Xiaoven Royal Au

By CassandraMaeMadrid

139K 4.1K 14.3K

The king has been very sick.. Soon, Xiao would take over the throne as the new king. He needs to learn how to... More

yall 2.0
Author's note


2K 62 558
By CassandraMaeMadrid

“So now we're at Mondstadt, because of you.”

“Don't complain. We will never know, we might as well find this person here.” they were walking beside each other, giving one another a piece of the silent treatment. Just the cold and fresh air of this nation making their hair move in some certain direction, some times leaves will fall on top of their head, which they will only remove.

They don't know how many days it's been, or, how many sunsettias they've eaten. All they knew was that they were tired of eating the same thing every day, tired of adventuring, tired of running away from sentinels — they're all scattered the whole Teyvat now — tired of sleeping in the cold hard ground, tired of everything. There were some times when both of them had thought it was better to give up and go back to the castle — maybe accepting that they might just really marry each other right on spot.

But of course, that's Xiao Alatus right there, a strong fucking weed. They wouldn't give up too easily. “We're almost entering the city of Mondstadt, don't you think we should retreat? A lot will recognize the both of us and probably tell the Liyuen's about it.”

“Don't worry! We'll be fine, Alatus. There are not many guards from Liyue in these spots, and I doubt this news would ever reach the city of freedom.” Xiao nodded at that, trusting the weight of his future in this lady's shoulder.

Once Xiao took his first step inside, he couldn't set aside the sudden feeling of nostalgia that hits him, he felt something... Odd. Odd as if this wasn't the first time he's been in here, as if it wasn't the first time he stepped into the border of this city. Has he been in here?

“Boo! Are you alright, Alatus? You look so pale... Are you hungry? I brought some sunsettias.” he shakes his head. He wasn't hungry, no. That wasn't his problem, there wasn't a problem in the first place. It's just... He felt so safe in this city. He felt all his pressure being pushed away, it's like...

A God who once shed tears of blood has written in a stone that two new living beings would be born and would be betrothed to love one another as she pledged to never feel sadness again. But once a frown shaped her face, the lives of them was cursed. By a broken heart, one will perish.

“Venti! Let's go feed some of my pigeons!”

“Venti, go tell me more fairytale books!”

“Venti! Let's go fight some ruin guards!”

A giggle. A familiar giggle. “hehe, okay! But it'll cost you an apple.”

“Here take them all, c'mon.” An orange-haired kid tried pulling the boy's hands, but yet the other two kept resisting the force. “We asked first, Timmie! Back off!”

Hu tao yawns as she placed her arms at the back of her head, inhaling the air of this city that smells, oh, so nice — when she felt that her traveling buddy has stopped in his tracks. “Alatus? What's wrong—” She saw a... Strange, but yet a stunning citizen, being dragged by three kids. She cannot help but get captivated by its beauty. Was it a girl or a boy? Hu tao cannot recap anymore, because now, she was staring at Xiao again. “Did you just see an angel? Boo! Wake up, bro, it's not time to sleep yet.” Hu tao wasn't stupid to not notice how Xiao stares at this citizen his eyes were glowing. I mean, who could ever blame him? Even Hu tao was stunned.

Let's go to this person's point of view, how did they felt after seeing the prince of Liyue and the soon-to-be queen of Liyue? Surely not sad. But once their gazes met, he knew that his eyes were exposing his lies. This surely opens a wound that wasn't supposed to be opened anymore. Seeing his teal-colored hair, and that big topaz eyes, just makes him want to tear up, not tears of joy, though.

“Guys! That's the prince of Liyue!”

“You're right, Timmie! What's he doing here with his lover?”

“Oooo, they look good together. Do you think I can have my true love too?” the kids were having their chit chats, when the realized that the man they'd been bothering has already left. “Venti?! Hey Venti! Come back here, we still need to feed my pigeons!”

“Is there something wrong, Alatus..?” Xiao wanted to run. His legs were aching to move and go after the Mondstadt resident, but yet shaking with fear and confusion.

Why here?

Why now?

He's always wanted to hug him again, kiss him again, and cry on his warm embrace— he has always wanted to let all the pain out, but only in his arms. But now that he was here, he couldn't move at all. Just like what happened six years ago. He watches as the boy runs away from him, fading until his eyes couldn't reach him anymore, he couldn't do anything. Was this all I can do? Stare at him as he runs away from the future they've always wanted for each other.

Or, at least, the future Xiao wanted for the both of them.

Venti left because he didn't love Xiao, it isn't wrong to not run after him now. He didn't understand his feelings. He wanted to run after him, but he didn't feel the need to do so. It's like nothing ever matters anymore now that he met him again. He was angry— he was blinded.

Did he really love Venti at all?

It ran through his head. He wanted to say yes, but he was angry. Venti doesn't love him, so why? Why did he waste his six years longing for him?

And yet he still runs away from him until these days. Is that all you can do, Venti? Runaway from him? Runaway from the past, and act like nothing happened at all?

He didn't know why he suddenly felt mad when he watched the boy run away from him again, as if... As if he didn't love him at all. He was clenching his fist, daring to let out tears.

Did he love Venti? Or did he, too, only like the idea of falling in love?

They could be married by now, and living their best lives if Xiao really loved him. Xiao would find a way to find him again even if the castle restricts him to do so, and yet he didn't. Why?

He was sure he loved him.

But why isn't he going after him?

“Xiao, you're not okay. Let's go take a rest?” The prince only nods, there's nothing he could do. He still couldn't expect that he was doubting his love for Venti just because Venti ran away from him, but it's really hard. This love is so difficult. Running away from each other, letting others write their future. Xiao can't help but get angry.

“You seemed so odd earlier. You were staring at that twin-braided boy, makes me jealous! He's really cute, though. Do you think I should go and befriend him?” Xiao was hugging his legs, just staring far away, not bothering to answer her question. Suddenly, the lady looked behind her, checking the scenery that Xiao was staring at. “What's up?”

Xiao didn't want to tell her that he just saw his fucking ex-lover again, she might force them to talk or whatever shits people do to ex-lovers. Cause, hey, he didn't even want to talk to Venti.

This is really different from his self a few days ago, he always says that when he meets Venti again— he would make out with him right on spot and marry him. But this... It's so different. Why was he feeling confused? Why was he feeling angry at Venti? Why did he want to punch the face of the man he's always loved and longed for?

“You don't look okay, Alatus? I'm getting concerned.”

Xiao didn't even notice a hand on his forehead when he heard the girl talk again, “ah, so that's why. Alatus, you're sick.” was he? He's been pretty well since earlier, how come he was suddenly sick?

“Uhm, let's just... Rent a house for a bit, I guess? Did you bring any mora at all?” he shakes his head, making the girl groan in frustration. “We'll have to go back to sleeping in hilichurl camps once more, stay here and I will kill a camp for us.” she grabbed his sword, and she can never ignore how the prince hugged himself from the cold, sulking in the little corner of the city walls. “I will be quick.”

be safe.”

Hu tao smiled at that. Of course, I will be safe.

She thought before running out of the city to find a camp where they could take a rest again. She didn't realize how dangerous this was not until she started seeing some wolf's around wolvendom, and she didn't even know why there were some in here! They used to be located in Inazuma!

Still, Hu tao knew the importance of finding the person— and there's a chance to find this person inside the city of Mondatadt right where the Kingdom of Mondstadt was located! She smiled at that. She will find Venti, even if she didn't know what he looked like at all, she just knew they will find him again.

When she found a camp, she whispered a curse. There was a fucking Mitachurl. These big boys are tougher to fight, and knowing Hu tao, she didn't know how to wield a sword.

But yet she tries.

No matter how tough the enemy was, she tries. A certain someone can't relate. I wonder who.

She took out the slime and hilichurl first, purposely avoiding the giant axe of this huge ass mitachurl. They were so fucking stinky!! And, one hit from that mitachurl and Hu tao will finally be able to go to Celestia. Let's hope not.

In the end, she successfully killed it all. He wanted the best place for Xiao to rest in because he was sick after all, he deserved to be taken care of. Sometimes Hu tao would just silently wish Venti could just appear right now and then take care of his lover. She chuckled at the thought of these two gay men finally meeting up again and being happy with each other, when she felt a taste of bitterness on her tongue. Why? Did she eat something bad? All that she eats for the past few weeks was sunsettias.


She came back to Xiao after, seeing him asleep in the corner. How adorable! He looked peaceful. She smiled warmly at him, tugging the strand of hair that was left on his face behind his ears.

She shakes her head. Slapping Xiao on his arm to wake him up, blushing at the realization of what she's done. “Wake up, asshole!”

“Fuck! Was it necessary to do that?” his voice was hoarse. It was very obvious he wasn't feeling too well so Hu tao gave him a silent treatment to avoid more argument. They walk their way to the camp Hu tao has cleared out, thank God it has a hut to prevent them from rain if it ever happens! Xiao walked slower than her, but it was understandable considering how he was sick.

Hu tao lights a fire as she lets Xiao rest inside. Unfortunately for her, her job wasn't done yet. She tried grabbing big leaves from trees that were enough to be considered as a cup. They've been drinking waters from rivers for a week, but it's just better if they could at least make it warm. So, using the leaf she folded in a form of a bowl, she was able to get water from the river.

She placed the leaf with water on top of the fire, but now letting go of it with the fear of burning it. When she felt that it was warm now, she gave it to Xiao, “Here, drink this. Careful it's hot.”

He obeys. Drinking the hot water with his body still shaking. “I'm sorry I couldn't get you proper medicine. I'm sorry for dragging you into this, I—”

“I chose to come with you, so don't blame yourself.” he rolled his eyes before laying down on the cold and rough wood. Starting at the ceiling of it. “I will come back again tomorrow inside, you don't have to come.”

It was a long silence after that. Hu tao almost regrets saying it.




“C-carmen!” he was panting so hard, sweat was too visible on his face. “What happened?”

“Let's not talk out here?!” Venti dragged his brother inside their house and locked the door, peeking out the window before closing it. This man was crazy! He even added planks on the door! What for? Was there was serial killer outside?

He was also closing every window of their house, shaking as he do so. Carmen, on the other hand, was so fucking confused. What the fuck is wrong with his brother? “Boy, what the fuck are you doing?!”


“What do you mean Xiao?!”

“Xiao is here!”


“How did it go? Did you guys talk?”

“No! I ran away!”


“Why would I not?!” their argument was stopped halfway when they heard a knock outside the door, Venti immediately panics. “Don't you dare fucking come in, you bastard! Leave me alone!”

“Venti, you're crazy! Let go of the door!”

“No Carmen!”

“Let go!”


Bang. The door was being smashed. Who the fuck—

When Carmen successfully pushed Venti away from the door, he opened it— which revealed... “Mom?!” they both shouted when they saw their mom standing right outside of their door, holding a basket that contains vegetables inside. “Venti Barbatos.”

They were now sitting in the dining area. Their mother glared at both of them. “So, explain.”

“It's because Carmen—”

“It's because Venti—”

She smashes the table. Making her son's flinch, “One at the time!”

“Well! Venti came in and started locking everything because he saw Xiao again!”

“In my defense—”

“Carmen's still talking, Venti!”

“He didn't want to open the door because he thought you were Xiao! Assuming, isn't he?!” when the woman gestured for Venti to finally talk, he started banting out words. “I just thought that maybe it was him! And, he saw me too that's why I thought he would follow me!”

“See?! Assuming again!”

“Okay, so the prince of Liyue was inside the city? How are you sure it was him, Venti?”

“I just am! He was even with that Hu tao girl or whatever the frick her name is!” Carmen starts whistling, eyes were looking at the ceiling as he pretends he didn't know what's happening. Their mother giggled, leaning in on the table, “So, how'd it go?” she smirks.

“Even you?!”

“That's what I've been asking him! And he said he ran away.” He rolled his eye with a groan, completely stressed over his brother's love life. “Why would I not? After telling him I don't love him anymore do you I will have the guts to ever face him again? Plus, what's there to talk about? He's now engaged to that... Pretty girl!” Venti rolls his eyes at the last sentence.

“You're jealous!”

“No, I'm not!”

“But you are!”

“I don't love Xiao!” he was the one who smashed the table now, making Carmen freeze. I feel bad for this table, I wonder how many times they've smashed it in their past family arguments. “Please, excuse me.” Venti stood up from the chair and locked himself in his room.

With no hesitation, he jumped on his bed, cuddling his pillows— crying.

No one would ever understand, no one would ever try to understand me!

It just saddens him how even his own family can't understand the pain he's been through this past six years! But it's not their fault, it's his. He kept it all hidden from them anyway. Whenever he was in the need to cry it out, he would lock himself in his room, and if he needed to shout it all out, he would go to his favorite place, Starsnatch cliff.

No one would ever realize his sacrifices. They're all in Xiao's side after all.

It just felt unfair how they would always tell him he was jealous whenever he was mentioning Xiao's fiance, as if his feelings were never valid at all— yes, he was jealous. But because of their nonstop teasing, he didn't feel valid to let out his true feelings anymore. He felt that whenever he says something to them, they'll just laugh at him.

And now, Carmen blames him for not talking to Xiao. Why are they seriously always on Xiao's side as if Venti's at fault for trying to play safe? It's just so... Unfair that it hurts.

It's always Xiao who's in misery. It's always Xiao who looked like the one who's so, oh, so sad. Why is it always Xiao that they pay attention to?

Venti, you're so stupid to ever let go of a prince! You could be rich! A neighbor says.

Let's stay say from Venti, his pride is so high that he ran away from a prince! Did he think he's that pretty? An old friend says.

Children these days, do not know how to value real treasure anymore. An old man says

He felt so sick. It's always his fault. He hated Xiao, why is it that he's the only one that people pity? Is it because he was a prince?

We live in an unfair world, after all.

Can't they see how much it affected Venti, too? He didn't want it to happen! But for the sake of Xiao's safety, he sets aside his love for Xiao only to keep him safe from the castle. And now, he is proud that he's met someone new.

Every day he would try to bury the pain he was feeling from this. Every day there would be a small smile plastered on his face as if he wasn't hurt by this. Every day he ignores the aching in his heart whenever he remembers Xiao.

But whenever it's a peaceful night, Venti would sometimes sneak out to go to Starsnatch cliff. He would stare at the sky and stars above, painfully wishing Xiao was beside him. And there, is where he would cry. Stars were the only witnesses of his pain, it made him happy because Xiao was also a star, his star.

Even if Xiao already found someone new— Venti will forever remain here, waiting on a miracle, waiting on the possibility that Xiao might come back and aid his aching heart.

And all of these, no one will ever understand all of this.


Hu tao woke up at the feeling of being stared at —when she looked up, she saw the prince staring at her as she sleep. “I was waiting for you to wake up.” He says in a monotone voice as if it was the most simplest thing ever, while the girl, was currently dying.

“Why were you watching me sleep?!”

“Why not?”

“That's creepy!” he just tilted his head. So stupid and dense. She just stops up and acted as nothing happened before starting to exit the hut. “Where are you going?”

“Mondstadt City! Duh. I'm going to continue searching for this person.” right. Xiao looked at the side to hide his face as he clicked his tongue. He didn't wanna come back to that place because he might see him again, but then again, he's feeling a lot better and he don't want to just stay in here. “I will come.”

She smiled at Xiao before they went on with their adventure.

“We should start doing something to earn mora!”


“What do you mean none sense? Do you not wish to live a new life after finding this person?”


“Do you wish to come back to the castle after we find them? Or live a new life where you can be happy.” he had gone silent after that question. She was right, he wouldn't dare to step inside the castle again after finding this person. They were now wanted along with Aether and his, presumably husband, not sure.

Hu tao kept talking about how they can earn mora by killing many hilichurls and selling their masks, horns, and arrows— or selling fruits they find along their way. Xiao would never do those things, but he did quite find it amusing listening to the woman. So even if he had no interest in what she's talking about, he silently listens to her.

Once they reached Mondstadt city, they immediately start searching. This city was very lively but yet peaceful. Everyone was gentle and kind, they felt very welcome in here not just because of their position, but as a person.

They felt free in here. They could be anything they want.

Xiao perks up when he saw a familiar braided boy, ah, of course— he couldn't avoid seeing him. But there's something different about Venti, there isn't a glowing teal color by the end of his braids, and his eyes... Were kind of different. This isn't what Venti looked like yesterday. Venti was also holding a kite and playing with kids, just the usual him. It's just his appearance that changed...

Suddenly, another braided person came running towards Venti, this time— they had teal color by the end of their braids, and his eyes... Were now recognizable.


The other one was Carmen, and the other one was Venti. He just accused Carmen to be Venti.


Venti was with a woman, he was holding her hand. Her hair was brown and she had amber eyes just like his eyes. She has a fitted body and a pretty face. She was a... Perfect match for Venti.

They look close.

He gulped hard, staring at them as he gets dragged by Hu tao. He decides to just look away and follow his fiance.

Oooh, suddenly entitling Hu tao as his fiance? Something must be wrong with Xiao today. He wasn't so strong at the moment, he has to admit he was still kind of sick, but he didn't want to be left alone in the hut so he chose to come.

As they look for this person, Hu tao also offers to sell some drops hilichurls would give every time they kill them. Some decline, but some buys a lot— especially that Timaeus beside a crafting table, he said it's for an experiment or something. Xiao swears he has seen this Timaeus somewhere in Liyue Harbor before... Right. I think he was having a date with that girl Ying'er.

Just as usual, they wouldn't find this person. Hu tao believes that he would feel it when he finds this person, which is stupid. She uses that as a reason whenever Xiao calls her stupid for searching for this person and yet not asking anyone about it.

Because yesterday, when they met a braided boy, something was telling Hu tao that this person was here. It's like there was a detector inside Hu tao— which is just so stupid.

Luckily, they both have enough money from selling those hilichurl drops to rent a small house. It wasn't that big, but it's better than sleeping in the wilderness.

I guess they were a resident of Mondstadt now, aren't they?


“Hays, Venti, I know that I can never understand you— but girl, you have to move on.” a blue-haired male says before he chugged down a whole cup of wine. “Thank you for being self-aware.” Venti rolls his eyes, making his friend chuckle. “Hey, I'm serious. I'm tired of seeing you sad, if you can, please, just move on.”

“It's not that easy for him, Kaeya. Don't force Venti especially when you're not the one in his shoes.” a red-haired male behind the counters speaks up, bitterness on his tongue as he thinks about Venti still in love with that prince. “Thank you, Diluc.”

“It's not like that! It's just, I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore. I get so concerned you know?”

“It's not like I like this. I don't like hurting myself too, it's very tiring. And trust me, I tried. But I just can't...”

“Stop talking about that prince now. Why are you guys even drinking, it's literally morning.”

“Why is your bar even open, it's literally morning?!”

“You guys made me. Venti, go home and eat a proper meal instead of drinking here. I pity your liver.” Venti chuckles, making Kaeya angry. “Hey! Why only Venti, what about me?! I'm your brother! You really like—” suddenly, he felt a hand covering his mouth— it was Diluc. “So loud.”

“What was that?” Venti asked, oblivious and dense. “Nothing.” Venti grew suspicious of this as he watches Kaeya gesturing help to remove Diluc's hands away from his mouth, but he just ignores him and smiled at Diluc. “Let's hang out tonight, Diluc!

Diluc's eyes slightly widen at this, but was able to calm himself down. “Of course.”

Venti waved at them first before exiting the tavern.

He saw Amber again so he decided to walk towards her hang out with her for the morning. She's his best friend after all. “I'm trying to find the prince of Liyue, there's a humour he's here with his fiance.” Venti slightly smacked her arms, giving her wide eyes on purpose. Amber chuckled, “I was joking. Anyways, how's it going with Diluc?”


“You are so... Stupid.”

