the king and his bride |

Von x_linn_

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[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... Mehr

TKAHB universe


1.8K 166 82
Von x_linn_


''You shouldn't have let them go,'' growled Taehyung as him and Sueji rushed up the stairs towards the Brides' rooms.

''There was a child crying, he was hurt! They just wanted to take him and quickly come back-''

''I gave you orders!''

''They just wanted to help!'' she exclaimed in distress, glaring at him.

Taehyung clenched his jaw, staying silent.

Of course they would want to help. Especially Chaeyoung, he knew her well enough. She was always reckless when it came to helping others. She was too good to him, too good to everyone and it drove him to madness.

Finally reaching the third floor, they passed the Brides' chamber where the rest of the girls were poking their heads out from the door in worry. Turning a corner in the dimply lit corridor, Sueji looked around, biting her lip.

''It happened somewhere around here, we didn't see them,'' she trailed off, looking at Taehyung who went ahead, eyes glued to one certain spot in suffocating silence. Frowning, she watched as he crouched down slowly. Nearing him, she widened her eyes noticing a golden necklace with a heart pendant lying on the floor.

Hesitantly, Taehyung took the fragile jewelry between his fingers, his own heart pummeling down to the ground.

''Is it theirs?'' trembled Sueji, squeezing the fabric of her dress in her clammy palms.
''Chaeyoung's,'' came the quiet answer, and the girl shuddered in her skin.

She couldn't see his face, but the ground beneath her was shaking and the air around her got heavier, so much heavier her nostrils burned.

Taehyung stood up, the necklace clenched tight in his fist, his head bowed down to the ground. Gulping, Sueji took a cautious step back, her chest feeling so heavy with the lack of air it was difficult to keep balance on her own two feet.

To her relief, frantic steps approached them from behind her and turning around, she spotted Seokjin running their way.

''The girls told me what happened,'' he reached the two breathing heavily. Looking at his unmoving friend he clenched his jaw, his whole demeanor shifting drastically as he sensed the tense air around them, ''is it true?'' he turned to her, so tense she has never seen him this way before.

And then she realized. Jisoo was there too.

''Yes,'' she muttered, looking down.

She heard him take in a sharp breath before he looked at the man who was still standing with his back facing them, not having moved once since his friend's arrival.

''What now?''

There was a short silence before Taehyung turned around, face still as a stone yet his eyes spoke of slaughter.

''Evacuate all the guests to the front lawn, the party is over,'' he spoke, seeming calm yet the walls shook with each word, ''call the regiments and have them guard every fucking inch of this place. I want the generals by the entrance in five minutes.''

''The generals?'' Taehyung glanced at Seokjin, clenching his jaw, the golden jewelry tight in his fist.

''They want a conflict, they will have one. I am done playing around, Jin. I want every single bastard dead.''

''Move it!'' Chaeyoung hissed in pain, the guy's fingers digging into the back of her throat painfully as he pushed her along the dark backyard, careful of the guards that stood here and there near the palace walls.

The night was warm and suffocating, she felt sticky as the men pushed them along the lawn, cursing every time one of the girls tripped.

They were caging them in from every side, there was no possible way to escape. Not like the girls haven't tried already. Chaeyoung earned herself a few slaps across her face and some kicks into her stomach. But it was Tzuyu who tried to fight the most at first, resulting in a few more blows than the rest of the girls got. However, by now, even Tzuyu was left quiet and defeated as they got dragged to who knows where, all the fight in them gone.

''It's going to be okay,'' whispered Chaeyoung softly to the little boy crying in her arms, her own eyes starting to sting with unshed tears as they neared the stone wall at the back.

She tried to get him out of this, she tried to make him run, but the men wouldn't let him. They didn't have any use for him, but they couldn't let him run off and spill their whereabouts.

A sharp stone on the narrow path made Chaeyoung trip, the man's fingers digging further into her neck, nearly drawing blood as he pulled her back to her feet.

''Watch it you useless cunt,'' he hissed menacingly into her ear, making the little boy in her arms cry harder.

Chaeyoung held him tighter, trying to ignore the stinging pain in her throat.

