4 (rewritten)

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"I had thought that friends are supposed to stick together... traitor." I spoke as I pick up the brown shoe left on the ground. Was it too lose for him? How is it that he never told me? Is that where I went wrong? That I didn't get him a shoes that's perfect for him?

When he came into my life... I stopped feeling loneliness that I've been stuck with my whole life. I was genuinely happy to have him by my side, whether it was romantic or not. But he still left in the end.

Maybe I shouldn't search for this feeling in the first place. Maybe it was the reason why I grew up lonely, because that's what I was made for. I am made to be the king, not to love.

But then again, I think I was only saying that to fill the emptiness inside of me. I wish I didn't meet him, that way I wouldn't realize that there was a hole to fill in my heart--that way I would never know how lonely I was until he showed me how it felt like to finally have someone.

I hid how lonely I truly felt by saying that I hated Venti after leaving and betraying me. And that I was angry at him for doing so--but deep inside, all I hoped for is someone to accompany me with my day, and someone to exchange conversations about their day.

"Won't it be a good news for you that they caught Venti? Why are you frowning?" Beidou asked, and I hid my face.

"It's pointless. I told you, I changed my mind. I acted reckless with my decisions and I'll take this as a lesson."

"I don't understand what you're trying to tell me." I rolled my eyes before shifting positions on the couch, placing down my book on the side. "What I mean is, I don't want to get married to Venti anymore. You can let her go, do whatever you want with her, it's got nothing to do with me anymore."

"After kicking the trash can, you expect that it's going to be easy to clean it up again?"

"Right, reputation."

"This is your mess, Alatus, clean it up on your own. After all, you'd make a great king, right? Prove it and fix this. Make up for your recklessness." She left me pissed off. I kicked the ground from annoyance. I hate this situation. What would the public think when they find out that my fiance escaped? That we are not people to look up to?

This was getting too annoying day by day. I wish I could rewind, then I wouldn't have to do stupid decisions. It's too late to go back now, right?

"Your highness! Please, calm down!"

"No way! I'm not wearing that again. Where's that bastard?! Tell me where your prince is!"

"How noisy..." I closed my eyes before covering both of my ears. I already knew who it was from the familiar voice. "Xiao! Let me out of, now!"

"Why are you asking me that? It's not my command to bring you back, it's Beidou's." I shrugged before crossing my legs, staring with amusement at the boy who's angry and screaming around like he was in the place to. "You really should start watching your mouth--after all, this is not  a place for that attitude. Be quiet." I shoved an apple in his mouth that was displayed on this table, slightly laughing at how immediately his face turned red from that.

"I just want to be with my family... and make sure that they're okay! How cruel can you be to not let me go?! Y-you... do you not have a family to bother!? Why are you ruining my life?! People say that you're... that you're an admirable prince--but I think the opposite! You're selfish..! You're a selfish prince who only cares for himself!" his eyes gets teary as mine widens. My lips quivers. What was this feeling of... ache inside my heart?

You're selfish. You're a selfish prince who only cares for himself.

That's true, isn't it? I'm selfish. It's not like I wanted to be one in the first place. The image of her face flashes in my mind, and I trembled. This guy... what was he saying? Why is he saying such...

"Nonsense! I told you to watch your mouth, didn't I?!" I stood up and grit my teeth, and I saw how he took a small step back, and how the fierce in his face becomes softer each second. "Are you scared of me?" I asked, walking closer to him. "S-stay away from me..."

I closed my eye as I sigh. This was no good. I walked to the other direction and left the place instead.


"That... that bastard!" I whispered. Why am I shaking? Was I scared of him? Of course I'm not! I'm a man, and I am strong too! "Calm down, princess." this was a different maid this time, it was the blue-haired one, Ganyu. "T-that's your prince..?" tears started falling from my eyes as my legs became weaker. She hugged me and tried to calm me down but I was too full of anger.

"I'm sorry, your highness. But please... don't hate the prince."

Don't hate? He's selfish! He's forcing his little fantasy of getting married a little too much on me! Like I told him, I didn't want to marry a prince, not a  man. Even if he was a prince, I am a person too. I have freedom to decide who I get to marry...

"We never truly got to see through him, but he has a kind heart. Unlike the others, he doesn't show it well, but everyone knew anyways."

"Kind heart? Which part of him has one?"

"It's hard to see, but if you look for it hard enough, you will. After all, you were the only one he's ever been the nicest to. The prince really liked your presence, and I think that that's the reason why he's very angry." 

It's still doesn't make it right for him to force everything on me! But... I do admit, Xiao was kind to me before all of this. He ate with me... and even if he wasn't talkative, he tried his best to exchange words. He wasn't the worst. I don't really hate him, do I? In fact, I feel a deep sympathy for him since the time I sensed such loneliness in him. I wanted to help him like how he helps me and my family, that's the truth.

But I'm afraid that someone like me, a poor thief, is not of someone to do that. It's not my position to heal the scars I didn't make. It wasn't my job to accompany the soul I didn't left alone. And yet... deep inside, I wanted to.

I sigh. I still can't ignore how I feel, though. I'm not exactly in the wrong, but not in the right either. I wish I could just hate him, but I guess I can't. Xiao, just what kind of scars do you hold until now?

I asked the maid to leave me alone to cool down. I spent my time exploring the castle on my own like I was told to. This time, I choose to help Xiao. I choose to hold his drowning heart with my warmest hands. This time, I promise to keep this selfish prince happy.

"Prince Alatus, would you at least like some tea? It's to at least try and empty your mind--"

"I said I don't want anything, Mr. Zhongli. Please don't bother me anymore."

"I apologize, sir."

I hid behind the tree close to where he was sitting. He was reading a book. I don't know why but I wanted to talk to him.

"Xiao, I'm sorry."

"What's with you? It's freaking me out, quit it."

"Excuse me? I am trying to be nicer, and you're telling me that I'm freaking you out?!"

"How is it my fault I feel that way?"

"C'mon! Where's the 'kind heart?'" I raised a brow, looking at him with judgement. He raised a brow too, like he was confused. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't even have the slightest bit of kindness inside of you."

"And I'm glad that I don't, it's a damn weakness." He got up, giving his book to the butler. "Will you please put this back?" he says that and then give a request to his butler with the most respect ! It's really hard to understand him.

"Do what you want from now on, Venti. I don't ask you to marry me anymore. Let's stop talking." then, he left.

But... this is what I want to do now. I want to help you. I want to pull you out of the ocean that's killing you inside. And this time, I am serious. Surely, it's not too late.

Xiaoven Royal AuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora