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The guards walk towards Beidou before bowing, "A letter, princess Beidou" she took the letter out of his hand. And oh. That writing. This can't be. It's too early.

"It's from her"

"From who, darling?" Ningguang said as she took a peek at the paper in Beidou's hands. "No..."

"She wants to come on our wedding anniversary"

"You're kidding Beidou"

"I'm not, look" she shows the whole letter, her heart beating loud enough for Ningguang to know she was nervous just as she was. "What are we gonna do..."

"What are Venti and Xiao gonna do?"

"What are we gonna do..?" Venti whispers to himself as he watches the two princesses. He wants to demand answers. But yet... He doesn't have the right to. He wants to shout at them and ask what's really going on, but they're higher than him. He can't possibly do that. And there is Xiao, Xiao doesn't even believe all of his suspicions in this castle.

"Can we really rely on them? I'm afraid that they're still unaware of the rule yet" they heard a crack noise outside of the room, "what is that?" When Venti realized he made a noise – he quickly ran away, hoping they wouldn't find out that he's been eavesdropping on them.

He pants. His mind was all mixed up. It's super confusing that his head hurts so much. If it's a danger then he should try to escape as much as possible, right? From what Venti knows... Their wedding anniversary is in three weeks, meaning, that girl will also come in three weeks.

Who even is she? Are the rules connected to her?

For now, Venti has to forget about everything he heard. He has to act normal. Now that I think of it – when is their wedding? When the king is dead? Not saying that he should die. But really, when? They never said a certain date, he's just here with Xiao, that's what matters right?

What matters is that he's safe, that he is with Xiao. Maybe that sounded erroneous...

"I don't even know what to do anymore... What is my point in this castle? What is my responsibility here? Why am I here"

"Maybe you're here because you are meant to?" A boy said, smiling. He was carrying a sketch pad and pen, perhaps planning to draw. "Albedo?" Venti stares at his features.

"I was just looking around to see what I can draw and then I ran into you" he once again smiled. Why is he so charming? No, everyone here is charming, including that butler.

"Ahh... You probably overheard what I was bragging about earlier..." He chuckled nervously before sighing. "At first I didn't know my purpose in this castle too. I was so lost. Why did fate bring me here for nothing? But then I knew that it wasn't for nothing when I met one of the prince"

"Ah God, he was so stunning. I started thanking fate ever since that day. I also believe that you have your own purpose here – you just don't know it yet. We all have our future written in our palms, no one can change it"

He chuckled before walking away – leaving Venti frozen and speechless. I have a purpose? What is my purpose?

Is to marry the lonely prince, silly. Make him feel happy and loved. He's been alone for a long long time now, and now you are here to make things right. That is your purpose

Love him all you want, hug him all you want, kiss him all you want. No matter what you do – you are stuck with him, because that is what is written in your palm, just like what Albedo said.

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