''Make the kid shut up already or I will gut him right in front of all of you!'' roared the man at the front of the group, Chaeyoung's heart dropping down to her stomach as she pushed Insu's head further into the crook of her neck.

She had to get him out, this couldn't be his end.

She had no idea where they could be possibly leading them, the palace grounds were fenced up from every side and all the gates were guarded.

Unless they managed to find an unnoticed escape route, they must have had some kind of plan in the end.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed Jisoo speeding her step a little to walk next to her. Looking aside at her carefully, Chaeyoung pursed her lips.

''It's going to be okay,'' whispered Jisoo, giving her an unconvincing smile, the corner of her lips bloody from one of the blows from the men. Chaeyoung felt a single tear rolling down her cheek.

''I'm so sorry,'' she gasped quietly, careful so the men don't hear.

Jisoo shook her head, face twisting in agonizing sadness.

''It's not your fault...''

Chaeyoung wanted to believe that. She truly did.

A sudden sharp squeeze on the back of her neck made her stop with a scream, barely managing to keep herself on her feet. Shaken, she looked around to notice two other men running towards their group, signaling them to stop in their tracks.

With a sharp intake of breath, she looked at the guy who was holding her, his scarred face twisting in annoyance.

''Guys let them go, we need you inside, right fucking now.''

Chaeyoung's heart skipped a beat as she held onto Insu even tighter.

''We can't let them go,'' said the one at the front, scowling at them, ''you guys handle it yourself. We need to get them behind the fence first''

''The Saint is tearing apart one guy after another, he's fucking insane. We need more men in there.''

Chaeyoung glanced aside at the girls, who just like her seemed more relieved at the turn of events.

''What the fuck, you guys were supposed to stay low,'' seethed the leader at the front, looking like he was about to pounce at the two.

''Things got out of control! Forget it, we need you guys in there now!''

Sighing, the man rubbed his face before looking at the girls held tightly by his other companions.

''I'm not letting them go, it would be a shame to give them up now,'' he said and walked up to Miyeon, grabbing her face with a disgusting sneer, ''Sanghoon you go with the girls, I want to have them all once I return. And the kid as well,'' he turned back towards the two, ''the rest, let's go,'' he let go of the girl harshly, forcing her to step back with a painful hiss.

Chaeyoung was thrown to another guy as the one who held her walked towards the leader and soon all of them disappeared in the darkness, leaving one guy with the four girls and Insu.

Sensing the opportunity, Tzuyu broke free, stepping back from the guy however before she could alarm anyone, he grabbed Chaeyoung from behind, placing a lengthy knife to her and Insu's necks. Watching Tzuyu, he scowled.

''Make a single sound or a movement, I will slice their throats.''

Chaeyoung's chest tightened painfully and Insu started wailing loudly once again, thrashing around so much the knife sliced his soft skin.

''Insu baby please calm down,'' croaked Chaeyoung, holding him tight as tears fell down her cheek uncontrollably, ''Everything will be okay, just don't move, okay? Can you listen to me?'' keeping her teary eyes straight she pleaded with the boy as the other girls watched the scene in terror.

Tzuyu, clenching her jaw, shifted her eyes from Caeyoung to the guy and back to Chaeyoung again before raising her arms slowly in defense.

''I will be quiet and I won't move. Take away the knife,'' she seethed quietly in between her teeth.

The guy motioned with his head forward, ushering the girls in front of him.

''Go slowly to the army's quarters, I will be right behind you. One mistake and I will slice them both in half.'' Chaeyoung shuddered as they started moving again, the three girls walking in front of them, stiff as boards. The man did not put away the knife however he did shift it a little, so it wasn't brushing against their necks with each little move.

Reaching the regiments' quarters he ushered them to an underground entrance at the side of the building where the storerooms and infirmary were.

''Hey!'' yelled Chaeyoung as the guy pushed Jisoo roughly to the front, making her miss the last few steps on her way down and tumbling to the ground.

''Was that fucking necessary?'' fumed Tzuyu but the guy only glared her way, clenching his teeth.

''Don't make a fucking scene and move it you bitch,'' he snapped back. Tzuyu was about to fire back but Jisoo, picking herself back up shook her head at the sneering girl, signaling her to calm down.

