A Tale Of Schemes... #1,#2,#3

By background21

142K 13.9K 9.4K

Three people who are best friends from childhood end up in a deadly triangle and everyone has their scheme to... More

A Fake Scheme #1
Prologue #1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Epilogue #1
An Arranged Scheme #2
Prologue #2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Epilogue #2
The Marriage Scheme #3
Prologue #3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Neetha's Note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Epilogue #3

Chapter 25

763 94 90
By background21

*Vikranth Pov*

"It is finally ready and I have already watched it. You have a good eye to choose this artist as the first one of your agency." I heard those words calmly before asking him whether he can send the copy to me if possible.

"Sure! But don't let it leak as they are planning to release it next week. Even the artists haven't seen it." I assured him and he cut the call saying he will send it soon.

I sat there in silence while staring at the system and after a few minutes, I heard the sound of the mail.

I moved the cursor to click on it but paused realizing I am nervous which is not that common for me.

However, this time the stakes are big as if I fail in this agency part, then it will not just bring loss to the agency but also brings unwanted words towards Dad.

I shut down the system and stood up to leave early as I need some time to calm down before checking the trailer for the web series.

Even though the director already messaged me saying everything went well, and even one of the producers who was my classmate mentioned the same, I am still not assured of the result.

It's not that I don't trust Anny's capability but anything can go wrong with the story or even the other artists.

When I stepped out of the cabin, Jay glanced at me in surprise while I calmly said, "If there are any emergency calls, pass them to my phone directly. Otherwise, don't disturb me about minor things."

"Okay, Sir! Enjoy your date!" I paused hearing those words before glancing at him with a pointed look.

"Sorry, sir! I assumed that was the reason." He apologized and pressed his lips together tightly.

I shook my head and continued to walk towards the elevator before pressing the button. After a few seconds, the door opened but it is not empty as both Mohan Uncle and Pramod Uncle are standing there.

"You are leaving early? Good! That's how the married man should behave." Pramod Uncle commented while I calmly stepped into the elevator.

"We just went to talk to your Dad about the remembrance day for my wife that will be held this coming Sunday. Don't forget to bring your wife with you." Mohan Uncle explained and I froze hearing those words.

The matter about Shrishti's Mom is always an alarming matter for me because I know that person is indirectly the reason for her death. If they find someday that I am the son of that person, then... I controlled my expression before turning to glance at them.

"Don't say that she is busy even for this. It's been two months since we saw her and every time you give excuses about how she is busy with her course. You think I don't know the reason behind all this. It is because of my wife only." Pramod Uncle commented.

"Even I talked to Shrishti and ask your wife to forgive her. Even though she is older than your wife, she doesn't control her thoughts and acts on them rashly." Mohan Uncle continued.

"She will be there, Uncle!" I mumbled to stop them from saying anything else or even for them to feel guilty for what happened last month at their anniversary party.

"Good! Are you coming to see us?" I shook my head in negative hearing that question and Mohan Uncle smiled before adding, "Then why didn't you press the ground floor button?"

I cleared my throat before moving to press the button and stayed silent while they both started discussing the things they need to purchase.

When I reached the house, I found her car already in the garage, and then I realize she is not using the car after shifting to this place.

I informed them that she will be there for that ceremony but how to mention this to her. As per the contract she has to follow my words and come with me but the situation is still similar to that day.

I don't think I have talked to her more than a few words during this past month. I will just tell her when she returns from the coursework.

However, when I entered the house, I found her sitting on the couch and as usual watching something on her phone.

I stood there while staring at her and she frowned before glancing at me and calmly asked, "What is it?"

"Nothing!" I mumbled sitting on the couch with a distance between us and looked around to find the helpers already left the place.

So, I took out my laptop and opened the mail before clicking on the drive he sent. However, I couldn't click on it immediately and rubbed my forehead.

Now, I have to worry about this trailer and also about asking her to come to the ceremony. It is not a big deal to ask her to attend but it just feels weird now because of her attitude.

We were not close before but at least we were cordial. Also, another reason is that I praised her for the matter she was mad about. I shook my head sighing and moved my finger to place the cursor on the play button.

I continued to stare at the trailer and felt her standing up from the couch. I immediately clicked on the play button getting an idea of how to ask her.

Immediately I heard the narrator's voice and to my surprise, Anny's voice broke out as I thought it will be the leads' voice.

"What is it?" I paused the video hearing this question from Kanika and glanced at her to find her already standing beside me and is staring at the screen where Anny can be seen.

