Written Desires | J.hs

By dionnes_tapes

74.5K 4.2K 1.9K

Haven Miller was in love with Jung Hoseok. Or more specifically, his writing. He was a famous author of erot... More

"in my dreams"
"she's all that"
"meet and greet"
"V is for voyeurism"
"i know this girl"
"making a move"
"so anxious"
"forbidden fruit"
"a night to remember"
"the assignment"
"private affairs"
"guy talk"
"good girls make bad decisions"
"morning affection"
"when the moon meets the sun"
"next step"

"i know your little secret"

2.2K 176 111
By dionnes_tapes

3rd person

When next Sunday came, Haven got up bright and early to clean the apartment. It was kind of...sad how she was doing all of this to impress a man who saw her as nothing more than just a fan/friend whose food he enjoyed eating. But she reminded herself that anyone would clean up their home before having guest because that was just a universal thing.

Haven wiped every table surface, washed the dishes, cleaned out the fridge, cleaned her room and bathroom, sprayed air freshener and even lit candles.

The meal she had on the menu was baked fish sided with rise and steamed vegetables. Hopefully, hoseok would enjoy that. It wasn't a pasta and she wouldn't be servicing anything too heavy for desert. But it was a really good meal.

The agreed on 6'00. And so she needed to have everything set by then.

Haven hummed to herself as she placed the seasoned fish into the oven to bake. The last thing she would get started on was the desert. Which would be some vanilla ice cream she made from scratch.

Haven knew how to make a lot of things. The good thing about culinary school is that students were taught to never depend on anyone else's cooking. Because most of these dishes you could do yourself.

Dinner was finished at around 5:15. Leaving it out to cool down a bit, Haven rushed up to take a quick shower and then get dressed before the man of the hour arrived.


"You look dapper." Namjoon whistled as he analyzed hoseok who was fixing the cuffs to the oversized blazer like jacket he wore.

"Thanks." Hoseok mumbled, flexing his shoulders to properly fit the blazer. He then licked the pad of his thumb and ran it across the expanse of his right eyebrow before sighing. He looked good.

"What's the special occasion? Got a date?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes, actually." Hoseok said. A nice little date right across the street in haven's apartment. She had made dinner and it was the night they agreed on eating together again.

Hoseok would be lying if he were to say that his feelings for heaven hadn't flourished into some cute little crush. She made his body feel funny and it did something to his heart.

When he wasn't around the brown skinned girl, he felt like something was missing. In the short time span in which they had known each other, heaven managed to make a strong impact on his life.

"Oh well don't stay out too late. And use protection." Namjoon snickered.

"Haha, very funny. Get out of my suite." Hoseok mumbled.

The manager threw his arms up in defense before leaving the room. Hoseok picked up the bouquet of soft yellow Daffodils he had gotten for Haven. She really seemed to like the flowers he got last time.

"Shit, I'm gonna be late." He swore as he looked down at the time on his watch. It was already five minutes until 6:00.

Hoseok rushed to grab his key, wallet and cellphone before leaving the suite in a hurry. Carelessly ignoring the mess he left behind in high hopes to make it to dinner impressively on time for Haven.


Haven paced around her living room. She wore jean pants and a loose yellow blouse. Her curly hair pinned up in a ponytail with flower shaped earrings in her ears.

She crossed her arms as she waited for hoseok to come. She had already set the table with their food. She had heated it again so that it wasn't cold for when they sat down and ate. The only things missing was Hoseok.

The doorbell rings bringing Haven to a sudden stop. Her heart stops beating for a minute as she tried to process the sudden intrusion of someone at her door. Haven took a deep breath before going over to the door and opening it with confidence.

Hoseok stood there holding a beautiful bouquet of daffodils the same color as her blouse. A huge grin on his face as he looked at her.

"Sorry I'm late, darling." He says.