They walked further in along the dark and dusty corridors, shivers running up Chaeyoung's spine at the eery area. She had never been to this part of the palace and she would have never guessed such a creepy place even existed among all the richness and beauty the palace holds.

''Noona, where are we going?'' whispered the little boy into her ear and she cradled his head to her shoulder, blocking his sight.

''Somewhere where help will come.''

At that Miyeon looked aside at the two, biting her lip. Noticing this, Chaeyoung gave her a stern nod, trying to make them both believe.

All the regiments were currently out scouting the rest of the palace, this area must have been the emptiest at the moment. The guy was clever.

She wondered how come these people knew their way around here so well.

Finally, he pushed them inside one of the storage rooms before closing the heavy door shut, letting go of Chaeyoung at last.

Quickly, she scurried to the rest of the girls who looked over her and little Insu immediately, worried.

''Why are we here?'' gritted Miyeon, looking over at the guy in hatred. Silently, he pulled a chair towards the door, heavily sitting down.

''Fucker, she asked you so-''

The man stood up abruptly, marching towards Tzuyu however the rest of the girls ran to her faster, shielding her with little Insu hugging her knees, protecting her.

''Don't you dare touch her,'' seethed Chaeyoung, staring the man down in disgust. Seething, the guy stepped back.

''Tell your friend to shut her trap or it won't end well.'' And with that he marched back towards his chair, sitting down.

Blowing out a breath of relief Chaeyoung stepped away from the group and the rest of the girls slowly calmed down, throwing the man nasty glances here and there as they settled down against the wall on the floor.

Joining them, Chaeyoung leaned her head against Tzuyu's shoulder as Insu settled on her lap, heavy eyes closing.#

''Get some sleep baby,'' she soothed him tiredly, stroking his cheek with her finger. The little boy shook his head, rubbing his eyes.

''Not until I see my mommy again,'' he sobbed quietly, making the burly man in the corner throw a nasty glare their way.

''I promise you that once you wake up, you will see your mom.''

''Promise?'' Eyes so sore and heavy he couldn't keep them open any longer.

''I promise,'' she sighed, brushing over his messy hair with her fingers. Soon, the boy was sleeping away soundly.

Jimin felt sick to his stomach, standing in the middle of the bloodshed that was happening in the back corridors. He fought in many battles before, but never alongside the king.

Not in his wildest nightmares did he see so much blood as he saw at the moment as the king went from one intruder to another, leaving what was left of them in his wake.

Pushing a guy off himself, Jimin brushed down his shoulders before bowing down, pulling the little knife from the guy's side as he howled in pain on the floor. Looking over him for a bit Jimin sighed before nodding once and grabbing him by his hair he sliced his throat with the knife, letting him rest.

May he be reborn into a better world.

Wiping the bloody knife against his pants, Jimin put it back inside the holder in his belt before glancing ahead to the front, cringing.

The king was on a rampage.

There was no need for the regiments' presence, the king would be able to handle it all by himself. He barely stopped as he massacred one man after another, making his way towards the exit of the back corridor.

Looking around him, the place looked like a communal tomb. Body upon body covered in red, the stench in the air making his stomach convulse. The walls were painted in red, blood splattered around as if a bomb went off, ripping everyone apart. Yells of despair danced in the air as one man after another fell, defeated.

''It will be over soon,'' came a voice from behind him, and soon Seokjin stood next to him, eyes clouded over as he looked over the bodies covering the floor.

''Yeah, looks like it.'' They watched as the raging ruler tore apart yet another man in his way, the head falling down on the floor soon followed by the motionless body.

''Is he a monster?''

''A Saint,'' answered Seokjin calmly, watching his raging friend covered in blood, ''And Saints' true power is a terrifying thing.'' Jimin nodded, looking away as yet another motionless body fell to the floor.

''I think I'm going to throw up,'' he muttered under his nose. Patting his shoulder Seokjin went ahead.

''Go get some rest, I think it's all handled now.''

And just as Seokjin finished, the last living enemy fell to his knees, clutching at his chest, heart gone.