"It is the trailer for the upcoming web series of Anny." I explained and her eyes widened while she suddenly smiled.

"Really? She didn't tell me that it released." She mumbled taking out her phone.

"It is not! This is for producers and I got it from my friend. It will release next week." I explained and she paused her actions before glancing at the screen.

I decided to ask her whether she wants to see it and I am sure she will say yes and then I will talk about the ceremony she has to attend. I can keep it as a rule also for her to see this.

"Do you want to see it?" She nodded with excitement filling in her eyes and I opened my mouth but couldn't say the next words.

I sighed before gesturing for her to sit down and she immediately moved to sit beside me and this time there is no distance.

Then I moved the bar to the beginning before pressing the play button. We both watched it silently and to my surprise, Anny's share in the trailer was more than I expected and I felt a relief seeing that.

"This is amazing! I didn't realize she was playing such a complicated character." Kanika mumbled after the trailer ended.

"Complicated?" I asked glancing at her.

"Yes! They showed her as a vamp from the beginning but did you see at the end, the slight change while describing her situation. I guess she must be the misunderstood character and I can't wait." She continued to describe while I calmly listened.

My friend praised the acting of Anny but not about her character and that's why I was hesitant to believe it but now I feel a sense of relief after hearing Kanika's words.

"When will it release?" She asked glancing at me after ending her review.

"Within two weeks, the first episode will air but it will take three more days for that to be available for us." I explained and she slowly nodded but her expression fell.

"Or as I can get to watch it the time it airs because of special permission, you can watch it with me." She frowned at me instead of feeling happy after hearing my words.

"I need someone to review it with unbiased thinking." I explained but she shook her head.

"I am always biased towards Anitha." She explained back.

"Then for the rest of the characters and the plot." She continued to frown and I sighed saying, "If you don't want, it's your wish. This is like compensation for commending you while you were angry and hurt."

"That's all?" She asked and I nodded at her after which she nodded before taking out her mobile.

She moved it before my eyes and showed a message which made me frown as it is from the family group everyone is in but I normally mute it and not check the messages.

"Mohan Uncle messaged in the group about the remembrance ceremony saying even I will be attending it." She explained and I sighed before glancing at her face.

"He was feeling guilty along with Pramod Uncle for what happened that day and I didn't want them to feel like that. I can give some excuse if you don't want to attend." I mumbled and she stared at me for a few seconds before smiling.

"You have grown up! I thought you will offer this trailer as a bargaining chip to make me attend but you didn't." she mumbled and I am glad I didn't go along with my plan otherwise everything would have messed up even more.

"So, I will attend and also this is not the occasion to think about other things." She added and I nodded without saying anything.

"However, I am not sure I can keep my calm if anyone says anything else and I don't know whether even a small word can be taken out of context which will ruin the peace that Mohan Uncle is seeking that day." She pointed out and I nodded thinking the same.

"Let's think about that later and hopefully nothing like that will happen." Saying that I stood up to leave as I can finally calm down my nerves about the trailer and can freshen up to feel better.

However, I paused after taking a few steps and turned to glance at her saying, "You got hurt by their actions that day?"

"Yes!" she replied without hesitation and I nodded before walking back towards the couch.

"I didn't expect you to because you always say that you don't care about such things or about the people you are not close to. And in the process, I didn't realize that no matter whether you care or not, listening to someone wrong your character and not saying anything back is not a good feeling. I feel the same during the board meetings even though I don't care about the people who think wrong about me." I continued and she calmly listened without stopping me.

"So, next time I am not sure whether I will understand it again properly or not as I am not used to it. And it is better if you mention whether you were affected or not. I mean, just say what you feel as I am not good at understanding others' feelings." I added before staring at her to hear her response.

I realized all this a few weeks back when the board talked bad about my work and my projects as the web series got delayed a bit due to other issues. But I couldn't say anything back to them as I don't have that power too.

"So, you are allowing me now to say things back to your family?" she suddenly asked and I immediately shook my head in negative.

"Okay!" she mumbled standing up and reached closer to me before extending her hand which made me frown.

I shook it without asking anything and she calmly mumbled, "Deal! I actually don't care about their words but somehow I didn't want to listen to them as I need to smile at them continuously even after that."

"I understand! I will come with a solution soon about that." She nodded while we let go of our hands.

After that, I turned to leave while turning my mind towards the trailer and how to start promotions from tomorrow. I already have a few plans but now need to decide on what to use based on the character Anny is portraying.

I can't promote her as a sweet person or some cute actor as she is portraying a complicated one and it will take away the audience that likes that and brings the one who doesn't like the complicated part.