Haven moved out of the way and allowed him in. "I-it's fine. Hello." She greeted him. Hoseok took in a deep breath to smell her home. Her apartment always smelled good and fresh.

"Hello. I brought some daffodils. Figured you grew tired of the roses." He says shyly, reaching her the flowers.

Haven kindly took them. A vase already prepared in the center of the coffee table. She placed the beautiful flowers inside.

"Thank you. The roses were growing slightly withered." She laughed lightly. "Ready to eat?"

"Am I?" Hoseok mumbled. He followed haven to the dining area. She noticed him taking his blazer off so she rushed over to him.

"I'll take this for you." She says.

Hoseok looked over his shoulder at the petite woman before handing her the large blazer. Haven took it and left for a split second before returning without it.

Hoseok waited for her to sit down first before he took his seat. Looking down at the food, his mouth water.

"I hope you like baked fish. I should've asked before hand." She said.

"No no this is perfect. Everything looks and smells amazing, dear." He reassured her.

Haven fought off the urge to smile. She picked up her fork and brought it down to her plate.

"Well let's...dig in I guess." She says.

The spent the next few minutes eating in silence. After the first bite, hoseok hummed telling her she had done an excellent job at preparing the dish.

Their drink for tonight consisted of fruit juice she had prepared by hand and a side of bourbon because she knew hoseok enjoyed it.

Haven cleared her throat and reached for her cup. She drank some of the fruit juice before gently placing the cup back down. When she looked up, she caught hoseok staring at her with a silly little smile on his face.

"What?" Haven giggled nervously. "Is there something on my face?" She asked.

"No." He shook his head. "I don't mean to look creepy I'm just really happy to be here with you." He said.

"Oh..." haven drifted, not sure on how to respond.

"How was your day?" He asked her.

"It was fine. A lot of time inside cleaning and cooking. What about yours?" She asked him.

"Ahh...it was okay. Had a few smokes on the balcony and caught up on some reading."

It sounded like the both of their days were extremely long and boring. Spent awaiting this very moment right here where they could sit and talk about those hours away from each other.

"What were you reading?" Haven asked.

"Beautiful Boy." Hoseok said. Haven gasped.

"By David Sheff? I love that book!" She said.

"I do too. It's...I mean of course it's far from fiction. It's quite sad actually but the overall message and the feeling in which the story acquires is phenomenal. I don't think I can ever bare the strength to write a story about something so traumatic from my lifetime. Applause to Mr.Sheff." Hoseok said.

Haven nodded in agreement. "Not only that, I think it takes a lot of courage to publish a story that not only shared secrets of your own, but also secrets of a loved one. Although his son was quite obvious with his addiction it didn't mean he wasn't secretive. I think that the author is very brave and clever for how he incorporated everything."

Hoseok licked over his lips. Knowledge in a woman was so sexy to him. It was one thing to be beautiful, but it was another to be incredibly smart.

Haven had knowledge and opinions far beyond her years. Beauty was just a bonus for her. Hoseok wanted to explore her mind. He wanted to wander through every corner of her brain and get a feel of her thoughts. He was sure that any thought she had was worth hearing about.

"So you think telling one's secret takes courage?" He asked. Haven nodded.

"I think it takes courage in most cases. In other cases you don't really needed. One would go about telling a secret while running off of thoughts of revenge or hatred for that person. Secret telling is never okay but that doesn't mean a lot of you doesn't go into it." She said.

"I agree." Hoseok said. "Damn girl. You can take my job." He joked.

Haven laughed and shook her head instantly. "Oh god no. Surely it takes a lot to write a biography but it takes even more to express your sexual fantasies for millions to read. I applaud you, Mr.Jung." Haven says.

"I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I'm into." Hoseok says.

"I understand that. But I mean isn't it a bit of a challenge putting that on paper?" Haven probes.

"Sure it is but after publishing it I feel little to nothing. I wear it on my sleeve that I love sex and I love the meaning of sex. And my fans understand it hence why they enjoy my stories." He said.

