Scarlet Witch of Middle Earth

By zxmoonstoriesz

26.9K 464 14

Willow Smith, the lost witch, the scarlet witch of middle earth, and the deadliest woman alive. When a bunch... More

Scarlet Witch of Middle Earth
One; "I will not be the fault of her death"
Three; "the book of damned"
Four; "Shooting stars"
Five; "It's a look"
Six; "No dip Dwarf king"
Seven; "I know my value"
Eight; "Beorn"
Nine; "You will rot in those dungeons"
Ten; "look who decided to show up"
Eleven; "Provoked"
Twelve; "I do not fear you"
Thirteen; "Queen of the forest"
Fourteen; "fish and toilets"
Fifthteen; "You can't be her"
Sixteen; "gold quest"
Seventeen; "not on my contract"
Eighteen; "war or peace"
Nineteen; "protecting the people"
Twenty; "you killed my family!"
Twenty-one; "finest healers"

Two; "What is it Wizard?"

2.1K 42 0
By zxmoonstoriesz

A hour had past and they began to get ready to go on this adventure. Gandalf was excited to have Willow come along, but unlike him some of the dwarves weren't. Thorin was one of those dwarves that didn't want her to come.

Willow knew most of the dwarves were going to be harsh and extremely stubborn when it came to her. She already had the feeling they were going to give her a hard time and pick fights with her. She knew she needed to control her temper around them since she didn't want another outbreak. Only one who knew about her being a witch was Gandalf.

The adventure had begun as Willow mounted her black horse, bowe. Everyone else had mounted the ponies and begin to ride. She rode next to the halfling and Gandalf. She learned a lot about the halfling. His name was Bilbo Baggins, he was the company burglar, and Gandalf was the one who asked him to join. A lot like her.

"Willow isn't it?" She heard someone behind her say. She turned and spotted a young dwarf with dark hair and a short beard. The beard wasn't like the rest of the dwarves beard. This one showed off his facial. He was a quite handsome dwarf.

"Correct," she slowed her horse down so now she was between him and a blonde dwarf. "And you two are?" She asked the dwarves.

"I'm Fili... and I'm Kili," the blonde then dark haired dwarf said.

"Nice to meet you," she said with a small smile. She looked ahead seeing Gandalf smile back at her.

"Did you leave your weapons behind?" Kili asked as he looked up at her.

"I don't carry weapons," she looked down at the confused dwarves.

"No weapons?" Fili asked.

"Nope," she said popping the p.

"What do you do when orc come after you?" Kili asked as he became more intrigued with the conversation.

"Orcs never have came after me," she said and some of the dwarves huffed and mumbled harsh words. It got her thinking about the ugly creatures. She hated orcs with every muscle and bone in her body. They have taken everything from her and she was going to do the same to them.

They kept riding and she got to know more about Kili and Fili. She also learned a lot about Bilbo and Balin. Those four plus Gandalf was the only one she talked to. All the other dwarves gave her dirty looks and whispered about her. They believed she was useless and going to be no help.

"We camp here," Thorin ordered and everyone began to get the wood for the fire.

"Willow..." Gandalf whispered and the girl walked towards him.

"What is it wizard?" She asked.

"The dwarves will warm up to you..." he trailed off giving the girl lecture, reassurance, and a really long speech. She stopped listening when he said her name. She hated the wizard speeches because she never understood.

"Mhm," she nodded when he stopped talking and he frowned.

"Did you listen?" He asked.



"Anyways, how long do we have until Erebor?" She interjected the wizard.

"It will come faster then you think," he said and she groaned at the answer. "I must go now," he mumbled.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I will be back," with that he mounted the horse and left.

"Did Gandalf leave?" Balin asked as he held two bowls.

"Yes," she grumbled walking towards him.

Balin watched as the red headed girl sat beside him. She was extremely tall or to him she was. Her green orbs lit up when she spotted the food and he handed it to her. She smiled and started to eat the stew. He studied the girl as she ate, but she stopped and something flashed in her eyes. She stood up with a flash and looked around. Bilbo, Fili, and Kili were missing.

"I will be right back," she laid the bowl down and walked into the woods.

She felt something odd was happening, but she couldn't find anything. Her eyes were glowing red and her hearing was sharp and so was her reflexes. She heard yelling from many dwarves and she knew something was wrong. She ran further into the woods seeing the fire. Her feet ran faster and faster until coming to a halt. She grabbed the tree to stop her from going any further. Trolls.

The ugly creature had tied up the dwarves and halfling. Her eyes kept glowing bright red and she began to sweat. Her breathing picked up and her hands begin to glow. She watched them cook the dwarves. The fire burning bright and began to get bigger. All she could see was the orcs burning her family. She cleared her throat and calmed down. She stepped out of the woods slowly as she stayed low to the ground. She was making her way towards the dwarves when she stepped on a branch it it cracked loud. That was the loudest cracking branch ever.

"Who's there!" A troll yelled.

"Look what we have here?" Another troll said. The dwarves looked over at the girl who stood up straight now.

"Willow, get out of here!" Kili yelled. Kili tries to fight his bonds as the trolls walked closer to the girl.

"What is she doing?" Thorin harshly asked.

"Hey you trolls!" She said walking up to them. "Do you know how wrong you are cooking these dwarves!" She yelled. This confused the trolls and made the dwarves yell. "You got to wash them off first."

"I don't take orders from a girl," the troll jeered.

He lifted his weapon and the dwarves began to yell again. He brought the weapon hurdling down and in a flash moment she raised her hands and the weapon never hit her. Her eyes were glowing red and her hands had misty redness around them. She tilted her head and raised her hand up sending a huge energy ball knocking the troll back and the weapon out of his hand. She turned fast and hit the other troll back into a rock which cracked and the sunlight shined. The trolls soon turned to stone and her eyes stopped glowing.

Gandalf came running towards them and she saw the fear on the dwarves faces. The girl could barely move as she used a lot of energy, but she stood tall. Gandalf looked at the girl as she glanced at all the dwarves.

"What are you?" Dwalin asked.

"I'm sorry," she lifted her hand and red mist shot out of her finger tips and everyone eyes turned red. Just like that all the dwarves forgot what just happened and now believed Gandalf saved them and she distracted the trolls.

"Are you going to stand there or untie us?" Bofur asked and she rolled her eyes as she started to untie the dwarves.
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