I continued to think and even got a few ideas to select before freshening up while trying to forget the ceremony I am going to attend where I couldn't help but feel as if my whole skin is pricking with needles because of the guilt.

*Kanika Pov*

"What happened? Your stiff face is finally gone." I paused my moments after hearing those words and glanced at the screen in silence.

"I don't know what you mean. Now, tell me whether I passed this test or not." I asked showing the dress I stitched but it took a month to finish it.

"The day you can do all this within a week is when you pass. Also, why is your stiff face gone?" I sighed ignoring her question and stared at the dress in silence to have a check by myself to see whether I made a mistake.

"Fine! See the line near the neck, it is not completely even, a thread has changed the direction. See near the waist, the frills are not proper at all and need to be adjusted. Also, the design is too simple and the dress looks empty for most of the part. Then, the edges of the hands are also not that good. Should I go on?" She asked pausing the words while my face fell.

"Go on!" I whispered and continued to hear her criticism while noting down everything.

"That's all!" She mumbled after ten minutes while I wrote over two pages.

"Now, tell me what happened that lifted your mood? For so many weeks, you were so stiff and now you finally look happy." I couldn't help but laugh at her persistence over the gossip.

"My friend is succeeding in her career and so I am happy." I explained smiling and she gave a disappointed sound.

"That's it? I thought your husband finally apologized and even you know... you both... *cough*." I froze hearing those words before glaring at the screen.

"Come on! I know it was because of your husband, you were angry all this time. Poor guy tried to talk to you a few times knocking on the door about dinner but your face would go stiffer than it was already if it is even possible and with a cold voice you would reply that you will have it later." She sighed and I shook my head hearing those words.

"Poor guy? You were angry at him before, right?" I pointed out.

"We women should be angry for the things we should and should calm down when they try to be good. That's the rule!" She explained and I shook my head at her words.

"What are you doing, Han?" I suddenly heard a voice and even though it is from the same voice, it doesn't seem to be coming from her and I remember that she is using a voice changer.

"Why are you here? Leave!" with the same voice, the words were returned.

"Open the door! I need to talk to you." Again the same voice but I can already feel the difference with the way they were uttered.

"Or should I open it from outside." That person continued and I heard a curse after that.

"Kanika! Listen to me carefully and follow my instructions. Take the canvas board and keep it before the screen and start drawing a landscape while explaining it to me. Act as if you are a teacher and I am your student. You told me that you studied landscape painting, right? Just do it and call me by the name Megha and act like you don't know my profession." She whispered those words and I just stared at the screen feeling utter confusion.

"If you do this properly, then you need not pay me for two months." I immediately moved to shift the canvas and stood before the screen while mixing the colors.

When I started drawing the outline with the pencil while talking about the details, I heard that male's voice saying, "I am coming! Hold up!"

"What do you want? I am taking a class and you are disturbing me." She continued with that voice.

"Class? You know you can't take any class because of..." she seems to cut that person off saying, "I know! I am not teaching someone but learning from someone."

"Landscape? When did you get interested in this?" It just feels weird that even though I am hearing the same tone, I can differentiate that they are two people and also know well who is Han in them.

"Get out! You need not know anything about me and if you disturb me again then I will just burn down this place." I paused hearing that threat.

"I just thought of talking to you as you are alone." This time I can hear the sadness in these words from this new person.

"Why would I be alone? I have that beautiful teacher with whom I am going to start an art school soon after the contract ends. If you don't want to lose money before that, don't even come here." Then I heard the door slamming but I continued to draw.

After a few minutes, I heard a whisper asking me to stop and also that the class will be continued tomorrow.

I nodded looking at the screen before saying, "I am not good at consoling people but I am a good listener."

"I appreciate it and will use your ear when I can't bear it." Saying that she canceled the class while I continued to stare at the screen.

I shook my head not knowing what to take from today's events but I will just wait for her to talk about it herself someday if she wants to.

I continued to work on the painting to finish it as it's been so long since I painted one before realizing this is like a landscape that gives peace while looking at it.

I stared at it for a few minutes before signing my name at the corner and deciding whom to gift this as it will be wasting of space if I keep it in this room.


Finally back but want to say that the updates from now will be only on Sunday or maybe sometimes on Saturday because of the hectic schedule. 

Also, the valentine special one shot will take some time and the chosen one is "Unexpected Future" 

The next chapter will have some good moments and hopefully even the chapter will be good. I know a small one but I wanted to update it today somehow and not let you guys wait until tomorrow.

How is the chap?

comment plz and vote...

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