Just A Heartbeat Away [One Di...

By horvns

28.7K 758 73

She was just an average girl. He was just an average boy. They were friends; correction. Best friends. But th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two - Emma's POV
Chapter Three - Zayn's and Emma's POV
Chapter Four - Emma's POV
Chapter Five - Emma's POV
Chapter Six - Emma's POV
Chapter Seven - Emma's and Zayn's POV
Chapter Eight - Emma's and Zayn's POV
Chapter Nine - Emma's POV
Chapter Ten - Emma's POV
Chapter Eleven - Emma's POV
Chapter Twelve - Zayn's POV
Chapter Thirteen - Emma's POV
Chapter Fourteen - Emma's POV
Chapter Sixteen - Emma's POV
Chapter Seventeen - Emma's POV
Chapter Eighteen - Emma's POV
PLEASE READ (part two)

Chapter Fifteen - Emma's POV

1.2K 32 0
By horvns

Emma's POV

I found the hours going by quickly as Zayn and I spent our time together as bestfriends. He was still the old Zain Malik as before, and I was thankful that he hasn't changed. 

"Show me your room." Zayn suddenly piped up.

"My room?" I repeated incredulously. 

He nodded. I shrugged and motioned for him to follow.

We climbed up the winding staircase and walked into my room. I sat on the bed and watched him take in his surroundings. My eyes shifted to the right of his face as I gaped at the wall behind him in horror.

"Shit!" I cursed outloud.

He snapped his head towards me in alarm.

"What?" He gasped. 

"Don't look behind you!" I shouted desperately.

"Why?" Zayn said confused.

"I -- uh, I mean I erm. Uh - I.. my bra is hanging off the mirror." I rushed while trying to push him out the door.

He laughed. "It's okay Emma. I don't have to leave." He said and planted himself on the ground.

My attempts at pushing him were useless.

"I'll just close my eyes and you can put it away." He put both of his hands over his eyes.

I was basically screwed. I totally forgot about the whole western wall of my room that was completely covered in One Direction posters that Jocelyn and I had collected. What was I going to do? I couldn't rip them down without him knowing and I definitely would never do that to my precious posters.

"You're hopeless." I groaned, thinking outloud.

Zayn raised his eyebrows but kept his hands over his eyes.


"Uh, nevermind. I guess you can open your eyes now."

I stood casually by my wall as he removed his hands from his eyes.

I could see him take in the many posters and I tried to analyze his face for any emotion.

It was blank as he  turned his attention back to me. I knew what was coming.

Suddenly, a huge grin made its way across Zayn's face. The house was suddenly filled with his loud guffaws as he pointed at me.

"You. Are. So. Hilarious." He choked out betweem laughs. He clutched his stomach from laughing so hard.

I could feel my face become hotter.

"Am not." I argued. "I'm only a normal fan. Just cause I used to know you doesn't mean I can't have posters of you in my room."

Zayn made an effort to sober up and moved closer to a large poster of his face. He studied it and turned towards me, mimicking the cheesy smile that the poster-Zayn wore. 

I admit, that was pretty funny. I softly laughed and Zayn's cute laughter filled our ears too.

"You never told me you were such a big fan." He said after he calmed down.

I shrugged.

"You acted pretty normal around the boys and me." Zayn narrowed his eyes at me.

I shrugged again. "Well first of all you're my best friend." I pointed out. "And i didn't want to scare the boys." 

"That's true." He admitted. He snickered once more at my wall. "Hey, if you're such a huge fan, want to meet the boys tomorrow? We have a free night after rehearsals."

"Of course!" I agreed a little too quickly. My face fell. "But my mom.. she's still mad at me. I'm grounded, remember?" 

Zayn looked deep in thought. "I'll convince her. Does she still like desserts?" 

"Okay. And duh," I said.

"Well, we can make some cupcakes for her to lighten her mood? And I can talk to her tonight."

"NO!" I said too loudly. Zayn's eyes widened and I lowered my voice. "She can't know you were here. We can start the cupcakes but you have to leave before she comes home."

Zayn didn't argue because he knew how my mom was.

I followed him out the door and turned off the lights. We went into the bright kitchen and started to get materials out. I got the ingredients as he got the equipment out.

I let him make the batter as I started my famous buttercream frosting. It was so delicious and had my mouth watering just thinking about it.

Zayn was finished stirring the funfetti batter and we poured it into the muffin pan. It was then placed into the preheated oven.

He then watched me make the signature icing. Zayn quickly stuck his finger in the mixture and I smacked his hand.

"Bad boy." I told him sternly.

He just looked back with his big brown eyes framed with beautiful eyelashes.

We had a ten second stare off before I surrendered. 

"Ugh, fine. But no more." 

He smirked and was about to open his mouth to respond before my phone buzzed.

Sorry about running late. On my way home now. Please heat up this morning's chicken for me. Thnx.

It was a text message from my mom and my eyes grew wide. 

"I'm sorry Zayn but my mom's coming soon. You have to leave!" I said quickly while pushing him towards the door.

"Text me alright? And I'll call your mum later about tomorrow."

"Thanks so much. Do you need a ride or something?"

"Nah, I've got a taxi waiting for me. Bye Emma."

"Bye Zayn." We hurriedly hugged as he left and got into the taxi.

I stayed at the doorway until the taxi had driven away.

I walked back into the house and took the cupcakes out of the oven as I heated dinner for my mom.

The garage door opened as I was frosting the cupcakes and my mom stumbled in through the door.

"Hey honey." She greeted me with a tired smile.

"Hi mom!" I tried sounding upbeat to suck up to her. She always let me do what I wanted if she was in a good mood. "Want some cupcakes?" I asked, and handed her a frosted cupcake.

"This is delicious, but you know I'm not supposed to have much sugar right?" 

I mentally smacked myself. I totally forgot.

"Right." I mumbled.

"Well, just eat one. I'll give the rest to Ricky then."

She smiled and took a bite.

"Mmm, this is so delicious, but I can taste how much sugar is in it. I really shouldn't. Thanks for the thought though honey. I'm going to take a shower." She said and placed the half eaten cupcake on a plate. She went upstairs as I sat on a kitchen stool and sighed.

I just hoped that Zayn could convince my mom. I slumped down and defeatedly ate the unfinished cupcake.


kind of a filler ; i wanted to write more but it was taking so long, sorry for the shortish chapter guys!

follow my 1D instagram account - ourdirectionerthings

vote/comment/critique/message me/etc.

*important* if you are interested in having the first chapter of Take Me Home - a songfiction dedicated to you, please comment on this chapter (Chapter fifteen) and tell me your name and your favorite member of one direction (i know its hard, but only choose one!). The main character of the first chapter, "Live While We're Young" will be named after you. comment away!

xx love yew guys, rachel

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