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Xiao walked beside Venti who was carrying a whole bunch of books, it's covering his face. Venti just follows Xiao's body heat so he can know where he should go since these books are blocking the way. Xiao chuckled, wanting to pinch his cheeks – but no, he has self-control and he will try to use it as long as possible.

"You know Xiao, this is your fault!" He shouted, "What? Did I told you to follow me while I was on my mission?"

"No, but I wanted to see you, that's why it's your fault" Xiao paused for a second, feeling his own cheeks heating up.

He groaned and led Venti to the wall, causing all the books to fall. He walked away – did not bother helping Venti. "Hey!" Venti whimpered like an angry kitten, Xiao paid no attention to it and continued walking away.

Afraid that he can no longer use his self-control and probably do things he shouldn't be.

As much as he does not want Venti to be near him, the boy just makes it harder. As if he made the prince drink a potion or something. He doesn't like liars, but what is it that Venti has that makes Xiao want him more?

"This jerk is annoying. I hope you trip and hit your face on the ground..." He whispers to his self as he picked up the books again one by one. He suddenly heard a falling sound.

Xiao did trip. Venti started laughing evilly, Xiao glared at him and started to walk towards him – again.

"What are you laughing at" he leans closer to Venti, aggressively. "That was hilarious! Prince Xiao falling and hitting his face, hahaha!"

Xiao leaned closer again, pinning him to the wall, "happy?" He asked, "hell yeah! Haha, I hope you trip and fall again!" Xiao just groaned and walked away.

'Let me fall.. Let my fall' he thought, but no – he did not fall this time. Which made him angry for some reason.

"Can you help me?!" Venti complained – making the prince looked back at him. "No, that's your punishment for escaping the castle again" he smiled teasingly as he waves his hand. Venti grits his teeth, picking up books again.

He finally carried it all and carefully – he started walking. Yeah no, it's not that easy.

It was going too well until, "Woah!" He bumped into something, no, someone. While he was falling to the ground, he swears he saw a hint of blonde hair... In a braid. Yeah. "Are you okay?" They said as they stick their hand out.

Venti rubbed his eyes to see who it was. They have blonde hair color, a braid, and a golden eyes. "Y-yeah" Venti grabbed their hand to get up. "I'm Aether. Xiao's cousin" he smiled as he bowed.

"Prince Aether" Venti bowed too. "Please don't call me that. Just call me Aether"

"Ah, Aether..." They smiled awkwardly at each other, not talking – just a few eye-to-eye interactions and awkward chuckles. "So how are you? The trouble maker princess" he really had to give that nickname... "I'm good! Just need to carry all these books and bring them to their own plces"

"Oh? Let me help you then" he grabbed some of the books left on the floor, "no-no! Don't worry, it's my punishment... so-"

"Don't worry, hahaha. We won't get caught" he smiled before giving a thumbs up, Venti nodded in response.

They split the books in half. Half for Venti, half for Aether. As they walk beside each other, Aether started asking things. It wasn't that hard to answer not until. "Are you really a girl?"

"A..ahahaha! Of course, I am? W-why wouldn't I be?" Aether just chuckled at him, "you're lying" Who wouldn't lie in this situation. "It's fine. Don't be nervous. I'm not going to tell anyone, but please... Be careful. She is coming back, hmm... I'm not sure when but soon"

That girl again everyone is talking about... "Wait! Who is she?" The boy ignored as his grin got wider. He walked faster, almost leaving Venti behind. "Hey answer me!"

"You like Xiao don't ya?" Not exactly like that... But- "No! Course not"

The boy in front of him chuckled again, "Just be careful" why does he talk like that – as if he knows what's going on? It feels like he was connected to the conversation Ningguang and Beidou had that Venti accidentally overheard.

Who is she?

You will fall in love with Alatus.

She would not allow because of her greed.

You like Xiao don't ya?

Be careful.

It keeps echoing in his head... He doesn't like Xiao, but why does he feel like this girl would be a threat to his and Xiao's relationship – shouldn't he be happy? Why does he feel nervous now?

He feels as if he does not want anyone to ruin his closeness to Xiao. It's so confusing, he feels nothing for Xiao, but yet he doesn't want to leave him.

"Are you okay? We reached our place" Aether said, "yes... Thank you" they placed all the books in their places, Venti still overthinking about all of those.



I hope that you can take care of this.

As much as I can, I will try. I also want this endless rule to end.

It will end this time, I promise you, Aether.

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