Having seen enough of slaughter for the rest of his life, Jimin nodded uneasily before turning, stepping around the corpses. Aiming for the lobby he then turned left and soon was standing in front of the throne hall where the girls were gathered. Seeing the familiar face, Kai opened the door for Jimin without hesitation. Walking in, the girls immediately looked his way, Jennie standing up abruptly, looking over his state.

Clothes battered and covered in blood, but the reassuring smile and a nod he sent her way, calmed her down. It was soon to be over.

On the other hand, Seokjin walked up to Taehyung who was wiping his bloody hands on his shirt absently, standing in the middle of the chaos so tall, Seokjin started to ponder at Jimin's words.

He knew his friend wasn't a monster. Yet he had the qualities at his disposal. The strength of a monster. The intelligence. And most of all, the anger of a true monster. Walking around him Seokjin faced his friend. Taehyung's eyes were dull black, a monstrous storm raging inside. One would say that he wasn't himself. That he needed to snap out of whatever delirium he was in. But Seokjin knew better, this was simply the bitter truth of being a Saint.

Their anger knew no limits.

Taehyung was fully himself right now. This was the true form of a Saint unleashed.

''Let's go,'' was all he said and Seokjin simply nodded, following his friend to the exit.

Much to Chaeyoung's uneasiness, the loud commotion that could be heard above was silenced a few minutes ago.

Her and the girls got more and more anxious with each deathly silent second, the guy in front of them shuffling around uneasily himself.

The silence meant only one thing.
Victory. But whose? The struggle came to an end.

She was surprised the loud cries and wails from above did not wake up the little boy. Chaeyoung could only imagine what was going on up there.

The disturbing commotion full of despair and violence was what she imagined the hell sounded like.

An uncomfortable silence dominated the small room, no one knowing what to think.

''For fuck's sake, what's taking them so long,'' fumed the guy, standing up from his place to pace around the room. Chaeyoung watched him wearily, unconsciously pulling sleeping Insu closer.

Feeling a soft tap at her shoulder, Chaeyoung looked to her left, frowning as Tzuyu motioned to the door with her head, then looked cautiously at her and the rest of the girls. Glancing at the door, it was more or less left unguarded right now as the guy was preoccupied with his anxious pacing.

Biting her lip, Chaeyoung looked at the rest of the girls, all of them looking unsure, just like she was.

She wasn't sure whether to wait patiently for help or take things into her own hands. The guy had a knife, but he was outnumbered. Yet he was stronger still. Trained.

Pulling her eyebrows together, she looked at Tzuyu, shaking her head. The girl in return frowned, mouthing a 'why'. Motioning towards the sleeping boy in her arms, Chaeyoung again shook her head. She couldn't risk his life. If Insu was not there, she would be already fleeing out that door, not afraid of what's to come as long as she fought for herself. But this was different.

''What are you cunts talking about?!''

Soon the seething guy was in Chaeyoung's face, pushing the blade to her neck like he already did countless times.

''Hey! She didn't do anything!'' argued the girls, trying to push him away but he only neared the blade closer, making them back away cautiously. Chaeyoung stared the man down, fighting herself not to let her fear slip onto her face.

''I wasn't saying anything,'' she answered calmly, her voice not faltering once. Narrowing his eyes, the man pushed the blade closer to her skin, managing to create a thin cut.

''You are not going to fuck around with me,'' he said before grabbing the hair at the back of her head with his fist, pulling her close.

Chaeyoung hissed, clenching her teeth.
''Let her go!'' But he ignored the girls, glaring daggers into Chaeyoung.
''I can't wait to have my way with you, slut.'' Chaeyoung glared back, however before she could utter any kind of comeback the door to the storeroom flew open, and soon the guy was pulled off her and thrown to the other side of the room, landing on the countless shelves with a crash.

Taking in a harsh breath, she watched Taehyung storm to him at an incredible speed. With her heart in her throat, Chaeyoung hugged Insu closer, the boy woken up by the commotion.

''Noona what is going on?'' he whimpered and she pulled his face into her neck, not letting him see.

''It's okay baby, we're safe now, everything is okay.''

