokingly.

"Don't worry he won't be." I replied to the nurse.

Wilbur POV
"Don't worry he won't be." Phil said to to the nurse. He said it jokingly but serious as well. His tone didn't have a good vibe.

We walked out to the car. Nothing was said but it wasn't awkward. Phil didn't look pissed off but he didn't look happy either.

Nothing was said in the car. We had the radio on playing some shite pop music. The hospital was around a 20 minute drive away. It was absolutely pissing down outside.

We got home. I will admit Techno and y/n did a good job cleaning up the mess. I think they were still sleeping.

Me and Phil were standing in the hall. He put his arms out for a hug. I accepted and hugged him back. It felt good because I was still feeling like shit.

"I'm sorry dad." I whispered.

"It's ok mate. I love you."

"I love you too, dad."

"What's happened, happened. Ultimately, I'm glad you and everyone else involved are alright. This won't be happening again, will it?" Phil asked, giving me the dad look. I looked at the floor and shook my head. "I've decided, you're grounded until the summer holidays, you're writing a hand written apology to each of your friends and from now on I'll be checking you're phone regularly to make sure you aren't planning anything else. You also have extra chores for the next few weeks to make up for the mess that was made."

Until the summer?? That was over 2 months away. It's ok, I guess. I couldn't expect to get away with it as easily as I'd hoped.

I groaned. "That's ok, I guess."

"It'll have to be. Y/n and Techno aren't getting away with it either. I only want what's best for you guys. You do know that, right?"

"Yeah, dad. I'm sorry for everything."

"It's ok. It was a bit of fun that escalated. We all do it. Mistakes are made to be learned from."

"Yeah. Thanks, dad. For being the way you are instead of a dickhead."

I hugged him again. He hugged me back.

"Want to sit and watch a movie? We can have hot chocolate and popcorn?"


"I'll quickly go and speak to y/n and Techno. You can pick the movie."


No ones POV
Phil was and wasn't mad at Wilbur. He put himself in hospital but he didn't mean to.

He knew that y/n had been drinking on the night they had admitted it to him. Techno well. He wasn't sure what to do with him. Phil knows he wasn't drinking but he could've prevented the party. No that's not fair on him. He can't be expected to prevent everything. Phil would leave him for now but y/n was another story.

Phil decided to go upstairs and talk to them about it. He'd decide what to do once he'd heard their version of events.

Phil walked upstairs and knocked on their door. He heard a very groggy "come in" so he did.

Y/n was very hungover. They had, had alot last night but not as much as Wilbur.

"Hi Phil are you ok?"

"How are you?"

"Hungover. What about you? What about Wilbur?"

"I'm fine. Wilbur is home safe and sound. He's like you a bit hungover."

"Is he ok? Is he grounded?"

"Yes. He's grounded until the summer. You're also grounded. 2 weeks. 1 for lying to me and 1 for drinking.

"I'm sorry Phil. That's fair." Y/n found that fair. That's what they got the last time when they'd planned that thing with Wilbur. They'd have been chucked out by now if it was any other family.

"You know I'm only doing it because I love and care about you guys. It's to keep you guys safe."

"I know Phil. I regret Saturday and I'm sorry."

"It's ok mate. Want to come and watch a film with me and Wilbur?"


Y/n went downstairs and started speaking to Wilbur.

Phil went into Techno's room.

"Hey Techno. You ok?"

"Yeah. Is Wilbur back?" Techno was sitting on his bed reading. He looked really tired.

"Yeah he came back earlier. How are you feeling about last night?"


"It's not your fault Wilbur was the way he was. I'm proud of you the way you handled it. Phoning me and phoning the ambulance. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks dad."

"Want to come watch a movie with the rest of us?"

"Yeah ok."

Phil walked into to Tommy and Tubbos room to see the 2 youngers asleep beside hugging each other on the bottom bunk. Phil guessed that they never got much sleep last night.

He decided to write them a note for when they wake up. He picked up paper and a red and green crayon. He scribbled "I'm proud of you both - Dad." And left it on their beside table.

He went downstairs and prepared hot chocolate and popcorn for everyone. Wilbur, Techno and Y/n was spread out on the sofa with the curtains shut listening to the rainfall.

Phil came through and gave everyone their got chocolate. They all got cozy on the sofa with blankets and put on the movie. Wilbur had put on Toy Story, a family favourite.

Despite the events the night before everyone seemed calm. The 3 older's felt lucky to have a Dad like Phil.

A/n this chapter is long but wholesome, hope yous enjoy :)

PS: I really like seeing you guys comments and predictions on the story, keep leaving them in the comments <3

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