“What?” the woman only smiled and continue walking beside him. He sets this aside as they kept walking around the city just like the usual things they would do every morning. He loves how Amber never questioned him if he wanted to talk to Xiao regarding their past, because she knows— even though she might never understand Venti too, she still respects Venti's decisions as his friend. She just supports Venti in whatever decisions he makes.

This is why he once loved this woman.

If he never met Xiao, he would've probably been married to Amber already. She was everything you could ever imagine.

But sadly, Venti's heart already belongs to someone. And that someone was the prince of Liyue.

Plus, I don't think Amber was even interested in men in the first place. I don't know how many times Venti has caught this forsaken woman trying to flirt with the dancer.

He would only laugh at his best friend as he sees how stupidly in love she is with Lawrence. He wishes them good luck.

They stopped their track once they faced a familiar couple.

Ain't no way.

Venti breathed out as he saw the familiar teal-haired boy with the purple birthmark on his forehead, beside his fiance. Venti's face turns sour, and his tongue was getting bitter each second he realizes how close they were to each other. He held Amber's hands and said— “Let's go, Amber, I don't like the atmosphere around here.” slightly rolled his eyes before dragging the woman with her.

Venti got embarrassed when he saw the princess give him a friendly, and genuine smile. She looked kind. Maybe that's why Xiao loves her. He tried to erase that from his mind to avoid sulking again, dragging Amber with him to look around things in Mondstadt as if he has never seen it before.

Amber. Is she his new lover?

Xiao pursed his lips as he sees how intimate they are with each other. Earlier, Venti was holding her hand, but now— his grip was on her waist. Making the insides of Xiao itch. It was irritating to see and he didn't like it, so, he held Hu tao's hand and smiled before shouting— “Let's go look around, love!” purposely screaming it so that everyone near them would hear.

He smirked when he saw Venti, and his ugly girlfriend looks back. Dragging Hu tao with him in a different direction.

What did Venti even see in that girl? She's so annoying, and I bet she has an ugly personality based on her looks. If I were him, I would date better people, a boy!

Xiao talks to himself inside his mind as he walks around, hands grasped around Hu tao's, unaware of what this woman was feeling. “A-alatus... What was that earlier?”


“Did you mean it?” he shakes his head before removing his hand on the other's, “No. I was just putting a show because... So that everyone thinks we're actually a coupe since! You know!”


Hu tao slowly nods before she pursed his lips. “Do you want to do anything?” Xiao asked. He was in good mood right now. He was proud of himself for making Venti jealous. Hahaha. He was better than that barbie doll. His teal hair is better than her long brown hair. And his golden eyes were more captivating than hers even if they're the same color. And his lips were more soft and kissable than her dry and disgusting one. So annoying.

She shakes her head before chuckling, wow, that's unusual. “I'm... Not in the mood.”

Hm? Strange.

“You know... That brown-haired girl earlier was pretty.” Hu tao says, making Xiao angry. “No, she isn't. I'm better than her.” He immediately thought that it was about competing for Venti, even though he knew Hu tao doesn't know that was Venti. “Alatus, she's a woman, you're a man. Your beauty is different from hers.”

“I don't care I'm still better than her.”

“Why do you seem like you're competing with her? Does something bother you?” Xiao realized what he was sayings, gulping nervously and trying to think of an excuse to get himself through this. “Nothing! I'm just the best.”

She rolls her eyes before continuing to talk again, “The boy beside him was pretty too... People of Mondstadt are so pretty.”

“I know.” he smiles gently, staring at the front. Hu tao looks up at him with a confused face, cause what the fuck. “You agree that someone is pretty? That's different.”

Xiao clears his throat and stopped himself from smiling. Making the girl beside him suspicious of him.


“I'm sorry Venti...”

“For what?”

“Didn't you hear the prince calling the princess ‘love’?”

“I did?” Amber just stare at him with confusion, “Are you not hurt?”


Xiao's plan failed after all.


Long chapter for today as an apologies for not uploading for a while. Honestly, Xiao and Venti wasn't supposed to meet yet, but i wanted silly xiaoven content atm so I did.

I forgot to mention, the story might also have a bit of a love so beautiful reference.

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