Her surroundings seemed blurred, everything around her was spinning and all she could see clearly was Taehyung, all bloodied up, kneeling over the trembling man, his fist clutching tightly onto his hair, just like the guy did to her.

''What's wrong?'' mocked Taehyung, the taunting undertone opposite of the gravelly sound of his voice, ''Why don't you fight now, huh?'' he smiled, pulling the guy's head closer to stare him in the eyes maliciously, ''I dare you to fight me you fuck.''

''P-please I-''

''What? Can't fight a man? Only women? Only those weaker than you?'' he sneered darkly, consumed by rage, ''Fucking pathetic,'' he muttered before grabbing his face swiftly, his thumb and middle finger pressing at his temples. He crashed his head against the ground, pulling a painful howl from the helpless man.

Rooted to her place, Chaeyoung could do nothing but watch as her voice refused to leave her, her hand holding Insu's face securely in the warm crook of her neck, away from the violence happening just a few feet away.

She could feel bile rising up her throat as Taehyung's fingers dug deep into the man's head, drawing blood.

''Stop! I-I beg you PLEASE!''

But the man's pleads went unheard as Taehyung stared him down emotionlessly, only his eyes speaking of madness.

The whites of the man's eyes turned bloody red as Taehyung put more and more pressure, the helpless man gurgling his words.

''I-I am so-sorry please!'' he wailed in agony, the pressure in his head sending him into unbelievable pain, the rest of his body twitching helplessly on the ground.

''I do not forgive people like you,'' was Taehyung's answer, voice so eerily calm, Chaeyoung's insides shuddered and her stomach clenched.

''You-you are a monster,'' muttered the man weakly in a strained voice, all his strength leaving him as blood poured down his temples, creating a red puddle around his head.

Chaeyoung focused on the side of Taehyung's face which she could see. Illuminated in the yellow light of the lightbulb above, he looked murderous, blood-thirsty. His lips pulled into an eerie smirk, the dried blood splattered over his face and neck adding to the madness.

''Maybe I am,'' he chuckled, watching the life leaving the man's eyes, ''and I will fucking haunt you for eternity you fucker,'' he said and with a swift movement of his hand dug deeper, finally ending the man's life with his blood now pouring freely from the noticeable holes at the sides of his head, his skull crushed.

Chaeyoung gaped quietly at the scene, her throat clogging up. Quickly diverting her gaze from the motionless body, she could not look at him any longer. She imagined hearing those words from the Saint as you die must be a terrifying thing. He was definitely going to get haunted by Taehyung even in the afterlife.

Gulping, she watched as the Saint stood up slowly, wiping his bloody hands into his already drenched shirt.

Unconsciously she pulled little Insu closer into her chest, looking up as Taehyung turned around, his eyes immediately meeting hers.

She didn't dare to move once as he approached her before falling down to his knees in front of her and finally, she could look into his eyes from up close.

They were terrifyingly dull and for a moment she wondered whether he was in some kind of haze she had to wake him up from. But as his eyes moved from hers to her bruises, to the wound on her neck and lastly to little Insu in her arms, she could see him gulp harshly, clenching his jaw.

Sighing she slowly unwrapped her arms from Insu to raise them up and Taehyung did not hesitate, wrapping his own arms around the two, pulling them close with his head in the crook of Chaeyoung's neck.

She pulled him in, leaning her head against his shoulder with her eyes closed. They sat like that for a minute and feeling the relief loosening up her muscles, Chaeyoung finally looked around the room from behind his shoulder, for the first time noticing that Seokjin was present as well, hugging Jisoo to himself as the two other girls picked themselves up from the floor, still gaping terrified at the dead man in the corner.

She was so out of it before, she didn't notice her surroundings till the massacre was over.

Sighing heavily she closed her eyes, leaning her head on Taehyung's shoulder, feeling him loosen up in her hold, his rapid breaths turning softer now.

Feeling little Insu shuffle in her lap, she smiled as he himself hugged the giant holding them both, his little arms wrapping around his torso.
It was over now.

Chaeyoung's pov

The moment we returned to the palace, the girls attacked us with hugs, crying their eyes out. Mrs Lim was tearfully awaiting our arrival as well and the moment Insu spotted her, he started trashing around in my arms, wailing.