Haven couldn't disagree. She loved sex. She loved having sex, thinking about sex, reading about sex and studying sex. Nothing was wrong with that.

She couldn't believe they were having this conversation and neither one of them were even slightly uncomfortable. They clicked instantly on the conversation of sex. It was amazing.

"I think it's different for a woman." Hoseok says, picking up his fork. "It's one thing for a man to publish erotica but whenever a woman does the same it's a lot of controversy. It's wrong. I believe that it's in human nature to be sexual. I think the thing that's worth worrying about is if a person isn't sexual. Then we have an issue."

"It's all from sexism and misogyny. Women wrote erotica just as well as men do and there are way more female erotic writers than there are males. Yet, the level of judgement is more heavier for women than it is for men. I believe that you all have it easier which is unfair but true." Haven says.

"And you are correct, darling." Hoseok agrees.


After eating their main dish, it was then time for desert. Haven fixed them both bowls of ice cream and they talked some more while sitting at the island and eating ice cream.

"Do you have any secrets?" Haven asked hoseok.

"Of course I do." He says. "Everybody does." He said.

"Tell me a secret of yours and I'll tell you a secret of mine." Haven says adorably. Hoseok chuckled.

"Oh no no no. You can't trick me like that, dear." He says.

Haven pouted. "Oh come on!" She said. "Pleaseee?" She begged.

Hoseok clicked his tongue. She wasn't asking for his most deepest, most darkest secret to be told. Perhaps this was just her way of trying to get to know him. It was quite cute and he appreciated her effort.

"Okay..." he said. Hoseok stared down at his bowl for a little while before nodding. "Alright, sure." He says.

"Yay." Haven clapped. Hoseok stood up from his seat. "Why are you standing?" She asked.

Hoseok reached out for her hand. "Come on." He said.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I'm showing you my secret." He laughs. "Take my hand, beautiful." He says.

Haven took his hand with no hesitation. He could take her to the center of the earth and she would follow.

Hoseok showed her out of the kitchen. She grew confused once they started going in the direction of her bedroom. Haven frowned as the stepped inside. He had never been in her bedroom so it shocked her.


"Shhh." Hoseok shushed her, walking her over to the balcony doors which her pushed closed and not covered by the curtains.

Haven waited for him to say something. He pointed across the street at the hotel right across from her apartment building. Directly to the room that was exactly across from haven's apartment.

"Ever since I arrived in Manhattan, I've been living in that hotel. In that exact room. Exactly across the street from your apartment." He said lowly.

Haven's eyes widened. She didn't expect that. It had her a bit...uneasy inside. Thinking about what he could possibly say or do next had her on edge. The possibilities were endless.

"I sit on that same balcony and smoke. I read, I drink. And sometimes I even analyze." His tone broke down into a whisper.

Haven gulped as she felt him let go of her hand.

"Do you want to know what I analyze, darling?" He asked.

Haven nibbled on her bottom lip. She wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps she should've just kept her mouth shut.

"Yes? No?" He asked. Haven nodded hesitantly. Maybe she was thinking too much.

"I look at the people below me. I see so much. The traffic, the pedestrians, the vendors. But it's never more exciting than what I see when I look across the street. Right here into this very apartment." He said.

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

"Don't be shy, darling. It's never anything bad." He chuckled. But Haven knew that was a lie.

"I've been watching you for some time now, Haven. The sins you commit on this very balcony always leave me thirsty for more. You're quite promiscuous." He said lowly.

Haven shivered as he came up behind her. His hands go down on her arms causing her to jump. He brought his lips down to her ear.

"You asked me to tell you a secret." He says in her ear. Haven wanted to die.

"My secret is that, I love watching you pleasure yourself Haven."


How do y'all think haven will react? 🫣 next chapter will be a continuation from this chapter. May or may not be a smut idk yet..

Excuse any mistakes <3.

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