The palace was empty and once I peeked out from one of the ginormous windows in the lobby, I could see all the guests gathered at the lawn anxiously.

The ball was over and as soon as Taehyung got an affirmation that the palace was, in fact, safe again, he ordered for all guests to leave the palace in the upcoming hour.

He demanded that me and the rest of the girls get checked up by his doctor, although we were sporting no more than a few bruises with me having an additional cut on my throat.

The palace was a mess and so was its master as he ran from one place to the other, taking care of everything, not having the time to change from his battered, bloody clothes.

He was truly a sight, looking like he walked out of a massacre. And from the little bits and pieces Jimin told us, I wasn't much far from the truth. We were even forbidden from entering the back corridors of the palace where the show apparently took place.

Weirdly enough, ever since stepping my foot into the palace after the fiasco, Taehyung seemed to avoid even looking my way, distancing himself.

At first, I thought I was overthinking, seeing as he was obviously busy. But as I watched him determinedly from one side of the lobby where me and the three girls were sat down for our checkups, huddled in blankets, the moment I finally caught him looking my way he turned away immediately as if getting burned. Soon he was walking away speedily, roaring out more commands.

Frowning, I looked down at my lap, and decided that I would simply leave him for the evening. He obviously had a lot on his plate, not to mention he slaughtered an entire group of assassins just an hour ago. That must have taken some kind of a toll on him, no matter how strong he was.

Later that night, however, as I came out of my much-needed shower and looked around my empty room, I couldn't keep my feelings in check as I felt the first tear slide down my cheek.

The memory of the repulsing man holding the knife up to my throat, the memory of Jisoo falling down the stairs and the memory of the insufferable fear I went through that evening, I knew I wouldn't make it alone tonight.

And so getting dressed in one of my nightgowns hastily, I wiped the tears off before walking out of my room and to the fourth floor.

Taehyung was not in his room so I decided on sitting down in his bed as I waited, closing my eyes. Even when he was not there, it still felt much better in the very familiar room than it did in my own. This chamber grew on me. After all, I spent much of my time here while my room only served as a place to sleep for the most part.

It was approximately half an hour later when Taehyung stormed into the room, as disheveled and stressed out as I saw him the last time. Gaping at him in surprise, I watched him stop in his tracks, realizing I was there.

There was a long silence which I spent observing him. His dress shirt was now unbuttoned down to the middle, revealing his chest. His hair was messy and matted, there were noticeable dark circles under his eyes. And obviously, the blood. It was everywhere, his face, shirt and hands. His knuckles were bruised up but other than that he didn't seem to be hurt anywhere, making me relieved.

Yet, he still seemed off. Anxious even. Standing up slowly I tried to approach him but that seemed to wake him up from his trance as he stepped back.

''I'm going to take a shower,'' he muttered hastily, avoiding my eyes before taking off towards the bathroom.

I frowned watching his tense back as he disappeared into the bathroom.

Confused, I sat back down, clenching the bedsheets in my fists.

What could it possibly be that made him act like this?

Twenty minutes later the door opened slowly and immediately looking up, I watched him enter the bathroom in nothing but loose pants hanging on his hips and a towel around his bare shoulders.

Straightening up I carefully looked at his face. His eyes were downcast.

''Hey,'' I uttered, finally getting him to look up at me, ''Are you alright?'' I worried as he shuffled closer before sitting heavily next to me.

''Yeah,'' was all he answered, looking ahead as he dried his hair with the towel. Biting my lip I shuffled behind him on my knees. I took the towel from him gently and continued to dry his hair. He sighed heavily, dropping his arms by his sides, his tense posture slowly loosening up.

''Are you okay?'' it was now his turn to ask, tilting his head a little to the side.
Biting my lip I stared at the back of his head, thinking. Was I okay?

Not really. I was still petrified from the events that happened today, I was tired and honestly, I just wanted to cry. I wanted to forget but the memories of the disgusting men, crying Insu, the feeling of a cold blade cutting against my throat were most likely staying with me forever. My insides shuddered just thinking about it.

But seeing something was bothering him too, I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head for later.

''Yeah...'' I cursed at myself, not sounding at all convinced. I winced mentally as he turned around, looking at me.

His eyes searched mine for a moment before he bowed his head down with a sullen expression. Frowning I placed the towel down before taking his face in my palms, forcing him to look at me.

''Tell me what's wrong,'' I whispered, stroking his cheeks with my thumbs.

''I never wanted you to see me like that,'' he muttered.

Rising my eyebrows I watched him silently, thinking what he could be talking about.

''Oh,'' I widened my eyes as it clicked, ''I am not going to lie, it was scary,'' I chuckled silently, making him frown, ''but I am not scared of you. And I don't see you any differently than I did before,'' I tried to reassure him, the gruesome scene flashing in front of my eyes.

It was truly terrifying and made me sick to my stomach but on the other hand, Taehyung simply protected his people. And driven by anger, and aided by his unhuman powers he went a little over the edge. But that was all.

''I should have controlled myself better,'' he seethed under his nose, clenching his jaw.

''Tae no,'' his eyes snapped up to meet mine in a second, ''he deserved it and I know you would never hurt someone innocent.''

Slowly he glanced down at my neck, his eyes softening. Reaching out he ran his finger down the side of it, softly grazing the plaster. Knowing what he was thinking about I grabbed his hand immediately.

''Stop,'' I frowned, pulling his hand away before letting go of him entirely, ''don't think about it. You saved me so many times,'' I smiled softly, ''I couldn't ask for more.''

Sighing he nodded before running his eyes over my face slowly. He rubbed his finger against the bruise on my cheek.

''Does it hurt?''

''No, don't worry I'm alright,'' I forced a smile, taking a hold of his hand.

Eyes fixed on the bruise, he pushed my hair back from my face.

''What did he do to you?'' Pursing my lips I looked down at my lap.

''It doesn't matter now,'' I whispered.
Holding my face in his palms he forced me to look at him, giving me a frown.

''Of course it fucking matters, he hurt you,'' he muttered, searching my face for any clue to his question.

And under the close observation, I finally crumbled.

''And he won't be able to do that again,'' I whispered, feeling a single tear roll down my bruised cheek.

Eyes softening, he pulled me in for a hug, hiding my face in his neck as I sobbed away.

''I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I'm so sorry sweetheart.''

I shook my head abruptly, not pulling away only holding him tighter.

Later that night, after I calmed down from my outburst, the two of us were lying down, Taehyung leaning against his elbow as he stroked my cheek with me lying against him, my face nestled in his chest.

''So we don't know what they came here for?'' I mumbled, the exhaustion not letting me open my eyes.

''No,'' he whispered, finger running up my earlobe in a feather light touch.

''What about the guy from yesterday? The one from the maze?'' I pondered quietly, frowning.

As far as I knew he was taken to the cells. Maybe we would be able to get something out of him.

His caressing was paused for a short second before he continued, now running his fingers in my hair.

''He won't be able to tell much anymore,'' he said simply. I cracked my tired eyes open, looking up at the man suspiciously. He glanced down at me as well, smirking.

''I...I am not even going to ask.''

''Good girl.''


...well this is awkward

guys I have no excuses other that I didn't write anything in what seems like ages TnT

as much as I love writing, sometimes there is no motivation and things just won't come out and I understand that many of you may be annoyed at my irregular updates, the only thing I can advise to those of you who don't like waiting for every single new chapter, is to save this story in your library and check on it from time to time to see whether it is already finished or not

to those of you who are still here with all your support, I can't begin to explain how greatful I am <3

you guys have an incredible patience

love you all, stay safe <3


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Two extraordinary men find themselves captivated by a woman of intricate allure, whose heart seems unattainable. These men, driven by their unwaverin...
151K 5.8K 40
Park Chaeyoung, a new accepted trainee of YG entertainment, had to deal with her mentor, Lalisa Manoban, before even joining her dream group. Hating...
93.7K 5.4K 69
"Are you sure I'm not on your bias list?" Taehyung said, looking at you curiously, waiting for a response. "NO. you're on the alien list." you said...